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T.Y. Diploma : Sem.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Time: 3 Hrs.] Prelim Question Paper Solution [Marks : 100

Q.1(a) Attempt any THREE of the following : [12]

Q.1(a) i) Explain in brief the necessity of Refrigeration and define Refrigeration effect. [4]
(A)  Our habits or fascination for particular commodities calls for the conservation of the
commodities even for the periods when they are naturally unavailable hence for this reason
refrigeration is necessary.
 Another necessity of refrigeration and air conditioning lies in the development of certain
scientific equipments and their operation under controlled environment in order to get
reliable results.
 In order to allow workers at their highest efficiency in certain environment, use of

refrigeration becomes a necessity.

Refrigeration effect
Refrigeration effect may be defined as the amount of heat removed from the application by the
refrigerant. Units of refrigeration effect is KJ.

Q.1(a) ii) Sketch Bell column cycle on P-V and T-S. List process involved. [4]
(A) an
P  V and T  S diagram
Process 1  2  The air is compressed isentropically

Process 2  3  Heat rejected to atmosphere at constant pressure.

Process 3  4  The air is expanded isentropically
Process 4  1  Heat is absorbed at constant pressure.

Q.1(a) iii) Draw a neat labelled symmetric diagram of a simple vapour compression [4]
refrigeration system ?

Fig. :Flow diagram of simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle

Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma – RAC

Q.1(a) iv) Draw a neat labeled sketch and explain working of pulse tube refrigeration. [4]
(A) Pulse tube refrigeration uses the idea of sudden pressurization and depressurization are
employed to get refrigeration effect.

Pulse Tube Refrigeration

Working of pulse tube refrigeration

i) The main components are pulse tube refrigerator, valve mechanism and cooling system.
ii) A high pressure gas from gas source is supplied at temperature equal to ambient temperature
to the base of the pulse tube.

Q.1(b) Attempt any ONE of the following : [6]

Q.1(b) i) Explain and draw Electrolux refrigeration system. [6]

Fig. : Domestic electrolux type refrigerator

Operation or Working of Electrolux system :
 The strong aqua-ammonia solution is heated in the generator by external source usually a gas
 During heating process aqua-ammonia vapour rises up through analyser where dehydration
of aqua-takes places then it passes through a rectifier where complete water particles are
removed and reback to generator and the strong ammonia vapour are sent to condenser.
 In condenser the ammonia vapour changes its phase from vapour to liquid. Condensation of
ammonia vapour is done by external cooling source.
 The liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser flours under gravity to the evaporator where it
meets with the hydrogen gas.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

 The hydrogen gas which is in the evaporator increase the rate of evaporation. During the
process of evaporation it absorbs latent heat from the refrigerated space and thus produces
cooling effect.
 The mixture of ammonia vapour and hydrogen from evaporator is passed to the absorber
where ammonia vapour is absorbed in water while the hydrogen rises to the top and flows
back to the evaporator. Thus cycle is complete
 C.O.P. =
Heatsup pliedinthegenerator

Q.1(b) ii) Explain in brief with a neat sketch a hermetically sealed compressor? [6]


Hermetically sealed compressor

In ordinary compressor, the crankshaft extends through the compressor housing and is
connected to driving motor.
 A seal must be provided at the place where the shaft comes out through the compressor housing
which is necessary to prevent the leakage of refrigerant outside or leakage of air inside.
 In order to avoid such a leakage the complete set of compressor, motor and the leaked
refrigerant are enclosed in one housing which is known as hermetically sealed compressor.

 The power is supplied to three terminals of the starting winding and the motor is operated

through a relay.
 The relay cuts off starting winding after start up thus leaving running winding in circuit. The
relay acts as an overload protector also.
 The suction and discharge line comes out from the housing and a service line is also
provided for charging of refrigerant and lubricating oil.
 The winding of motor in the housing is exposed to the suction vapour refrigerant which help
for cooling also.

Q.2 Attempt any TWO of the following : [16]

Q.2(a) A refrigerating machine using R-12 as refrigerant operates between the pressures 2.5 bar [8]
and 9.0 bar. The compression is isentropic and there is not under cooling in the condenser.
The vapour is dry and saturated condition at the beginning of the compression. Estimate
the theoretical COP. If the actual COP is 0.65 of theoretical COP, calculate the net cooling
produced per hour. The refrigerant flow is 5 Kg/min.
The properties of refrigerant are :
Pressure Satu. temp. Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg K)
(Bar) (C) Liquid Vapour Vapour
9.0 36 70.55 201.8 0.6836
2.5 7 29.62 184.5 0.7001
Take specific heat of superheated vapour at 9 bar as 0.64 kJ/kg K.

Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma – RAC

(A) Compressor pressure = 9 bar

Evaporator pressure = 2.5 bar

From the properties of Refrigerant,

h1 = 184.5 kJ/kg, S1 = 0.7001 kJ/kg K,

h 2 = 201.8 kJ/kg, S'2 = 0.6836 kJ/kg K,
h3 = 70.55 kJ/kg, h '4  29.62 kJ/kg.
 Consider the process 34; Throttling process.
Enthalpy before throttling = Enthalpy after throttling
h3 = h4 = 70.55 kJ/kg

Consider the process 12;

Enthalpy at compressor inlet = h1 = 184.5 kJ/kg
PV = C
 Entropy before compressor = Entropy after compressor
S1 = S2
 T2 
S1 = S'2 + Cp loge  
' 
 T2 
2 T 
0.7001 = 0.6836 + 0.64 loge  
 36 
T2 = 317 K

 Enthalpy at compressor exit, h2 = h 2 Cp  T2 T2 

= 201.8 + 0.64 + (317  309)

= 206.92 kJ/kg
h1h 4
(COP)th =
h 2 h1

= 5.083
 Actual COP = 0.65  (COP)th
= 0.65  5.083 = 3.304
Compressor power = m (h2  h1)
(206.92  184.5)
= = 1.868 kW
Actual COP =
 3.304 =
 Net RE = 6.17 kW
 Net cooling produced per hour = 6.17  60  60
= 22.212 kJ

Prelim Question Paper Solution

Q.2(b) Refrigerating machine working between the temperature limits of 13C and 37C [8]
and has 90% relative COP. It consumes 4.8 kW power. Determine TR capacity. For
same TR capacity, how much power will be consumed by carnot refrigerator? Also
for the same power consumption, determine TR capacity of carnot refrigerator
operating between same temperature limits.
(A) Temperature of sink = T2 =  13 + 273 = 260 K
Temperature of source = T1 = 37 + 273 = 310 K
 (COP)carnot refrigerator =
= 5.2
Relative efficiency is 90%.

 0.90 =

 COP)actual
 0.90 =
 (COP)actual = 4.68
Actual compressor power = 4.8 kW
(COP)actual is given as,
RE actual
(COP)actual =

 4.68 =
RE actual
 REactual = 22.464 kW
For carnot cycle, if power is same
(COP)carnot refrigerator =
 5.2 = 24.96 kW
 RE = 24.96 kW
 TR capacity =

= 7.096 TR

Q.2(c) Explain the working of compressor used in air conditioning system of car with sketch ? [8]
[Wobble plate]

Wobble Plate type Compressor

Working :
 The compressor is driven by engine power with a belt and driven pulley.
 The compressor has an electromagnetic clutch that can engage or
dis-engage the compressor pulley when the engine started.

Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma – RAC

 When the system is activated by turning the switch ON, the current flows, through the
electromagnetic coil.
 The strong magnetic pull draws the armature plate against the side of the turning pulley.
 This locks the pulley and the armature plate together and thus the armature plate drives the
 The drive shaft rotates, a fixed rotor and driver ring is rotated thus the wobble plate rotates
and the friction material pushes the ball bearings back and forth.
 Due to this movement a suction valve opens and the compressor sucks the refrigerant vapour
from the evaporator and compresses it to the required pressure ratio.
 Thus increasing the temperature of refrigerant vapour the it discharges to condenser and then
back to the evaporator.

Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following : [16]

Q.3 (a)Explain with a neat sketch thermostatic expansion valve ? [4]
(A)  The operation of this valve is based on the principle of constant degree of superheat for the

vaporator exist i.e. by controlling the flow of liquid refrigerant through the evaporator.
 The thermostatic expansion valve consists of a needle valve and a seat, a metallic diaphragm,
spring and adjusting screw.
 In addition to this it has a feeder or thermal bulb which is mounted on the suction line of
compressor near the outlet of the evaporator coil.
 The filler bulb is partly filled with the same liquid refrigerant as used in refrigeration system.
 The opening or closing of valve is depended upon the force on the diagram.

Thermostatic expansion valve

Operation :
 The remote bulb is charged with fluid which is open on one side of the diaphragm through
capillary tube is firmly to evaporate outlet.

 The pressure (Pb) of the fluid in the bulb tends to open the valve. This pressure is balanced
by pressure due to spring (PS) and in the evaporator (Pe).
 If the evaporator temperature is high or the load on the evaporator increase, more fluid from
feeler bulb will be vapourised and bulb pressure will rises which exert this force on
 This will widen the valve opening and the refrigerant flow will increase to meet load demand
and if load on evaporator decreases reverse action takes place.

Q.3 (b) Explain with neat sketch the working of ice-plant ? [4]
(A)  The ice plant of can system uses a simple vapour compression cycle in its primary circuit using
ammonia (NH3) as refrigerant and brine in secondary circuit.
 The ice can in ice plant contains water which rejects heat to brine which is been circulated in
secondary circuit.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

 This brine is pumped through the evaporator and again return to the brine tank.
 In evaporator the heat of brine is transferred to the refrigerant NH3 in primary circuit. This
cooled brine is again returned to insulated brine tank.

Ice Plant (can type)

 The vapour refrigerant (ammonia) is sucked by compressor from evaporator and then

compressed to a high pressure which is then condensed in a condenser with the help of water
by cooling water circuit.
The high pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the receiver and then it is passed through
expansion valve.
 The throttle liquid ammonia form at lower pressure and lower temperature enter in an
evaporator which is coil dipped in brine.
 So brine is cooled and ammonia absorbs heat and forms vapour and cycle is repeated.
Q.3 (c) State the effects of suction pressure and discharge pressure on performance of [4]
vapour compression system ?
(A) Following are the effect of reduced suction pressure
(i) Increases the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.

(ii) C.O.P. of the system reduce.

(iii) Reduce in net refrigerating effect by = [(h2  h1)  (h2  h1) = (h2  h2)] kJ/Kg
(iv) Compressor work increase by [(h3  h2)  (h3  h2)]
(v) Compressor capacity increase due to increased specific work.

Effect of suction pressure

Effect of change in discharge pressure
(i) The mass of refrigerant to be circulated per ton of refrigeration increases.
(ii) C.O.P. of the system decrease.
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(iii) Heat rejected in the condenser per ton of refrigeration increase due to increase mass flow of
refrigeration therefore size of condenser increases.
(iv) As mass flow rate increases, compressor capacity increases per ton of refrigeration through
specific volume of refrigerant at entry to compressor remains the same.
(v) Refrigeration effect reduces by an amount equal to [(h2  h1)  (h2  h1)] by (h1  h1) KJ/kg.

Q.3 (d)Explain the concept of green house effect and global warning ? [4]
(A)  All the living organism except trees releases CO2 which at is absorbed by trees and releases
 The balance of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere is responsible for affecting atmospheric

 Due to rapid industrialization large forest of were cut which lead to increase in CO2 in

 The excess of CO2 destroys the stratospheric ozone (O3) layer which protects the earth from
excess heat coming from the sun.
 As the ozone layer thickness is reduced it creates a void which allows solar rays to directly
fall on earth which increase the earth temperature and hence the earth atmosphere.
 This effect of reducing O3 layer is called green house effect.
Global warming
 The part of the solar energy absorbed by the atmosphere and earths surface is re-emitted at
infrared radiation by them.
 These radiation are absorbed by greenhouse gases like CFC refrigerants, CO2, O3, NO3 and

CH4 present in the lower atmosphere.

 This increases the temperature on the surface of earth which is called as global warming due
to green house effect.

Q.3 (e) State the desirable properties of ideal refrigerants. [4]

(A) Low boiling and freezing point.
ii) High critical pressure and temperature.

iii) High latent heat of vapourisation.

iv) Low specific heat of liquid and high specific heat of vapour.
v) Low specific volume of vapour.
vi) High thermal conductivity.
vii) Non-corrosive to metal.
viii) Non-flammable and non-explosive.
ix) Non-toxic.
x) Should be low in cost.
xi) Easily and regularly available.
xii) Easy to liquefy at moderate pressure and temperature.
xiii) Easy of locating leaks by odour or suitable indicator.
xiv) Ozone friendly.
xv) High co-efficient of performance.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

Q.4 (a)Attempt any THREE of the following : [12]

Q.4 (a)i) State the classification of condenser used in refrigeration system ? [4]

Q.4 (b)ii) Explain working principle of evaporative condenser with neat sketch ? [4]
(A)  The evaporative condenser perform both the combined function of a water-cooled condenser
and a cooling tower.
 In its operation the water is pumped from sump to spray header and sprayed through nozzles
over the condenser coil through which hot refrigerant from compressor is passing.

of tuber.
 Heat is transferred from refrigerant in the condenser into the water that is outside the surface

 A fan is also used which draws air from the bottom side of condenser and discharges out at
the top of condenser.
 The air causes the water from the surface of the condenser coils to evaporate and absorb the
latent heat of evaporation from the remaining water to cool it.
 Since heat for vaporizing the water is taken from the refrigerant, therefore the vapour
refrigerant condenses into liquid refrigerant.
 The cold water that drops down into a sump is recirculated. A float valve keeps a check of
water level.
 The eliminator is provided above the spray header to stop particles of water escaping along
with the discharge air.

Evaporative Condensers

Note : For exam student must draw any one figure.

Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma – RAC

Q.4 (c) iii) Explain the concept of sensible heat factor and bypass factor with suitable [4]
sketches ?
(A) By-pass factor : When air passes over a coil, some of it say “x” just by-passes unaffected while
the remaining (1  x) kg comes in direct contact with the coil. This by-pass process of air is
measured in terms of by-pass factor.

Balancing the enthalpies, we get
xCpm td1 + (1  x) Cpm td3

= 1  Cpm td2 (Cpm = specific humid heat)
x (td3  td1) = td3  td2
td3  td 2
x = , where x is by pass air
td 3  td1
Sensible Heat Factor :
The ratio of sensible heat to total heat added is known as sensible heat factor (SHF) process of
sensible heating on the psychromatic chart is shown by a horizontal lin 1  2 extending from left
to right.
Sensible heat factor =
an Sensibleheat

Q.4 (d)iv) List different types of dehumidifiers. Describe most commonly used type with [4]
sketch ?

(A) Different types of dehumidifiers

i) Spray type dehumidifier ii) Cooling coil type dehumidifier

i) Spray type dehumidifier :

 This type of dehumidifier is similar with humidifier with an exception that the water
used for spraying purpose is having temperature below the dew point temperature of air.
 The outside fresh air enters through filter which removes the dust particle.
 This air is then passed through cold water having temperature below dew point
temperature of the room air.
 By this the outside air is cooled below its dew point temperature (DPT) and thus excess
moisture is removed.
 However, the dry bulb temperature of air leaving the eliminator is much below the DBT
of desired condition space.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

 Hence an heater is used to maintain the temperature through which air is passed to
condition space.
 A refrigeration system is used to cool the water supply the and an overflow pipe is
required to drain the added water.

Spray type Dehumidifier

Q.4 (b)Attempt any ONE of the following : [6]

Q.4 (b)i) Explain the thermal exchange mechanism of human body with environment? [6]
(A)  The human body works best at a certain temperature, like any other machine, but it cannot
tolerate wide range of variation in their environmental temperature like machines.
 Human body tries to maintain its thermal equilibrium with the environment by means of
three modes of heat transfer i.e. Evaporation, radiation and convection.
 A human body feels comfortable when the heat produced by metabolism is equal to sum of
heat dissipated to surrounding and stored in human body by increasing the temperature of
body tissues.
QM  W = QE ± QR ± QC ± QS
QM = Metabolic heat produced within the body
W = Useful rate of working
QR, QC is heat test or gained by radiation and convection respectively.
+ when heat is lost to surrounding.
 when heat is gained from surrounding.
 In summer the energy stored ‘QS’ increases and temperature of body increases. This leads to

increase in blood flow rate through the extremities and body starts perspiring and thus
reduces body temperature. This condition is called vasodilation.
 In winter stored energy may become negative because of decrease in temperature. Thus
reducing the blood flow rate through extremities which results in shivering. Such a condition
is called as vasoconstriction.
 For comfort feeling thermal neutrality is required and in order to achieve that there should be

no stored energy and hence no change in temperature.

 Any variation in the body temperature acts as a stress to the brain which ultimately results in
either perspiration or shivering.

Q.4 (b)ii) Explain factors affecting human comfort? [6]

(A) Following are the factors affecting human comfort :
i) Effective temperature
ii) Moisture content of air
iii) Heat production and regulation in human body
iv) Heat and Moisture losses from the human body
v) Quality and Quantity of air
vi) Air motion
vii) Air stratification
viii)Hot and Cold surfaces
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Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following : [16]

Q.5 (a) Draw a labeled sketch and explain working of window air conditioning system? [8]
(A) Working :
 First the low pressure, low temperature refrigerant vapour is sucked by hermitically sealed
compressor and compressed to high pressure, high temperature and it is then discharged to
condenser to reject the latent heat.
 The liquid refrigerant passes through the filter into the capillary tube where it is throttled
and the flows to the evaporator coil at lower pressure.
 This liquid refrigerant than rapidly boils at low pressure and picks up evaporation enthalpy
from the evaporator surface.

 A fan or blower is used to drive the air from room through air filter from the lower part of
the unit and forces it to flow over the evaporator coil.
 The temperature of the cooling coil absorbs the heat from the air and is circulated back
into the conditioned room.

 Due to this the temperature of room air is reduced hence air becomes chilled and
circulated back into the conditioned room.
 But due to reduction in the temperature of the air dew is formed on the surface of the
cooling coil. For this purpose the temperature of the cooling coil is lower than then the
dew point temperature of the air.
 This moisture present in circulating air is removed and flows from coil surface and drips in
the tray at the bottom. This moisture in the tray (pan) evaporates to some extent which

helps in cooling the compressor and condensor.

 This type of air conditioning is used for office, bed room, drawing office etc.

Q.5 (b)Explain with neat sketch the various losses in the duct? [8]
(A) i) Surface Frictional Loss:
The frictional resistance of a duct of any cross-section is given by Darey’s equation,
flv 2
hf =
D = Diameter of circular duct.
V = Velocity of the fluid flowing in m/sec.
f = Friction factor.
L = Length of the duct in meters.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

The friction factor f is depend on Reynold number,

f = when Re < 2300

ii) Dynamic Losses in Ducts:

 Whenever there is change in direction or velocity in the flow through duct, the pressure loss
is inevitable. The additional loss called dynamic loss.
 The change in magnitude of velocity occurs when the area of duct changes.
 The change in magnitude or direction which cause accelerating and decelerating force
which may be internal or external.
 The pressure loss due to the change of direction of velocity at elbow is known as velocity
pressure head.

iii) Loss due to Enlargement:

When the area of duct changes, the velocity of air flowing through the duct changes, when
area increase, the velocity decrease with rise in pressure which form eddies at the corner thus
sudden or abrupt change is neglected.
iv) Loss due to Sudden Contraction:
 When the air is flowing and having a sudden or abrupt contraction, the eddies are formed
at the shoulders of the large section and beyond the entry at the smaller section forming a

(a) Sudden contraction (b) Gradual contraction


 The loss of pressure due to sudden contraction is not due to contraction itself but it is due
to sudden enlargement of flow area from vena-contracta to the section of smaller duct.

v) Pressure Losses in Elbow and Bend:

Le = Equivalent length of duct.
Kd = Dynamic loss coefficient.
 The value of (Le / Kd) is different for different elbow. The value of (Le/Kd) is mostly
affected by the geometry of elbow and surface roughness of duct wall and remains
unaffected by the air velocity.
 To minimize the pressure loss in the bend, the splitters are generally used, aspect ratio is

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vi) Losses at Suction and Discharged Opening:

(a) Abrupt entrance

an (b) Formed entrance

When an abrupt suction opening is provided the air is accelerated at the opening, forming a
vena-contracta inside the duct. In this case sudden changes from infinity to duct area and
dynamic loss coefficient.
Q.5 (c) A cold storage room has walls made of 0.23 m of brick on the outside, 0.08 m of [8]
plastic foam and finally 15 mm of wood on the inside. The outside and inside
temperature are 22C and 2C respectively. If the inside and outside heat transfer
coefficient are 29 and 12 W/m2 K respectively the thermal conductivities of bricks,

foam and wood are 0.98, 0.02 and 0.17 W/m K respectively. Determine rate of heat
removal by refrigeration per unit area of wall.

Inside heat transfer coefficient = hi = 29 W/m2 K

Outside heat transfer coefficient = ho = 12 W/m2 K

U = Overall heat transfer coefficient

Prelim Question Paper Solution

1 1 X1 X 2 X3 1
=    
U h 0 K1 K 2 K 3 hi
1 15 0.08 0.23 1
=    
12 10000.17 0.02 0.98 29
= 4.4407
U = 0.225 W/m2 K
 The rate of heat removed by refrigeration per unit area of wall,
Q = UA (To  Ti)
. = U(To  Ti)
= 0.225 (295  271)
= 5.40 kJ/m2

Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following : [16]
Q.6(a) State application of refrigeration from domestic, commercial and industrial area? [4]
(A) Domestic application :
The household refrigerator used for storing food, vegetables, milk etc. is a common example of
refrigeration from domestic area.

Commercial application :
1) They are used to store frozen food, fish, cold drinks, Ice creams, milk for longer duration.
2) Commercial application involves the deep freezers.
3) Air conditioning for restaurants and hotels
4) Air conditioning used in hospitals.

Industrial application :
1) Pharmaceutical industries uses refrigeration system to produce granular product which
requires dry and low temperature of air for its preservation.
2) Rubber industries.
3) Oil refinery : Use of refrigeration system is done in various stages such as during the
removal wax from oil.
4) Textile industries are also using refrigeration methods to maintain dry condition.

Q.6 (b)What are the factors which need to be considered during design of car air [4]
(A) The automobile compartment is designed by considering several factors to achieve the required
conditions for all weather such as :
i) Higher outside temperature
ii) Dissipation of heat by engine.

iii) Colour of vehicle is also considered

iv) Infiltration of air and ventilation
v) Solar radiations through glass, window and roof depending upon the position of sun and
intensity of solar radiation, cleanness of sky.
vi) Vehicle speed and wind direction and velocity of air.

Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma – RAC

Q.6 (c) Draw and Explain a neat diagram for closed perimeter system for duct [4]

(A)  This type of conditioner is usually placed in the basement and it is located near the
geometric centre of all the outlet.
 The ducts run through the basement foundation slab, the flour and connect the air
conditioner to supply to outlet grill.
 The return grill are generally located on the bottom side of the inside wall.
 This arrangement is commonly used for residential system.
Q.6 (d)What is sensible heat gain and latent heat gain 2 list the sources of sensible and [4]
latent heat gain in a restaurant?
(A)  Sensible heat gain : When there is direct addition of heat to the enclosed space, a gain in the
sensible heat is said to occur.
 Latent heat gain : When there is addition of water vapour to the air in enclosed space, a
gain of heat is latent heat.
 The sensible heat gain may occur due to following sources of heat transfer :
(a) Heat flowing into the building by conduction through exterior walls, floors, ceilings,
doors and windows due to temperature difference on their two sides.
(b) Heat load due to solar radiation are divided into two forms.
i) Heat transmitted directly by radiation through glass of windows and

ii) Heat from sun will be absorbed by the walls and roof and transferred to room by
(c) Heat received from the occupants.
(d) Heat received from different equipments which are commonly used in the
air-conditioned space.
(e) Miscellaneous heat sources which include the following :

i) Heat gain through the walls of ducts carrying conditioned air through
unconditioned space in the building, leakage of ducts.
ii) The heat gain from infiltrated air.
When there is addition of water vapour to the air in enclosed space, a gain of heat is latent heat.
The latent heat gain occur due to following factors.
The latent heat gain occur due to following factors :
(a) The heat gain due to moisture in the outside air entering by infiltration.
(b) Heat gain from occupant (person).
(c) Heat gain from cooking, due to condensation of moisture from any process.
(d) Heat gain from products or material brought into the space.

Prelim Question Paper Solution

Q.6 (e) Air at 25C WBT 25% RH is to be conditioned to 22C. DBT and 11 gm / kg d.a. [4]
specific humidity. Determine heat transfer per kg of dry air referring the
psychrometric chart. Represent the process on chart by sketch.
(A) Given :
tw = 25C WBT, 25% RH, td = 22C DBT,
W = 11 gm / kg d.a
h2 25% RH
W = 0.11 kg/kg of d.

22 25

From Chart W1 = 0.0128 kg of d.a
h1 = 77.5 KJ / Kg
h2 = 49 KJ / Kg
W2 = 0.011 Kg / Kg of d.a.
Heat transfer per kg of d.a. = h1  h2
an = 77.5  49
= 28.5 kJ / Kg



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