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Need for Energy Conservation.

Methods & Techniques for Improving Energy

Efficiency in Our Steel Foundry

Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency are separate, but related concepts.
Energy Conservation is achieved when growth Energy Consumption is reduced,
measured in physical terms. On the other hand Energy efficiency is achieved when
Energy Intensity in a specific Product or consumption is reduced without affecting
Output, Consumption or Comfort level.

Let us take up a comprehensive study of our Sand drier- 5 TPH, Make Wesman.

stack blower
friction air

charge inlet
shell burner

heating & pumping unit
[heater 9kw + motor 0.75kw]
gear box &


furnace oil
day tank
[out flow
heater 3kw]

drive unit

 

Material balance
5000 kg/hr heated to 105 degree centigrade
sp. Heat of sand- 0.23 kcal/kg/ degree centigrade
Therefore heat required- 5000x0.23x105
=120750 kcal/hr
Waste heat= [147000-120750] =26250kcal/hr

Therefore we see that a waste heat recovery will lead to a energy saving of 12.75Kwh
giving an annual saving of (12.75kwh x 16 hrs per day x 300 days per annum x Rs 6/- per
kwh)=Rs367200/-, the reduction of energy use will reduce load on grid, where the
1Kwh=860 Kcal and common Fuel Oil (Furnace LSHS) has heat value of approx.10000
Standard efficient Heat rate of Power plant is 160 grms/Kwh.
[Definition: Heat rate is the Heat input in Kcal for generating One Kwh of Electrical
Thus promotion of energy efficiency will contribute to Energy Conservation. Coal and
fossil Fuels, Natural Gas contributes to 85% of our primary source of Energy, which are

India’s Perspective Plan for Power for Zero Deficit Power

Thermal Gas/ LNG/ Hydro Nuclear Non- Total
(Coal) Diesel (MW) (MW) conventional (MW)
(MW) (MW) &Renewable
Installed 61157 Gas:10153 25166 2720 100010
Capacity as F.O: 864
on march
Dec.2009 81605 17055 36885 4120 15541 156405
Additional 53333 20408 32673 9380 115794
Capacity by
Total 114490 31425 57789 12100 215804
Capacity as (53%) (14.6%) (26.8%) (5.6%)
on 2012
[Source 10th & 11th five years plan Projection]

-The Industrial Sector accounts for 41% of Energy demand and approx. the same share of
CO2 emission.
-An American uses 32times more commercial energy than an Indian.
GDP Ratio= Primary energy consumption
Gross Domestic Product
The Developing Countries, by focusing on energy efficiency and lower energy intensive
routes, maintain their Energy to GDP ratio at values less than 1.
As for us Economic growth is desirable and energy is essential for Economic growth.
However, the relationship between economic growth and increased Energy Demand is
always not a liner one. For example, under present condition, 6% increase in India’s GDP
would impose an increased Energy Demand of 9% on its Energy sector.
With the background of high energy saving potential and its benefits, bridging the gap
between demand and supply, reducing Environmental emission through energy saving,
and to effectively overcome the barriers, the GOI has enacted Energy Conservation Act-
2001 to provide legal frame work and institutional arrangement for embarking on

Method and Techniques;

1. Material and Energy Balance
Example of sand Drier is relevant
2. Fuel and Energy substitution
3. Use of energy efficient technologies
4. Equipment Performance assessment.
5. Calculation of Waste
6. Waste heat recovery
7. Cogeneration
8. Energy Monitoring and Targeting
9. Project appraisal techniques. Performing financial analysis
10. Application of Non-Conventional & Renewable Energy sources
11. Waste minimization and Resource Conservation

Specific Heat of some common substances(Jules /KgC)

Lead 130
Mercury 140
Brass 380
Copper 390
Iron 470
Glass 670
Aluminum 910
Rubber 1890
Ice 2100=0.5kcal/kgC
Alcohol 2400
Water 4200=1kcal/kgC
Areas where Energy Saving techniques are practiced very widely:
1. Electrical systems
2. Electric motors
3. Compressed Air Systems
4. Heating Ventilation Air conditioning Refrigeration systems
5. Fans and Blowers
6. Pumps and Pumping systems
7. Cooling towers
8. Lighting system
9. Captive Power generation systems
10. Boilers and Steam system
11. Melting Furnaces
12. Reheating Furnaces

Energy efficiency Calculation for Melting as well as Reheating Furnaces

1. Sensible Heat loss in flue gas
2. Heat loss due to evaporation of moisture in fuel
3. Heat loss due to evaporation of water formed due to presence of hydrogen in fuel
4. Heat loss due to Opening
5. Heat loss through skin, Radiation loss
6. Storage loss
7. Loss of heat around Charging Door & Opening
8. Loss of Heat by conduction through hearth
9. Loss due to formation of scales
10. Heat Loss due to unburnt fuel
11. Unaccounted loss
Data’s for sp. Power consumption:
A Apr09 May09 Jun09 Jly09 Aug09 Sep09 Oct09 Nov09 Dec09 Jan10 Feb10
776.35 1091.60 1222.80 1557.40 1386.3 1057.2 1222.6 1356.2 1439 1331 1246.2
788 776 784 740 824 724 684 677 702 697 663
Melting furnace- tones of liquid metal/kwh
Reheating furnace- tones of stock to be treated per batch/liters of per hour

Factors affecting Furnace losses

- Under loading
- Improper Production Scheduling
- Improper Design
- Inefficient Burners
- Inefficient ignition techniques
- Insufficient draft
- Absence of Waste Heat recovery
- Absence of Instruments & Controls
- Improper Insulation & Refractory

Example of under loading:

A resistance hating type furnace is used for heat treatment of the product. The Power
Consumption of the furnace at 1/3 load and full load is 860kwh and 1600kwh per
cycle respectively. The furnace Heat treatment cycle and loading is analysed. The
details are,
Furnace capacity : 180kw
Loading capacity of furnace : 10 ton
Heat treatment cycle : Heating upto 650*C- 6hrs
Soaking at 650*C- 8hrs
Cooling in Furnace- 4hrs
Quantity of Stock to be treated : 1000 T/yr
Estimate energy saving by optimising loading
Specific power consumption of stock
1. Load in furnace(1/3) : 10 x (1/3)= 3.3 MT
Power consumption for 1/3rd load : 860kwh/cycle
Sp. Power Consumption at 1/3 load : 860/3.3=260.6 kwh/MT

2. Full Load in Furnace : 10MT

Sp. Power Consumption at full load : 1600/10= 160 kwh/cycle

Reduction in power consumption at optimum loading= (260.6-160)

=100.6 kwh/MT

By operating Furnace with each batch of 10T,

Reduction in power consumption= 1000x100.6=100600kwh/yr.

Non Conventional & Renewable Energy Sources: Potential

1. Oceanic Tidal
2. Geothermal
3. Wind
4. Solar
5. Bio waste

Instruments used for carrying out jobs on Energy efficiency measurements.

Case study- Compressed Air System:

The efficiency of compressed Air System is around 10-30%.

That is why it costly. Then, why we use it so extensively!
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- It is easy, rather safe and reliable to convey

- Initial equipment cost and spare replacement cost is lower.
However cost of energy out weighs all other considerations,

Pneumatic Angle Grinder
150mm Wheel dia, 6000rpm 102 cu.M at 6bar= 10.2kw

Electric Angle Grinder

150mm Wheel dia, 5700 rpm 2.5kw
Pn. Jet grinder
35 wheel dia, 30,000rpm 32.3 cuM at 6bar= 3.59kw

Electric straight grinder

25 wheel dia, 30,500rpm 0.18kw

Use of Air Amplifiers, substitution with Hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic power should
be explored.
1000 cfm(28.32cum) 635cfm(18cum) 600cfm(17cum) 600cfm(17cum)
180kw reciprocating 110kw reciprocating 110kw screw 110kw screw

specific power consumption=0.18kw/cfm specific power consumption=0.17kw/cfm




specific power consumption=0.18kw/cfm

600cfm(17cum) 600cfm(17cum)
110kw screw
screw 110kw screw
110kw reciprocating 110kw

schematic of compressor room lay out


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The scenario thus reveals that it can be made possible to meet the new load demand of
compressed air by producing 2000cfm while adhering to energy efficiency measures.
Further to CII findings the following observations are faithful;
Air Receivers:

-serve as a reservoirs for sudden or heavy demand in excess of compressor capacity.

-dampen pulsation entering the discharge line from the compressor.

-prevent frequent loading unloading ( short cycling) of the compressors.

-separate moisture and oil vapors.

-capacity of Air receivers should be generously sized to large cooling surface

Capacity of Air receivers immediately after the Compressors should at least be

1/6 times the Free Air Delivery.
We see that to one Receiver three compressors totaling 2235cfm is connected whose
capacity is only 3cuM which should have been 10.5 cuM. To take up about 3000cfm
produced compressed Air we shall require approx. 15CuM Receivers, where as present
installed capacity is only 9.5cuM.
The situation will lead to production of compressed air much in excess of load yet the
load demand will suffer starvation. This is massacre, reflecting virtual demand, so that
compressors will try to run up to meet demand of a ghost, which do not exist.

Compressed Air lines should be adequately sized.

We see that the Compressed delivery line between 1000cfm and Receiver inlet has 5” dia
all through but after first lap of 20ft. there is 6” line for 20ft.
Let us examine what happens:
6” dia
5” dia 5” dia

Generated pressure Going to system

In the red zone there is an impact of Pressure drop which the Distribution System
follows. The Red zone formation of cavity will also lead to water hammer effect
dislodging suspended moisture. The compressor has to work harder to cope with the
situation which eventually consumes more energy, more work done by compressor, lesser
the life of parts.
Energy loss calculation show a power loss of 9.5kw
Cost of energy loss per annum= 9.5x16hrs per dayx300daysx Rs.6/- per kwh=Rs273600/-

Compressed Air distribution systems should always be Ring Main, Having provision
for Intermediate Pressure vessels near to load centers.

Carry out FAD test

Ensure Cool Air intake: Every 4*c rise Inlet Air temperature results in higher energy
consumption by 1% to achieve an equivalent Output.

Dust free Air intake; Suction Air Filters should have

-High dust separation capacity
-Low Pressure drop
-Robust in design to avoid frequent replacement
-Manometer or Differential Pr. Gauge across the Filter

For every 250mmwc Pr. Drop across the Suction filter due to excess obstruction or
choked filters etc. the Compressor power consumption increases by 2% for same output.

Dry Air intake;

Moisture carrying capacity of Air increases with increase in temp. but decreases with
increase in Pressure.
Higher the altitude lower is the barometric pressure and hence higher the compression
ratio , thus consumes more power to achieve a particular delivery pressure and in effect
higher the Sp. Power consumption

Cooling Water circuit:

TDS in cooling water + Fungicides & Algaecides treatment.

Efficiency of Inter Cooler and After Coolers; Ideally, the temp.of the inlet at each stage
of a multistage machine should be the same as it was at the first stage, referred to as
Perfect Cooling or Isothermal Compression.

For every 5.5*c increase in Inlet Air temp. to the next stage results in increased sp. Power
consumption by 2%.

Optimize Pressure setting :

A reduction of delivery pressure by 1 bar in a Compressor would reduce the Power
Consumption by 6-10%.

Restriction of MISUSE

Electrical Load management and maximum demand control

1. Load Curve generation

2. Rescheduling of load
3. Storage of production/ In process material/ process utilities
4. Shedding of non-essential loads
5. Operation of Captive sets
6. Reactive power compensation
7. Performance assessment of power factor capacitors
- Voltage effects: Ideally Capacitor Voltage rating is to match the supply voltage. If
the supply Voltage is lower, the Reactive KVAr produced will be the ratio of
(Applied Voltage/Rated voltage)². On the other hand, if supply exceeds the rated
voltage, the life of the capacitor is adversely affected.
- Material of the Capacitor: The Watt loss per KVAr as well as life vary with
respect to the choice of Capacitor material.
- Connections:
Operational performance of capacitor, Charging Current vis-à-vis the Rated Charging
Current to be monitored using portable KVAr Analyzer. Capacitors consume 0.2 to
6.0 watt per KVAr, which is negligible compare to benefits.

Electrical System distribution losses: In Electrical systems often the Constant No-
Load losses and Variable losses are to be assessed along side over a long duration of
time. Various options for reduction of Distribution losses are,
- Relocating Transformers and Sub stations near to load centers.
- Re--routing and re-conductoring such feeders and lines which the losses/ Voltage
drops are higher
- Power factor improvements by incorporating capacitors at load ends.
- Balanced and Optimum loading of Transformers in the system.
- Use lower resistance AAAC conductors.
- Eliminate week links
- Avoid Harmonics generation, use Harmonic suppressors.
For the same quantity of power handled, lower the voltage , higher the current drawn
and higher the voltage drop.
Ring Main distribution system to be preferred over Tree system to ensure reduction of
Voltage fluctuation.

% Reduction in Distribution loss in kwh= [1-(PF1²/PF2²]

Under load and its effect on system power factor
As the load on a Motor comes down, the magnitude of Active current reduces,
however, there is no corresponding reduction in Magnetizing current with the result
that Motor PF reduces.
Active current is proportional to load while reactive current is proportional to
Under loading of specially the Asynchronous Induction Motor poises great threat to
lower system PF.
Therefore higher the loading Higher is the operating power factor, as a result, the total
current draw needed to deliver the same real power, is lower for Motors characterized
by higher PF.
We may now conclude that, higher the loading, higher shall be the Efficiency of the
Motor. Thus it is desirable that we operate Motor at higher efficiency as well as at
higher PF.

Squirrel cage motors are normally more efficient than Wound Rotor Slip Rings/

Higher speed Motors are more efficient than Low speed Motors.

Efficiency is also a function of Motor temperature.

What is more in an energy efficient Motors:

Rewinding effect on Motors:

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