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+0171-210-3066 T-d09 P 05/20 F-109


Not to be communicated to DCt GEN 313

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without authority

Defence Council Instructions


pcls vito automatically J

MINISTRY OF OF-FIENCE cancelled after one year
28 November 1999 J

313 Clearance Procedures for Dealing min 7ne Medie and Diner Puoik Spealung and

--~- l
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313I9y Clearance Procedures for Dealing with the Media and Other Public
Speaking and Wrtsing(U)
[D/DGCCr511l2: 70003MBj

1 It is very important [hat the MOD should be as open a, possible about its
activities . That every opportunity i> taken to explain the Defence ML.,sion and Thai
those who speak or write setting out the MODS policies should do so clearly and
consistently. Thi> DCI enables this To happen . It sets out MOD policy on how
prrsonnel should respond to requests from [he meats ol olhrr sources for
+nlrrvtews . briefings and articles, and describes thr procedures ui be followed to
eruure that all such activutes are approved by the appropriate authorities. It will be
of interest to all MOD and Armed Forces penonnel out repecially those who wont
it) nn area of actuul or potential public tnten,u all MOD and Armed Forces
per.wnnel who deal with internal MOD and extei nat ntedia incl~dmg national and
regional newspapers . magazines . television, radio, tnlemet, vtaeo and other media :
and a11 one-star officers and equivalent and Lm¢ commanders-

2 Fui ther guidance on clearance procedures and rdated issues can be found in :

Q4etn , RcguLadons - Ch 36 Official Information and Punlic Religions

MOD Personnel Manual - Conduct undef Section 6 Disclosure of Information .
AP 440, Vol 1, Chapter U- Release or MOD Infix madon into the public domain
1SP 906 and DCl(Cen) 216/98 - Data Protecnon Au 1998
DCl (Cen) 223/99-Open Government
DCl (Cen)97/99 - Use of die Internet
DCI (Cen)99/99 - Cihs, Rewards and Hospitality.

3 'This DCI gives spemfic guidance on The following,

a Resporbtb1htles ot Central and 1.0cal Public Relaoons (PR) Staffs

Jq(,vnvl Mepla

,External Medla
a Major interview bids and briefing>

h. Public speaking and appearances on film . radio or Television

c Lecturing or writing fot publlcauotl

d Spokesmen and women

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e Sem,nara and conferences

f Background bimfings

g, Use of the Internet

h. Media gifts and hospitality

Trades Umona and Staff ASs0K1a1I0nS

11 Correspondencr with the media


a . Tins DCl reminds all persornnal of ihe auLhorlsauon noeded to dlsclosr
Inf'orma[norn or experience obtained in the course of oRcisl duiaas or to publicly
express vtewa on official mattess. The fuil exposition of this policy ,s to be found in
the pubilcauons listed m para 2

5 it ib me poiicy of the MOD and the Armed Forces to be as open as possible in

explaining m the public the ra¢ona for Covernmeae poltcien and decisions. The
MOD ahould be presented as an open and modem orgamsddon at the heart of the
{ btnader Covernment agenda Thu requires

a. the faAasc possible exposxion co P",rhamenr and the public of the reaaons
for Cavernmem policies and decistorta, once these have been announcedl

b. improving publjc understanding about the tactual and technical

background to Covernmene policies and dwisions :

c. cultivatuon of the best pussrble rnldiwns with the media and other opinion
fornters (such as en[ereat groups) IQ help to promote the Drl'ence Mission
(ANNEX A) to a wide audience and co encourage support for defence
activities, and.

d. rdptd action where necessary co put aLross dhe MOD's position . In principle
MOD s)lould nor be seen co relu,e ro parr .cip,re in sagnrt'u:anr public
drxussiorn oranyrelevanc issue, al[hough a Judgemen[ on this will be taken
by the appropriate profc,otonal PR xaff In cases of breaking news, MOD
ahould always seek to make a comment as suon as possible, This will
require fast action and rapid clearance of media handling paoposale
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tl. The Departmental Plan clearly sets our in Dcparlmental Mandared Standard
(DMS) 3 2 that preseniacronal aspects must be an integral pan of all MOD activity
sod deriaron making . Key corporate messages should underpin all of our
comm4ni~ations efforts - rntamal and euernal . 1( IS a Lore tack of all personnel to
consiaer the rrtternal and external communication of all acuvtttrs and consider
imaginatively how to portray their acdvines In all interesting and acressrole way
Contaue wirn rhe media should be a,rangrd nun, :gh MOD PR sratY who are the
Deparrmenis professional advisers on rommunicsporu usues . PR sratY are to be
prov,dr+d with press lines on all subjects or potenriai medta interest- This Inclu&-j
prod .crng prev lines for the Defence Press U1ticr on issues that am likely In atlract
nauonal media tiller" . and for local PR srafts for r>eues of local irlltre5i,

7 All rnedta events are to be arranged througn PR stafl, as shown below, Whu Will
ad up handling and sael. the necessary apptnvais

a :nwra! hledfa- Command TLB or Ag,;ncy PR staff,

b Nartonaf Mrdia - Central PR staff ,n Dtrrctor Ceneral for Corporate

Communications (DGCC) area, ie rha Dirrcror of News (D News), the
Director of Corporate Communication Sri-vices; (DCCS), ana Service
Directors of Corporate Communications (ACC), although diacussiorls with
national media on'local issuen may be arranged by Command TI-5 or
Agency PR braff providing the Central PR ~iaff are consulted in advance,
and are content-

8 When considenng participation in a dLscussiorr, personnel should nor

a indulge ;n debate in a party pohpcal tonrext for example addreseing

organisa[uons or offering opinions that are likely to be used for party
political errd~ If in do .ibr advice should ne sought from the Central PR
araffs ;

11 . publicly cornmenr on pohctes or derrstons djar are being tomiulated of

have nor yet been dnnounced,

c comment on relations betwecn ofLcial> (civilian ~nd military) and

M,rusrrrs, of on advice given LoMinisters.

d comfpromise legtrunate security and commeroal interests,

e create the possibility of embanas~~menr to thr Government m the conduct

of its policies .

f hr mg into qye>tian the pohucal imparualhy of the Armed Forces and the
Civil Service
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I~-,. . . . . . y  ._v~a .a~av c vv ovn rwyv y't~

9. `)b help this judgement berween Wing open and ~~lpful to the media while
needing to be prudsan with public commem . the MOD provides policy guidance .
trntning, and advice on how to put across messages effectively and efficiently. Each
Command. TLB and Agency employs communtctrnoru bpedaluirs, Who provide
advice in support of the Central PR atafTs, headed by AGCC . All can advise on
communication and presentanon and help to ensure chat interviews, briefings and
articles are cleared through the correct cliannela.

ltl. The prutrss of authorisauon help5 the MOO to ensure that a consistent . positive
messag4 is portrayed. that propel security controls are maintained, and EhaTsCaff am
not placcd m suuauons Chat could be embarrassrng or innpprtvpnare for a public

Responsibilities of Central and Local PR Staffs

11 The role of the Central MOO PR staff,, which tnclvdes the Defence Press Office .
is to handle day-in-day relations with the national media, issue major prei< releaxs
and }rendle all major announcements, as well as providing K400 communications
polity, guidance and training Central PR staA need to be kept fully Up"toFdate With
ail forthcoming important announeemencs and of any potenual newn stortes (both
positive and rtegauve) to fulfil this rot~ and to ensure the best possible public
presentauon of Defence including the Armed Fortes

12 The size and chvereiry of the MOD and its range of functions necessitates the
devolution olsections of PR activity to TLBs Commattd+ and Agencies Command
and Regional Public: Relations O£ficrrs (PRO) rherefore have an essential role m
promoting the business of the MOD locally and in ansuring that a dear, consistent
message b presented by m-orthndting local 1'R work within the framework of the
MOD's corporate messages (set out at ANNEX A)
13 In addition to internal public relations and arty Other responsibilities asked of
rhem by their organtsauons local PROs have the following tasks;

a To uie all available methods m develop links wttn local media dnd
contmunrtte~ to promote nmssnges about Me local Organisation, the MOD
and Armed Forces us a whole, including m support of national media
~:ampatgns orgamseq by the Delencr" Prras Office~

n 1'o develop links With national media to promore messages abo,t the ljcel
Organisation in consWtauon with DCCC stafY
14 Local orgarusattonn, commanders and mnnagerS shuuld closely involve local
PROs m all media and cornmuntcnton matters to ensure Char they receive
professional advice and expertise on presentational ts ;ves Furrhermore, if local
PROs are to have tndxtmum credibility and effect wttli the media. they must have

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close links with the top of rheu own organisations- so that they are knowledgeable
about policy and decision making-

15 Because the media (and Others) may request information on the satne event or
ts,an from local and national sources . a ;s e>,entiat that local and central MOD PR
stalls should Aeep in close touch . The local PRO ntust Aeep the Cnntral PR scalFs
mtormed al.out all information or events chat ate lil.ely to be of Intel ebL to Ministers
or which are hkely tu attract national media attention, It i> often ddlicult to judge
wlcat events fall alto the" categories When m do ..ot the Cenrral PR staffs sh"d
be consulted In addition, PIHQ PR srall'rnuSt be kept crAormed on operadonal

Internal Media
16 It is esserlnal that scaft' within the Department are also informed in a timely
manner about key decisions which affect them Prov»ion of information should be
. whenever possible to coincide with p .,L1i( announcements DGCC satl'
(DCCS or the single Service DCC n~ appropriate) must be consulted on all
>igntficartt rnteonal communication strategies m oider to ensure coherence with
wider Departmental ines,ages and to adve~e on the most appropriate mix of
cununumcaaon channels fur the parrtcular messages and target audiences DCCS
ma,ncams a comprehensive database of house Joumdls and can advue on how best
to use oral oriellng5 . intranets, v,deos and other ru4Lcrials- Advice 14 46o available
on the use ot exrecnally owned journaU thar specefce.tt1y target MOD audcences and
eagularly solicit contributions from MOD personnel e

Fxrerrtal Media
Maw urrn views andAnofings
17. Thic secdot coven d11 activities likely to atrract the detention ol national TV
,)aw,, or news magazine programmea - eg 'i'oday Prngramme, World at One.
Newsntgl7r - and rrtdlur or particularly bensirlve rsaur~ In the national prtss_

1S The Chief Pr=ss Officer (CPO), who is located m D News acts as the point of
contact for all major mtarvtew bids and bnefinga . !t t ; r>_,enrtal that the CPO ts
inloetnrx3 of all such possibilities so that he can both provide an accurate and timely
response to Journahsts and consult ocher Covnrament Departments who may lu,ve
an mcerest or involvement Local PR statT must ensure chat the CPO's staft are knpc
Iully in the picture on all issues that are potentially controvarsial or Lable to invite
national med.a artennon .

19. There will be occascun> when it is necessary to >eek approval lor interviews.
briefing or other facduies very quickly for example to Pre-empt or blunt breaking
bed news . In this event, the CPO must be concacteo ~ soon as pos~cbte so that he
can advise on how to proceed, and seek the necessary approvals Within MOD and .
when appropriate, ocher Covernmenc Departments

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Public Speaking and Appearances on Film, Radio or 'lplevision

20 . This secrlon covers public lectures and speeches, formal and informal .
contmunicaaons w4th the pressor other media including interviews . film, radio and
television appearanccii, and statements lo non "Covernmental bodies It applies ED
appaal-ance, on news, and non news (e.g . emerraitaneni) ptogrammrs .

21 As a gene" principle we should look to maximise such acuvalioa di they present

good opporrunturs to get key messagc5 across Howevvi-, it is important chat the
aurhorriatron procedum set out below are 1'ollowed Theee apply to all MOD staff-
including Agertcy ,tatf - apart from those m the Met Ofllce

22 Approval should be sought In sufficiem l,nue w allow adequate tnnaiderarlon ED

be given by the relavanr authority before ag,cernls to convnuntcarr with rnedLa
rcprnsenranves Once authorisauon ta gramcd contact wtch the medca stwuld be
restntaed to statemetriis that the authur or interviewee would be content m see
attributed to themi in print This applies equally to remawks made 'off the
recurd' while bt an informal setting, fur example, over lunch-

23, TLH, Comlnand or Regional PROs dre authorscd to talk to the local media on
their own authority- They are also aulhorrsed to lalk w the national media on local
stones, so long as Erie CYCJ, or his srat7, and the relevant single Service fJCC are kept
informed . Local PROs may tall, to national n.cdta on nanonal >Lories, if directed to
do so by rhe CPO/DCC

24 Ministerial approval will be required for utlervtews and bt tefings with external
rnedta by officers and officials Or two-star ranl, nr equivalent or by any employee on
sensmve or politically controversial tnsues. Mmtiterfal approval will be arranged by,

a. ONews - for policy. operations, non-single Service issues and

equipment procurement usues

b. Srrvue OCC- for single Service issues

25 . Interviews and briefings by ollicers and ol3uiali of one-sE4r rank or equivalent

can be aurhorlsed by PNews (non-itr+gle Ser .ice pwts or civtl,ans) or the relevant
Serviee ACC although tf contenuou3 they will require Ministerial approval More
Junlor staff may be aurharised by the local PRO to speak on uncontenuous local
issues bur any discussion of Issues which aft porenrlally cuntroverstal or oYnauonal
interest should be cleared through rhe CPO or retevant DCC . Tnls proce>; also
applies for interviews m reglonal media bewuse regional stories can often atrract
national media attention.

26 Where practical tt is recommended rhal permcsslon be sought in Principle before

beginning the: preparation of detailed bnrfing material If there is insufficient turie
for me necessary consultation
.the lnviwuon ~hould normally be retused.
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I~nn raalrr \ul iV/F1/77 G VV 414 YG9G

27 To help avoid being drawn into pWiucally tninroveroibl areas and to reduce the
pt~>ibAtry af subsc-quent misinterpretation the following steps should be followed
when taking part LA an interview

.t Before the uttervtew, n should be made clear that politically concrover"

matters will not be commented upon.

b. Where possible, agree the q\uesuons m be asked rn the interview (or at )nest
the brodd areas to be covered) betotehand

c Set out no-go areas, te questions it would nor be appropriate to answer

(because they fall outs3de Lhr tnrerviewft~ area of resparraibtltty or are
exempted from disclosure under me Code of Condan on Access to
Government lwortnanon)

d. 8naure that a PR cu other officer with expe,,ertce of dealing with the media
briefs the interviewee (for example on the key rrme»ages to be put across)
attends all i/vetvtews and media appearances and. where practical, makes
notes or Er"cripti of the conversation

28 II'the texr of a lecture or speech is likely to be pab)tshea aftetwdrds . or quoted

by broadcast or print media, the rext sliould be claatnd under the procedures for
lecturing or writing for publication statKtl at paras 29-34 below. 1'h,s also applies 11
`V the text contains scientific or technical data. or \f it comments on current
proc\.remertt prOlects .

Leeturrog Or Writing for Publication

29 This section covers books, monographs, memotrs, at tide,. journals . the,es,
Including for a degoer or diploma and other textual material, the publication or
quot,ng of a lecture or speech, and whether claiming t\I be ran oe fiction DCCS acts
as me L01111 dl focal point for the clearance of such m.atenal anci should be consulted
m any cases of doubt.

30 Material intended for pubhoauon needs to be cleared to ensure that appropriate

comtderapon has been given to ;ecuruy, copyright and PR aspects Applications for
penui,ston to publmh any book monograph, article lotteo, or other textual material,
to gtve a publ\c lecture or to pur forward any thesis fur a degtYe or a diploma should
therc:l'ore be submillctl under cover of MOD form 655 to the author's Commanding
Officer (CO) or Head uf Eetadllshment . Department or Division Detalled guidance
on this paoce  can be found in Queen', Regulauone Ch 3b, J Appendix 43 & MOD
Perx~nnelManual,Section Conducc',Annex M'SeekmgPerttniBton'

31 The CO/Manager must check the matertal to ensure that u is unclass,Csed -

taking gatdance as necessary - and submit the text together with a recommendation
and any nocesoary commeru, through the chain ol t ommand/managemenr chain to

Tt-09-03 11 :10 FROM-TREASURY SOLICITOR +0171-210-3000 T-409 P 13/20 F-109

the appropnate Service DCC (for purely ~mg[e Service ssaes) or, where the subject
IS Of a Civil= nature or goes wlder t]wn a single Service to OCCS This procedure
must be followed regardless of wtnether ihe Service DCC has contributed Lo the text
Further advice may be obtained if necessary from DCCS . Where material dppeiirs to
come within The scope Or a D Notice the material w111 than be referred to the
Defence Press and Broadcasting Committee (Tel . 82206MB)

32 The only exceptions to this process are.

a Scrantrlic and Technical, material snou]d be Sum [o HQSy(S&T)2 (Tel

80n95MB Fax. 87223MB) who will forward with Their rerommendaqons to
ilCCS or the Service DCC as appropnate

b. Medical material should be sent ru Scrvfec Medical D~rectors w1to will

lorwatd it with their recommendations; to DCCS or the Service DCC as

c Suuleu ro laral managemern aiahonry and securtty consideraoons, arpden

or notices for Internal MOD or Service punlications on non-controversial
topics may be suhrtutted direct to adnore through COs or rnanagement

d Articles or norices on social orarhleuc mduers maybe puplrshed without

/r, MOD authonty_ subject to local marl.rgenrent authority and die appropriate
se=uy regulations

33 Permu>ton to publish will apply only to the text as submitted Further aurtionry
is required d' alterations (other than purely editorial) are made The granring of
permission to publish does no[ wit fer official endorsement of the coatent of the Text
and This should be made clear w publishers.

39 . A number of journals and magazines (lor rxample Defence Management

Journal) seek regular contributions from MOD. Requests for arucles from all parts
of the MOD - maludmg Commando, Agencies and TI-Bs - should be rel'erred [o
DCCS in the first Instance. DCCS will ace as [!he MOD point of contact with these
publications . and will approach potential contrrbuturs within MOD for articles
Texts provided for such publications should na Sent via DCCS .

Spokesmen and women

35 In addition w the interface With Lhe media provided by 17News and the Service
DCCa, each of the Services nomtna[ea Service spoke-amen and women For these
represeAtatives, as a Minimum, local TV and radio imerview> on roudne/tec}uncal
issues should be cleared by [he appropnare Service DCC, keeping the CPO
informcd National interviews should be cleared tlrrough D News or the relevant
Service DCC 9'hose on porenriaily novel or contentious issues require Ministerial
approval which must be sought rhrough D News or The appropriate Servtc.e DCC
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+r " + wr vra .ar~ " ~ .v- au~ caya '

Seminars ared Conferences

36 MOD and Armed Forces personnel must not accept invttauoru m their official
capacity to attend conferences or sermnars run by, or on nehalt ot party poltueal
orgamsauons . When considering invitations to other rnon-goveratnenral conferences
and eeminars, personnel must bear in minC the certtext, and the views of the
tn>otunon concerned in particular, penonnel spould avoid any event where their
pre,ence might embarrass Mmrstnrs, for example by being a5boomed with critical
eotnments on MOD policy Before accepting Invitations to non-governmental
evrntn, perwnnel must seek aurhorrty, from their CO/ tiead a(' Fatabh5hmrnt/Head
ol Dtvt~ton (or delegated representative) . If in doubt, they should t.omult D News /
Service DCC a> appropriate

37 Personnel do not need approval to caka p,rri in the proceedings of Lhe

lruernunonalInstitute forSuateBtcStudies(11SS) ine Royal institute of International
P.11'urn (RIIA) . or the Royal United Services lnsnrii1e for Defen(r Studies (RUSf)
MOD parncipano choold consider carefully what they say takrng 4110 a(VOL,m the
nature or their subject and audience . They should 6r aware that remarks May well
be reporteq and publicised, must not reveal clanaillrd or commercially significant
mformauon and shoald avoid conflict With currena MOD Or COVernMent Policy,

38 If there is any doubt about Lhe clearance of any oral or written contribution to a
conl'erence or seminar. the Duettor of Policy flannitig ahould be contacted on
84520MB and security clearance obtained

Background Briefing
39. Background brietings for the media can encourage accurate and positive
reporting about detertce activity by providing the full facts and contrxt of a
pcrucular situation The MOD Press Office arid the aingle Service DCCs set ap
briefing, and inform Ministers Ifsenior staff (2' ran6 or above) are involved, or if the
aablecr mattat is potentially novel or cor,lrnttoas

40 Tv provide an effective servke to joumahsts,  nd ensure that no one group of

journalists are either given preferential treatment or aloadvantaged . the MOD Press
Off.ce naecU to he kept Wormed of dl other background briefings Commands,
TLBs and Agenctes shoulo keep the CPO informed ol a11 briefings of regional Media
on 1ss~es of nauonal interest and etlsure rhar the MCD Prc~s Office is provided with
up-to-date Jtrnea to take on the issue in question All briefings of national media
nhould be arranged in consultation with D News or the appropriate Service DCC,
who will normally take the lead-

Use of the Internet

41 MOD policy on the use of die lncetner is conu.uted m DCl 97/99. This L)CI
includes policy on Cite we of Internet H-mail and MOD policy on publishing on tha
lrttarnrt, including contact details of webrriaaten for MOD and 5crvtce websites.

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_, _ _, . . ,-, .. . -, ._ . . .. .....

Media Gifts and Hospitathry

42 . DCl 99199 sets our ale rules governing the way in which indivjduab Should
respond to offers of gtftn, hospitality or other considerations froin outside
orgornunons. The same rules apply t4 dealings with tne media In addition, to
en+ure an even-handed and iaclubive approach and avoid accuseuimb of
favourlttsm or bias towards Particular media urganisatron=, it 1a necessary to assess
the levels of access granted to media orgamseuons by ofricialb military and civilian)
and Munsters. Tire Defence Press OSu.e therefore kceps a log of all contacts with the
media by Ministers. officials, military officers and special advners All hwpitality
InvltaUons from the tnedia should be repockd to PS/D News using [he prafarma at

Tradns Unicim and Staff Associations

43. Elected officials of a rocognned Traaes Uroun or Staff A5xrciduon do not need
MOD authoriry to attend their orgarnwrion's acnvtues DC to PLtollOw their
organsanon s views on an offictal matter wfnch directly affecns the condttrons of
service of their members

Correspondence with rhe MecJta

44 Civil servants and military personnel arv not permitted to express personal
views on defence nsues to the media - inrtr,dvse tereai< to nowcpapers, or
appearances on radio (utclud,ng plione-ms) und televs,on - unless authorised to do
so in accordance with tltrs DCI. Any person who has concerns about defence policy
should expreas thew through his or bar management chain or chain of command

Poluy Director Ceneral Corporare Commun,cauans
Communication Planrning Unn
Phone 7UOO3M8 Fax; 87742MB

Gurdence and Approvals

If you are ul arty doubt about the need to obtain clearances you should contact
DNews or the appropriate Service Director of Corporate Commumcauoru (DCC)
D News Chief Prass Officer Phone- 82906MB Fax 86460tv1B
DCC (Navy), Phonu~ 82513M8 Fax, 8791BMH
DCC (Army) Phone 80758MB Fax 84924MB
DCC (PAP). Phone 87497MB Fax, 875b2MB

Approvals of wr7trrn rnarerral

Du ector of Corporate Communication Sei'ViLtS
Phone- 86161MB Fax. 87902M8

Elecuonrr Medw andMedia 7ratnrrW.

Director Corporate Communtcaoons Servuee
lntemal Comms~ Phone: 85734MB Fax, 81562MB
Intemer Phone: 78634M8 Fax . 81562M8
Media Training
: Phone' 78646MB Fax 81289MB


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Corporate Communication

Messages about the Ministry of Defence & Armed Forces

To promote the MOD and thc Armed Forces eRecnvety, we mwt have a clear vision
m our own mind of the Organisation The Defencr Mission ptovides thb vision
Copies of posters and booklets eaplaumng the Defenc~ Mio~ion can be obtained from
DGCC-Planntngs (Tel : 83588MB Fax, a7742MB) .

The Deience Mbmon is Implemented tlumugh a >rries of basic me»ages wbich

should be used m promoting the Ministry of Defence and the Aimed Forces as a
whole These are:

Witat the MOD and Armed Forces want to 6r

" A force for Good in the World

What the MOD and Armed Forces are doma

Defending the UK's Interests

Making the World a SaYer Place

Caring for our Poople

Modemrsing the Forces

Making Every Pound Count

Respecting The Environment

Contributing to [he Community

These rrrnY~ages should underpin our communkdtuwns eftort - buth internal and
excernal - at ail levels .

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Presentation Checklist
Things to Consider

Presentational Stance
(Positive or Negettve publictt)? Active or Passive in seekino media interast? Axe we
trying to utfatm or deflect criticism?)
~ Will n be peree.ved as good or bad newa7By whom?
Can L,ad new~ he diffused by being as open as possible?
Should the issue be handled in a high or low profile way?

Theme - How does the is=.ur fit into the MOD s bas.c PR themeO
" force tar Good
" Defending die UK s Interests
" Making the world a sal'er place
" Caring for OtAr People
" Modermstng the Forces
" Making every pound count
" Contrthur+ng co rhe Commur,ny
" Respecting the Environment

i Key Messages c,
3~ b there a need to make an announcement in Parhament? Oral or wrltten ?
s What posinve potnt> to make - de in with tha MOp ; themrs?
> What is dtfflcuti or potenraally enib,t r~smg?

y To what extent will the issue affect or be uf in.erest to
Internal Ac,drences-MOA/Anned Forces personnel
External Audiencas - Parliament/General Public /Orher Government Departments
/interest Croups (e.g, induntry or academics)

Key Messages
(How can it porirky MOD in a positive 4pht?)
~ What messages should be emphasised to which audzrncel

Key Media Opponunities/Milifttones

(How can we maximise positive aipec;s?)
a Should Mmtsterc be tnvolved~
IN- How can Mimsten be mvolved?
>" What activities will be of inwn~i to the media?
L.u4k the timing of internal and external corrunwilcatton?
a ParltarnenO Photo Opportun,nas? ppemrtg of facallty~

17-09-03 11 :12 FR0VI-TREASURY SOLICITOR +0171-210-3066 T-409 P 18/20 F-109
., , . . , .-  , . .  .,
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, -~ .

Distribution Mechanism
(Huw can we best target the auchence?)
) Nauonai or iocal medial -Press Conferxncen/Pnoco OppoCC41uF7as
)Y Pteas oi broadcast media' - Backacro~ad bi IeI7nbs by ofLciats
) Internal M017 and Servue channels? Internal publmmion~/Incranec
IvfODWEB/Cascade face-co-face briefirygb

Getting Advice
) Has the suberuss .on been dtscuised with and copted co D Ncwa/bmgle Service

7- C7

17-09-03 11 .12 FROM-TREASURY SOLICITOR +0171-210-3066 T-409 P 19/20 F-109
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6.9 Since set-off may not bu applied a where forfeiture is a pessx'hiliky MUST be referred
pension bcaeAs where there is any dispute over to thut department as qqiclclAl as paasible .
the existet+ce or amount of the drbt, -the (4abina
6.15 Ptrxher information is given in volume 2
pfRac. s : man;Rer of the schemes, raquire
oFthe Pernstons Manual.
Tic set-off is appbed agatnat PcBrS or CS
benefit unlesa the civil servant owlng the
,nen an acknowledga wnt of the nature
xrnossnt u! the debt as SL ws1l stand en tlhc
the PCSPS or CSC§ benefit hecomza pa

6.10 Section 5 of the Superennuatinn

(urndarwhich the Pt2SPS And CSCS are m~
randers void an 86slpnraent of beneflt paya~le
under the schemes. As en agreemeni ta set off
could amount ra an sasianrnent. civil servm
should not 1w. aeked'for their formal agree
to a debt being wt off against PCSCS or
boneFu. '

6.11 Further infarrnerion ~hout ser-off

prnsion bencfis ,e sec our in volurtno 1 of ch
Pensions Manual .


6.12 Rctiremenz snd compensation ben

be withheld, either completely or tn part,
bvil servent .w1tb PC'SPS or CSCS henefi
convicted of

offences under ekp Official SecrsuAct 1


of an vffdnre in connection Torith The civil

servani's employinent which is certified
Gover»menr :nfnFsrer as baisxg P,ravvly
injurious to rlse State or liable to laud re
reriaus loss of poifidemee in The public s
6.13 Benefits are autornatieally forfeit u
conviction of treasan,

5.1q The decision on whether benaftts ar

forfeived Pens with tha Cubiner Offica. All

MoD 12 c4 l0019
S - Issue 2 Augast .7,9g8

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