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‘UJI COBA PENGGUNAAN INOKULUM TEMPE DARI KAPANG Rhizopus oryzae DENGAN SUBSTRAT TEPUNG BERAS DAN UBIKAYU PADA UNIT PRODUKSI TEMPE SANAN KODYA MALANG Tempeh Inoculum Application Test of Rhizopus oryzae with Rice and Cassava Flour as Substrate at Sanan Tempeh Industries — Kodya Malang Sukerdi. Wignyento. Isti Purwaningsih Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian - Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Bri T Vetersa ~ Mslang ABSTRACT This research was designed to obtain high quality dried tempeh inoculum (powder) and to know the best level of inoculum for small medium industrial scale. Also it was designed to know the preference of consumers. Experimental design employed in this research was completely randomized design comprosed of one factor ie. the level of R. aryzae concentration consisted of 0.9% w/w; 0.7% w/w; 0.5% w/w; 0.3% w/w; and 0.1% w/w. The initial R. oryzae spore of the starter was 1,3x10" ofw/g. The best treatment was determided by multiple atribute method. The application test of the best inoculum was dene at 3 tempeh small industries and the preduced tempeh was analyzed by sensory test. The best level of R. oryzae pure culture addition was 0.5% based on substrate weight, and the fotal microbial of dried inoculum was 8.02 x 10° ofu/g (7.90 log ofu/g} with the percentage of viable mold after 1 month was 89,52%. The total number of mold after mixing with rice flour was 3.04 x 10° ofu/g (6.893 log cfu/gl, the percentage of viable mold was 90.93%, and the percentage of contaminating bacterium was 41.75%. The end piece of cassava could be used as substrate for tempeh inoculum production from pure culture of R. oryzae and it had yield ef 41.70% and moisture content of 6.57%. The best addition of R. oryzae inoculum in producing tempeh was 0.13%, and the consumers preference of texture was 8,07 like very much), the appearance was 7,67 (ike), color was 7.47 like), the aroma was 7.47 (like), and taste was & (like very much). Keywords: tempeh ineculum, pure culture, dried inoculum, tempeh industries banyak pula yang menyebut dengen ragi tempe. Inckulum tempe merupsken kumpulan spore kapang den jamur yang diguasken untuk bshen pembibitan dalam pembuatan tempe. Inckulum tempe yang telsh dikenal masyarakst saat ini adalah usar (biasaaya menempel di deun waru) dan inckulum ubuk bustan LIP Usar banyak: mengendung bskteri konteminen karena pads pembuatanaya Pada fermeatesi tempe dibutuhken © memperhatikan kondisi inokulum tempe. Tanpa inckulum tempe jenis kepang pada user juga bervariasi kedelai veng difermentasi akan menjadi seperti Rhizopus sp dan mikvoorgasisme busuk (Sarwono, 2004). Inckulum tempe Iain. Inokulum bubuk yang telah ada divebut jugs csbagsi ctarter temps dea cebelumaye dibust dart kapang © 207 E. Morfologi dan Sifat-Sifat Rhizopus oryzae & & 3 e E Phizopus oryzae ditenjulkan pada Gambar 4 Koloni Rhizopus oryzae yang ditumbubkan pada Sabouraud's dextrose agar tumbuh cepat pada suhu 25°C. panjang 5-8 mm, berbentuk seperti kapas putih awalnya keamdian menjadi abu-abu kecoblatan dan abu-abu kehitaman tergantung pada jumlah sporulasi. Sporangiospora mencapai panjang hingga 1500 um dan lebar 18 pm, berdinding halus, tidak bersepta, tunggal atau bercabang, hitam keabu-abuan, terlihat seperti bubuk, diameter mencapai 175 um dan mengandung banyak spora. Kolumela dan apofisis bersama-sama berbentuk globosa, subglobosa atau oval, panjang mencapai 130 pm dan segera pecah berbentuk seperti payung setelah spora terlepas keluar. Sporangiospora berbentuk bulat, subglobosa mendekati elipsoidal, dengan kepadatan pada permukaan, dan panjang mencapai 8 wm. Rhizopus oryzae tidak tumbuh pada 45°C, tmmbuh baik pada 40°C (Ellis, 1997). Menurut Atlas (1984), klasifikasi Rhizopus oryzae adalah sebagai berikut: bicetanol adalah Rhizopus sp. karena jammer tersebut memiliki enzim glukoamilase yang dapat mengubah pati menjadi glukosa (Rahmi, 2008). Rhizopus oryzae memproduksi enzim pendegradasi karbohidrat seperti amilase, selulase, xylanase, ghukoamilase dan sebagainya. Selama fermentasi, karbohidrat akan berkurang karena dirombak menjadi gula-gula sederhana (Nur, 2006). Purba (2009) melaporkan Rhizopus oryzae mampu menghasillcan kadar gula pereduksi tertinggi pada substrat pati jagung dengan kadar 4%. Rosita (2008) melaporkan sakarifikasi substrat onggok dengan menggunakan Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, dan Rhizopus oryzae diperoleh hasil enzim a-amilase Fig. 1 Soyahean tempe, packaged and bibelled but not paseurized, as ‘olin supermurhets in the Nethedands preferred raw material to make tempe. Figure 1 shows ssoyabean tempe, as manufactured and sold in the Nether- ands. Tempe mest probably originated fom the island of Java (Indonesia). There is no doubt (Onghokham in Hermana et al. 1990) that itis a typical Javanese food that fits in the habit of serving fod lukewarm, if not cold. Tempe 2 a substitute of meat fits this way of serving completely, ceven better than meats, fsh or even tofu, Tempe contains less fat, does not become harder and tasteless if served old. During the early 19th century, the Javanese society experi- enced a strong population increase from 45 to fens of nillionscausing land scardty. Under Dutch colonialrule, up {to 809% of the Javanese peasant labour farce was employed in export crop plantation areas. Consequently there was less time for hunting, fowl and cattle raising and so, the diet became meatless. Assumedly, at first tempe was made from cokara, the residue from soyamilk extraction far tofur making. Laer, people could afford to use the whole soyabeans to improveits quility, Tempe started its‘career’as a poor men’s food and served prisoners of war to survive the World WarlT internment camps. At present it derives increasing. appeal from its nonmeat namie, and nutritional and health func- tionality. Tempe isa highly nutritious, easly digestible and delicious product andl as such it meets an increasing demand from consumers looking for high quality meat replacers. With its high protein aontent (40-50% of dry mater) it serves as a tasty protsin complement to starchy staple foods such as rice, andit ean replace meat or fish. In Indonesia, the ‘stimated consumption ranges trom 19 to 34 ¢ day” per person (Sayogyo in Hermana ef af. 1990). ‘Tempe is not ‘consumed raw, but heated fist to develop meatlke favours, eg. by frying spiced and salted slices in oil, by boiling with ‘coconut milk in soups, by stewing, by roasting spiced kababs and in peppered ground pastes. Due to microbial enzymatic activities, fresh tempe has a limited shelf life. During storage, ‘fresh tempe eventually urns brown, the beans become visible Ihecause of senescence of the Fungal mycelium, the material softens and ammoniacal odours emerge, In Indonssis, such ‘tempe is refered tos ‘tempe bosok’ (ripe tempe). Although ‘tempe bosok is unacceptable for frying or stewing purposes, it is used in the Javanese kitchen to produce strongly ‘flavoured cookiss (mendol). In Indonesia, tempeis of so

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