RPH Bi 5 Ukm - Unit 4 Grammar

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Week 9
Day Monday
Date 26/02/2018
Time 1210 – 1310
Class Year 5 UKM
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 4: Malaysian Legends
Skill(s) Grammar
Learning Standard 5.1.2 (b)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
Learning Objective(s) 1. Understand about interrogative pronouns.
2. Use the correct interrogative pronouns correctly in sentences.
Activities 1. Recalls pupils’ prior knowledge.
2. Introduce new vocabulary to pupil.
3. Pupils practice the new vocabulary.
4. Pupils understand about interrogative pronouns.
5. Pupils use the correct interrogative pronouns correctly in
6. Checks pupils’ answer and make corrections.
i-THINK Circle Map
Teaching Aids Textbook, story book, dictionary
Vocabulary Pet, settlement, learned, culture, lake, hiking, disappearance,
bushes, cages
Moral Value(s) Responsibility, self-confidence
CCE Multiple Intelligences
Assessment Worksheet
Remedial ……… pupils

Reinforcement ……… pupils

Enrichment ……… pupils

Reflection STRENGTH:


Remarks / Notes ______________________________________________________


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