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Numbered Heads

What is numbered heads?

The number heads teaching technique was developed by Spencer Kagan (1992). This
technique allows students to share their ideas and considers the most correct answer. Besides,
this technique also prompts students to rise their enthusiastic cooperation. This technique can be
used in every subject and for every student each.


1. Students are grouped. Every student in every group get numbers.

2. Teacher gives task and every groups do it
3. The group decide the most correct answer and make sure every member of group knows
the answer
4. Teacher calls a number. Students with that number report their work

6. Structured Numbered Heads

What is structured numbered heads?

Written develops this teaching and learning technique as a modification from numbered
head which used by Spencer Kagan. This structure numbered head makes task division easier.
With this technique students learn how to do their individual responsibility in relation to their
groups. This technique can be used in every subject and for students level of age.


1. Students are grouped. Every student in every group get numbers.

2. The tasks are given to students based on their number. Example, students number 1 read
the question correctly and collect the data which relates to the solution of the question.
Students number 2 find how to solve the question. Students number 3 record and report
the result of the group.
3. If needed (for a more difficult assignment), teacher can also organize collaboration work
between the groups. The students can be asked to out from their group and gather with
the same numbered students from other groups. In this section students with the same
task can help each other compare their result.

For the efficiency in forming the group and structuring the task, this numbered head technique
can be used in permanent group. In other words, students are asked to remember their group and
their number along the quarter or semester. In order to even the responsibility, the task based on
the number can be chance. Example, students number 1 for this time collecting the data, but will
be ask to report the result for another occasion.

This structure numbered head can also be continued to chance the composition of the group
efficiently. In a specific occasion, the students can come out from their group and gather with the
same numbered students from other groups. This method can be used to decrease the
boredom/saturation if the teacher group the students permanently.

13. Jigsaw

What is Jigsaw?

Jigsaw teaching technique was developed by Aronson et al as a Cooperative learning

method. This technique can be used in teaching reading, writing, listening, or speaking. This
technique combines reading activity, writing activity, listening activity, and speaking activity.
This technique also can be used in same subjects like science, social science, mathematics,
religion, and language. This technique is suitable for every class/level

In this technique, teacher pays attention to schemata or students’ background and helps
students activate this schema so that the lesson becomes more meaningful. Besides, students
work together with other students in cooperative situation and have many chances to process the
information and enhance their communication skill.


1. Teacher divides the lesson into four parts.

2. Before the lesson is presented, teacher gives introduction about the topic which will be
discussed in the lesson for that day. Teacher can write this topic in the blackboard and
asks what students know about the topic. This brainstorming activity is aimed to activate
students’ schemata in order to make them more prepare in facing the new lesson
3. Students are put into group of four
4. The first part of the lesson is given to first student, meanwhile the second student get the
second part, and so on.
5. Then, students are asked to read/do their parts.
6. After finishing it, students share the part which they read/do to each other. In this activity,
students can complete each other information and interact one another.
7. Specifically for reading, teacher distributes the rest of the story which have not been read
to the students. Students read those parts.
8. This activity can be completed with discussion about the topic of the lesson in that day.
The discussion can be done in pairs or whole class.
If the lesson is quite difficult, students can form Expert Group. Students gather
with other students who get same part in the other group. They work together to study/do
that part. Then, every students are back to their own group and share what they have
learnt to the member of their group.

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