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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hong Lim MPs Obscene Gesture in Victorian Parliament

The conduct of Labor MP for Clarinda Hong Lim MP in State Parliament has been labelled disgusting and
grossly offensive.

The disgraced MP, who was recently caught up in Labors “Red Shirt Rort”, was found raising his middle
finger during Question Time at a female MP in the last sitting of Victorian Parliament.

Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region Inga Peulich MLC condemned Hong Lim’s behaviour saying
that it was deplorable that a Member of Parliament would conduct himself in such a disgraceful manner.

“The Member for Clarinda, Hong Lim has demonstrated little respect for women, little respect for the
Victorian Parliament, and does not deserve his standing in Government,” Ms Peulich said.

Later that day, Mr Lim continued his abuse of the female MP in an elevator, screaming at her and leaving
her visibly shaken.

“The multi-million dollar election rort, vandalising the urban landscape with ugly skyrail no one voted for,
and now Hong Lim’s abuse and obscenities is a deplorable legacy he will leave when he retires from
Parliament this year,” Ms Peulich said.


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