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Durham Public Schools Board of Education Monthly Meeting

January 25, 2018
Fuller Administration Building
511 Cleveland Street, Durham, NC

1. Call to Order 6:30 p.m.

2. Moment of Silence

3. Celebrations
• Student of the Month for November 2017 and December 2017
• Be Our Guest Schools
• Special Recognitions:
 Dr. Bert L’Homme
 Minnie Forte-Brown
 Crayons2Calculators
 Park Durham
 Interim Administrators (Past and Current)

4. Superintendent’s Update
5. General Public Comment
6. Agenda Review and Approval
7. Board of Education Meeting Minutes
• November 16, 2017
8. Academic Services
a. Strategic Planning Process

9. Human Resource Services

a. Teacher Contracts

10. Board of Education

a. Work Session Calendar Update

11. Closed Session

• Approve Closed Session Minutes
• To consider confidential personnel matters under NC G.S. 143-318.11(a) (6) and G.S. 115C-319
• To consult with an attorney retained by the Board to preserve the attorney-client privilege information
pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3)

12. Adjournment

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting

Agenda Item: Student of the Month

Staff Liaison Present: William “Chip” Sudderth Phone#: 919-560-3652

Main Points:
Herald-Sun and Durham Public Schools Student of the Month for:

• November 2017: Eleanor “Ellie” Dilworth (12th grade); Durham School of the Arts
• December 2017: Jatez Hubbard, 12th grade; Early College High School

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information/Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education

Agenda Item: Be Our Guest

Staff Liaison Present: William ‘Chip’ Sudderth Phone#: 919-560-3652

Main Points:

The board welcomes the parents/guardians from the following schools:

• Club Boulevard Elementary

• Eastway Elementary
• Fayetteville St Elementary
• W.G. Pearson Elementary
• Lucas Middle
• Riverside High
• Lakeview School

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Celebrations – Dr. Bert L’Homme

Staff Liaison Present: Mike Lee Phone#: 919-560-2502

Main Points:

• Dr. Bert L’Homme for his many contributions to our state and the betterment of our
communities will be presented with a letter and Certificate of Appreciation sent by Governor
Roy Cooper.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Celebrations – Minnie Forte-Brown

Staff Liaison Present: Mike Lee Phone#: 919-560-2502

Main Points:

• Minnie Forte-Brown presented the Gold Award for successful completion of school board
training during the 2016-2017 academy year sent by The North Carolina School Boards
Association Academy for School Boardsmanship.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Celebrations – Crayons2Calculators

Staff Liaison Present: William “Chip” Sudderth, III Phone#: 919-560-2602

Main Points:

• Crayons2Calculators for their commitment to the classrooms and teachers of Durham Public
Schools for more than 10 years.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Celebrations – Park Durham

Staff Liaison Present: William “Chip” Sudderth, III Phone#: 919-560-2602

Main Points:

• Park Durham for the donation to C2C that will be used to help continue C2C’s support of
Durham Public Schools. C2C Co-executive Director Eunice Sanders will be on hand to receive
this recognition.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Celebrations – Interim Administrators (past and Current)

Staff Liaison Present: Dr. Pascal Mubenga Phone#: 919-560-3749

Main Points:

• Interims for Central Services – 2017-2018. The following interims will be presented
certificates for their outstanding work during the transition.
 Interim Superintendent – Aaron Beaulieu
 Interim Deputy Superintendent for Operational Services - Aaron Beaulieu
 Interim Deputy Superintendent for Academic Services – Dr. Deborah Pitman
 Interim Assistant Superintendent for Human Resource Services – Kimberly Hager
 Interim Chief Financial Officer – Paul LeSieur
 Interim Assistant Superintendent – Secondary – Christopher Bennett
 Interim Executive Director – K-5 – Melissa Watson
 Interim Executive Director – K-5 – Timothy Gibson
 Interim Executive Director – Secondary/6-8 Math – Chanel Sidbury

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Superintendent’s Update

Staff Liaison Present: Dr. Pascal Mubenga Phone#: 919-560-3749

Main Points:

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting

Agenda Item: Minutes

Staff Liaison Present: Sandra C. White Phone#: 919-560-2502

Main Points:
Minutes for Approval:
• November 16, 2017

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information/Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

November 16, 2017

The Durham Public Schools Board of Education held its regular monthly Board of Education
Meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at approximately 6:32 p.m. at 511 Cleveland Street,
Durham, NC in room 307.

Board Members Present: Mike Lee, Chair; Steve Unruhe, Vice-Chair; Bettina Umstead; Natalie
Beyer; Xavier Cason; Matt Sears; and Minnie Forte-Brown (via Conference Call)

Administration Present: Aaron Beaulieu, Interim Superintendent; Dr. Debbie Pitman, Interim
Deputy Superintendent of Academic Services; William Sudderth, III, Chief Communications
Officer, and Paul LeSieur, Interim Chief Finance Officer

Attorney Present: Ken Soo

Call to Order
Chair Mike Lee called the meeting to order and presided over a moment of silence.

• Herald-Sun & Durham Schools Student of the Month for October
o Grace Brielle Avery, 12th grade, Middle College High School at Durham Technical
Community College

• Be Our Guest Schools

o Easley Elementary
o Hillside High
o Middle College High
o Shepard Middle
o Spring Valley Elementary

• Special Recognitions:
o Dr. Michael Fuga, Principal of the Year – Neal Middle
o Dr. William Logan, Finalist for Principal of the Year – Hillside High
o Ms. Michelle Bell, Finalist for Principal of the Year – Parkwood Elementary

1 of 3

Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

Superintendent’s Update
Aaron Beaulieu, Interim Superintendent, made the following announcements:
• Minnie Forte-Brown, Board Member, was elected President of the North Carolina School Boards
Association (NCSBA). She will not only be representing Durham Public Schools but she will be
representing the state and all the children in this community and across the state in this elected
official role.

• Schools will be closed Wednesday, November 22nd, Thursday, November 23rd, and Friday,
November 24th for Thanksgiving Holiday; and, reopen on Monday, November 27th.

• Swearing-in Ceremony for Dr. Pascal Mubenga on Monday, November 27th at 8:30 a.m. in the
DPS Board Room at the Fuller Building. After his installation, Dr. Mubenga will begin his 90-
day Listening Tour.

General Public Comments

There were six people signed up to speak.

Kimberly Harris (parent) asked the Board to enforce Hillandale to obey the state law due to her
daughter’s very complex medication condition and has to take multiple prescription medications a
day. These medications should never be in anyone else’s hand but an adult. It is Ms. Harris’
understanding that Hillandale staff is allowing children to transport her daughter’s medications in
school which is against the state law. Letters have been sent from doctors to the staff at Hillandale
requesting them to stop allowing the children to handle the medications. Ms. Harris asked the Board
to get involved before there is a death of not only her child but other children. She stated the
principal must be held accountable in ensuring her staff follows the doctors’ orders not allowing
children to handle anyone’s medications. She stated there are 600 plus students being endangered at
Hillandale because they are not following the state law.

Javiera Caballero (parent) stated she is seeking help for DPS Club Boulevard Elementary and
hope that DPS will help implement the Community School Model by allocating resources to bring in
an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer because this community model has been very successful in many
places, such as Asheville, Austin, and Cincinnati. The district of Cincinnati has an excellent model.
She stated this model will give us transformative change.

Nicholas Graber Grace (parent, teacher at Hillside High, and organizer with the Durham
Association of Educators, and The Community Alliance for Public Education) talked about
community schools cuts and lost positions. Mr. Nicholas Grace stated that learning environments
foster academic success and the Community School Model helps each student to reach their full
potential. He asked that the Board and the County Commissioners work together to help them build
and invest in developing a Community School Model in Durham.

Lorraine Clay (parent) stated the bus is not stopping at the bus stop to pick up her child that goes
to W.G. Pearson nor pick up the child that goes to Shepard Middle School. Her other request was to
put up a fence to enclose the fields so student can benefit for collecting monies for events. Right
now, people can watch the games from the street without having to pay.

2 of 5

Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

Alexa Goff (parent, teacher at Club Boulevard Elementary, member of Durham Association of
Educators) stated she is in full support of the Community School Model. She shared data from a
survey given to teachers which showed that 93% supported the Community School Model coming to
Club Boulevard Elementary. She hopes that the Board can work with them to implement the
Community School Model.

Antonio Jones stated he is again requesting from the Board the following information that he
requested on October 5, 2017. He stated that the organizations in the community want to know this
• Suspension data by race and gender by schools
• Principal Evaluation Form (Blank)
• School listing per Board Member
• The Boys of Color Job Description
• Turnover Rate by Schools by certified, classified and years of service

He recommended that someone from DPS needs to be at these organizations meetings because this is
where they talk about funding issues.

Agenda Review and Approval

Steve Unruhe made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Bettina Umstead seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes

• October 12, 2017
• October 26, 2017

Matt Sears amended the motion to approve the minutes dated October 12, 207 and October 26, 2017.
Xavier Cason seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

8. Consent Item
Policy 3300 – School Calendar and Time for Learning (Second Reading)
Recommendation: Consent
Public Comment: None

Natalie Beyer made a motion to approve the Policy 3300 – School Calendar and Time for Learning.
Bettina Umstead seconded the motion passed.

3 of 5

Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

Operational Services

9a. FY 2018-19 K-3 Class Size Allocation - Teachers

Recommendation: Information/Discussion
Public Comment: One

Nicholas Graber Grace (parent, teacher at Hillside High, and organizer with the Durham
Association of Educators, and The Community Alliance for Public Education) requesting four
positions across the district to help implement the Community School Model next year. Also, he
asked the Board and Dr. Mubenga, Superintendent, commit to the community school project and that
it not be cast aside in the budget crisis.

Paul LeSieur (Interim Chief Financial Officer) presented information regarding the
administration continuing to prepare for the impact of House Bill 13, and its effect on teacher
allotments. He stated this presentation is for information only.

Natalie Beyer commented that the General Assembly needs to fix this, and it is an impossible
legislative mandate. She stated we need to go to the General Assembly on January 10, 2018 and
stop this.

9b. Custodial Program Review

Recommendation: Information/Discussion
Public Comment: Two

Bryan Proffitt (DAE President) thanked Aaron for the move toward the creation of the Custodial
Committee that will include teachers, principals, custodians, central office staff, etc. He stated to
make sure we consider values as we enter into the discussion about different contracting options or
the option of bringing the contract in house. Mr. Proffitt stated that some custodians received
intimidated letters from the custodial company for speaking at the previous Board Meetings. He
asked Aaron to contact the school principals to inform them to report any retaliation to custodians
from the custodial company.

Brian Callaway (Coordinator of Energy & Sustainability) stated the custodians are some of the
hardest working people in our buildings. He asked the Board to take a stand on the custodial issues.
Also, he asked them to listen to the custodians and make a decision to bring the Custodial Program
back in house.

Aaron Beaulieu (Interim Superintended) gave the presentation for Kenneth Barnes who was out
sick. Mr. Beaulieu gave an overview of the information submitted to the Custodial Services
Assessment provided by Core Management Services, LLC. He shared information to compare the
benefits provided by a DPS employee versus a Service Solution employee. Mr. Beaulieu informed
the Board that there are still many steps to complete this process, and this presentation is presented
as information only.

4 of 5

Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

9c. Transportation Data Review

Recommendation: Information/Discussion
Public Comment: None

Scott Denton (Assistant Superintendent for Auxiliary Services) stated the transportation data
overview is provided for decision making related to redistricting magnet schools and neighborhood
schools. He stated this presentation is for information only.

Mike Lee asked Scott Denton to provide the cost per mile per school.

Matt Sears asked Scott to send via email to the board members an estimate cost of putting middle
school time at 8:15 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. like the high school.

Closed Session
At approximately 8:25 p.m., Natalie Beyer made a motion to go into Closed Session for the reasons
stated on the agenda. Xavier Cason seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Reconvened to Open Session

At 9:14 p.m., Matt Sears made a motion to return to Open Session. Bettina Umstead seconded and
the motion passed unanimously.

Aaron Beaulieu, Interim Superintendent stated to Chair Mike Lee that he presented the revised
Personnel Reports dated for November 16, 2017.

Steve Unruhe made a motion to approve the revised Personnel Reports dated November 16, 2017.
Xavier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

________________________________ ___________________________________
Michael Lee, Board Chair Aaron Beaulieu
Durham Public Schools Board of Education Interim Superintendent

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Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: Strategic Planning Process

Staff Liaison Present: Dr. Pascal Mubenga Phone#: (919) 560-3749

Dr. Nakia Hardy (919) 560-3874

Main Points:

• The Strategic Planning team will collaboratively develop a Strategic Plan for Durham
Public Schools

• This process will include internal and external stakeholders

• The Strategic Planning process will include multiple sessions beginning in March and
concluding in June

• Administration presents this topic for information/discussion

Fiscal Implications:

• Strategic plan goals will provide direction for the use of fiscal resources

• Purpose
Information/Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

Strategic Plan Executive Summary

How well we educate our students today determines the future of our city and community. Public education
remains the optimal route for access to equal opportunity and is necessary for our students to compete globally.
Every member of our community has a pivotal role in the success of Durham Public Schools (DPS). Building
DPS requires working together with both internal and external stakeholders in the development of a
comprehensive Strategic Plan that will serve as our blueprint for transformation over the next five years.
To extend stakeholder engagement in the strategic planning process, a Strategic Planning Team will be
comprised of approximately 50 members including representatives from Board of Education members, County
Commissioners, faith-based and community advocacy groups, Durham Association of Educators, Higher
Education Partners, central services staff, principals, students, teachers and parents. Dr. Pascal Mubenga, Dr.
Nakia Hardy and Mr. Jim Key will facilitate the Strategic Planning Team. The team will follow the framework
and timeline below.

Strategic Plan Framework and Timeline

•Define district beliefs and develop belief system

•Create theory of action
March 2018 •Establish a vision for the distict and create or revise a district mission statement

•Present and analyze district quantiative and qualitative data

•Review how to write S.M.A.R.T. goals
April 2018 •Brainstorm and identify district goals and objectives

•Set benchmarks and timeline for meeting district goals and objectives
May 2018

•Finalize draft of strategic plan

•Present the strategic plan to the Durham Public Schools Board of Education
June 2018

•Share and market strategic plan to all stakeholders

July 2018 -
September 2018

Board of Education
January 25, 2018

Strategic Planning

Dr. Nakia Hardy, Deputy Superintendent of Academic Services

Strategic Plan

• Strategic Framework
• Planning Team
• Timeline
• Questions and Discussion

Strategic Planning Framework
Beliefs and
Theory of

SMART Goals,
action steps,
and & Vision and

data review

Planning Team

Board Members Central Services

& County Staff and School-
Commissioners Based Staff

Faith-Based &
Higher Education
Advocacy Groups

Parents, Teachers
Association of
and Students

Strategic Planning Timeline

March Comprehensive
Date review, June
Beliefs, Theory of review and finalize
SMART Goals, plan for board Board
Action and Vision
action steps and presentation Presentation
& Mission

Strategic Planning Process

• Dr. Mubenga, Dr. Hardy, and Mr. Key will

facilitate the Strategic Team Planning
• The Strategic Plan will be the blueprint
for Durham Public Schools for the next 5
• A progress update will be provided to the
board during April work session


Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education

Agenda Item: Teacher Contracts 2018-2019

Staff Liaison Present: Arasi Adkins Phone: 560-2353

Kimberly Hager 560-2671

Main Points:

Administration will provide an update on Teacher Contracts in Durham Public Schools.

• Employment contracts for teaching will be granted or renewed for teachers of proven
ability who strive for excellence.
• A contract between the local board of education and a teacher who has been employed by
the local board of education for less than three years shall be for a term of one school
• A contract or renewal of contract between the local board of education and a teacher who
has been employed by the local board of education for three years or more shall be for a
term of one year or four school years.

Administration brings this to the board for approval.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information/Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney ____CS_____

Teacher Contracts

January 11, 2018 - FULLER BUILDING, DURHAM, NC

Overview 2014-2018 Contracts
• All teachers who have not obtained career
status in Durham Public Schools are on one-
year contracts.

• Contracts must be renewed or nonrenewed

each year for non-career status teachers.

• Teachers who obtained career status with

Durham Public Schools maintain their career
status each year and are not on the one
year contracts.

2018-2019 Contract
• Teachers in their first three years with Durham Public Schools
will be offered a one-year renewable contract.

• NEW: Teachers who have not obtained career status with DPS,
and who have been employed by DPS for at least three
consecutive years, will be offered a four year contract, if they are
“proficient” on all standards on the two most recent annual
evaluations and are in “good standing.”

• In order to be eligible for more than a one-year contract, a

teacher must have been employed by DPS as a teacher for
three consecutive years immediately prior to the offer of a multi-
year contract.

• Teachers with career status with Durham Public Schools will

maintain career status.

Additional Information
Teachers will be in “good standing” if they have

• Been placed on a monitored or directed growth

plan or on a mandatory improvement plan at
any time during the current (renewing) school
year; or

• Received a written reprimand or warning included in

the teacher’s official personnel file, a demotion,
suspension without pay, or other documented
disciplinary action included in the teacher’s official
personnel file during the current (renewing) school

Alternatives to four year
• Teachers with three or more consecutive
years with DPS, who do not meet the
specific criteria outlined, will either be
offered a one-year contract and placed on a
growth plan, or will be recommended for
non-renewal, following the tenets and
procedures outlined in Board Policy 5430.

• Teachers being offered one-year contracts

will be provided additional support by school
administration, as outlined in their growth

Why this change in our
• Following our Board meeting, we received information
from several other districts about their teacher contract
plans. 30% of districts respondents, including several
neighboring districts, are offering four-year contracts, the
same as outlined in our recommendation.

• This recommended change provides a more streamlined,

transparent, and equitable process for teachers and

• This will help DPS maintain our competitiveness in

teacher recruitment and hiring.

• We reviewed DPS Board policies, specifically 5430, and

this recommendation is more aligned.


Date: January 25, 2018

Durham Public Schools

Board of Education
Agenda Item: BOE Work Session Calendar Update

Staff Liaison Present: Mike Lee Phone#: 919-560-2502

Main Points:

• To review the BOE Work Session Calendar for upcoming meetings.

Fiscal Implications: N/A

Information Discussion Action Consent
Reviewed by: Finance __________ Attorney _________

2017-2018 Board of Education Meetings
Thursdays Only
Academic & Operational Board Board Packet to Board
Student Services & Agenda Materials Board/Post Regu l a r
Support Policy Work Review Due on DPS Mon th l y
Services Session Website Meeting
Work Session

Thursdays Thursdays Mondays Thursdays Fridays Thursdays

August 17 August 10 August 14 August 17 August 18 August 24

September 7 September 14 September 18 September 21 September 22 September 28

October 5 October 12 October 16 October 19 October 20 October 26

November 2 November 9 November 13 November 13 November 13 November 16

December 7 December 14 December 18 December 18 December 18 December 21


January 4 January 11 January 16 January 18 January 19 January 25

February 1 February 8 February 12 February 15 February 16 February 22

March 1 March 8 March 12 March 15 March 16 March 22

April 12 April 19 April 16 April 19 April 20 April 26

May 3 May 10 May 14 May 17 May 18 May 24

June 7 June 14 June 18 June 21 June 22 June 28

Note: November 23, 2017 – Thanksgiving

December 25, 2017 – Christmas
January 15, 2018 – MLK Holiday
March 30, 2018 – Good Friday
April 1, 2018 – Easter Sunday
April 2, 2018 – Easter Monday
Spring Break – First Week in April


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