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Faculty of Informatics

MCA III Year I Semester Examination - 2012

Question Bank for Practical Question Paper

Subject Prog. Lab – X

(Middleware Technologies LAB)

1. Consider an E-commerce application of “shopping cart” for purchasing

things over the web. Implement the above application using EJB by
considering the necessary issues involved.

2. Develop a console application in with following features:

i. open a one text file which already existed in system.

ii. Allow the user enter a string and search the given string is
presented in the file or not using file streams.

3Consider the inventory application which supports three basic use cases:
(i)Add Items to the Stock

(ii)Receive Items

(iii)Issue Items

The application workflow starts with adding item information to stock.

Then it allows enter goods receiving and issuing information. All those
updated information are stored in the inbuilt database. Implement the
above application using EJB by considering the necessary issues invoked.

4. Crate a java Bean to draw eclipse, square shapes and display it using or
without using BDK.

5. Develop a student application for processing admissions by considering

various parameters. Implement the above application by using EJB.
6. Develop a Library application for issuing and returning of boos by
considering Boo (BooKID, Title, Author, edition, year, price) information.
Implement the above application by using Enterprise Java Bean.

7. Cretate a phonebook application in

.net by creating as screen shown.

8. Create a DCOM/.NET component which when supplied with ISBN (book

ID), retrieves information of the book (Title, author, edition, year, and price)
and displays book information.

9. Develop a component for converting currency from rupees to dollar and

dollar to rupees using COM/.NET

10. Develop a component for browsing CD catalogue using COM/.NET

11. Develop a component for retrieving information from message box

using DCOM/.NET

12. Create a console application in .NET with following features:

i. Take first name, middle name, and last name from the user.
ii. Write the user entered input to a file (userinput.txt) and read the same
for further operations.
iii. Create a full name string by concatenating first name, middle name and
last name

iv. Truncates the full name to 20 characters if the length of the full

name is longer than 20 characters

v. Take following inputs from user and display

the name accordingly:

a. Direction (V/H): Show name vertically/

b. Order (F/B): Show name forward/ backward

vi. Allow the user to go back to the top and start over, entering a new

vii. Terminate gracefully

13. Develop middleware component for a bank application to find the

balance amount from the Savings Bank Account by using CORBA IDL
interface and use JDBC to connect to the database.

14. Create a Java Bean to draw Circle, Rectangle, Curve graphical shapes
and display it using or without using BDK.

15. Develop a console application in to implement Exceptional

handling (using nested try and catch)

16. Create an Active-X control for login form and use it in another

17. Develop a component which gives the ICET Result of a student by using

18. Develop an component for temperature conversion (Fahrenheit (F)/

Celsius (C) and Celsius(C)/ Fahrenheit (F)) using COM/.NET

19. Develop an Active-X control to draw a circle with a radius of 50 pixels in

a window at the mouse click.

20. Develop Remote Object for a bank application having a remote method
to find the balance amount from the bank. The method should authenticate
the user by means of account-no and password. Use AWT/SWING to crate
user interface and JDBC to connect to the database.

21. Develop a component which retrieves personal information (name,

rollno, address, e-mailed, mobile-no) of student using COM/.NET.

22. Develop a component which when supplied with roll no queries the
database to retrieve the marks of MCA 3 year Ist Semester by using
23. Develop a stateless bean application.

24. Develop a calculator component for arithmetic operations. Using


25. Develop a State full Session Bean for online shopping system.

26. Implement a .NET component to perform the following operations on

bank account:

(i) Deposit (ii) Withdraw

27. Develop Remote Object for an Employee application having a remote

method to find the employee details such as empid, ename, date-of-joining,
Service, salary with RMI.

28. Create an Active-X control for calculator and use it in anther application.

29. Develop a Remote Object for railway reservation application having a

remote method to find of reservation which when supplied by PNR number.
Implement the above using RMI

30. Develop a railway reservation application having a remote method to

find status of reservation which when supplied by PNR number. Implement
the above using CORBA.

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