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Pod A Name__________________________ Title__________________________ Score _____/25

Category 4 3 2 1
Author captures the reader’s attention The hook is captivating but the Author needs to make the hook The Author needs a hook that
Hook and makes them want to keep reading. Author needs to add more creativity more original and put more captures the attention of the
Their hook is creative and original thought into its development reader

Author has a strong, specific claim is Author needs to make their claim Author needs to acknowledge Author needs to make sure
arguable and evidence is persuasive. more specific. Author needs to the other side’s argument. there is another side so their
Author establishes credibility and establish their credibility through Their claim should be specific claim is arguable. Author needs
Claim Evidence
acknowledges the other side. Author ethos. Author needs to add more and arguable. Author needs to to add evidence to support their
makes clear connections between detailed reasoning to connect reason with their evidence to claim
evidence and claim via reasoning evidence to claims. show the reader the connection
to the claim.

Author has created an emotional The topic is emotional but author Author needs to elaborate on Author needs to show that they
connection for the reader. Their needs to reason with the evidence their topic and put more of their care about the topic by adding
So What evidence is logical and relevant. The to show that they are passionate voice in the text. in emotional reasoning
author’s voice is heard through the about the topic. between the logical evidence.

The content is related to a need of the Author needs to keep the content of Author needs to choose a topic Author needs to choose a topic
author’s focus group. It stays on topic. their writing on the topic, but it is that is relevant to their focus that is relevant to their focus
Relevance to
The problems that the Author has generally connected group now, rather than in the group’s needs.
Focus Group
identified in their focus group have been past or in the future.

Author’s call to action is specific and Author needs to make their call to Author needs to clarify what Author needs to add a call to
clear and makes the reader want to action more persuasive or impactful their call to action is by posing action.
Conclusion make a difference. a solution to the problem
presented or encourage the
reader to take action.

Author uses complex vocabulary. There Author uses some complex vocab Author needs to use transitions Author needs to make their
are transitions and ideas flow from one but needs to organize their ideas so so that ideas flow and are not ideas connect and make that
Language to the next. that they build from one to the next. confusing. Author should vary connection clear to the reader.
their vocabulary usage so that
words are not overused.

Guidelines Yes_____ No_____ (MLA, Works Cited, 400 - 450 words)

Rubric Self-Assessment  
Look over the rubric we created and score your current op-ed. Where does your op-ed stand according to these specifications? 
What score did you receive according to the rubric? ​________
What section is the most challenging for you? ​____________
What section do you excel at?​____________ 

Why did you give yourself the score that you did? Be  What concerns you about your current op-ed? 
detailed in your explanation and address every section  (note: reference specific parts of the rubric, avoid using 
of the rubric.  terms like “good” or “bad”) 

What do you feel is the best part of your op-ed?   What will be the focus of your revisions moving 

What help do you need from peers or teachers in order  What part of your op-ed do you think is the most 
to improve your op-ed before the final draft is do?  compelling? ​(what will you use as evidence in your student 

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