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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) The goal of strategic management is to 1)

A) achieve and maintain competitive advantage.
B) eliminate competitive advantage.
C) achieve competitive advantage.
D) eliminate and abolish competitive advantage.
E) maintain competitive advantage.

2) Strategic management focuses on integrating management, ________, and information systems to 2)

achieve organizational success.
A) production and operations
B) finance and accounting
C) marketing
D) research and development
E) all of the above

3) During what stage of strategic management are a firm's specific internal strengths and weaknesses 3)
A) Implementation
B) Goal-setting
C) Formulation
D) Evaluation
E) Feedback

4) An important activity in ________ is taking corrective action. 4)

A) strategy formulation
B) strategy evaluation
C) strategy implementation
D) strategy leadership
E) all of the above

Answer Key
Testname: STRATEGY

1) A
2) E
3) C
4) B

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