Quizzes Stat and Prob

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Rodolfo V.

Feliciano Memorial High School

San Pedro 2, Magalang, Pampanga

First Quiz in Statistics and Probability

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________

Track and Section : ___________________ Score: ____________

I. Identification

_______________ 1. It is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and

organization of data.

_______________ 2. It is the chance that something might happen.

_______________ 3. Statistics comes from the word __________.

_______________ 4. Probability is a breakdown of the word ____________.

_______________ 5. and __________.

_______________ 6. The first person to used statistics.

_______________ 7. He ordered to have census throughout the entire Roman Empire before the birth
of Christ.

_______________ 8. The government used statistics in getting _______________.

_______________ 9. The main use of statistics is in_______________.

_______________ 10. Give an example in which we apply statistics in our daily life.

II. Write ASP if the following questions are answerable by statistical process and NSP if is not.

_____ 1. What is the typical size of a Filipino family?

_____ 2. How many hours in a day?

_____ 3. How old is the oldest man residing in the Philippines?

_____ 4. Is planet Mars bigger than planet earth?

_____ 5. What is the average salary rate in the Philippines?

_____ 6. Would Filipinos prefer eating bananas rather than apple?

_____ 7. How long did you sleep at night?

_____ 8. How much newly-hired public school teacher in NCR earns in a month?

_____ 9. How tall is a typical Filipino?

_____ 10. Did you eat your breakfast today?

Rodolfo V. Feliciano Memorial High School

San Pedro 2, Magalang, Pampanga


Chapter I. Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Learning Competencies

1.1 Illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous).

What is statistics?

Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and organization of data.

What is the importance of studying statistics?

Main Use: For Decision Making


The word “statistics” actually comes from the word “state” – because governments have been involved
in the statistical activities, especially the conduct of censuses either for military or taxation purposes. The
need for and conduct of censuses are recorded in the pages of holy texts. In Christian Bible, particularly
the Book of Numbers, God is reported to have instructed Moses to carry out a census. Another census
mentioned in the Bible is the ordered by Caesar Augustus throughout the entire Roman Empire before
the birth of Christ.

What is probability?

Probability is the chance that something happen. By word analysis, we may creatively break down the
word into two: “Probable” and “Ability”.

Answer the following questions:

1. How old is your mother?

2. How many days are there in December?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Do dogs eat more than cats
5. Does it rain more in our country than in Thailand?
6. Do math teachers earn more than science teachers?

Definition of Basic Terms

Universe – the collection of the respondents from whom one obtain the data of the study.

- Collection or set of units or entities from whom we got data (non-living things).

Examples : _____________________________________________________

Variables – information we asked from the students/units

- is a characteristic that is observable or measurable in every unit of the universe.

Examples : _____________________________________________________

Population – set of all possible values of a variable.

Sample – a subgroup of a universe or of a population.

Random Variables – is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon.

Broad Classification of Variables




Qualitative variables express a categorical attribute, such as sex (male or female), religion, and marital
status. Qualitative data answer questions “what kind.” Qualitative variables are sometimes referred to
as categorical variables.

Quantitative (otherwise called numerical) data, whose sizes are meaningful, answer questions such as
“how much” or “how many”. Examples of quantitative variables include the height, weight, and
household size. Quantitative data may be further classified into:

a. Discrete data are those data that can be counted.

b. Continuous data are those that can be measured.



Class Student Number
Number of Siblings
Age of Mother
Usual Daily Allowance in School
Usual Daily Food Expenditure in School
Usual Number Text Messages Sent in a
Usual sleeping time
Most preferred color
Happiness Index for the day
Rodolfo V. Feliciano Memorial High School

San Pedro 2, Magalang, Pampanga

Quiz #2 in Statistics and Probability

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________

Track and Section : ___________________ Score: ____________

I. Identification

_______________ 1. It is set of all possible values of a variable.

_______________ 2. The collection of the respondents from whom one obtain the data of the study.

_______________ 3. It is a characteristic that is observable or measurable in every unit of the universe.

_______________ 4. A subgroup of a universe or of a population.

_______________ 5. It is a variables express a categorical attribute, such as sex (male or female),

religion, and marital status.

_______________ 6. It is a variables that answer questions such as “how much” or “how many”.

_______________ 7. These are data that can be counted.

_______________ 8. These data are that can be measured.

_______________ 9. Qualitative variables are sometimes referred to as ___________________.

_______________ 10. It is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon.

II. Complete the following table.

1. A market researcher company requested all teachers of a particular school to fill up a

questionnaire in a relation to their product market study. The following are some of the
information supplied by the teachers:
Highest educational attainment
Predominant hair color
Body temperature
Civil status
Brand of laundry soap being used
Total household expenditures last month
in pesos
Number of children in the household
Amount spent on rice last week by the
Distance travelled by the teacher in going
to school
Time (in hours) consumed on Facebook on
a particular day
Number of family who are working

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