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+ WTA fea / QUESTION BOOKLET fe / Cote: QB 0 frwa/ Subject: ATP (PR) Gees ep [gtr a pea en) Number of Pages in Booklet 32 | [gor ae atten) aaa Number of Questions in Booklet : 120) INSTRUCTIONS 1 Anwwer all questions, 2. All questions carry equal marks 3. Only one answer isto be given foreach question, 4. more than one answers are marked if would be treated as rong answer 5. Hach quston hs four altemative responses marked serially a8 1, 2, 3,4. You have to darken only one circle oF bub indicating the eonext answer om the Answer Shoet using BLUE BALI, POINT PEN. 6 118 part of the markt) of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer (A'vrony ane ‘means an incomet answer Or mor then on ans fr any question. Leaving al the relevant cicles op bbabbes of any question blank will mc be considered 28 w10ng anever) 7 The candidate should ensure that Serie Code of the Question Paper Booklet apd Answer Shect mt be same after opening the envelopes. In eave they are ‘ierent a candidate must obtain another question oper of the same seis. Candiate himself Shall be tespensible for ensuring this 8. Mobile Phone or any other electronic goget in the amination balls ticly prohibited A candidate found with any of such objectionable mitral with hiner wil be sritly dealt as per ruler 3 Pleise cinectly 6 uur Roll Nomber iy OM Seat. 5 marks mil be dated for filing wrong oy incomplete Roll Number 1 there is any son of ambigutymistake either of Dring or factual natre then out of Hinds asd English Version ofthe question. the Enalsh Version willbe treated stad Warning: » candidate is found copying or it any Unauthorised materi is fund in his hor posession, FLR. woul beledged agains! ime iw the Poie Station and he she ‘ould fixble t0 be prosecuted under Section 3 of the RPE. (Prevention of Unieimenns) Act. 1992 Coniston nay as debar hin her permanent foal Faure exinatons the Comminsens 93./ ATP (PR) ar arf) icy ATP(PR) 3 iq): ya Le J Maximam Marks + 100 Fin wh welt © ome AE wt weit & ots oo sto et or dae we Goer Ac a & ihe aa A a ey sat Gt Ta en are | seis ae 3 are efi su Ra, i ame 1, 2, 3, 4 oie fom rar #1 ancy at wh ee Pie oct ay ont 8 bar ue Ted we ee ah Smee We MH Ba eT we Fy eR er oa fo ar ia 1/3 er were 8 SOT ate ong a aero Oe Botuo suet Peetu 8 eat aaa 2 ene tg aes et oT aT Bea fore dae wes Fe hr ehh ° re ctr a ghia 97 4 Po ame msn year Cah ait afer to wee ase Or Pes get 8E fore Fat ee 8 oes A ates at 60 ue at for Se ae we frit en eh Sherk es ormar teen a 1 te ea wae ‘Pian ae Bi a Rosh ane teh a Boeh Pra 8h ae Free ttn ar Pram carta ah 8m one ia war amare. wre ae eRe he athe ma ane et th aT AT 8 ge ata) aoa wu 8 a a it ah tr Ph are 8) wif gee ee, ore 2 fe oh wen RY ae A mT 2 ota eae mex am ore a one a et wa eB ae 8 aif onttape ewe wk a 8, a ae 9 Fs re ar cr re at mt. & (omar as & thes) ahem, 1992 fot 3 em aint) ay ra @t amin te an a} afm ak ah ab 28 one whe Fe at wat i (0M 93 93 93 93 93:3 93 93 93 Major roads in Indus Velley Cities were laid in (1) Concentric Pattern @) Grid Iron Pattern @B) Zig-Zag Pattem (4) None of the above ‘Three "Magnenls" in Ebnezer Howardis garden city were described as “ (1) Population, Environment and Traffic * 2) Economy, Ecology and Equity (3) Town, country and town-country (4) All of the above Plan of the Jaipur city as built by king Sawai Jai Singh was based on (1) Dandaka Pattern @) Padmaka Pattern (3) Prastara Pattern (4) Swastika Pattern Radburn (New Jersy) designed in 1928 by stien and wright was buit on central idea of - (1) Segregation of automobile and pedestrian traffic (2) Liner greens @) Urban “Assembly fine” housing (4) None of the above Planning of New Delhi is based on which of the following (1) Rinaisance principles @) Mandala vastu-purusha B) Baroque principles (4) Garden city principles 93 /ATPPR29M_A| 2 (MAHI }Coma... 10 93/ ATPPR29M_A] 3 SANKUMEN| 1Cont A Greek City had major hub of Urban activities as (1) Stoa @) Agora @) Forum @ Stadia INNURM stands for (3) _laiprakash Narayan National Urban Regulatory Mark (2) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (8) Janhit Nav Nirman Urja Rajya Mashal (4) None of the above IDSMT focused mainly on 93 (1) Development of parks and play grounds in villages (2) Development of Metro Transit System 93 @)_ Development of Urban Infrastructure in small and medium towns QR (4) Development of Urban infrastructure in Urban periphery of metropolitan area TDR stands for : (1) Total Development of Rural area (2) Transportation Development Regulations @) Transfer of Development Rights (4) None of the above Who amongst the following are/is the author of the book "Principles and practices of town and country planning” ? (HL. M. Sherrad (2) Lewis keeble @) A swaminathan (4) MP. fogarty 11 Who amongst the following is the author of the book "Design of cities” ? Q) EN, Bacon (2) Lewis Mumford (3) Kevin Lynch (@) Barry Needham 12 Who amongst the following is the author of book "Housing without houses"? Q) AH. Ansari @) Tihamir Safji 93 @)_Nabeel Hamidi 93 (@) Roger Sherwood 93 13 who amongst the following is not a co-author of the book "Urban pattern 93 city planning and design" ? (2) Simon Eisner (2) Lewis Keeble @) Arthur Gallion (4) Stanely Bisner 14 As per the census of India. Which one of the following population criteria is followed for defining a slum (1) At least 500 population (2) At least 200 population (3) At least 300 population (4) At least 100 population 93 / ATPPR29M_A] 4 I mn [Contd..... 15 National slum policy of India was formulated in which of the following years (1998 2) 2000 @) 1992 (4) 2001 16 Which of the following statements about slum is tue 2 (a) Population rate of slums has a barring on city size (©) Slums are unavoidabie (©) Slums have symbiotic relationship with city (1) @) and (b) 2) (&) and (e) G) @) and () (4) None of the above 17 Which one of the following states did not implement the "Slum Networking program" ? Q) Gujarat @) Madhya Pradesh (3) Rajasthan (4) Maharashtra 18 Slum up gradation program was launched in which five year plan ? () Third five year plan (2) Fourth five year plan @) Fifth five year plan (4) Sixth five year plan 93/ATPPR29M_A] 5 HEWN (Conca... 93 93 93 93 rv 20 93 93 93 93” 2 Central Slum Area (clearance and improvement) Act. was formulated in which of the following years ? (1) 1989 (2) 1964 @) 1936 (4) 1962 As.per slum development policy of 2010 of Rajasthan under public private partnership model the maximum FAR that can be allowed on the plot shall be ay 45 @) 40 @) 133 (4) Double of 2.5 ‘As per slum development policy of Rajasthan the eligibility criteria for developer who wishes to develop area between 25-50 acres should have a minimum net worth of, (1) 20 crores (2) 10 crores B) 50 crores (4) 100 crores The JHSDP scheme of Govt. of India has been in operation for (1) Govt. Housing (2) Housing finance (3) Provision of drainage in urban area (4) Slum improvement 93/ ATPPR29M_A} 6 [MMIBM {Conta.... 23 In Township policy 2010 of Rajasthan, "the minimum area specified for establishing 2 township" (in hectares) is (1) 20 ha. {2) 10 ha. @) 30 ha (4) 40 ha, 24 Ifa special township scheme for industrial township is proposed, the maximum saleable area perpritted will be : () 53% 2) 60% @) 65% 93 (4) 75% 93 25 In special township schemes under Township policy 2010, what is the 9D maximum % area on which residential activity and. supporting social infrastructure is allowed 93 () 25% 2) 30% @) 20% 15% 26 In special township schemes under township policy 2011 what is the minimum, road width, if road length is more than 100m, in a proposed township (1) 12m, 2) 18m, @) 30m, @) 9m, 93 /ATPPR29M_A] 7 93 93 93 93 a7 28 29 30 The target cities, of JNNURM of Govt. of India for the Rajasthan state has been (1) Towns below 50,000 population (2) Towns having a development Authority only (3) Special towns () None of the above is complete set of criterian What is the minimum percentage of land to be left towards public utiles and facilites in a township scheme of more than 10 hectares as per township policy 2010. ays Q) 75 @) 10 (4) 15 As per township policy 2010, maximum charges for external development, for a fully serviced plot of land, per sq.m. is (1) Rs. 500,00 (2) Rs, 300.00 @) Rs, 100.00 @) Rs. 50.00 As per the guidelines issued by Ministry of surface transport, what is the ‘minimum distance between a road junction and petrol pump for towns with more than 3 lac. population. () 300 m. (2) 500 m. (@) 200 m. (4) 100 m. 93 / ATPPR29M_AJ 8 ANNE (Conca... 31 As per the guide fines issued by the ministry of surface transport, what is the minimum distance allowed between a toll post and petrol pump, for town having 3 lac population Q) 200 m. (2) 300 m @) 400 m, (4) 1000 m. 32 As per the guidelines given by "Affordable Housing Policy’ of Rajasthan government maximum FAR, that can be given as TDR to a developer is : (25 @ 10 93 @) Ls (@) 2.25 93 33° As per "Affordable Housing Policy” of Rajasthan government what is 93 the minimum percentage of lang, that must be consiructed for EWS and’ QB LIG to qualify under this scheme ? a) 45% 2) 40% G) 35% @) 50% 34 As per the building bylaws 2010, for Jaipur if the height of building with stills is 38 meters what is the minimum side and rear set backs required ? Q) Um. Q) 9m @) 12m. @) 135m 93 /ATPPR29M_A] 9 (HEIN) Conte... 35 As per model building bylaws 2010 for jaipur waste water recycling is mandatory for plots having an area of sqm. of more, qa 2) @) ) 36 As per the building bylaws of Jaipur Development Authori 2000 3000 4000 5000 ;, who is the competent officer to grant approval of building plans in S-1 region a @ 93 6) 93 w 93 Secretary IDA Building plan committee of IDA Officer authorized by Gram Panchayat Chief Town Planner of Govt. of Rajasthan 93 37 As per model building bylaws 2010, the parking provision for cinemas is IECU parking for every : a @) @) 4) 50 sq.m. of permissible FAR 10 seats 50 sqm. of built up area 20 seats 38 If FSI of a given parcel of Jand is 200, what is it's corresponding FAR ? @ @) GB) @ 93/ ATPPR29M_A| 10 200 2 02 2000 MAMI SConea.., 39 Limit on the ground coverage on a plot of Jand is to prevent = a @) @) @ Over crowding and lack of light and ventilation Non compatible uses Solar heat farming Shortage of parking 40 As per National Building code a high rise building is the one having a height of more than ay ® @) @ 18 m, 15 m. a 93 93 41 Clearance from MOEF is mandatory for a large building project if the Q'3 built up area is more than a) @) @) @ 93 10,000 sq.m. 15,000 sq.m. 20,000 sq.m. 30,000 sq.m. 42 As per UDPFI guidelines issued by Govt. of India, minimum area in hectares, of senior secondary school with capacities of 1000 students should be : ay @) G6) @) 93 /ATPPR29M_A] " IMMUNE. Comte. 2.0 3.6 16 5.0 93 93 93 93 43 44 45 46 93/ ATPPR29M_AL 2 RINNE 1Conea. ‘As per UDPFI guidelines of govt. of India, what should be the minimum area in hectares. for a S00 bedded general hospital, for a town with 2.5 lac population ? @) 100 @) 50 @) 60 @ 75 ‘As per UDPF1 guidelines of govt. of India. What is the recommended design speed in kilometers for arterial road in urban arcas ? a) 40 (2) 30 @) 60 (4) 80 As per UDPFI guidelines of govt. of India the proposed land distribution of Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Recreational landure, respectively for medium cities in plane areas is (1) 35-40%, 4-5%, 10-12% and 18-20% (2) 45-50%, 6-8%, 10-12% and 8-10% GB) 40-50%, 8-10%, 3-4% and 22-25% (4) 40-45%, 3-4%, 8-10% and 18-20% As per UDPFI guide lines of Govt, of India the developed area average density for large cities is (1) 100-125 pph (2) 125-175 pph G) 75-120 pph (4) 175-250 pph 47 As UDPFI guidelines the suggested standard for open spaces in large and metro cities is Q) @) 8) 4) 5-8 sqm./person 15-18 sqm/person 8-10 sqm/person 12-14 sqm/person 48 As per UDPFI guidelines, a 1] KV electric substation is recommended for a population of @ 2 @) ® 5000 2000 15,000 93 10,000 93 93 49 As per UDPFI guide lines suggested norms for water supply for public purposes in large and metro cities is 1) @ @ @ 30-35 Ipod 25-30 Ipod 20-25 Iped 40-45 Iped 56 As per UDPFI guidelines suggested norms for provision of community centre is for an urban population of Q) 2) 8) ay 93/7 ATPPR29M_A] 13 25,000 - 1,00,000 1,25,000 - 2,00,000 1,00,000 - 1.25,000 2,00,000 - 5,00,000 51 As per UDPFI guide lines, suggested norms for at least one school for, physically challenged students is, on an urban population of (1) 15,000 (2) 25,000 @) 35,000 @ 45,000 S2 According to census of India, which one of the following minimum criteria is followed to define an urban area (1) 1,00,000 population and density 300 persons/sq_km. 93 (2) 5000 population and density 500 persons/sq, km. Q3 Gq 15,000 population and density 500 persons/sq km 93 93 $3 The class IV cities of census (population wise) classification refers to population range between (3) 5000 population and density 400 persons/sq km. @) 20001-50,000 (2) 10001-20,000 (8) 50001-1,00,000 (4) 5001-10,000 54 Urbanization is an index of transformation of Q) Economy (2) Political setup (3) Population structure (4) All of the above 93 /ATPPR29M_A} 4 IMENT {Conta 55 As per 2001 census, the share of matural population growth in over ail urban growth of population in the country is : a @ @) @ 60 56 The three most significant factors responsible for urban growth are @ ) © @ wo 2) 6) a Economic and industrial policies Changes in political setup Changes in legaV/administrative status Improvement in quality of life (a),00),(0) (b),(©).() @),©),@) (@),(0).() 57 Which one of the following is not a survey technique ? ao Q) @ «@) Public participation Rapid appraisal Interview Delphic 58 Which one of the following is not a sampling method ? ay 2) GB) @ 93 /ATPPR29M_A] 15 Quota. Stratified Interval Cluster NTN] tone... 93 93 93 93 59 Match the following land use with their respective colour codes given in UDPFE guide lines List 1 List I (@) Commercial @ Yellow (b) Manufacturing/industrial (ji) Red (©) Public-Semi_ public (ii) Blue {@) Residential (iv) Purple Code : @®@ © © @ © @ Gi) @ @ 93 e did iy) G @ GB) @ i) Gi) Gv) 93 @ a) ty Gi) @ 93 93 60 Match the following acts with the year of commentment List T List (a) Model town and country planning act (i) 1915 (b) Jaipur Development Authority act Gi) 1976 (©) Bombay Town Planning act. Git) 1962 (@ Gujarat Town Planning and Development act (iv) 1982 Code + @) @) © @ @) Gi) iy) © Gi) 2) (iv) Git) (i) i) GB) @ fv) (i) Gai) @) dy) Gi @ Gi) 93/ATPPR29M_Al 16 OAMNY) 1Coned.... 61 Which one amongst the following is not a part of an urban ‘Development control ? a @ 8) @) Land use Land subdivision National Building code Building by laws 62 Which one of the following is not a zoning technique/method ? Ww 2) GB) @ Height Character Accessibilities 93 Density 93 93 63 Which one of the following is a permissible use/activity in residential land use ? 93 wo ‘Water treatment plant Cinema Hall Auditorium Botanical Garden 64 Museum in commercial land use zone is 0) @) G) 4) 93/ATPPR29M_AJ "7 Prohibited use Permitted use Permissible use Compoundable use Ii (Conta... 65 66 93 93 93 93° 68 Which one amongst the following is a prohibited use/activity in Industrial landuse 2 () Hospital 2) Gas Godown GB) LPG Refilling plant (4) All of the above Which one out of the following is a permissible use/activity in public and semi public landuse ? (1) Warehouses 2) Farm houses (GB) Hospitals (4) Solid waste dumping sites Schools require ECUS/100 sq.m. of built up area. a) os-15 @) 18-25 @) 05-10 (@) 025 - 0.75 Which factor amongst the following does not affect the FAR ? (@) Plot Size (2) Road Width G) Landuse (4) Market Value of the property 93 /ATPPR29M_A] “ 18 (INL 1Comed.... 69 Which amongst the following does not express the intensity of development ? a) 2) 8) 4 Migration rate Occupancy rate Gross residential density Accomodation density 70 A town is classified as “monofunctional” when a) @) @) @ > 40% workers are in single occupation 2 50% workers are in two occupation > 60% workers are in single occupation 93 93 > 70% workers are in single occupation TI The most suitable method of population forecast for a city that is QR saturating will be a) @ @) a Logistic Curve 93 Geometric Growth Arithmetic Growth ‘Component Method 72 Which one of the following population forecasting method gives maximum a) @ @) a) 93 ATPPR29M_Al 19 Arithmetic increase Geometric increase Incremental increase Graphical method IN) Ione... B 4 93 93 93 93” 16 93/ ATPPR29M_A] 20 Identify the correct pair of terms used to indicate a sewage disposal and treatment systeny/process. (Q) Biological and physical electrical (2) Onsite and offsite servicing (3) Branched and looped (4) Arobie and Anarobic ‘Water supply masterplan caters for (1) Augmentation of present water supply (2) Construction of water supply scheme for design period G) Planning and designing water supply and O & M works for the design period (4) © & M works and supervision Water supply master plan caters to the which of the following target (1) Short term target (2) Long term target (3) Medium term target (4) All of the above Who amongst the following was appointed as first Town planning, advisor to then Government of India ? (1) HL V. Lancaster (2) Petrik Gedder °G) Le Corburier (4) Swindon Jacob WOMNIE (Conta... 77 Otto koiningsberger was associated with planning of which city wM @) Ge) @ Bokaro steel city Gandhi Nagar Bhubaneshwar Jamshedpur 78 Which of the following constitutional amendment Act. (CAA) entrusted urban planning function to local bodies ? a) @) @) (4) 79 The Q) @) @) @) 72 CAA 73 CAA 74 CAA 15 CAA structure plan is prepared for a period of : ‘One year Five years 10-15 years 20-25 years 80 Which of the following is not in the scope of master plan ? qQ @) G) @) To allocate land use To suggest road network To provide implementation guidelines and finance To regulate tanduse 93/ATPPR29M_Al 2 IAN) (Conta... 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 81 The function of town planning department inchides (1) City sanitation plan (2) Water supply master plan (3) Plans of schemes @) All of the above 82 The urban local body is an approving authority for (1) Perspective plan . (2) Structure plan G) Master plan (4) Annual plan 83 Arrange the following planning stages in the sequential order @ Evolving program Gi) Evolving plan (ii a) @, Gi, Gi), Gv) 2 iv), Gi), @, Gi) GB) @, Gi), Gv), Gi) @) (iv), Gi), @, @ Evolving project (iv) Evolving policies 84 The duration of JNNURM is : (1) 4 years (2) 5 years @) 6 years (4) 7 years 93 /ATPPR29M_A] 2 JIM tConea. 85 JNNURM is a ay Q) G) @) Centrally sponsored scheme Central sector scheme States funded scheme Internationally funded scheme 86 Which one out of following is not a part of JNNURM ay @ 8) @) 87 The ratio of financial contribution of cemter, state and local urban body City development plan City sanitation plan Detailed project report 93 ‘None of the above 93 93 under INNURM for large cities is 93 ay @) GB) @) 88 The ay @) 8) 4) 50%, 20%, 30% 80%, 10%, 10% 35%, 15%, 50% 90%, 10%, 00% number of cities covered under JNNURM is 63 65 6t 62 93 /ATPPR29M_A| 2B NUN ICM }Conte... 89 Which one amongst the following financing institution extends housing finance, directly to individuals ? () NHB (2) HDF @) ADB (4) HUDCO 90 Which one out of the following is not the model of urbon structure ? (2) Concentric zone model (2) Sector model 93 @) Gerin - Lowery model Q3 —@) Mattiple Nuclei model 93 93 91 Position of transition zone in concentric zone theory is located between (J) Middle and High income group 2) CBD and middle income group (@) Middle income group and commuter zone (4) High income group and commuter zone 92 CBD in a city is (1) The geometric centre of the city (2) Main business area/commercial area of the city 3) Historic / tourism core of the city (4) Central park 93/ATPPR29M_A] 24 HIB Conta... 93 The concentric zone theory is propounded by a/an (1) Geographer @) Economist 8) Sociologist (Urban planner 94 The "Threshold" in central place theory relates to ; (1) Maximum distance people are prepared to travel for a service Q) Minimum number of people for a service (8) Minimum distance people are prepared to travel for a service (4) Maximum number of people served by a service 93 98 ‘The concept of Garden city was given by 93 @) Tony Garnier 93 (2) Soria Y mata (3) Raymond Unwin (4) Ebnezer Howard 96 Arrange following city concepts in chronological order (@) Satellite town {b) Linear city (©) Industrial city (a) Garden city (1) (a), (0), @), ©) 2), (0), ©), @ GB) (©) (@, ), (b) (4) (b), (A), (), ©) 93/ ATPPR29M_Al 25 HIRAM] (Contd... 93 93 93 93 97 Patric Geddes Triad explains the relationship between/among (1) Folk, Work, Leisure (2) Folk, Space, Shelter (@) Folk, Place, Work (4) Folk, Form, Culture 98 The K-7 principle in "Central place theory" relates to (1) Administrative principle (2) Marketing principle (3) Transport principle (4) Sustainability principle 99 In Neighborhood concept "Upper Schools” were placed to serve the population within a radius of Q) 1 mile @ 15 mille G) 1.75 mile @) 2 mile 100 The traffic carrying capacity of a road can not be improved by (1) Mix traffic (2) Dedicating lane according to traffic speed (3) Unidirectional flow of trattic (4) Minimizing the number of intersections, 93/ATPPR29M_A] 26 ~ | NMMMUT) 1Conea.. 101 Which amongst the following has highest PCU (equivelent) () Horse Driven Cart (2) Auto Rickshaw 3) Cycle Rickshaw (4) Bullock Cart 102 ‘The revenue sharing between the central government and state government is decided by (1) Central finance commission Planning commission @) State finance commission (4) State planning boards/commission 103 Which out of following is a land assembly technique ? (1) Town planning scheme (2) Accomodation reservation (8) Transfer of development rights @)_ All of the above 104 Which of the following is a single purpose institution (2) Houring Board (2) Devetopment Authority @) Municipality (4) Gram Panchayat 93/7 ATPPR29M_A] 2 93 93 93 93 105. Of following statements : @ (b) a) @Q @) ay ‘A Geographical information system (GIS) file has geo-spatial data, AGLS. file can contain data on population characteristics of a place. Both (a) and (b) are correct Only (a) is correct Only (6) is correct Both (a) and (b) are incorrect 106 ‘Vector! and ‘raster’ are in context of GIS. a 93 @) @) 93 w Quantities and images Points, lines, areas and images Physical features and Historical facts Geometrical figures and algebric values 93 107 Raster Data from Satellite can be used to locate : w @) @) a Informal/un authorized developments Sites of historical values Degradation of natural wealth in eco sensitive areas All of the above 108 Spatial inter polation is a process of using points of known vatues of Geo spatial factors for. ay @) @) (4) 93 /ATPPR29M_A] 28 Getting exact values on identified nodes Getting estimated values on other points of unknown values to create a raster surface. Marking strategic locations on a map Drawing a pattern precisely 109 Topologically correct vector data is digitized with the help of : (1) Toposheets and Grids (2) Shaping distance and search radius (3) Tail data and core data (4) Raster images and statistical observations 110 Who amongst the following is responsible for maintenance of National Highways in Urban areas, and development of interstate roads ? (1) Concerned municipality 2) Concerned UIT/Development authority @) State Public Works Departinent 93 (@) CRE (Central Road Fund) 93 93 111 Which one amongst the following cities of Rajasthan was listed as state priority city in the report of “National commission on urbanization" ? () Jalor @) Chittorgarh @G) Chu (4) Sikar 112 Which one out of following towns of Rajasthan is inchided in NCR ? (1) Udaipur 2) Jodhpur @), Alwar (4) Ajmer 93 ATPPR29M_A] 29 MUNIN Kone... 93 93 93 93 13 14 5 116 Which out of the following taxes is levied by urban focal bodies in Rajasthan as per Rajasthan Municipalities Act 2009 ? (1) Urban Development tax @ Service tax @) Value Added tax (VAT) (4 Income tax Which out of the following is an accepted financing technique for urban development Q) Betterment levy (2) Impact fee (8) Developer exaction (4) All of the above A housing program qualifies as affordable when the amount paid by the ‘occupant as rent or loan repayment is (1) <33% of occupants income @) 33-35% of occupant’s income (G)_ < 30% of occupam’s income (4) 35-40% of occupant's income The suggested range of scale of maps by UDPFI guidelines for development plans of a metro city is (1) 1: 5000 - 1: 10000 (@) 1: 100000 - 1: 1,50,000 ) 1: 10000 - 1 : 20000 (1. 25000 - 1: 50000 93 / ATPPR29M_A] 30 (INIINRY 1Conea.... 117 A new housing price index has been launched (RESIDEX) by @ 2) B) a Planning commission HDFC National Housing Bank Central. statistical organization 118 Which out of the following is not a part of identified core area to, | implement the proposals in National Housing Policy 7 Q @) @) @) Supply and Management of land Housing techniques Rural housing Legal and Regulatory Framework 119 National Housing policy was formulated in the year aM @) @) (4) 120 Which out of the following sets of elements form the "Images of a city" 1992 1986 1989 1979 as per Lewis Mumford a Q) 6) a) 93, ATPPR29M_A} 31 (MOVIN tContd.... Roads, Parks, Neighbour hoods, Industries, Markets Paths, Edges, Nodes, Districts, Land Marks Peoples, Traffic, Buildings, Trees, Waterbodies Wealth, Knowledge, Morels, Ethics, Religion 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93/ ATPPR29M_A} SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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