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Spanking of Children 1


Exercise #1

Spanking and Corporal Punishment of Children

Ashley Laye

SOWK 300

Tuskegee University

September 14, 2010

Spanking of Children 1

Article 1

Gills-Sims, J., Stratus, M. A., & Sugarnan, D. B.: Child, Maternal, and Family Characteristics
Associated with Spanking

In Child, Maternal, and Family Characteristics Associated with spanking the articles talks
about the side effects of spanking a child. Spanking is a form of discipline based on religious
traditions and beliefs. Research shows that spanking increases a child’s risk of short and long
term side effects that are negative. Problems include thoughts of suicide and depression, being a
violent person and many other side effects. The article shows an estimate of mothers spanking
patterns by children age, relationship between the child and the spanker and spanking norms.
Research shows that 95% 2-4 year old were spanked within 12 months after. 99% of parents
spanked their 5 year olds at least once and 80 -95 % of college students remember being
spanked. The article talks about different researches done on spanking and the effects of
spanking a child being negative or positive.

Article 2

Otis, M. D., & Kaylor, A.: The Predictors of Parental Use of Corporal Punishment

The article talks about how spanking has been used for decades as a form of punishment.
Research examines predictions of corporal punishment focused on the characteristics of parents
and children. An ecological framework show that individuals and community to understand the
nature of corporal punishment being enforced. Research shows that mothers spank their children
more than fathers. Researchers believe socioeconomic status and use of corporal punishment has
been less consistent. The usage of corporal punishment is linked to poverty status, religious
afflictions. It is also based on parenting style, the characteristic of the child and the neighborhood

Article 3

Day, R., Peterson, G., & McCracken, C.: Predicting Spanking of Younger and Older Children by
Mothers and Fathers

This article has six blocks of variables that have the potential to predict if parents
spanked, which attributes of the child are, attributes of the parent, parents ideological orientation,
economic ability, parent child context, community attributes. Spanking is primarily with younger
children within the age of 8 – 10. The severity of spanking is also determined by the
socioeconomics of the person, parents with lower education, living in the South and African
Americans. Researchers tried different methods to examine “why parents spank their children or
use corporal spanking”?
Spanking of Children 1

Article 4

Erkanger, H.: Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: A Reassessment

In Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing, researchers take parents from
different social classes in different cities to observe how and how often they spank their children.
The data for blacks are considerably more consistent with conventional concepts than for whites;
they are also consistent with the data on actual experiences reported. The data for blacks are
more constant with conventional notions than are those for whites; they are also consistent with
the data on actual experiences reported earlier. In 1951, there were no differences between the
upper-middle and upper-lower classes on the extent of use of reward, praise, isolation, reason,
scolding statements involving withdrawal of love, or deprivation of privileges. A problem with
the samples is wide variation in the age of the child referred to in the questions. Many may agree
that with very young children, reasoning is impractical for, and the use of spanking would be
high in all social classes; then, an older child gets the techniques would be higher.

Article 5

McLoyd, V., & Smith, J.: Physical Discipline and Behavior Problems in African American,
European America and Hispanic Children: Emotional Support as a Moderator

This article will take samples from three race groups African American, European
American and Hispanic children, to test if race has a difference in corporal punishment and
spanking. Researched showed that African Americans spanked or discipline their children the
most. One correlation that researchers wanted to test out was whether it was based on social
status of the race. The results were children who experience more spanking on average have an
increase in behavior problems over time. Second, the amount of spanking a child receives
decreases as the child ages; the impact on the growth of behavior problems is blunted, whereas
an increasing amount of spanking appears to increase the growth of behavior problems. When
looking at the impact of spanking on the development of behavior problems, there are no
differences related to race it was the same for all races.

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