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Complications Most research still classifies allergic rhinitis according to its sea-

Pruritus is accompanied by intense scratching. Skin may thicken, sonality or its perennial nature. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is com-
displaying lichen simplex chronicus: a localized skin thickening monly caused by pollen allergens; perennial allergic rhinitis is
often appearing over the posterior neck, extremities, scrotum, mainly caused by dust mites and animal dander. Allergic rhinitis
vulva, anus, and buttocks. In prurigo nodularis, a variant of lichen can be further classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Mild rhinitis
simplex chronicus, some nodules develop over areas within easy is rhinitis that does not impair work, school, daily functioning, or
scratching reach, such as the extensor arms and legs. Impetigo sleep. Moderate to severe rhinitis interferes with activities of daily
may result from superinfected excoriations in patients with atopic living, quality of life, and/or sleep. Severe rhinitis is so marked that
dermatitis. normal functioning cannot take place without treatment. Episodic
allergic rhinitis occurs with sporadic inhalant aeroallergen expo-
References sure not typically encountered by the patient’s usual indoor and
Ikoma A, Rukwied R, St€ ander S, et al: Neurophysiology of pruritus: Interaction of itch outdoor environments. An example of episodic allergic rhinitis is
and pain, Arch Dermatol 139:1475–1478, 2003. a child who is allergic to cats but is not normally exposed, but then
St€ander S, Weisshaar E, Mettang T, et al: Clinical classification of itch: A position
paper of the International Forum for the Study of Itch, Acta Derm Venereol visits a household with cats and develops symptoms.
87:291–294, 2007. The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma Guidelines:
Zirwas MJ, Seraly MP: Pruritus of unknown origin: A retrospective study, J Am Acad Revised 2010 (ARIA) discouraged the use of the terms seasonal
Dermatol 45:892–896, 2001. and perennial rhinitis in favor of intermittent and persistent rhini-
Cho YL, Liu HN, Huang TP, Tarng DC: Uremic pruritus: Roles of parathyroid hor-
mone and substance P, J Am Acad Dermatol 36:538–543, 1997. tis. Intermittent rhinitis can be defined as nasal symptoms lasting
Ganesh E, Maxwell LG: Pathophysiology and management of opioid-induced pruri- less than 4 weeks’ duration and fewer than 4 days per week. Per-
tus, Drugs 67:2323–2333, 2007. sistent rhinitis is rhinitis lasting more than 4 weeks’ duration or
Krajnik M, Zylicz Z: Understanding pruritus in systemic disease, J Pain Symptom more that 4 days per week.
Manage 21:151–168, 2001.
Reamy B: A diagnostic approach to pruritus, Am Fam Physician 84:195–202, 2011. No standard classification exists for nonallergic rhinitis. A vari-
Moses S: Pruritus, Am Fam Physician 68:1135–1142, 2003. ety of conditions present with similar symptoms and are called non-
allergic rhinitis. Nonallergic rhinitis includes vasomotor rhinitis,
1 Symptomatic Care Pending Diagnosis

gustatory rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome

(NARES), occupational rhinitis, hormonal rhinitis, drug-induced
RHINITIS rhinitis, and atrophic rhinitis. Another entity classified in or out
of nonallergic rhinitis is infectious rhinitis.
Method of
Local allergic rhinitis is a newly defined entity found in nonato-
Sheryl Beard, MD
pic patients. Local allergic rhinitis is characterized by local inflam-
matory reactions including local eosinophils and localized IgE in
response to aeroallergens. Local allergic rhinitis does not show sig-
nificant skin-prick testing reactions, and patients have negative sys-
CURRENT DIAGNOSIS temic IgE reactions to aeroallergens.
Rhinitis may be viewed by some as a trivial disease, but it places a
• Rhinitis presents as nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, rhinor- significant financial burden on society. The estimated direct and
rhea, and postnasal drainage. indirect costs to society of rhinitis were around $11.58 billion
• Patients with palatal and nasal itching should be considered for in 2002.
allergic disease.
• Allergic rhinitis is confirmed by positive skin-prick testing and Epidemiology/Risk Factors
IgE reactivity. The National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES II and III)
• Nonallergic rhinitis patients lack allergic evidence for disease. suggests that the overall prevalence of IgE sensitivity might be
54 • Nonallergic rhinitis conditions have multiple presentations. increasing. Of the patients evaluated for rhinitis in the United
States, 43% (58 million people) have allergic disease, 23% (19 mil-
lion people) have nonallergic disease, and 34% (26 million people)
have mixed rhinitis. Seventy percent of allergic patients develop the
CURRENT THERAPY disease in childhood (20 years and younger) as opposed to nonal-
lergic rhinitis patients, 70% of whom develop disease in adulthood.
• Avoidance therapy should be first-line treatment for all forms of Approximately two thirds of nonallergic rhinitis patients have
rhinitis. vasomotor rhinitis, and one-third have NARES. Nonallergic rhini-
• Second generation oral antihistamines have good therapeutic tis has a female predominance.
efficacy for allergic rhinitis. The prevalence of local allergic rhinitis is largely unknown. In a
• Intranasal corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment for small study of rhinitis patients, the prevalence of local allergic rhi-
nonallergic rhinitis and moderate-to-severe allergic rhinitis. nitis was 25.7%, nonallergic rhinitis was 11.2%, and allergic rhi-
• Consultation with an allergy specialist should be considered in nitis was 63.1%. Local allergic rhinitis is associated with asthma
cases with multiple treatment failures. and conjunctivitis, and commonly begins in childhood.
• Patients whose allergic rhinitis is uncontrolled on multiple
therapies should be considered for immunotherapy. Pathophysiology
Allergic rhinitis is the result of an IgE mediated, type I hypersensi-
Introduction tivity allergic reaction in response to an inhaled allergen. Allergens
Rhinitis is defined as inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. are proteins derived from airborne particulate matter, including
Rhinitis presents as nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, rhinorrhea, dust-mite feces, pollens, animal dander, and cockroach particles.
and postnasal drainage; it can be divided into allergic and nonallergic Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) engulf allergens in the nose and
rhinitis. Mixed rhinitis has components of both allergic and nonaller- break them into antigenic peptides. APCs present these peptides
gic disease. Allergic rhinitis is nasal inflammation that is mediated by to naïve T cells (TH0). TH0 cells differentiate once activated, into
IgE to environmental allergens. Nonallergic rhinitis is defined by the TH2 subtype. The TH2 lymphocytes generate cytokines that
non–IgE-mediated perennial symptoms. Nonallergic rhinitis shares regulate B-lymphocytes and sequester inflammatory cells (includ-
symptoms with allergic rhinitis, but is only distinguishable by nega- ing eosinophils).
tive allergy tests. Nonallergic rhinitis is also known as perennial non- B-lymphocytes produce IgE. IgE attaches to mast cells and baso-
allergic rhinitis, idiopathic rhinitis, and vasomotor rhinitis. phils and renders them sensitized. Once sensitized and cells are

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
exposed to allergen, the mast cells and basophils degranulate. The vasomotor rhinitis patient will present with predominantly
Degranulation of these cells releases a host of mediators including nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea. Typically, symptoms are trig-
histamine and prostaglandin. Histamine stimulates histamine type gered by temperature, exercise, and environmental stimuli (odors,
I (H1) receptors on nerve endings that cause pruritus, sneezing and smoke, and dust).
increased secretions. These symptoms constitute the early-phase NARES patients generally have more intense symptoms than
response of allergic rhinitis. The early-phase response occurs vasomotor rhinitis or allergic disease patients. NARES patients
within minutes of allergen exposure and dissipates within 1 hour. present with paroxysms of flares to include sneezing, watery rhi-
Eosinophils produce IL-5, which acts to promote activation and norrhea, nasal itching, congestion, and some anosmia. NARES
survival of other eosinophils. Eosinophils also produce toxic prod- patients have eosinophils on a nasal smear, but lack other allergic
ucts that damage local mucosal cells. The damage done by these evidence by skin-prick testing.
cells is what constitutes the late-phase reaction. The late-phase Gustatory rhinitis sufferers complain of nasal congestion and
reaction occurs several hours after allergen exposure and is charac- rhinorrhea associated with ingestion of foods and, sometimes,
terized by nasal congestion. alcoholic beverages.
Nasal crusting, dryness, and fetor are the characteristics of atro-
Nonallergic Rhinitis phic rhinitis. These findings are due to glandular cell atrophy.
The nasal mucosa has two major functions; one is trapping inhaled Patients will have abnormally wide nasal cavities and may have
particles through mucus production and the second is humidifying squamous metaplasia.
inhaled air through a complex vascular system. The mucus glands Occupational rhinitis patients have components of allergic and
and the vascular system are regulated by the parasympathetic and nonallergic disease. Patients present with nasal congestion and rhi-
the adrenergic nervous systems. Sensory nerves are stimulated by norrhea triggered by an occupational exposure. Symptoms are pre-
irritants in the nose through the use of a sensory receptor called a sent during duty and generally improve away from the work
nociceptor. The nociceptive signal generates a neural reflex in the environment. Substances leading to symptoms include irritating
central nervous system (CNS) controlling sympathetic and parasym- chemicals, grain dust, ozone, lab animal antigens, and wood. Often
pathetic tone in the nasal mucosa. Parasympathetic stimulation occupational rhinitis co-exists with occupational asthma.
results in mucus production. Sympathetic stimulation causes vaso- Hormonal rhinitis manifests as nasal congestion during preg-
constriction, which empties venous cavities. Lack of sympathetic nancy or the menstrual cycle. Pregnant women are six times more
tone causes venous engorgement and nasal congestion. likely to have rhinitis and sinusitis than nonpregnant women. Rhi-
Symptomatic nonallergic rhinitis is an exaggeration of a normal nitis usually resolves two weeks postdelivery.
defensive mechanism. Inflammation in the nose causes an upregu- Drug-induced rhinitis occurs with certain medications. ACE
lation of this neural activity, resulting in the exaggerated response inhibitors, phosphodiesterase-5 selective inhibitors, alpha-receptor
(also known as neural hyperresponsiveness). Hyperresponsive antagonists, and phentolamine are common triggers. Patients pre-
parasympathetic efferent nerves trigger glandular activation in sent with rhinorrhea and nasal congestion.
the nasal mucosa, leading to vasodilation and mucus production. Rhinitis medicamentosa is a condition that presents with severe
Excessive mucus production anteriorly causes rhinorrhea and pos- congestion. It is caused by prolonged and repetitive use of topical
teriorly causes postnasal drip. This hyperresponsiveness can be due nasal decongestants. It can also be associated with cocaine use.
to structural or functional components of the nasal mucosa altered Anatomic rhinitis is more likely in patients who present with uni-
through genetic or pathologic factors. The exact mechanisms of lateral nasal symptoms.

nonallergic rhinitis conditions are poorly understood because of Infectious rhinitis presents with sinus tenderness, erythema to the
their multiple presentations. mucosa, postnasal drainage and sometimes periorbital edema.

Infectious Rhinitis/Rhinosinusitis Diagnosis

Acute sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) most commonly occurs as a compli- The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, and infectious
cation of viral upper-respiratory infections (URIs). Viral URIs rhinitis is based largely on history and physical examination. Other 55
cause nasal mucosal edema, which leads to obstruction of the sinus diagnostic testing can be performed to aid in providing a more
openings and ciliary impairment. Bacteria proliferate in the stag- definitive diagnosis or to rule out other causes.
nant mucus as well as the low–oxygen-tension environment of Allergic rhinitis is confirmed by IgE reactivity to environmental
the sinus cavities. Chronic rhinosinusitis is the result of long-term allergen sensitivity through skin-prick testing. When skin-prick
obstruction and/or dysfunction of the sinuses. Chronic inflamma- testing is difficult to interpret or if it is not feasible, serum–aller-
tion leads to chronic low-grade infections. gen-specific IgE testing can be used. Nasal smears looking for
eosinophils are not recommended for routine use in the diagnosis
Prevention of allergic rhinitis.
Environmental control of allergens can improve the severity of aller- Other testing available for evaluation of rhinitis includes nasal
gic rhinitis and can reduce the need for medications. Environmental endoscopy, rhinomanometry, and radiologic imaging. Fiberoptic
control should be thorough if treatment is sought, but the full ben- nasal endoscopy is reserved for those with atypical symptoms or
eficial effects of the change may take weeks to months. Mild disease an inadequate response to treatment. Rhinomanometry measures
can usually be managed with avoidance measures. Complete avoid- airflow obstruction in the upper airway. Rhinomanometry pro-
ance of allergen, particularly pollen, is usually not feasible. vides an objective measurement of nasal congestion. Rhinomano-
Reduction of dust mite allergen exposure can be done in the fol- metry is used to evaluate clinical response to interventions and
lowing ways: remove carpets and soft toys, use covers impermeable assess anatomic severity, such as in patients with obstructive sleep
to allergen for mattresses and pillows, vacuum beds weekly, and apnea. Radiologic imaging, such as computerized tomography
wash bedding at 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit). Pet (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is used to evaluate
dander avoidance can only be effectively managed by removing anatomic structure. Imaging may not correlate well with nasal
the pet and carefully cleaning all carpets, furniture and mattresses. function and is expensive.
If a provider suspects a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, the rhi-
Clinical Manifestations norrhea can be evaluated for beta transferrin protein, which is pre-
If the patient presents with symptoms of palatal itching, nasal itch- sent only in CSF.
ing, ocular symptoms, or sneezing, consideration should be given
to an allergic cause. History
The presentation of nonallergic rhinitis is dependent on the type The best diagnostic tool in the evaluation of rhinitis is the history.
of nonallergic rhinitis. Overall, patients with nonallergic rhinitis Information regarding previous evaluation and treatment should
lack other allergic conditions. be elicited. A positive family history of rhinitis points towards

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allergic disease. The history of symptoms should include questions Using particulate filters in the home can also assist in reducing
regarding congestion; sneezing; rhinorrhea; sore throat; dry throat; overall allergen load of pollens and dust. Avoiding basements
cough; itchy, red, or tearing eyes; voice changes; sinus symptoms of and lowering household humidity may reduce the amount of mold
drainage; pressure or pain; snoring; ear pain or loss of hearing; and exposure patients receive. Pet avoidance can only be reached by
smelling difficulty. ridding the house of the pet altogether. Other, less-effective mea-
When gathering the details of each symptom, evaluate the onset sures include limiting exposure of the pet to the house and/or
(such as those in childhood), frequency (episodic versus continual), bedroom.
pattern (seasonality), characteristics of secretions, triggers, severity
(to include quality of life evaluation), and associated geographic Intranasal Corticosteroid (INS)
location or environment (home versus work). Once a trigger is Intranasal corticosteroids are first-line treatment for moderate to
identified, history needs to be gathered even further to evaluate severe allergic rhinitis and most nonallergic rhinitis conditions.
the possibility of modifying the exposure. All allergic rhinitis symptoms can be treated with INS. The intra-
nasal corticosteroids budesonide aerosol (Rhinocort Aqua), fluti-
Physical Examination casone propionate aqueous (Flonase), and beclomethasone
As with any disease process, the physical examination provides aqueous (Beconase AQ) preparations all have a Federal Drug
clues into the diagnosis. Although the physical examination in rhi- Administration (FDA) treatment indication of nonallergic rhinitis.
nitis patients should focus on the nasal mucosa, other body areas Intranasal corticosteroid side effects include irritation, bleeding,
should be examined to rule out other processes. For example, the and perforation of the nasal septum; rarely, local candidiasis is
tympanic membranes should be examined for mobility, retraction, seen with INS use. They are safe to use in pregnancy. No single
erythema, and Eustachian tube dysfunction. INS preparation is more efficacious than, or has any relevant dif-
Examination of the eyes in allergic rhinitis might show that the ference from, any other. INS has negligible hypothalamic-pitui-
conjunctiva have edema, erythema, and/or cobblestoning. Exces- tary-adrenal axis suppression, and systemic burden is clinically
sive lacrimation could be another finding. Darkening of the skin insignificant.
of the lower eyelids is prevalent in allergic disease and is also called
1 Symptomatic Care Pending Diagnosis

“allergic shiners.” Intranasal Anticholinergic (IP)

Allergic and nonallergic nasal mucosa may have a similar Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), a specific intranasal anticholiner-
appearance. The nasal mucosa may appear boggy with a bluish gic, inhibits parasympathetic function in the nasal mucosa. The
appearance or be erythematous. Excessive watery-clear mucus parasympathetic blockade reduces the output of secretions from
might be present. Turbinate hypertrophy is another physical exam- seromucus glands in the nose. Ipratropium can be used in treatment
ination finding in rhinitis. Other nasal mucosa findings to look for of anterior watery rhinorrhea but has a very limited role in reduc-
are nasal polyps, sinusitis, septal deviation, septal perforation, and ing postnasal drip, nasal congestion, or sneezing. Topical ipratro-
crusting. pium prior to ingestion of food can be used as pretreatment of
Looking for elongated facies, mouth breathing, and a high arch gustatory rhinitis and is effective in treatment of the common cold
in the palate may provide a clue to the severity of the nasal obstruc- and skier’s nose. Side effects of IP include nasal dryness, burning,
tion. The tonsils and adenoids should be examined for enlarge- irritation, stuffy nose, headache, and dry mouth.
ment. Posterior nasal drainage and cobblestoning in the
oropharynx are common findings in rhinitis patients. Intranasal Antihistamine (INA)
The skin examination provides useful information in the patient Azelastine (Astelin) is a nasal spray approved by the FDA for aller-
with rhinitis. Atopic dermatitis or urticaria may be findings asso- gic and vasomotor rhinitis. Olopatadine (Patanase) intranasal
ciated with allergic disease. The skin should be evaluated for der- spray has been approved for seasonal allergic rhinitis. INA has fas-
matographism. Patients with dermatographism cannot be ter onset of action than intranasal corticosteroids. INA should be
evaluated for allergic disease using skin-prick testing. taken twice per day for maximum clinical benefit and may benefit
56 those with nasal congestion. INA does not produce a significant
Differential Diagnosis amount of sedation, but side effects include headache, epistaxis,
Many different pathologic conditions can present similarly to rhi- bitter taste, and nasal irritation.
nitis. Conditions to keep in mind while evaluating and treating a
patient for rhinitis include: nasal polyps, ciliary dyskinesia syn- Nasal Cromolyn
drome, anatomic abnormalities such as deviated septum or tumors, Cromolyn (NasalCrom) should be considered for early mild rhini-
nasal turbinate hypertrophy, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, phar- tis, but should not be considered a first-line treatment in allergic
yngonasal reflux, systemic disorders such as Wegener’s disease, rhinitis. Nasal cromolyn can be used prior to allergen exposure
aspirin intolerance, and other medication side effects. for prophylaxis of episodic allergic rhinitis. Cromolyn is mostly
void of side effects. Cromolyn inhibits mast cell degranulation
Treatment and is administered three to four times a day. Cromolyn has very
Overall limited usefulness for nonallergic rhinitis conditions.
Current guidelines in treatment of rhinitis do not take cost into con-
sideration. However, the individual treatment goals should be Nasal Saline
based on factors such as age, route of administration preference Using nasal saline to irrigate the nasal cavities may remove mucus,
(i.e., nasal versus oral), severity, seasonality, side effects, cost, ben- enhance ciliary movement, improve sinus opening, and remove
efit to comorbid conditions, and onset of action. For example, allergic and irritant particles. Several devices exist including: the
onset of action is an important consideration for an individual neti pot, a nasally adapted plastic bottle, and a pulse irrigator. Evi-
who has more episodic symptoms. Also, individual patients dence suggests that hypertonic saline provides modest benefit over
respond differently to treatment regimens within a given group. isotonic saline, although it might be more irritating.

Avoidance Topical Decongestants

Due to the lack of high-quality evidence, implementation of avoid- Topical decongestants reduce congestion, but have no effect on
ance measures is largely based on panel recommendations. In addi- itching, sneezing, or rhinorrhea. Oxymetazoline (Afrin), a common
tion, the ubiquitous nature of allergens may limit the effectiveness topical decongestant, causes nasal vasoconstriction. Vasoconstric-
of the avoidance measures. For dust mites, encasing pillows tion can cause tissue hypoxemia and inflammation, leading to
and bedding in dust mite resistant materials may be beneficial. severe rebound nasal congestion. Topical decongestants are not
Pollen is seasonal and can be minimized by keeping the windows recommended for continued use because they can cause rhinitis
closed, using air conditioning, and limiting outdoor exposure. medicamentosa.

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Oral Antihistamines binds to circulating IgE and not bound IgE. Due to its high cost,
Oral antihistamines block H1 receptors, thereby reducing nasal reports of anaphylaxis, and its injectable only formulation, omali-
and palatal itching, rhinorrhea, sneezing, conjunctivitis, and urti- zumab has a limited role in allergic rhinitis treatment.
caria. Nasal congestion is not treated well with oral antihistamines.
First-generation oral antihistamines are poorly selective for H1 Immunotherapy
receptors. The sedative effects of these antihistamines result from Allergen extract immunotherapy has been used in the treatment of
crossing the blood–brain barrier; they have been linked to indus- respiratory allergic disease since 1911, and its efficacy has been
trial accidents and contribute to loss of function at work and documented since the 1970s. The amount of allergen in each immu-
school. For these reasons, first-generation antihistamines have lim- notherapy dose is slowly increased with each dose until a mainte-
ited usefulness. Second generation H1 antagonists have excellent nance phase is reached. Immunotherapy is an effective treatment
evidence for therapeutic efficacy. These medications may have for allergic rhinitis and is the only treatment proven to alter the
some role in the treatment of nonallergic rhinitis because of their course of allergic disease. Debate exists regarding which form of
anticholinergic properties, but consideration must be given to these immunotherapy is superior. Contraindications to immunotherapy
systemic properties, including dry mucous membranes, blurry include beta-blocker use, due to complications in treating anaphy-
vision, constipation, tachycardia, and urinary retention. A combi- laxis, and uncontrolled underlying diseases, such as uncontrolled
nation of intranasal corticosteroid treatment with oral antihista- asthma.
mines may be effective for sneezing and rhinorrhea in NARES. Subcutaneous immunotherapy uses the injectable form of aller-
gen extract. Adequate treatment usually consists of a 3- to 5-year
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (LTRA) course of immunotherapy. Subcutaneous immunotherapy is indi-
Leukotriene receptor antagonists were originally studied in the cated in those patients for whom medications and avoidance mea-
treatment of asthma. The only LTRA approved by the FDA for sures are inadequate, as well as those with only a few relevant
treatment of allergic rhinitis is montelukast (Singulair). Montelu- allergens. The inherent risk of subcutaneous immunotherapy is sys-
kast is clinically efficacious in both perennial and seasonal allergic temic anaphylaxis, therefore it is dosed in the physician’s office.
rhinitis. Montelukast is approved for children 6 months and older The rate of local reactions in subcutaneous immunotherapy is
and has a pregnancy category B rating. The oral antihistamine lor- 0.6-58% and systemic reactions is 0.06 to 0.9%. The risk of death
atadine (Claritin) and montelukast have similar efficacy, and can is 1 per 2.5 million injections. Subcutaneous immunotherapy is
have additional benefit when used together. Although rare, monte- covered by most insurance plans.
lukast has been associated with adverse psychiatric behavior, Studies for local-route immunotherapy (noninjected), many of
including suicidality. LTRA have no role in nonallergic rhinitis. which were carried out in Europe, have only been undertaken in
adults. Local routes of immunotherapy include sublingual, local
Oral Decongestants nasal, oral, and bronchial. Indications for local-route immunother-
Oral decongestants such as pseudoephedrine reduce nasal conges- apy are the same as those for subcutaneous immunotherapy.
tion. Oral decongestants have a sales restriction in many states. Sublingual immunotherapy was approved by the FDA in April
Side effects include insomnia, anorexia, irritability, and palpita- 2014. Sublingual immunotherapy formulations in the United
tions. Blood pressure elevation is rarely a concern in controlled States are low dose compared to those used in Europe, but have
hypertensive patients or in normotensive patients. Oral deconges- limited allergens available. The risk profile is low and therefore
tants should be considered last-line treatment for nonallergic rhini- can be dosed at home. The rate of local reactions with sublingual

tis conditions. immunotherapy is 0.2-97% and systemic reactions is 0.056%. No
deaths have been reported with sublingual immunotherapy use.
Systemic Corticosteroids Some medical allergy providers use subcutaneous extracts (aque-
Few studies are available to support the use of systemic steroids in ous) as sublingual therapy, but this is an off-label use.
the treatment of rhinitis. Oral corticosteroids may have a role for Use of local nasal immunotherapy is used mostly in Europe. Oral
severe resistive rhinitis, but not as first-line treatment. Short-term and bronchial immunotherapy are not supported by evidence. 57
use of 5 to 7 days of oral corticosteroids is the standard, but they
should not be used for longer than 3 weeks because of the risk for Monitoring
adverse effects. Oral steroids should be used as first-line treatment The provider should consider stepping down treatment when the
for severe nasal polyposis, a subset of anatomic rhinitis. Systemic patients’ symptoms have been controlled. The Total Nasal Symp-
steroids should not be used in children or pregnant women. Intra- toms Score [TNSS] is a subjective assessment of the patient’s spe-
turbinate injections of corticosteroids have no role in the treatment cific symptoms, including rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing,
of rhinitis. Parenteral corticosteroids are contraindicated because and pruritus, and can be used to assess effectiveness of medications.
of long-term effects. The Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire can also be
used. Consideration for referral to an allergist might be extended to
Surgery patients who have had a prolonged course, secondary infections,
Surgery can reduce nasal obstruction caused by septal deviation, polyps, or other comorbid conditions including chronic sinusitis
turbinate hypertrophy, or adenoid hypertrophy. Procedures that and asthma, or if immunotherapy is a consideration.
can be performed include nasal polypectomy, septoplasty, reduc-
tive hypertrophic turbinate surgery, adenoidectomy, and endo- Complications
scopic sinus surgery. Two nerves can be transected to decrease Rhinitis is associated with multiple complications including
the parasympathetic nerve supply to the nasal mucosa: the vidian fatigue, decline in cognitive function, loss of productivity, head-
nerve, through endoscopic resection; and the anterior ethmoid ache, and disturbance of sleep. Patients with mild disease may
nerve, through electrocoagulation, which leads to reduced nasal experience these in mild form. Patients with moderate to severe dis-
secretions. ease may experience these complications in addition to impairment
of activities, leisure, and work or school functioning.
Anti IgE
Omalizumab (Xolair) is a monoclonal antibody available for the References
treatment of poorly controlled asthma, but it might have a role Brozek J, Bousquet J, Baena-Cagnani C, et al: Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma
in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.1 Omalizumab binds to IgE, hin- (ARIA) guidelines: 2010 revision, J Allergy Clin Immunol 126:466–476, 2010.
dering its relationship with inflammatory cells. Omalizumab only Chaaban M, Corey J: Pharmacotherapy of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, Facial Plast
Surg Clin North Am 20:61–71, 2012.
Cox L, Compalati E, Canonica W: Will sublingual immunotherapy become an
approved treatment method in the United States? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep
Not FDA approved for this indication. 11:4–6, 2011.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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