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1 2 3 4
5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Accuracy 1 2 3 4
The diorama is inaccurate and The diorama has some The diorama is mostly The diorama includes land features, plants, trees, flowers, and
has features that are not found correct features, but also accurate but has 1 thing animals that are found in the actual habitat.
in the actual habitat. many things that would not that would not be found in
be found in the actual the actual habitat.

Presentation 1 2 3 4
Stood up and presented your You read your report and Everyone could hear you. You presented with no errors in a smooth, clear voice. You used
diorama. Was not able to be everyone could hear. You did your presentation expression when presenting.
heard or understood clearly. with no help. The
presentation was clear
and smooth.

Neatness 1 2 3 4
Diorama shows no effort of Diorama is put together but Diorama shows no sign of Diorama shows no sign of damage or any tape showing. The diorama
neatness. shows some signs of damage, and no tape is neat and creative.
damage. showing. The diorama is
slightly messy.

Written Caption 1 2 3 4
1.What is your
animals Only 1 fact about your animal 2 facts were given about Paragraph was written. Paragraph was written in complete sentences with no errors. All facts
classification?<BR> was given. your animal. Most sentences were were given on your animal and habitat, along with added interesting
2.Explain what the complete with few errors. information.
animal will eat and All facts were given about
how it will find food your animal and habitat.
and water. <BR>
3.Describe the
habitat of your

Completion 1 2 3 4
The diorama is not finished. The diorama is about to be The diorama is mostly The diorama is complete and includes a background, land features,
finished but there are many complete but needs a few plants, and animals.
parts needed to be added to more details.
make it complete.
Project Grade
Each portion of your project will be graded using this rubric!
Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Content/Information Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
Contains mostly incorrect Contains some correct All information is correct. All information is correct, and includes information
information. information. Content is pulled from multiple not covered in class. Content is pulled from
Content comes from one sources (2-3 sources). multiple sources (4+ sources).

Clarity Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations

Information is not clearly Some parts are clear, others are Clear wording. Exceptional wording. Students/viewers would
worded. Students/viewers not. Students/viewers would Students/viewers would understand with little to no previous knowledge.
cannot understand subject, find it hard to understand understand with in-class
even with in-class concepts, even with in-class knowledge.
knowledge. knowledge.

Video/Audio Quality Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
Audio is too loud or too Audio is too loud and Audio is at appropriate volume N/A
quiet.<BR> distracting.<BR> to understand; it is not
AND<BR> OR <BR> distracting.<BR>
Video is shaky, blurry or Audio is too quiet to AND
otherwise hard to see clearly. understand.<BR> Video is steady, in focus and
OR<BR> easy to see.<BR>
Video is shaky, blurry or
otherwise hard to see clearly.

Picture/Text Quality Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
Pictures are not original Pictures are not original (taken Pictures are original.<BR> N/A
(taken from google). from google). Text added is appropriate and
AND OR helpful to viewer.
No text added. No text added.
Text distracts from video.

Creativity/Originality Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations

No evidence of original Some evidence of original Unique idea that is eye- Excellent incorporation of multiple ideas. Original &
thinking. thinking. catching and utilizes specific broad use of media.
Length of Video Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
Must be between a
trailer that is at least 75 <60 seconds long Between 60-74 seconds At least 75-120 seconds long. At least 75-120 seconds long.
seconds long. Did not use iMovie trailer, created your own.

Topics Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations

Required information is
dependent on project Missing more than three Missing at least one part. No parts are missing. No parts are missing, any extra parts are correct
topic. parts. (and not distracting).

Citations Page Does Not Meet Partially Proficient Proficient Exceeds Expectations
Turned in separately via
email. 1-3 citations, all are 2-3 citations, some are 4-5 citations, all correct. 6+ citations, all correct.
formatted incorrectly. formatted correctly.
Roller Coaster Design
Excellent Very Good Good Fair
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Blueprint Excellent Very Good Good Fair
Blueprint is neat, organized, and Blue print is missing one Blueprint is missing 2 Blueprint is not complete.
colorful. It includes drawings of the component or is components.
track design, passenger car, and logo. unclear/difficult to read.

Model Coaster Excellent Very Good Good Fair

Coaster meets all requirements and Coaster meets 5 or six Coaster meets three Coaster only meets one or two requirements and limitations.
limitations. requirements and or four requirements
limitations. and limitations.

Budget Excellent Very Good Good Fair

All calculations are accurate and match Most calculations are More than 3 All calculations are missing or incorrect leaving materials
the materials used. accurate (one or two math calculations are unaccounted for.
errors) and most material incorrect and/or more
items (at least 75 percent) than half of the
are accounted for. materials are
unaccounted for.

Advertisement Excellent Very Good Good Fair

For TV or radio, advertisement is For TV or radio, For TV or radio, Advertisement is missing or incomplete.
between 30-60 seconds long. It advertisement is between 30- advertisement is
provides all important information for 60 seconds long, but it is between less than 30
roller coaster. missing one or two important seconds long and is
For print, it includes at least 1 pieces of information. missing more than
paragraph about the coaster and at For print, it includes at least two important pieces
least 1 picture/drawing. It provides all 1 paragraph about the of information.
important information for roller coaster and at least 1 For print, it does not
coaster. picture/drawing but it is include a full
missing one or two important paragraph and/or
pieces of information. picture is missing and
more than two
important pieces of
information are also

Presentation Excellent Very Good Good Fair

All team members participate by One or two team members One or two team Only one member of the team presents the project.
presenting one part of the project. do not present a part of the members do not
Presentation is 2-3 minutes long. project. present a part of the
Presentation is 2-3 minutes project and the
long. presentation is less
than 1 minute long.

Teamwork Excellent Very Good Good Fair

The teams works collaboratively and The team works Only one or two Team members are excluded from the project and/or the
everyone contributes/has a role in the collaboratively, but one members of the team team argues.
project. member does not contribute contribute and take
or take on a role in the on a role in the
project. project.
Dream Model Design
High Sound Basic No Evidence
3 pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts
2D High Sound Basic No Evidence
Use a variety of 2D shapes, Use a variety of 2D shapes, Refer to a limited number of 2D No reflection of 2D shapes or understanding of the concepts of 2D shapes.
able to name the shapes and demonstrating some shapes, little knowledge of any
identify the number of sides understanding of the edges and detail.
and vertices. vertices.

3D High Sound Basic No Evidence

Use a variety of 3D shapes, Use a variety of 3D shapes, Refer to a limited number of 3D No reflection of 3D shapes or understanding of the concepts of 3D shapes.
able to name the shapes and demonstrating some shapes, little knowledge of any
identify the number of sides, understanding of the edges, sides, detail.
edges, faces and vertices. faces or vertices.

Type of High Sound Basic No Evidence

Student has explained why their Student was able to explain why Student has somewhat explained Student has not explained why their model is or is not to scale and has not
model is or is not to scale and their model was to scale and why their model is to scale and explained which type of model, their model is.
has explained which type of explain which type of model their has somewhat explained which
model, their model is and why. model is and why with slight type of model their model is and
difficulty. why.

Creativity High Sound Basic No Evidence

There is large amounts of Some thought has been put into Very little creativity. Minimal No creativity. No color used.
creativity being shown. There the project. There is some color color is used.
is color, the product is neat and and some imagination has been
imagination has been used used when designing the model.
when designing the model.

Product and High Sound Basic No Evidence

Student was able to discuss Student was able to discuss some Student was not able to discuss Student did not discuss any details about his/her project
details about his/her project. details about his/her project. any details about his/her project.
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Poor Fair Good
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts
Components Poor Fair Good
Were the appropriate materials
used? few of the materials are from most of the materials are from reused all of the materials are from reused or recycled items
reused or recycled items or recycled items

Effort Poor Fair Good

Is the project neat?
project reflects little student effort project shows some effort (project is project shows effort (items are described as to how they can
(project is in pen or pencil, sloppy, neatly drawn, expressed ideas of be used, it is neat, recycling or reusing is the focus)
objects are not straight, etc.) reducing or recycling)

Sizing Poor Fair Good

Were the appropriate sizes used?
Project is the correct size:
22X28 or 40X30

Creativeness Poor Fair Good

Are creative recyclables used?
student has few reused or recycled student used commonly thought of Student used a at least 1 reduced or reused items in a
items on their project recyclable or reusable items unique way or used items that are out of the ordinary for
recycling or reusing
RECYCLING AND DESIGN SKILLS Points Effectiveness of Product Design 0-3 points
0 Both form and function need improvement 1 Satisfactory form or function, but not both 2 Good form and function 3 Outstanding form and
Overall Quality of Workmanship 0-3 points
0 Low quality, not marketable 1 Marginal quality of workmanship 2 Fair quality, somewhat marketable 3 Very good quality, marketable

Creativity, Imagination, and Innovation 0-3 points 0 No evidence 1 Little evidence 2 Some evidence 3 Highly creative, innovative

Knowledge of Recycling Environmental Sustainability

Little or no evidence Knowledge

Minimal evidence of Knowledge

Some evidence of knowledge

Knowledge of recycling is evident and shared at time in the presentation

Knowledge of recycling is evident and incorporated throughout the presentation

Creativity Imagination, and Innovation

No evidence Little evidence Some evidence Highly creative, innovative

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