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) House speaker Villar transmitted Articles of

8.) Senate formally opened impeachment trial
2001) 9.) Dramatic point where Equitable PCI Bank
testified about alleged account of Estrada
(Petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada alleges that under the name of Jose Velarde involving
he is the President of PH while respondent P500 million
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo claims she is the 10.) Atty. Espiritu who served as petitioner’s
president. Secretary of Finance too the witness stand
and alleged that Estrada jointly owned BW
resources corporation.
 May 1998 elections, petitioner Estrada was
11.) 11-10 senators ruled against opening
elected President while respondent Arroyo
envelope which allegedly contained evidence
was elected as Vice Preident.
showing petitioners secret bank account,

THE FALL OF ERAP public and private prosecutors walked out

12.) Thousands of people assembled in EDSA (10
(Plagued by plethora of problems that slowly
km line of peope holdin candles demanding for
but surely eroded his popularity)
petitioner’s recognition
1.) Chavit Singson accusation that petitioner, his
13.) Sen.Raul Roco moved for indefinite
family and friends were receiving millions of
postponement of impeachment proceedings.
pesos from juetent lords
14.) Chief of Staff of AFP, PNP Chief Director
2.) Senator Gungona privilege speech “I accuse” :
General withdrew support.
P220 million Jueteng money
15.) Cabinet Secretaries, undersecretaries,
3.) House Committee on Public Order and
assistant secretaries and bureau chiefs quickly
Security headed by Rep. Golez decided to
resigned from post.
investigated expose by Singson. While
16.) Proposed to hold snap election for which he
Alvarez, Herrera and Defensor spearheaded
wouldn’t be candidate. (did not diffuse growing
move to impeach petitioner
4.) Archbishop Cardinal Sin’s pastoral statement
17.) Petitioner announced that he was ordering his
asking petitioner to step down.
lawyers to agree opening controversial
5.) Former President Aquino demanded petitioner
to take supreme self-sacrifice of resignation.
18.) Jan 20, a day of surrender. (Negotiations for
Later it was joined by former president Ramos.
peaceful and orderly transfer of powers.
Arroyo resigned as Secretary of DSWD and
19.) Chief Justice Davide administered oath of
later asked for petitioner’s resignation.
Arroyo at high noon at Edsa Shrine.
6.) Economic advisers, cabinet members
20.) Petitioner’s family hurriedly left Malacanang
appeared in clusters. Several cases
STATEMENT : previously filed agsints him were set in
 Acknowledged oath of Arroyo. motion.
 Strong and serious doubts about legality  Special panel of inestigators was forthwith
and constitutionality of proclamation. created by respondent Ombudsman to
 Leave seat of Presidency for sake of peace investigate chares against petitioner.
and the beginning of healing process of  Petitioner filed a petition for prohibition to
nation. enjoin Ombudsman from conducting further
 Cal on supporters and followers to join him proceedings or in any other criminal
in promotion of constructive national spririt complaint filed n his office.
of reconciliation and solidarity.  Filed for Quo warranto praying that
judgment confirming petitioner to be lawful
SIGNED THE FOLLOWING: and incumbent President of RP temporarily
By virtue of Sec 11, Art 7 unable to discharge duties of his office and

 hearby transmitting this declaration that declaring respondent to have taken oath as

I am unable tto exercise powers and and to be holding office in actin capacity

duties of my office. pursuant to provisions of constitution.

 Vice President shall be the acting

President ISSUES:

 Jan 22, after taking her oath, respondent I. Whether petitioner Estrada is a

Arroyo immediately discharged powers and president on leave while Arroyo is

duties as President an acting president.

 Appointed Cabinet, as well as II. Whether conviction of impeachment

Ambassadors and Special Envoys. proceeding is a condition precedent

 Recognized by Foreign Government for criminal prosecution of petitioner

 H.R and Senate issued resolutions Estrada. In the negative, and on the

expressing support to her administration. assumption that petitioner is still the

 Nominated Sen. Gungona as VP. President, whether he is immune

 Senator Guingona took his oath. from criminal prosecution

 Senate passed resolution declaring HELD:

impeachment court as functus officio and I

has been terminated. Estrada:

 After petitioner’s fall from the pedestal of o Denies resignation or that he suffers

power, petitioner’s legal problems from permanent disability.

o Office of the President was not vacant advisor were worried about swelling
wen respondent Arroyo took her oath. crowd in Edsa.
ART 7, SEC 8 (1987 CONSTI)  Petitioner pulled Sen. Angara to
In case of D,PD,RFO, R. Vice president shall small office and said “Ed, seryoso
become President to serve unexpired term. na ito)
IN case of death, permanent disability or  Decided to call for snap elections in
removal from office of both P and VP, which he wouldn’t be a candidate.
President of Senate, Speaker of the House  Expressed no objection to
of Rep shall act as president until next suggestion of a graceful and
president or vice president shall have been dignified exit but said he would
qualified. never leave country.
 THE ISSUE THEN IS WHETHER  Resignation was implied.
OR SHOULD BE CONSIDERED 1.) Transition period of 5 days
RESIGNED AS OF JAN 20,2001 WHEN after resignation
RESPONDNT TOOK HER OATH. 2.) Guarantee of safety of
 There must be intent to resign and intent petitioner and his family
must be coupled by acts of relinquishment. 3.) Agreement to open 2nd
 Validity of resignation is not envelope to vindicate name
governed by any formal  Second round of negotiation :
requirement as to form. It can e cements reading that petitioner rhas
oral/written. As long as resignation resigned
is clear, it must be given legal  According to Secretary Angara,
effect. draft agreement which was
 Estrada did not write any formal letter of premised on the resignation of
resignation. petitioner was further refined. It was
 SC USED: TOTALITY TEST then signed by their side and h was
 Determined from acts and ready to fax it.
omissions, before, during and after  HOWEVER, SIGNING BY
 Stated the succession of events ABORTED BY HER OATH TAKNG
 Used Angara Diary which revealed  In sum, we hold that resignation of
that on Jan 19, petitioner’s loyal petitioner cannot be doubted. It was
confirmed by his leaving in malacanang.
investigation under Sec 12 RA 3019 that
 It is however urged that petitioner did not bars him from resigning.
resign but only took temporary leave of o It cannot be considered pendin at
absence due to his inability to govern. time petitioner resigned because
o Petitioner’s resignation from presidency the process already broke down
cannot be subject of changing caprice nor when majority of senator-judges
of a whimsical will especially if resignation voted against opening of 2nd
is the result of his repudiation by the envelope, when public or private
people. prosecutors broke out
 Petitioner claims that as a matter of law, he o Proceedings were postponed
could not resign. indefinitely.
 Sec 12 RA 3019 otherwise known as Anti- o There was in effect no
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, prohibits impeachment case pending against
his resignation petitioner when he resigned.
 :No public officer shall be allowed to resign II.
or retire pending an investigation for any  CONTENTIONL He is merely temporarily
offense under such act or under provisions unable to perform the powers and duties of
of RPC on bribery presidency and hence is a President on
o Intent of law ought to be obvious. It is to leave.
prevent the act of resignation o retirement  Petitioner postulates that respondent
from being used by public official as a Arroyo as VP has no power to adjudge the
protective shield to stop investigation of inability of petitioner to discharge powers
pending criminal or administrative case and duties of presidency
against him and to prevent his prosecution  Congress has ultimate authority under
under AntiGraft Law or prosecution for constitution to determine whether the
Bribery under RPC. Presidnet is incapable of performin his
o Sec 12 of RA No 3019 cannot be invoked functions in a manner provided in Sec 11 of
by petitioner for it contemplates cases Art VII
whose investigation or persecution do not  (Insert provision here)
suffer from any insuperable legal obstacle  Considering set of facts:
like immunity from suit of sitting president o Clear that regcognition is the premise that
 Petitioner contends that impeachment the inability of Estrada is no longer
proceeding is an administrative temporary. Congress has clearly rejected
petitioner’s claim of inability.
o In fine, even if the petitioner can prove that o Impeachment is now functus officio, It
he did not resign, still, he cannot is untenable for petitioner to demand
successfully claim that he is a president on that he be first ipeached and convicted
leave on the ground that he is merely nable before he can be prosecuted.
to govern temporarily. o He lost his presidency, petitioner
o Claim laid to rest by Congress and the Estrada cannot demand as a condition
decision that respondent Arroyo is the de sine qua non to his crimininal
jure President made by a co-equal branch prosecution before ombudsman that he
of government cannot be reviewed by be convicted in impeachment
court. proceedings.
III. o Only tenure: immunity from suit.
 Petitioner Estrada claims that
1.) Cases filed against him before the
respondent Ombudsman should be ESTRADA v. DESIERTO (APRIL 2001)
prohibited because he has not been
Petitioner raises the following grounds
convicted in impeachment proceedings
against him
 Petiioneer argues that court misinterpreted
2.) He enjoys immunity from all kinds of
meaning of Sec 11, Art 7 of Constitution in
suit whether civil or criminal
that Congress can only decide issue of
o Principle of Non-liability does no mean
inability were there is variance in opinion
that chief executive cannot be
between majority of Cabinent and
personally sued in relation to acts as an
officer. He may be liable for acts
 It is also urged that President’s judgment
outside his power. He is only protected
that he is unable to govern temporarily
from question of authority and wrong
which is thereafter communicated to
Speaker of the House and the President of
o We reject his argument that he cannot
Senate is a political question which this
be prosecuted fro the reason that he
court cannot review.
must first be convicted in impeachment
o We cannot sustain the petitioner. Lest
proceedings The impeachment trial of
petitioner forgets he himself made
Estrada was aborted by walkout of
submission that Congress has the ultimate
prosecutors and by events that led to
authority under the Constitution to
the loss of his presidency
determine whether president is incapable
of performing his functions in the manner issue of inability when there is variance of
provided in Sec 11, Art 7. optio between majority of Cabinet and
o If petitioner now feels aggrieved by manner President.
Congress exercised its power, its  The situation presents itself when majority
incumbent upon him to seek redress from of cabinet determines that President is
Congress itself. unable to govern; later the President
o Power is conceded by petitioner to be with informs Congress that his inability has
Congress and its alleged errorneous ceased but is contradicted by a majoriy of
exercise cannot be corrected by this Court. members of Cabinet.
 Petitioner attempts to extricate himself from  It is also urged that President’s judgment
submission that Congress has ultimate that he is unable to govern temporarily
authority to determine his inability o govern which is thereafter communicated to
and whose determination is a political Speaker of the House and Pres of Senate
question by now arguing that whether one is a political question which court cannot
is a de jure or de facto Pres is a judicial review.
question.  Lest petitioner forgets he himself made
 On issue of resignation under Sec 8, Art 7, submission that Congress has the ultimate
authority under the Constitution to
we held that issue is legal and ruled that
determine whether president is incapable
petitioner has resigned from office before of performing his functions in the manner
Arroyo took her oath. provided in Sec 11, Art 7.
 He asserts that these acts of Congress
 Inability to govern under Sec 11, Art 7 :
should not be accorded any legal
Congress has ultimate authority to
significance because (1) post facto (2)
determine the question as pined by
declaration of presidential incapacity
petitioner himself and that the
cannot be implied.
determination of congress is a political
o We disagree. There is nothing I Sec
judgment which this court cannot review.
11 Art 7 which states that
 Petitioner cannot blur these specific rulings
declaration by congress of inability
by the generalization that whether one is a
must always be a priori or before
de jure or de facto president is a judicial
VP assumes presidency.
o This priori recognition by President
of Senate and Speaker of the
 Petitioner argues that Court misinterpreted
House of Representatives of
meaning of Section 11 Art VII of
respondent Arroyo as the
Constitution tha Congress can only decide
constitutional successor to IV. IMPEACHMENT AND ABSOLUTE
presidency was followed by post IMMUNITY
facto by various resolutions of  Petitioner reiterates argument that he must
Senate and House in effect first be convicted in impeachment
conforming this recognition. proceeding before he could be criminally
o Resolution No. 83 declaring the prosecuted.
impeachment court functus officio.  Contends that walkout from impeachment
o Acts of Congress a priori and post proceedings should be considered as
facto cannot be dismissed as failure to prosecute on part of public and
merely implied recognition of private prosecutors and the termination of
respondent Arroyo. case by senate is equivalent to aquitta.
o The constitution clearly sets out the o Petitioner relinquished presidency and
structure on how vacancies and respondent Arroyo took her oath as
election contest in office of Presiden President of Republic.
shall be decided. o Senate passed Resolution 83 declaring
o Thus in Sec 7, Art 7 covers impeachment court : functus officio
instances when o Petitioner cannot invoke double
a.) President elect fails to qualify jeopardy.
b.) Presdent shall not have been o REQUISITES OF DOUBLE
chosen JEOPARDY:
c.) If at beginning of term of 1. Valid complaint
President, President elect shall 2. Before competent court
have died or become 3. After arraignment
permanently disabled. 4. Valid plea was entered
o Sec 8, Art 7 covers situation of 5. Defendant was acquitted or
- Death, permanent disability, convicted or case was dismissed or
removal from office or resignation of otherwise terminated without
president express consent of accused.
o Sec 11, Art 7 covers cases were the o Petitioner failed to satisfy 5th requisite for
President transmits to the President of he was not accqitted no was
Senate and Speaker of the House his impeachment proceeding dismissed
written declaration that he is unable to without his express consent
dischare powers. o He was not convicted in impeachment
o By resigning from presidency, petitioner Facts:
more than consented to termination of  Petitioner was engaged in manufacture of
impeachment case against him, for he embroidery and apparel products for
brought about the termination in purpose of exportation using important raw
impeachment proceedings. materials authorized by collector of
o Petitioner stubbornly clings to contention customs
that he is entitled to absolute immunity  1961: RA 3137 was enacted creating an
from suit “embroidery and apparel control and
o His arguments are merely recycled and inspection board
we need not prolong longevity of debate.  Sec 2 thereof provides that board shall be
o 1987 Consti: public office is public trust. composed of
o Petitioner as a non-sitting president (1) Rep from Bureau of Customs to act as
cannot claim executive immunity for his chairman to be designated by
alleged criminal acts committed while a Secretary of Finance
sitting president. (2) Representative from Central Bank
o Petitioner fails to distinguish between designated by Governor
term and tenure. (3) Representative from Department of
Term Time during hich officer may Commerce and Industry to be
claim to hold office as of right designated by Secretary of Commerce
and fixes interval after which and Industry
several incumbents may (4) Representative from National Economic
succeed one another Council to be designated by its
Tenure Term during which chairman
incumbent actually holds (5) Representative from privat sector
office coming form Association of Embroidery
and Apparel Exporters of PH
 Petitioner was asked to remit
aforementioned application amount of P


 Unwilling to comply, petitioner filed an
CONTROL AND INSEPCTION BOARD action for prohibition with preliminary
injuction in court a quo.
- RA 3137 : acts be declared void  Congress may increase power and
because they are done without duties of existing offices without
jurisdiction from prohibiting same or thereby rendering it necessary that
similar acts the incumbent should be again
- While congress may create an nominated and appointed.
office, it cannot specify who shall be  Nothing in the Act nor in the records
appointed therein of case suggest that designated
- Members of the Board can only eb representatives to board will lose or
appointed by President forfeit their original appointments in
- Since act prescribes that chairman their parent offices
and members of Board should  No attempt to deprive president of
come from specified offices, it is power to make appointments and
equivalent to declaration by therefore on this point, we rule that
congress as to who should be law is not unconstitutional.
appointed, thereby infringing
constitutional power of president to
make appointments.
 For chairman and members of board
to qualify they need nonly be
designated by respective department
 With the exception of representative
from private sector, they seat ex-
 In order to be designated, they must
already be holding positions in the
offices mentoned in law.
 No new appointments are necessary.
 Representatives so designated
merely perform duties in Board in
addition to those they already perform
under their original appointments.

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