Pattern Configuration Effect On Steamflood Performance: Sf?IE 6728

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IE 6728

Pattern Configuration Effect

on Steamflood Performance
Chieh Chu, SPE-AIME, Gwy 011CO.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of inverted 13-spot patterns.3 A well-accepted principle
pattern configuration on steamflood performance. is that in a displacement project, the ratio of the
The study is composed of two parts: the first paxt number of producers to the number of injectors
deals with irregular five-spot patterns, and the should equal the ratio of average ~njectivity to
second part compares the relative merits of five-spot average productivity. The extremely high steam-to-
vs inverted ‘7-,9-, and 13-spot patterns. oil mobility ratio favors high producer/injector
Steam injection and oil production wells in a steam ratio. The producer/injector ratios of five-spot and
displacement project in principle should be drilled inverted 7-, 9-, and 13-spot pat terns are one, two,
according to regular patterns. However, it is often three, and five, respectively. One must determine
more convenient in actual field operations to drill which pattern configuration is the best cimice for
wells in locations that result in irregular pattexn steamflooding. The second part of this study
shapes. Irregularly shaped five-spot patterns result in determines the best configuration by comparing
unequal distances between injectors and producers. steamflood performance of the four different
Injected steam tends to channel through the reservoir configurateions.
preferentially toward some producers rather than This research was conducted using a nine-point
others. The areal sweep efficiency is reduced and oil steam model where fluids and heat are allowed to
recovery suffers. How much loss in oil recovery flow diagonally as well as in the x and y directions.
results when some wells are placed away from their The formulation of a nine-point, finite-difference
ideal locations? The first part of this research tries to scheme for cold displacement processes was
answer this question. Three cases were studied: (1) a discussed by Yanosik and McCracken.’ The method
single producer off-pattern, (2) a single injector off- involves simultaneous calculation of the pressures
pattern, and (3) several wells off-pattern in adjacent and saturations for a grid block and its eight
patterns. Note that the off-pattern wells studied here neighbors; this determines the flow terms in ail
refer to wells that are moved away from their regular directions implicitly. Here, a modified version of the
pattern locations, not to extra wells existing inside nine-point scheme was incorporated into the steam
regular patterns. model reported by Coats.5 The magnitudes of the
Steamflood in practice have been conducted in diagonal flow terms were calculated based on
five-spot patterns,] inverted seven-spot patterns,2 and pressures and saturations existing at the start of the
0149.212W7WOOS-S728$W.25 time step and then included explicitly as known
01979 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME quantities during the calculations of pressures and

I t

This two-part simulation study shows (1) that a well in a five-spot pattern, situated
aw~y from its pattern location, acould cause a substantial [OSSin oil production, and
(2) that a five-spot pattern is superior in performance to an inverted 7-, 9-, or 13-
spot pattern.

SEPTEMBER 1979 1101

. .

TABLE 1-ROCK ND RESERVOIRPROPERTIES Choice of pattern sizes of various pattern con-

figurations was such that the drainage area of each
Sand thickness, ft(m) 60 (18.3)
Porosity, YO 35 producer equaled 2.5 acres in all cases. The steam
Permeability,md 3,000 (homo. injection rate was set proportional to the pattern size.
geneoueand The pattern sizes, steam rates, and other operatin~
isotropic) variables are shown in Table 2. All producers were
Initial reservoirpressure,psia
(abeolute kPa) 50 (345)
assumed to contirme producing without any
InitJalreservoirtemperature, ‘F (“C) 75 (23.8) operational changes after steam breakthrough.
Initial oil saturation, ?40 50 Three-dimensional grids were used throughout this
Initial water saturation, % 50 study. The use of two vertical layers was considered
011viscosity,cp(Pa.s) essential to ac~ount for the steam override effect. In
75°F (23.8”C) 2,000 (2)
500”F(260”Cl) 2 (0.002) the first part of the study, a 13 x 13 x 2 grid was
used to simulate four contiguous five-spot patterns.
saturations at the end of the timestep. This modified In the second part of the work, one-quarter of a five-
approach was both correct and efficient and was also spot or nine-spot pattern was simulated using “a
computationally stable. Almost perfect mass and 7x7x 2grid. A13x9x2 grid was usedto
heat balances were obtained easily. The grM- simulate one-half of the 7- or 13-spot pattern, which
orientation effect was reduced effectively, which consists of two akernative quarters juxtaposed
enabled irregular pattern shapes to be studied. (See against each other along a slant edge. A!l boundary
the Appendix for an expanded discussion on the grid- blocks have half-lengths in these grids.
orientation effect.)
IrregularFive-Spot Patterns
Simulation Input Data A Single Producer Off-Pattern
The reservoir rock and fluid properties used here are Four contiguous 2.5-acre, inverted fi’(e-spot pat-
given in Table 1. Water/oil and gas/oil relative terns, forming a 10-acre square with a !Jroducer at its
permeability curves are shown in Fig. 1. Two dif- center, were used to simulate the case of a single off-
ferent rock compressibilities were used. The first part pattern producer in a field of otherwise regular
of this work used a rock compressibility of 3 x 10-s patterns. The producer at the center was allowed to
psi-i, which was higher than the range of ex- move from its ideal pattern location, either laterally
perimental values of Sawabini et af.b for the un- toward another producer or diagonally toward an
consolidated Arkosic sands from the Los Angeles injector. Two cases were studied in which the lateral
basin. The second part of this study used a value of movement of the producer was one-sixth and one-
3 X 10-4 psi-l, which was within the range of third the length of one side of a regular 2.5-acre, five-
Sawabini’s data. The use of different rock com- spot pattern; that is, the lateral off-pattern distances
pressibilities led to different oil-recovery curves, ” were 56.6 and 113.1 ft, and were labeled Cases L/6
especially in the early life of the project. This should and L/3, respectively. Similarly, two cases were
not affect the comparison of various cases as long as studied in which the diagonal movement of the
the same rock compressibility was used when producer was about one-sixth and one-third the
length of the diagonal of a regular 2,5-acre, five-spot

, ,*J’& 75QF 4d
o 0.2 0.+ 06 08
e. Water/oil b. Gae/oii

Fig. 1 - Water/oii and gas/oil relative permeability curves.


. .


Inverted Inverted Inverted

Five-Spot Seven43pot Nine-Spot 13-spot
Numberof producersper injector 1 2 3 5
Pattern size, acres (rr?) 2.5 (10 116) 5.0 (20 232) 7.5 (30 349) 12.5 (50 561)
Steam rate, WD (m3/d) 300 (48) 600 (95) 900 (143) 1500 (238)
Steam InjectIon pressure,psla (kPa) 200(1378)
Steam quelity, YO 70
Steam stimulation schedule At the beginningof the project and at the end of the first 6 months.
Each injection period iasts 10 days, foiiowed by 3 days of soaking.
Stimulation rate is 1,200 B/D(190.8 m3/d).
Productionrate Determined by deliverability based on a productionweli pressureof
14.7 psia (101 kPa) and euffkient pump capacity to kesp the iiquids
Completion interval injection well - iower one.haif.
Productionweii - entire intervai.

pattern. The diagonal off-pattern distam ;s in these movement of Producer PI increases its recovery
two cases were 80.0 and 160.0 ft and were labeled more than in Case A. Further increase in the lateral
Cases D/6 and D/3, respectively. The case for off-pattern distance (Case L/3) shows ~ incremed
regular patterns in the absence of off-pattern wells oil recovery in the early part of the project. Oil
was labeled Case A. These’labels are similar to those recovery, however, falls off later because steam
used by Prats et al.,7 who studied waterflood per- breakthrough occurs earlier in Producer PI in Case
formance of irregular patterns. L/3 than Case L/6, drastically reducing the oil
Lateral movement of Producer PI shortens its production rate (Fig. 2a),
distance from Injectors 11 and 12 on two sides in the Shortening the distance between Well P1 and
direction of its movement (Case L/6, Fig. 2a). The Injectors 11 and 12 draws steam toward Well PI at a
thermal effect of the injected steam in these two faster rate. This occurs at the expense of all other
injectors reaches the producer sooner than in Case A producers surrounding Wells 11 and 12, especially
for the regular patterns. The effect of lateral Producer P2. Earlier breakthrough of steam in W611




a. PI b. Overali
Fig. 2- Effect of iaterai movement of Produc8r P1 on oii recovery.

SEPTEMBER 1979 1103


oil Lossin 011

Off-Pattern Recovery Recovery Cumulative Lossin Oil
Dletance (?AO original (% original oil ProductIon
.— (ft) oil in place) 011In place) (thoueand bbl) (thousandbbl)
A 62.2 606.8
5:,6 59.7 20.7
;: 113.1 53.1 ;7 w 74.1
D16 80,0 57.5 468,1 38.7
D/3 160.0 51.4 {07S3 416.7 86,1
Bask Cumulativesteam injection = :.4 PV (5 years of Injection)

PI reduces the areal sweep efficiency. Thus, the ft. The loss in oil recovery for Case L/3 is 9.1070,
overall oil recovery of Well PI and its eight neigh- which corresponds to an alarmingly high loss in oil
boring producers is reduced in Case L/6. Recovery production of 74,100 bbl resulting from lateral
decreases further in Case L/3 as the lateral movement of 113.1 ft for the producer (Table 3).
movement doubles (Fig. 2b). Diagonal movement of Well P1 for a distance of
The pattern oil recoveries of Cases L/6, L/3, and 80 ft toward Well 11 (Case D/6) gives a considerable
A were compared at the time when the cumulative increase in oil recovery at Well P 1 compared with
steam injection reached 1.4 PV. This corresponds to Case A (Fig. 3a]. Doubling the off-pattern distance
5 years of injection, at which time th: instantaneous toward the injector, however, shortens the distance
steam-injection/oil-production ratio was about 8.0 between Wells 11and PI to such an extent that steam
bbl/bbl. The comparison showed that the loss in oil breakthrough occurs very early. Oii recovery in Case
recovery in Case L/6 was 2.5oi’ooriginal oil in place in D/3 falls below that in Case D/6 shortly after 1 year
the four inverted five-spot patterns surrounding the of injection and becomes even lower than that in
off-pattern producer. The original oil in place for the Case A after 4 years (Fig. 3a).
four patterns (totaling 10 acres 60 ft thick, 3513’o The flow of steam preferentially toward Well ?1
porosity, and 50V0 initial oil saturation) is 814,600 exerts an adverse effect on the oil production of tie
bbl. The loss in oil production is 20,700 bbl when the three other producers surrounding Well 11, especially
producer is off-pattern laterally for a distance of 56.6 Well P3 on the other side of Well 11 (Fig. 3b). The


o o~ —
‘~ — 7
#l $ pul H
o— — 0 0 0

~ ? #’$
+’ I
o— 0 —0 o— o—


“~~ ‘“~


a. PI h. OveraH

Fig. 3- Effect of diagonal movement of Producer PI on oil recovery.


overall oil recovery of Well P 1 and its eight neigh- at a later stage (Fig. SC).The increase or decrease in
boring producers suffers a loss in Case D/6. The loss oil recovery most of the time is greater in Case ‘~/3
is even greater as the off-pattern dlsttmce is doubled than in Case L/6.
in Case D/3 (Fig. 3b). The loss in oil recovery in Case L/6 at the end of S
Losses in oil recovery for Cases D/6 and D/3 when years of injection is 3. i 070original oil in place inside
cumulative steam injection is 1.4 PV is 4.7oi’oand the four normal 2.5-acre, five-spot patterns .
10.8%’0original oil in place, respectively. A diagonal surrounding the injector (Table 4). The loss in oil
movement of 80 ft results in a loss of 38,700 bbl oil recovery in Case L/3 is 5.0070original oil in place. In
production, whereas doubling the diagonal other words, a lateral movement of the injector for a
movement to 160 ft increases the loss to as much as distance of 56.6 ft leads to a loss of 25,500 bbl oil
88,100 bbl (Table3). production. The loss is increased to 40,800 bbl when
The loss in oil production can be expresstxh as a the off-pattern distance is doubled to 113.1 ft.
function of the off-pattern distance of the producer, .Diagonal movement of Well 11 toward Well P1
regardless of whether it is lateral, diagonal, or in leads to an increase in oil recovery for that producer
some intermediate directions. On the average, the in Case D/6 (Fig. 6a). Doubling the off-pattern
loss in oil production can reach 20,000 bbl when a distance in Case D/3 at first increases the oil
producer is off-pattern by a distance of 50 ft. This recovery. However, too close a distance between
loss can be increased to 54,000 bbl if the off-pattern Wells 11and P1 causes an early steam breakthrough,
distance is increased to 100 ft (Fig. 4a). and oil recovery suffers from that time on (Fig. 6a).
The distances between Well 11 and the two
A Single Injector Off-Pattern producers, P2 and P3, on two sides have been in-
The effect of a single off-pattern injector in a field of creased along with the distance between Wells 11 and
otherwise regular patterns was studied using four P4. Oil recovery in all these producers thus decreases
contiguous normal 2.5-acre, five-spot patterns that (Figs. 6b and-6c). The total effect on the overall OU
form a 10-acre square with an injector at the center. recovery for the four pattern producers is that tht
This injector was allowed to move laterally toward recovery is slightly higher than in Case A within 3
another injector in Cases L/6 and L/3, and years of injection, but is considerably lower at a later
diagonally toward a producer in Cases D/6 and D/3. stage (Fig. 6d).
The case for regular patterns was again designated Losses in oil recovery in Cases D/6 and D/3 are 5.2
Case A. and 10.S070original oil in place, respectively (Table
Lateral movement of Well 11 shortens its distance 4). This means that when an injector is moved
from the two producers, P1 and P2, in front of its diagonally toward a producer for a distance of 80 ft,
movement (Fig. 5a). Oil recovery in Well P1 or P2 is a loss in oil production of 42,900 bbl results after 5
greater in Case L/6 than in Case A. Doubling the years of injection. This loss increases to 80,100 bbl
off-pattern distance in Case L/3 increases the when the off-pattern distance in the diagonal
recovery even more. Lateral movement of Well 11 directiori is increased to 160 ft. ~
increases its distance from Wells P3 and P4 (Fig. 5b). The loss in oil production can be expressed as a
The oil recovery in these two producers therefore is function of the off-pattern distance of the injector,
reduced. This reduction is more severe in Case L/3 regardless of the direction along which the injector is
than in Case L/6. The total of the two counteracting moved. On the average, the loss in oil production can
effects leads to an overall pattern oil recovery that is reach 25,000 bbl when the injector is off-pattern for a
higher during the first 4 years of injection and lower distance of 50 ft. The loss can amoul,t to 46,000 bbl

, ,

! ,
59 w [M ““
Off -Pat krn DistanCe, f t Otl-patt%rn Distance. it Off-pattern Oist.mco, ft

a. Producer b. Injector c. Produceror Injector

Fig. 4- Loss in oil production as a function of off-pattern distance of a well.

SEPTEMBER1979 1105

011 Loss in 011

OffsPattern Recovery Recovery Cumulative Loss in Oil
Distance (?40 original (% original oil Production
Case (ft) 011in place) 011in place) (thousand bbl) (thousandbbl)
A 62.0 505.3 —
%06 3:1 499.8 2;5
:: 113.1 2: 5.0 464.5 40.8
D16 80.0 56.8 462,4 42.9
D13 160.0 51.5 :0!5 419,2 66.1

Basis:Cumulative steam injection = 1.4 PV(5 years of injection)

for an off-pattern distance of 100 ft (Fig. 4b). normal 2.5-acre, five-spot patterns that form a 10-
The average loss in production caused by off- acre square (Fig. 7a). Case A again refers to regular
pattern movement of a producer does not differ patterns in the absence of off-pattern wells. Case 1W
much from the average loss for an injector, as long as has one well off-pattern, which is the injector at the
the off-pattern distance is within 100 ft. These two center, and is moved one step up and one step to the
averages therefore can be averaged again. This left, where one step covers a distance of 56.6 ft. This
average of the averages gives the loss in oil case then is the same as Case D/6 for the off-pattern
production as a function of the off-pattern distance injector mentioned above. Case 3W has two ad-
of a well, regardless of whether it is a p:oducer or an ditional wells off-pattern – one injector and one
injector. This leads to the conclusion that a loss in oil producer. The selecticm of aciditional wells to be
production of 22,000 bbl can result when a well, moved from their pattern locations and the direction
whether a producer or an injector, is moved from its and number of movement steps were determined
pattern location a distance of 50 ft. This loss can randomly, However, three restrictions existed. First,
increase to as much as 50,000 bbl if the off-pattern the four corner wells of the 10-acre square are fried,
distance is increased to 100 ft (Fig. 4c). leaving only nine movable wells, including Well 11,
which already has been moved. Second, the four edge
Multiple Injectors and Producers Off-F”attern wells can only move along their respective edges.
It is logical to assume that the effects of off-pattern These two restrictions were considered necessary to
wells are cumulative if these wells are not close to keep intact the 10-acre, four-pattern area, even
each other. What happens if off-pattern producers though all patterns within this area could become
and injectors occur in the same pattern or adjacent more and more irregular. Third, the possible number
patterns as is usually the case in actual field of steps for the movement is limited to zero, one, and
operations? This study again uses four contiguous, two so that the off-pattern distance will not be un-


,?s4 5 ,?34 >


a. P1 and P2 b. P3 and P4 co Overall

Fip 6- Effect of lateral movement of Injector 11on oil recavery.


I 2 3 4 9 I 2 3 4 5
1 1 I I I I I I 1

0$ 10 15 15


a. PI b. P2 and P3


I 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5
I I I t 1 # I 1


c. P4 d. Overall

Fig. 6- Effect of diagonal movement of injector 11on oil recovery.

SEPTEMBER 1979 1107


I 2
3“ 4 5
El ‘#f”


I I I 1


Number of off-pattern wells
a. Overall 011recovery b. Loss In 011production vs number
of off-pattern wells
Fig. 7 - Effect of multlple off-pattern wells.

?1 ?2





Fig. 8- 011recoveryof center-of-edgeand corner producersin an inverted9- or 13-spotpattern.


duly long. The two additional wells in Case 3W Producer P2 and Injector 11. The steam injected at
involved moving Well 12 left two steps and Well P4 Well 11 tendf to channel toward Well PI, adversely
right zero steps and up two steps. Case 5W includes affecting the performance of Well P2 (Fig. 8a).
two more off-pattern wells, and soon (Fig. 7a). A similar situation exists in the il.verted 13-spot
The movement of an additional producer or in- pattern (Fig. 8b). However, the distance between the
jector away from its ideal location shortens its center-of-edge Producer P2 and Injector 11is fi/2 or
distance from some wells while at the same time 0.866 of the distance between corner Producer P2
increasing its distance from some other wells. The and Injector 11. The distance ratio of 0.866 is much
overall oil recovery of the four patterns involved closer to unity than the 0.707 value in the case of the
could increase in the early life of the steamflood, but inverted nine-spot pattern. The performance of the
recovery invariably decreases later. The effect of corner Producer P2 in an inverted 13-spot pattern is
moving additional wells off-pattern, however, not as poor as that in the case of the inverted nine-
decreases as the number of existing off-pattern wells spot pattern (Fig. 8b compared with Fig. 8a).
increases (Fig. 7a). In the later life of the project, the Cases 5S, 7S, 9S, and 13S refer to five-spot and
reduction in oil recovery from Case A to Case 1W, inverted 7-, 9-, and 13-spot patterns, respectively.
where the first well has been moved off-pattern is The oil-recovery curves in the later life of the project
almost the same as the reduction from Case 1W to (after 0.8 PV or 3 years of injection) silow a general
Case 5W, with four additional wells moved off- trend decreasing in the following order: Case
pattern. The movement of more wells off-pattern 5S > Case7S > “Case 13S > Case 9S (Fig. 9).
produces even fewer additional effects. The use of an inverted 5-acre, seven-spot pattern
The loss in oil recovery when cumulative steam instead of a 2.5-acre, five-spot pattern results in a
injection is 1.4 PV was 5.2%’ofor one off-pattern loss in oil recovery of 2.7070original oil in place after
well, 9.6070for four additional off-pattern wells, and 5 years of injection (Table 6). This corresponds to a
11.6qo for another four off-pattern wells (Table 5). loss in production of 5,500 bbl per producer. Ac-
The corresponding losses in oil production are cording to Muskat,8 the steady-state sweep efficiency
42,900,78,600, and 94,500 bbl, respectively. ~ for a seven-spot pattern is 74.0070,greater than the
The loss in oil production as a function of the 71.W’ovalue for a five-spot pattern. The reason why
number of off-pattern wells shows a curve with a the oil recovery for a 5-acre, seven-spot steamflood is
diminishing slope as the number of off-pattern wells less than that of a 2.5-acre, five-spot steamflood can
increases (Fig. 7b). Moving one well off-pattern in a be attributed to thermal efficiency of steam which
neighborhood composed of regular patterns could decreases with the increasing distance that steam has
cause a sizable loss in oil recovery. This loss may not to travel from injector to producer. That distance is
be as significant if an additional well is moved off- 289.5 ft for the seven-spot, 24070longer than the
pattem in a neighborhood composed of patterns that distance of 233.3 ft for the five-spot pattern. The
already were irregular. losses for an inverted 12.5-acre, 13-spot pattern are
The loss in oil production for Case 5W with five 4.2oi’ooriginal oil in place and 8,600 bbl per producer.
wells off-pattern (78,600 bbl, Table 5) is less than the The worst case is the inverted 7.5-acre, nine-spot
loss in oil production for Case D/3 for one producer patterr. The losses are 16.6070original oil in place
off-pattern (88, 100 bbl, Table 3). A single well off- and 33,800 bbl per producer. The loss of 16.6070
pattern a great distance could damage steamflood original oil in place corresponds roughly to one-
performance more than several off-pattern wells. quarter of the oil normally recoverable by st~-
flood using five-spot patterns.
Comparison of Five-Spot With Inverted 7-,
9-, and 13-Spot Patterns Conclusions
An inverted nine-spot pattern differs from a five-spot IrregularFive-Spot Patterns
in that an additional well is drilled at the center of 1. The off-pattern placement of a producer in-
each side of the square pattern. The distance between creases its own oil production rate, at least before
this center-of-edge Producer P1 and the Injector 11 is steam breakthrough. This off-pattern producer,
only 1/fi or 0.707 of the distance between corner however, adversely affects the performance of its



011 Lose”InOil
Number of Recovery Recovery Cumulative Loss In OH
Off-Pafterne (Yo orlglnal ~ (% original oil Production
Ca$e Wells 011in place) 011in place] (thousand bbl) (thousand bbl)
A o 62.0 505.3 -
56.8 462.4 42,9
:; :. 53.1 t: 432.6 72.7
5W 5 52,4 428.7 78.8
50.7 :: 413.3 92.0
z ; 50.4 11.6 410.8 94.5

Basis Cumulative eteam Injection = 1.4 PV (5 years of Injection)

SEIWE!MBER1979 1169

oil Lose In 011 Cumulative Loss In Oil

Recovery Recovery oil ProductIon
(Yo original (% original per Producer t)er Producer
Case Pattern oil in place) 011In t)lace) (thousand bbl) (thousandbbi)
5s Five-spot 67.9 138.3
Invertedseven%pot 65.2 132.8
Inverted 13-spot

Basis Cumulative steam injection = 1.4 PV (5 years of Injection)

eight neighboring producers to such an extent that a results are based on the assumption that all wells
net loss results in the overall recovery of the continue producing long after steam breakthrough,
surrounding four inverted five-spot patterns. without any operational changes that could alleviate
2. The movement of an injector from its pattern the situation. (These findings apply to the case of 2.5-
location increases the oil prodttction rate of those acre, five-spot patterns, 60-ft sand thickness, 3S%’0
producers whose distance from the injector is porosity, 50070initial oil saturation, and 300 B/D
shortened because of that movement, at least before steam rate.)
steam breakthrough. However$ this is at the expense 4. The effect of moving a well away from its
of the other producers, whose distances from the regular position in an irregular pattern or a group of
injector increased because of the movement. The irregular patterns does not make the performance
overall oil recovery of the four surrounding much worse, although moving a well off-pattern in a
producers suffers an eventual net loss. field of regular patterns could cause sizable loss in oil
3. The movement of a well, regardless of whether recovery.
it is a producer or an injector, from its pattern
location for a distartce of 50 ft can cause a loss in oil Comparison of Five-Spot with Inverted 7-,9-,
production of 22,030 bbl in the fiist 5 years of in- and 13-Spot Patterns
jection. This loss can be as high as 50,000 bbl when The oil recovery in a five-spot pattern (normal or
the off-pattern distauce increases to 100 ft. These inverted) is greater than in an inverted seven-
spot,which in turn is better than in an inverted 13-
spot. The worst case is the inverted nine-spot, where
13S one-quarter of the oil normally recoverable by five-
spots remains unproduced. These conclusions were
reached on the assumptions that the drainage areas
d H of all producers are the same and that the steam rate
is proportional to the pattern size.
1. Bursell, C.G. and Pittman, G. M.: “Performance of Steam
TIME,YEARS Displacement in the Kern River Field,” 1 Pet. Tech. (Aug.
1975)997-lM, Trans., AIME, 2S9.
2. Blevins. T.R. and Billingsley, R.H.: “The 10 Pattern Steam
‘“~ Flood, Kern River Field, Ctilfornia,” J. Pet. Tech. (Dec.1975)
150: 151~ Trans., AIME, 259.
3. Halt, A.L. and Bowman, R.W.: “Operation and Performance
of the SIocum Thermrd Recovery Project,” J. Pet. Tech.
(April 1973)402-408.
4. Ysnosik, J.L. and McCracken, T.A.: “A Nine-Point, Finite-
Dlfference Reservoir Simulator for Realistic Prediction of
Adverse Mobility Ratio Dkplacements,” Sot. PeL Eng. J.
(Aug. 1979)253-262 Trans., AIME, 267.
5. Coats, K.H.: “Simulation of Steamflooding Whh Distillation
and Solution Gas,” Sot. Pet. Eng. J. (Oct. 1976)235-247.
6. Sawabini, C.T., Chilirsgar, G.V., and Allen, D. R.: “Com-
pressibility of Unconsolidated, Arkosic Ofl Sands,” Sot. Pet.
Eng, J. (April 1974) 132-138.
7. Prats, M., Hszebroek, P., and Allen, E. E.: “Effect of Off-
Pattern Wells in the Performance of a Five-Spot Waterflood,”
J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1%2) 173-178; Pvm.s.,AIME, 235.
8. Muskat, M.: Physical Principles of Oil Production, McGraw-
HIIIBook Co. Inc., New Yo;k City (1949).

PV Orlglnal ‘manuscript reoelved in Soolety of Petroleum Englneere office Supt.
20,1$77. Paper arxepted fw publication June 2,1978. Reylaed manuecrlpt
recalved July 13, 1979. Papar (SPE 6728) flret presented at the SPE-AIME
Fig. 9- Comparison of five-spot with inverted 7-, 9-, and 52nd Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition, held In Denvar, Oct.
13-spotpatterns. S-12, 1077.



APPENDIX the contours for the two grids were mostly quite
similar to each other. There was definitely a
Grid-Orientation Effect of the Modified pronounced improvement over the case for the five-
Nine-Point Formulation point formulation, where the contours obtained
The grid-orientation effect of the modified nine- using the parallel grid could often be perpendicukr
point formulation applied td the simulation of the to those obtained usingthe diagonal grid.
steamflood was studied by comparing the oil-
recovery curves and temperature and oil-saturation S1Metric Conversion Factors
dis~ributions for one-fourth of a five-spot pattern acre x 4.046873 E+03 = T12
using parallel and diagonal grids. Oil recoverycurves bM/bbl X 1 = m-/m3
for the diagonal grid almost perfectly matched those B/D X 1.589873 E-01 = ms /d
for the parallel grid. As for the temperature and oil- Cp x 1.000* E-03 = Pa-s
saturation distributions, no perfect agreement was “F(°F-32)/l .8 = “c
obtained whenthe grid orientation was changed from psi, psia x 6.894757 E-03 = MPa
parallel grid to diagonal grid. However,the shapesof Conversion factoris exact.

SEPTEMBER 1979 1111

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