Tugas Mandiri Bhs. Inggris 2

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2.1 Active and Passive Forms (Past Tense)
a) Active forms adalah kalimat yang subyeknya melakukan atau melaksanakan
pekerjaan, sedangkan Passive forms adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai
b) Simple Past Tense
 Positive Form
Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Subject + was/were + Verb-3 + By doer (Obj)

Active : Journalists reported that news from Japan.
Passive : That news was reported by journalists from Japan
Active : Manager interviewed five applicants yesterday
Passive : Five applicants were interviewed by manager yesterday

 Negative Form

Subject + did not + Verb1 + Object Active

Subjec + was/were + not + Verb-3 + By doer Passive

Active : Mr. George didn’t renovate the house last year
Passive : The house was not renovated by Mr. George last year
Active : Waiters didn’t serve us politely
Passive : We were not served by waiters politely
 Interrogative Form
Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object ?

Was/were + Subject + Verb-3 + By doer(Obj)?


Wh…+ was/were + Subject + Verb-3 + By doer(Obj)


Active : Did customers buy our new product?

Passive : Was our new product bought by customers?

Active : Where did the police send that criminal?

Passive : Where was that criminal sent by the police?

2.2 Pronoun
a) Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda yang dapat
berupa orang, benda, hewan, tempat atau konsep abstrak.
Bentuk pronoun
Possessive Possessive
Subject(pokok) Object(penderita) adjective (kata sifat pronoun(kata ganti
kepunyaan) kepunyaan)
I Me My + noun Mine
You You Your + noun Yours
We Us Our + noun Ours
They Them Their + noun Theirs
He Him His + noun His
She Her Her + noun Hers
It It Its + noun Its

b) Fungsi Pronoun
 Sebagai Subject
Subyek pada umumnya diletakkan di depan kalimat. Subyek juga digunakan sebagai
pengganti nama-nama orang, binatang maupun benda.
 Sebagai Object
Obyek biasanya diletakkan sesudah Verb (kata kerja) atau sesudah preposition (kata
 Sebagai Possessive, possessive ada 2 yaitu possessive adjective dan possessive
 Possessive adjective (kata sifat kepunyaan) selalu diikuti oleh kata benda dan
biasanya diletakkan sebelum kata benda.
 Possessive pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan) tidak diikuti oleh kata benda
melainkan berdiri sendiri.
c) Menentukan noun, adjective dan verb dari kalimat (berikan contoh-contohnya)
 He sleeps on the sofa
 The flower is beautiful
He : noun
Sleeps : verb
The flower : noun
beautiful : adjective

2.3 Structure Invinitive

a) Penjelasan Verb + Infinitive

Infinitive dalam struktur kebahasaan (grammar) yakni bentuk kata kerja dasar atau
pertama (yang belum terikat dengan pokok kalimat).
Ada dua macam infinitive, yaitu :
 Infinitive dengan to yang sering disebut to infinitive.
 Infinitive tanpa to yang disebut dengan bare infinitive.
To infinitive merupkan suatu structure untuk membantu perluasan makna (memberi)
makna tambahan jika kalimat dasar tidak memenuhi. Dilihat dari letaknya dalam
kalimat, to infinitive berfungsi sebagai
1) Main Verb
Dalam hal ini (GRAMMAR yang kita gunakan), yakni to infinitive sering
digunakan dalam penulisan bersama dengan verb to be: is, are, am, were, was
untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan berupa perintah, atau keinginan, atau juga
keharusan yang meupakansimilar expression of modal “must”. Biasanya
subjectnya merupakan subject pelaku. To infinitive juga digunakan bersama
dengan similar expression of modal yang lain yang be to dan similar expression of
modal lainnya seperti be able to, be going to, ought to, (be) used to, have to, be
supposed to berfungsi sebagai auxiliary dan diikuti oleh ordinarynya (verb
Contoh :
 You are to go now.
 She must be able to do her homework
2) Complementation
- To infinitive berfungsi sebagai pelengkap kata kerja.
Contoh :
 I fail to see what you mean.
 The man who is standing there appears to be a wise mean.
 Tony promised to meet Susi in the post office.
- To infinitive digunakan di belakang kata kerja berikut:

Verb + to Infinitive
Hope Promise Seem ask arrange
Plan Agree Appear expect beg
Intend Offer Pretend would like care
Decide Refuse Afford want claim
Need Consent


 I hope to see you again soon.

 He promised to be here on time.
 She refused to admit her guilt.
 Budi Handuk decides to continue his study.
b) Penjelasan verb + (pro)noun + Infinitive
To infinitive berfungsi sebagai pelengkap object dan yang melakukan to infinitive
adalah objectnya. To infinitive digunakan di belakang kata kerja dengan pola:

S + verb + (pro)noun + to infinitive

tell someone invite someone require someone ask someone

advise someone order someone expect someone
would like
encourage someone allow someone force someone
remind someone warn someone Urge want someone
need someone,
Require Teach Warn

 The Captain ordered the members to stop playing football.

 Ahmad told me to be here at ten o’clock.
 The teacher permits the students to leave.
 They invite us to come to the party.
 They advise me to wait in the park.
 He prefers Fatimah to do the working.
 She ordered me to leave.
 I wanted them to help the poor.

2.4 Pronoun “it”

a) Contoh-contoh kalimat yang menggunakan pronoun “it”
 It is difficult task.
 Indonesia is a big country. Its capital is Jakarta.
b) Membuat suatu dialog
Ari : Hi, Catur! What are you doing?
Catur : I am seeking my note book. Its colour is blue. Would you help me
Ari : Oke..I will help you to find it. Actually, I want to enjoy fishing. Would you
mind joining me?
Catur : No, thanks.
Ari : Fishing make you physically and mentally fresh, Catur.
Catur : I’m sure it will, but I can’t do it this time, ari. I have to finish my
assignment. It must be presented tomorrow.
Ari : Oh..oke! Yeah…I find it. Your note book.
Catur : Oh my god, thank you so much Ari.
Ari : You’re welcome
2.5 Clausses
a) Penjelasan clausses
Clause adalah kelompok kata yang mengandung subject dan predicate. Clause
mungkin berupa sentence (dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat : independent
clause) atau seperti sentence (tidak dapat berdiri sendiri : dependent clause) yang
berada di dalam complex sentence
b) Pembagian dari clauses
1. Independent clauses
Dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat. Tipe kalimat yang terdiri dari satu
independent clause disebut simple sentence. Klausa ini dapat pula dikombinasikan
dengan independent clause yang lain untuk membentuk compound sentence
(digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, adverbial
conjunction (however, rather, therefore, dll) atau hanya semicolon)

Contoh Independent clausses

Macam Contoh Kalimat

The ceremony started at 07.00 a.m.
(Upacara mulai jam tujuh pagi.)
Simple Sentence
She prefer mango to orange.
(Dia lebih suka mangga daripada jeruk.)
I like that bag, but I have no money.
(Saya suka tas itu, tapi saya tidak punya uang.)
She’s not bad; rather, she’s very kind.
Compound Sentence
(Dia tidak jahat. Malahan dia sangat baik.)
You’ve already finished my task; you can go home early.
(Kamu sudah menyelesaikan tugas, jadi kamu bisa pulang lebih cepat.)

2. Dependent clauses
Dependent clauses mengandung subject dan predicate namun tidak dapat
mengungkapkan suatu oikiran yang utuh karena klausa ini diawali oleh suatu kata
(subordinator) yang menyebabkan makna dari klausa tersebut menggantung.
Klausa ini harus dihubungkan (membentuk complex sentence) atau disatukan
dengan independent clause untuk menjadikannya “make sense” atau dapat
dipahami maknanya sebagai kalimat yang utuh. Ada tiga dependent clause dasar
yaitu: noun clause, adjective clause, dan adverbial clause. Penjelasan singkat dan
contohnya sebagai berikut

Penjelasan Contoh Kalimat
That today is my
Klausa ini berfungsi seperti noun atau pronoun
Noun birthday is not right.
(subject, subject complement, object) di dalam suatu
Clause (Tidak benar bahwa hari ini
ulang tahun saya.)
People who chew well may
have healthy digestion.
Adjective Baik adjective, maupun adverbial clause digunakan (Orang yang mengunyah
Clause bersama independent clause (berperan sebagai main dengan baik mungkin
clause) untuk membentuk complex sentence. punya pencernaan yang
Adjective clause berperan seperti adjective yang sehat.)
menerangkan noun atau pronoun pada main clause,
sedangkan adverbial clause menerangkan verb, You were sleeping when
Adverbial adjective, atau adverb pada main clause. she arrived.
Clause (Dia tiba ketika kamu
sedang tertidur.)

3. Elliptical Clausses
Elliptical Clausses adalah dependent clauses yang satu atau lebih elemen
penyusunnya dihilangkan karena dianggap sudah dimengerti (understood).
biasanya elemen yang dihilangkan berupa subject dan atau verb atau relative
Contoh Elliptical Clausses:
When you are in love, keep your mind sharp.(Ketika jatuh cinta, jaga pikiranmu
tetap tajam)
2.6 Passive Voice
a) Mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif
 Pokok kalimat (subject) kalimat pasif berasal dari objek kalimat aktif
 Kata kerja “be” harus disesuaikan dengan tunggal atau jamaknya pokok kalimat
(subject) dari kalimat pasif. Sedangkan tensesnya harus disesuaikan dengan tenses
kata kerja kalimat aktif.
 Kata kerja utama selalu dibentuk past participle (verb-3)
 Pelengkap pelaku berasal dari pokok kalimat (subject) kalimat aktif dirubah
menjadi bentuk penderita (object) dengan didahului oleh kata depan by.
b) Contoh-contoh kalimat
Aktif : He always interviews me in his room.
Passive : I am always interviewed by him in his room.
Aktif : A state university does not admit students with a bad grade.
Passive : Students with a bad grade are not admitted by a state university
Aktif : Does your director call me?
Passive : Am I called by your director?
Aktif : People speak English in the world.
Passive : English is spoken by people in the world.
2.7 Simple present tense
 Verb “to be” Simple Present Tense
Kata kerja TO BE (am, is, are) dipakai apabila tidak ada kata kerja aksi (action verb)
dalam kalimat tersebut. TO BE (am, is ,are) dapat diartikan “adalah” jika diikuti kata
benda, “berada” jika diikuti keterangan tempat dan jika diikuti kata sifat dapat
diartikan “dalam keadaan”
- Positive form

Subject + TO BE(am, is , are) + Complement(noun,adjectives,adv.ofplace)

 I am an English teacher
 We are very busy
 Rina is in hospital
- Negative form

Subjec t+ TO BE(am, is, are) + Not + Complement(noun,adj,adv.ofplace)

Contoh :
 I am not confused
 She is not a vice president
 My classmates are not in the waiting room
- Interrogative form(Yes-No question)

TO BE(am, is , are) + Subject + Complement(noun,adjectives,adv.ofplace) ?

Contoh :
 Is he love me?
 Are those tourist from USA?
 Am I a good actor?
- Interrogative form (Informatin Question)

QW + TO BE(am, is , are) + Subject + Complement(noun,adjectives,adv.of

QW : Question Word (What, When, Where, Why, How, Who, etc)
Contoh :
 Where is the child now?
 Why are the players sad?
 How is your mother?
 Action Verb Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/perbuatan/keadaan
yang sudah merupakan kebiasaan atau rutinitas. Bentuk ini juga dipakai untuk
menyatakan fakta dan kebenaran hokum alam.
Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah:
every hour once a month twice a year
once a week twice a month every other day
twice a week on Monday every year
every Monday every week every other week
every day once a year every holiday
- Positive form

Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object/Complement

Note :
1. Subject (They, We, I, You) : kata kerja yang digunakan tanpa penambahan “s”
ataupun “es”, contoh : They like ice cram.
2. Subject (He, She, It): kata kerja yang digunakan ditambah “s” atau “es”,
contoh : She dances well
Contoh lain:
 You cook rice every day.
 She washes her hair every other day.
 He goes to school every morning.
- Negative form

Subject + do/does + not + Verb-1 + Object/Complement

Contoh :
 We do not speak English at home.
 She does not visit me every week.
 It (lion) does not eat meat.
- Interrogative form (Yes-No question)

Do/Does + Subject + Verb-1 + Object/Complement?

Contoh :
 Do you study English?
 Do they meet on Monday?
 Does he wash his clothes every day?

- Interrogative form (Informatin Question)

QW + Do/Does + Subject + Verb-1 + Objec/Complement ?

Who + Verb-1 (s/es) + Object/Complement ?
(Menanyakan Subject)
Contoh :
 How often do you study English?
 Where do they meet on Monday?
 Who prepares your lunch every day?

Ambil salah satu bacaan dalam bahasa Inggris di media-media, kemudian menceritakan
kembali bacaan tersebut dengan kata-kata dan kalimat sendiri minimal 2 paragraf.

Informal Education

The school where you are studying now is classified in the system of informal
education. The stage of your mind, like in the elementary school, junior, senior high
schools until university. System of education in those schools provide the students with
general knowledge and science and they are more theoretically oriented. As a result, their
graduates are not yet trained to do the job in particular fields. In other words, their
graduates are not yet prepared to take the challenge of doing actual work.
Nowdays why are many people interested in studying in informal schools? What
advantage will they get? How is the prospect of informal educating? Nowdays, people
have a different trend. The community don’t estimate diplomas ay more. What people
need is special training in a particular field. Unfortunately, only a few of this kind are
available in our country. We can not depend our hope too much on our present formal
education, because this system is not job-oriented yet.
Therefore, it is not surprising if at present, all kinds of private courses giving
practical skills are so popular and highly needed. Everywhere in town we can find
vocational courses that provide the job-seekers with practical skills beginning from
typing, book keeping, operating computer, banking, hotel and tourism. They can grow
and develop well because they can supply the market demand with its much needed
skillful ready for use working force.

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