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A S L E Transactions
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Performance Characteristics at the Rib Roller End

Contact in Tapered Roller Bearings
C. L. Karna
Timken Company , Canton, Ohio
Published online: 25 Mar 2008.

To cite this article: C. L. Karna (1974) Performance Characteristics at the Rib Roller End Contact in Tapered Roller
Bearings, A S L E Transactions, 17:1, 14-21, DOI: 10.1080/05698197408981434

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to the total rib reaction at normal bearing speeds is small. is given in Table 1 in terms of the thrust load on the bear-
For relatively high-speed applications the' dynamic in- ing along with the relevant data necessary to calculate the
crease in the rib reaction must be taken into consideration stress. I t was observed that the maximum Hertzian con-
in order to evaluate the rib performance properly. As an tact stress does not exceed 20,000 psi at the rib roller end
example, for the test bearing X-1 listed in Table 1, the contact for the full basic thrust rating for the test bearings.
rib reaction under a bearing thrust load of 3,000 pounds,
given by the first term in Eq. [7], is approximately 24
pounds. The dynamic increase in the rib reaction, given by
the second term in Eq. [7] is only 0.32 pounds at the bearing The subject of EHL film a t rolling/sliding contacts has
speed of 1,000 rpm, and this increases to nearly 8 pounds at been discussed in greater detail in a recently published
5,000 rpm and to a relatively high value of 32 pounds at paper (2). I t may suffice to indicate here that the lubricant
1,000 rpm. Thus, at 5,000 rpm, the dynamic increase rep- film thickness at the rib roller end contact may be calcu-
resents about 25 percent of the total rib reaction and at lated using the basic formulas of Dowson-Higginson (3)
10,000 rpm, it is almost 60 percent. as modified by Cheng (4) for the side leakage and thermal
effects, or it may be more directly calculated from Archard
and Cowking (5) formulas for a circular contact modified
to be used for an elliptical contact.
The frictional torque on the rib is a function of the I t has been observed that the main parameters which
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generated frictional force F, at the rib roller end contact influence the formation of the EHL film are the surface
and the distance H of this contact from the bearing axis. velocities and the lubricant viscosity related parameters
The torque per roller is given by notably the viscosity of the lubricant at the inlet zone of
the contact and the exponential pressure viscosity co-
efficient. The EHL theory indicates relatively insignificant
Assuming that the rib reaction T ois concentrated at the effects of the contact load, the surface material constants
midpoint of the area of contact at the rib roller end, the or the geometry of the contacting surfaces. Increase in
rib torque per roller may be simply written as, the surface velocity is beneficial to the formation of the
film thickness to the extent that it does not lead to decrease
in the lubricant viscosity because of increased speed gen-
where p is the coefficient of friction at the rib roller end erating higher operating temperature.
contact. The total rib torque for the bearing thrust load is In order to make these observations more meaningful,
obtained from, the lubricant film thickness at the rib roller end contact,
for the test bearings used in the experimental part of this
investigation, has been calculated using the basic Archard
where n represents the number of rollers in the bearing. and Cowking formula (5) in the following form (2), as-
Upon substituting the value of the rib reaction from Eq. [7] suming Young's modulus for the test bearings equal to
into Eq. [lo], the total rib torque is now given by, 30 X 106 psi, Poisson's ratio of 0.3 and the pressure vis-
cosity coefficient of the lubricant equal to 1.25 X
Tf(rib) = pHn(2Po Sin v + CF Sin 0) [ll] inch2/pound :
and using the relation for Po from Eq. [6], the total rib ho(rib) = 0.011(~oqou)0~74R0~41T04~m4
inch [13]
torque is
Sin v
T,(rib) = pH (2 W T- nCp Sin 0)
Sin a
+ [I21 The respective value of each of the parameters used in
the above formula, along with the theoretically calculated
As mentioned above, for the normal bearing speeds, the values of the lubricant film thickness has been listed in
second term in the above equation relating to the centrifu- Table 2. Furthermore, the specific film thickness A, de-
gal force may be ignored and the value of p may be ob- fined as the ratio of the film thickness to the composite
tained experimentally as described in later sections. surface roughness U,has been calculated and is also shown
in Table 2. The value of h 0 . I 4 for all the test bearings is
assumed equal to 0.15. The composite surface roughness in
HERTZIAN CONTACT STRESS the calculations for the specific film thickness is equal to
According to the Hertzian contact stress theory, the the square root of the sum of the individually squared rms
contact stress a t the rib and the roller end will be classified surface roughness of the contacting surfaces. The hydro-
as a point contact stress in contrast to the case of line dynamic condition of lubrication a t the contact is defined
contact stress between the raceways and the roller con- in the same manner as suggested by Cheng, et al., (4)
tact. The severity of the stress a t the rib contact primarily namely, that for the specific film thickness A, a value of 4
depends upon the imposed normal contact load and the indicates the existence of thick EHL film, a value between
geometry of the contacting surfaces. The method to calcu- 1 and 4 is considered satisfactory lubrication and finally a
late the maximum Hertzian contact stress is well known value less than 1 is considered marginal lubrication.
(1).For the given sample of test bearings, the maximum I t is recalled that there are two undetermined quantities
Hertzian stress has been calculated for the rib contact and in Eq. [12], the detached rib torque TI and the coe5cient
Performance Characteristics at the Rib Roller End Contact in Tapered Roller Bearings 17


BEARING (lb) ( ~ m ) ("F) (micro-reyn) (in) (in/sec) (micro-in) A*

* Ratio of film thickness to composite surface roughness.

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of friction p . The value of p will depend upon the condition

of lubrication a t the rib contact. I t will be safer to assume
that a t low velocities the value of p will be relatively high
due to possible incomplete condition of hydrodynamic ac-
tion a t the contact and as the speed increases the EHL film
will tend to increase supporting the contact pressure and
separating the surfaces in contact there by lowering con-
siderably the value of p and the rib frictional torque. I t is
obvious that p is intimately related to the lubricant film
thickness and the condition of lubrication a t the given
contacting surfaces. The actual value of may now be
obtained from the experimental part of the investigation.
Fig. 3-Sectional asnembly drawing of the test-rig
The overall objective of the experimental effort is to with a bore of 3.25 in had been selected as the test bear-
determine the rib torque experimentally and thereby ascer- ings. Table 1 lists the important dimensional parameters.
tain the nature and the value of coefficient of friction a t the The test program had been planned to determine the
rib contact. In order to do this, it is necessary to separate effect of the bearing speed, and the bearing load on the
the rib torque from the overall bearing torque. For this rib frictional torque. The test data has been obtained on a 6
purpose, the rib has to be detached from the inner race. channel Brush Chart recorder which records simultaneous-
The test rig built to do this essentially consists of a tapered ly the test data for the rib torque, the inlet and the outlet
roller bearing with outer race (cup) rotating under a thrust temperatures of the lubricant, the rib surface temperature
load applied by a hydraulic cylinder. The rib has been (measured by a thermocouple inserted close to the de-
detached from the inner race and is supported on a circular tached rib surface), and the shaft speed. The loads had
hydrostatic bearing pad. The test rig has been designed to been set a t 500 pound increment for each full range of
carry a test thrust load up to 4,000 pounds and is to be shaft speed from 100 to 1,500 rpm.
operated up to 1,750 rpm. Figure 3 shows the sectional
assembly view of the test rig. The detached rib is individu-
ally free to rotate and the rib torque is measured off a ANALYSIS OF THE TEST DATA
calibrated strain gage attached onto a lever arm fastened I t is not possible to include here all of the test data
to the alignment bracket. SAE 20 mineral oil is supplied taken on the test bearings under the selected operational
under pressure to the hydrostatic pad to support the thrust test parameters. As illustration, Fig. 4 shows the detached
load and this same oil is then passed through the test rib torque plotted against speed for different test load
bearing assembly to be used as the lubricant for the race- levels in the case of bearing series X-2. I t was observed
ways and the rib roller end contact. that in each set of test results, the rib torque reached the
The selection of the test bearings has been based mostly maximum value a t a low speed of approximately 100 rpm
on the adequate overall dimensions of the bearing. For and as the speed was then increased, the rib torque de-
this purpose, specially modified bearings designated X-1, creased rapidly reaching a.relatively small value. There
X-2, X-3, with ah overall OD of approximately 6 in and appears a particular speed, depending upon the test load
I000 Ib. (8ksi)

I00 200 300
K Sliding Velocity (fpm)
Fig. 5-Experimental values of coefficient of friction for the rib-roller
end contact.

' 400 BOO 1200 1600
is drastically reduced as soon as the bearing speed is in-
Cup Speed (rprn) creased, on the average, beyond the 100 to 250 rpm, a
Fig. 4-Experimental values of detached rib torque for test bearing X-2 range of speed which is achieved almost instantaneously
in normal bearing operation.
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on the bearing, at which the value of the rib torque falls In order to relate the coefficient of friction to the condi-
considerably and then remains relatively insignificant. tion of lubrication at the roller end contact, the average
This speed may be classified as the speed a t which the experimental value of p and the theoretically calculated
hydrodynamic condition of lubrication has been achieved, value of the lubricant film thickness as listed in Table 2
thereby lowering the rib torque as shown in Fig. 4. have been shown plotted against the bearing speed in Fig.
With regard to the effect of load, it was observed that 6. I t may be observed that a t relatively higher bearing
the rib torque tends to increase at first with the increase speeds, the drastic reduction in the value of the coefficient
in the rib load; the rate of increase is relatively high a t of friction is well correlated to the rapid build up in the
lower speed range, but at higher speeds the load increase lubricant film thickness.
has no appreciable effect on the rib torque. This may be I t is necessary to mention here that further experi-
explained on the grounds that the coefficient of friction a t mental work has been arranged to obtain the value of p
the rib contact at starting speed is initially high but as the for a relatively larger sample of test bearings to be tested
speed builds up, the contacting surfaces tend to separate under a wider range of speed, load conditions. I t is hoped
due to the hydrodynamic build up of the lubricant film; that the experimental information of p provided in this
the coefficient of friction and, consequently, the rib fric- investigation would help the engineer understand the
tional torque are relatively small in value. The calculated nature of the performance at the rib and its relative small
film thickness as given in Table 2 ranges from approxi- contribution to the total bearing torque ( 6 ) . Now, for
mately 10 microinches at the lowest speed to over 60 instance, the coefficient of friction values obtained in this
niicroinches at the highest. The corresponding specific investigation may be used to evaluate the quantity of
film thickness, for the given test speed range, varies ap- heat Q generated at the rib roller-end contact which for
proximately from 1 to 6. axially applied bearing loads may be obtained from the
Now that the frictional torque values for the detached where J is the mechanical equivalent of heat. As illustra-
rib have been obtained experimentally for different speed tion, Q is calculated for bearing X-3 a t two different bear-
and load conditions for the given test bearings, the value of ing speeds of 100 and 1,500 rpm which correspond to the
the coefficient of friction may be determined by equating sliding velocity of approximately 17 and 255 fpm respec-
the experimental values of the rib torque for the given
bearing, for each specific speed-load condition, against the
theoretical value of T , / p obtained from Eq. [12]. As
mentioned previously, the second term due to the dynami-
cal effect in Eq. [12] is small for the given test speeds and
may be ignored during the course of calculating the value
of p from the test data.
A full range of the values of p has been obtained this
way for each of the test bearings. Figure 5 shows the aver-
age value of p for the given test bearings plotted against
the sliding speed component for each level of the maximum Cup Speed (rprn)
Herteian contact stress a t the rib corresponding to the Fig. 6-Variation in EHL film thickness and coemcient of friction with
test load on the bearing. I t is observed that the value of p varying bearing speeds.
Performance Characteristics a t the Rib Roller End Contact in Tapered Roller Bearings 19

tively. Now from Fig. 5, the value of p corresponding to derived and a simplified version of the rib torque formula
these values of the sliding velocity and for a thrust load of has been presented.
3,000 pounds is approximately 0.06 and 0.007 respectively. The experimental work carried out indicates that the
Substituting the values of n and T ofrom Table 1 for bear- rib torque increases with the increase in the bearing load,
ing X-3 into Eq. [14], the value of Q is given by: but decreases with the increase in the speed for the given
0.06(23) (39.3) (17) speed and load test range. The rib torque is maximum a t
1. (100 rpm); Q = 100 rprn for these tests but diminishes rapidly with the
increase in the bearing speed.
All the experimental evidence indicates that the in-
0.007(23) (39.3) (255) crease in speed builds up the hydrodynamic condition of
2. (1,500 rprn); Q =
778 lubrication a t the contact; it may be concluded that as
long as the hydrodynamic condition of lubrication is
The torque was also measured for a complete bearing maintained at the rib, minimum torque can be expected
for Series X-3 under the same bearing thrust load and a t the rib contact.
speed conditions yielding a torque value of 30 inch-lbs a t Experimental values for the coefficient of friction have
100 rpm and 36 inch-lbs a t 1,500 rprn for a thrust load of been obtained for the different speed, load conditions and
3,000 lbs. The total heat generated for the complete bear- it has been observed that the value of coefficient of friction
ing can be determined as specified in Ref. (7). The values rapidly diminishes as soon as the bearing speed has been
of Q for complete bearing are: increased beyond the initial start up speeds. Using the
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:36 30 April 2015

coefficient of friction values, it can be shown that the rib

1. (100 rprn): Q(tota1) = 0.00067(30)(100) contributes a minor portion of the total bearing heat
= 2.01 BTU/min generated under the normal operational conditions.
2. (1.500 rpm): Q(tota1) = 0.00067(36) (1500)
The author is very grateful for the assistance and en-
I t is observed that a t lower speed level the quantity of couragement given by all his colleagues a t The Timken
heat generated a t the rib is relatively high in relation to the Company.
total heat generated in the bearing, but a t normal oper-
ating speeds (500-1,500 rprn for the data cited) the rib is a
minor contributor to the total heat generated in the tapered REFERENCES
roller bearing. Of course, the total heat generated in the ( I ) Timoshenko, S., "Theory of Elasticity," McGraw-Hil1,Book Inc.
New York, 1952.
bearing a t 100 rprn is only about 5 percent of the total (2) Wren, F. J., and Moyer, C. A., "Understanding Friction and
bearing heat generated at 1,500 rpm. EHL films in Concentrated Contacts of a Tapered Roller Bear-
ing," EHL Lubrication, 1972 Symposium, University of Leeds:
April 1972.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (3) Dowson, D., Higginson, G., "Fundamentals of Roller Gear
Lubrication," Pergamon Press Ltd., 1966.
The dynamic equilibrium of a roller has been considered (4) Cheng, H. S., "EHL Film Thickness in High Speed Rolling and
to determine the increase in the rib reaction due to inertial Sliding Contacts," Mechanical Technology Inc. publication,
forces. I t is shown that for normal bearing operations the May (1967).
(5) Archard, J., Cowking, E., "EHL Lubrication a t Point Contacts,"
dynamical increase is not significant. For high speed ap- EHL Symposium in Leeds September (1965).
plications, the effect of centrifugal force must be taken into (6) Witte, Dwight C., "Operating Torque of Tapered Roller Bear-
consideration to evaluate the value of the rib torque. ings," ASLE Trans. 16, 1 (1973).
(7) "Timken Engineering Journal," The Timken Company, Canton,
Mathematical expressions for the rib torque have been Ohio 1972.

DISCUSSION This discusser would first like to add some words of

H. J. CARPER caution concerning the performance a t the rib-roller end
contact under more severe operating conditions. While it
Southwest Research Institute
is not indicated by the results of this study, the rib-roller
San Antonio, Texas 78284
end contact is a potential problem area particularly a t
Mr. Karna is to be complimented for having made a higher bearing speeds, and in some cases may be the
valuable contribution to the understanding of friction governing factor limiting the maximum speed and load
behavior in tapered roller bearings. The results of this capabilities of the bearing.
study should be of significant interest to all designers and For a tapered roller bearing operating in epicyclic
users of this type of bearing. motion a t constant speed, the ratio of the sliding velocity
(difference between the two surface velocities) to the sum ( A l , AZ) These data also show that friction coefficient
velocity (sum of the two surface velocities) at the rib- generally tends to decrease rather rapidly as the oil film
roller end contact is constant and, depending upon the develops due to the initial speed increase a t a constant
bearing design, can be as high as about 0.2 or higher. sliding-to-sum velocity ratio, and tends to remain relative-
When sliding velocity is so high relative to sum velocity, ly constant with further increase in speed. Also, a t a fixed
there is always the possibility that operation may enter speed, friction coefficient generally tends to increase with
into the boundary lubrication regime. This is because the an increase in conjunction stress, when lubrication is in
frictional heating effect can reduce the oil film thickness the full EHD regime.
more than the higher sum velocities tend to increase it. This discusser will be looking forward to seeing more
Another factor contributing to the possibility of a bound- friction coefficient data for a wider speed and load range,
ary lubrication condition is oil starvation, which is more as the author mentions will be forthcoming. One of the
likely to occur a t high bearing speeds. If for any reason most significant contributions would be a generalized ex-
operation does enter the boundary lubrication regime to pression for friction coefficient in terms of operating and
the extent that appreciable asperity interactions occur, design variables, which is presently not available, for use
then wear is inevitable and failure by scuffing may result. in the rib torque expression.
Whethcr or not scuffing failure does occur will depend upon
the steel composition, surface textures, oil properties,
REFERENCES conditions, and other factors. (Al, AZ)
( A l ) Carper, H . J . , Ku, P. M., and Anderson, E. L., "Effect of Some
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:36 30 April 2015

The thermal and starvation effects are difficult to ac-

Material and Operating Variables on Scuffing," Mechanism and
count for. Under elastohydrodynamic conditions, possibly Machine Theory, Vol. 8 , (1973).
the best ways to handle these problems are those suggested (AZ) Staph, H. E., Ku, P. M., and Carper, H. J., "EKect of Surface
by Chcng (A3) and Chiu. (A4) The effect of starvation on Roughness and Surface Texture on Scuffing," Meclranism and
Machine Tlzeory, Vol. 8 , (1973).
film thickness and friction for the isothermal case has been ( A 3 ) Cheng, H. S., "Calculation of Elastohydrodynamic Film Thick-
discussed by Castle and Dowson. (A5) ness in High-Speed Rolling and Sliding Contacts," MTI Rept.
For, the computation of film thickness in the flooded, 67TRZ4, (1967).
( A 4 ) Chiu, Y . P., "Analysis and Prediction of Lubricant Film Starva-
isothermal case, the use of an expression for the minimum tion in Rolling Contact Systems," ASLE Transactions 17,
film thickness is to be preferred over that for the central- 1 (1974).
region film thickness, such as the Archard expression used ( A 5 ) Castle, P., and Dowson, D., "A Theoretical Analysis of the
Starved Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Problem for Cylin-
by the author. If metal-to-metal contact should occur ders in Line Contact," Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication, 1972
within the conjunction, it will occur where the film is Symposium, IMechE, (1972).
thinnest. For circular conjunctions, the minimum film ( A 6 ) Thorp, N . , and Gohar, R., "Oil' Film Thickness and Shape for a
Ball Sliding in a Grooved Raceway," Trans. ASME, Jour. L d .
thickness, which generally occurs a t the side lobes of the Tech., Vol. 94F1 (1972).
horseshoe-shaped constriction, is typically 25 to 30 percent
less than the central-region film thickness. Actually, since
for the rib-roller end conjunction the ellipse is oriented with AUTHOR'S CLOSURE
the major axis aligned with the flow direction, the ap- The author thanks Mr. Carper for his useful discussion
plication of a side-flow correction to the Archard expression and discerning comments on the subject of performance a t
is most hazardous and subject to question. For the rib- the rib roller end contact in the tapered roller bearings.
roller end conjunction, this discusser feels that an expres- The results of this present investigation and also the one
sion for the minimum film thickness derived from the conducted by Mr. Korrenn (Bl) in Germany should help
optical interference data of Thorp and Gohar (A6) may the design and application engineers to have a better
be more appropriate. understanding of the performance a t the rib roller end
The author has approached the derivation of the rib contact.
torque e.xpression in a rather rigorous manner. However, T o reply to some of the specific comments, the author
this discusser would like to suggest that in the interest of feels that the main thrust of the results of this investiga-
complete analytical rigor, p should be expressed as a func- tion lies in the fact that as long as the hydrodynamic
tion of x and y and integrated along with p and r* in condition of lubrication is maintained a t the rib contact,
Eq. [17]. Since temperature and oil film profiles are not minimum frictional torque will be expected under severe
uniform within the conjunction, p is probably not either; loads and high speed applications. Although the opera-
but due to the lack of knowledge concerning its behavior tional test parameters in the present investigation were
the usual approach is to consider it uniform as the author confined to normal operational conditions, the results as
has done. I t is interesting to consider, however, that various shown by the rib frictional characteristics in Figs. (4) and
models of p could be devised and substituted into Eq. [17], (6) indicate very strongly the trend in the performance a t
under the integral, and the resulting numerical integration relatively higher load and speed conditions in the region
could be compared with rib torque measurements. This marked by the rapid build up in the hydrodynamic film
procedure might provide valuable clues as to the actual thickness at the rib contact. Once the bearing operation
variation of within the conjunction. enters into this region, the effect of increases in speed and
With respect to the friction coefficient behavior shown in load is relatively insignificant.
Fig. 6, the results are typical of data obtained a t SwRI. The ratio of the sliding velocity component to the total
Performance Characteristics a t the Rib Roller E n d Contact in Tapered Roller Bearings 21

sum of the two surface velocities for the test bearings used result in higher film thickness values. By way of further
in the esperiment works out to be approximately 0.08 and comment, the author feels that the debate over the best
this ratio for some bearing series may be as high as 0.16. isothermal film thickness formula is rather futile due to the
T h e effect of sliding as shown by the excellent experimental non-availability of the exact values of some of the pa-
work of Crook (BZ) remains insignificant on the formation rameters e.g., lubricant temperature a t the inlet zone,
of E H L film thickness a t the contact. This is further sup- pressure viscosity coefficient, etc., which are needed t o
ported by the analytical work done by Cheng (4). I n the calculate the numerical values of the E H L film thickness
present investigation, the potential reduction in the film a t the conjunction. What all these formulas do is to give
thickness due t o sliding is more than compensated by the one a relative measure of the E H L film thickness a t the
increase in the film thickness due to the increase in the contact for different load, speed, etc, conditions.
mean surface velocity parameter as shown by calculations For any precise discussion of the accuracy of the values
in Table 2. For instance, the reduction in the lubricant of film thickness, the film should be directly measured by
viscosity because of increase in the rib temperature caused resistance, capacitance or optical interference methods,
by the increase in the speed from 100 to 1,000 rpm., is etc.
approsimately 25 percent only. This reduction in viscosity T h e author has presented a more simple and direct
is compensated by a tenfold increase in the speed parameter formula to calculate the rib frictional torque in the
and since both the speed and viscosity parameters are present text of the paper. Mr. Carper's comments refer t o
raised to the same exponent in the film thickness formula the set of formulas presented in the first manuscript sub-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:36 30 April 2015

of Eq. [13],the total net result is approsimately a five-fold mitted t o the review committee. T h e author fully agrees
increase in the E H L film a t the rib contact. One of the with Mr. Carper's useful recommendations.
main objectives of publishing the results of this investiga- The author agrees whole heartedly that one of the most
tion was precisely to dispel such notions that because of a significant contributions would be t o obtain a generalized
relatively large ratio of sliding to total sum velocity, the expression for the coefficient of friction in terms of operat-
lubrication condition may enter into a region of insufficient ing and design variables. I n order t o d o this, one needs t o
lubrication a t the rib contact. Surely a t very high bearing work with the generalized mathematical model for the
speeds, the frictional heat generated a t the contact is lubricant a t the critical inlet zone of the contact. Working
relatively high, but it is hoped that there is sufficient with the generalized model as suggested by Smith et al.
lubricant made available and supplied t o the bearing be- (Bb) and McGrew et al. (B7), leads to integral equations
fore the bearing is run a t such speeds. of untractable nature. Perhaps the modified model sug-
T h e author agrees that the failure of sufficient supply of gested by Kannel et al. (B8) may be more helpful. T h e
lubricant to the important inlet zone of the contact will personnel at the author's research center are actively pursu-
result in lubricant starvation condition leading to a pos- ing such related problems a t this time, and hopefully, some
sible failure due to scuffing (scoring) a t the contact. The of the work may be published in near future.
author further agrees that the thermal and starvation
conditions are difficult t o compensate for in the usual E H L
design formulas. The work done by Chiu (B3) and Wedeven
(BI) Korrenn, H., "Gleitreibung und Grenzbelastung on den Bord-
et al., (B4) is helpful in understanding the nature of flachen von Kegelrollenlagern," Fortschritt. Berichte VDI
lubricant starvation. The thermal factors as suggested by Zeitschrift Series 1, No. 11, March (1967).
Cheng (4) have been increasingly used by the author in (BZ) Crook, A. W., "Lubrication of Rollers, 111," Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society, London, Vol. 254, Series A,
numerical calculations for E H L film thickness. (1961).
T h e selection of Archard and Cowking formula for (B3) Chiu, Y. P., "Analysis and Prediction of Lubricant Film
calculating the film thickness a t the elliptical contact was Starvation in Rolling- Contact Systems," ASLE Transactions
17, 1 (1974).
chosen due to the main consideration that this formula (B4) Wedeven, L. D., Evan, D., and Cameron A., "Optical Analysis
has been derived by modifying the point contact solution of Ball Bearing Starvation," J. Lub. Tech. 93,3,349-361 (1961).
of a circular contact region. T h e other E H L formulas (B5) Kapitza, P. L., "Lubrication of Rollers and Spheres," 211.Tekk.
Fiz. 25, 757-762 (1955).
usually are based on the line contact area. T h e author has (B6) Smith, R. L., Walowit, J. A., Gupta, P. K., and McGrew, J. M.,
also recommended the use of Dowson and Higginson (3) "Research on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of High Speed
formula for calculating the minimum film thickness at the Rolling-Sliding Contacts," Technical Report AFAPL-TR-71-54,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, (1970).
contact, as modified by Cheng's side leakage factor (4). (B7) McGrew, J. M., Gu, A., Cheng, H. S., and Murray, S. F.,
Actually Archard's and Cheng's side leakage factors are "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication-Preliminary Design Manu-
al," Technical Report AFAPL-TR-79-27, Wright-Patterson
both based on the work done by Kapitza (B5). Since, in Air Force Base, (1970).
this case, the surface velocity vector is oriented along the (B8) Kannel, J. W., and Walowit, J. A., "Simplified Analysis for
major axis of the elliptical contact area, the omission of the Traction Between Rolling-Sliding Elastohydrodynamic Con-
tacts," Journal of Lubrication Technology, Trans. ASME,
side leakage factor as suggested by the discussion would Series F, Vol. 93, No. 1, Jan (1971).

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