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D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .

Class: Pract icum 4

Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 09/02/2018

Ent ered: 25/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona t ook out count ing bears. She used t he pat t ern sheet provided. She followed t he pat t ern, placing t he bears Red,
Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue, Red... Ramona placed a Green bear on t he empt y spot . She t hen count ed t he bears. She
count ed and ident ified wit h her finger 1-8.

20a Count s
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 3

23 Demonst rat es knowledge of pat t erns

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 07/02/2018

Ent ered: 25/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

At circle t ime, Ramona t old a friend "First we sit for circle t ime, t hen we wash our hands and t hen we have snack." Aft er snack
Ramona's t eacher said, "What do we do now?" Ramona t urned and said "Read a st ory, t hen free choice and art !"

12b Makes connect ions

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 07/02/2018

Ent ered: 21/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona went t o dress up. She at t empt ed t o pull t he dress over her head and failed. She t ried again and t hen began t o cry.
She looked around and went up t o her friend Haley and said "Can you help me?" Haley helped Ramona put t he dress on. They
bot h ran around t he room singing "I am a princess!"

1a Manages feelings
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

1c Takes care of own needs appropriat ely

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4

2c Int eract s wit h peers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 06/02/2018

Ent ered: 24/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona walked over t o t he t able and sat down. She said "I want t o pract ice my writ ing." The
t eacher handed her a blue marker and a book full of writ ing act ivit ies. Ramona opened up t he
book and said "The E says EH!" Ramona t raced t he ent ire sheet and used a 3 point grip.

7b Uses writ ing and drawing t ools

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

16b Ident ifies let t er-sound correspondences

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 1

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 05/03/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona went t o play at babies, she played wit h t wo friends. Ramona grabbed a baby and
called it "Peanut ." She wrapped t he baby in blanket s, and "fed" it a bot t le. She and her
friends t hen walked around t he room, t he t eacher asked what t hey were doing and Ramona
said "we are t aking our babies for a walk." Ramona t hen grabbed t he blanket s and covered
herself up and said "Look guys, I am a grandma!"

12b Makes connect ions

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 7

14b Engages in sociodramat ic play

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 05/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona came int o preschool lat e t oday. She walked in t he room and said "What are we doing?" The t eacher replied, "Go
move your owl, put your st uffed animals away and come t o t he art t able." Ramona moved her owl, and sat at t he art t able.
The t eacher said "Why is your st uffed animal st ill out ?" Ramona ran and put it away, and came back t o art t able.

8a Comprehends language
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

8b Follows direct ions

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 20/03/2018

Ent ered: 30/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona follows t wo of her friends t o play at t rains. Ramona said "Guys, let s make a t rain st at ion." They begin t o build a
house wit h wooden blocks. They finish t he building, and when asked what t hey built t hey said a t rain st at ion. Ramona and her
friends push around t rains on t he t rack, and park in t he t rain st at ion t oget her. They played at t rains for 20 minut es, and t hen
went t o play-doh t oget her.

2c Int eract s wit h peers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

2d Makes friends
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 16/03/2018

Ent ered: 30/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona was preparing t o do egg balancing. The t eacher said "First you must put your egg on your spoon, t hen you must hold
t he spoon in your hand, and t hen you must walk on t he balancing beams. Once t he music st ops you must freeze, wit hout
dropping your egg." Ramona t hen put her egg on t he spoon, grabbed t he end of her spoon and st epped on a balance beam.
She walked around beams and once t he music st opped, she froze.

8a Comprehends language
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

8b Follows direct ions

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 7
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 14/03/2018

Ent ered: 30/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

At snack t ime, Ramona laid all of her cheese crackers out all around her napkin. She began count ing at t he t op and went
around t he sides and t hen count ed t he middle. She point ed t o each cheese cracker and gave each one only one number,
never recount ing t hem. Ramona count ed 26 cheese crackers.

20a Count s
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 28/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona played at lacing cards. She grabbed a card t hat was already laced. She began pulling t he lace t hrough and it kept
get t ing caught . She pulled it and got it t hrough. It got caught again on a different hole. Ramona frowned and said "Not
again!" She pulled it t hrough. She finally got it unlaced and began t o lace it again by herself.

11a At t ends and engages

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

11b Persist s
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 27/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona sat at t he reading carpet looking at t he book "Green Egg's & Ham" by Dr. Seuss. Ramona laughed at t he pages. The
t eacher walked over and said "Isn't t hat book so silly?!" Ramona said "Yes, can you read it t o me!!" The t eacher read it , and
Ramona said "Those words all rhyme!" "Boat and Goat !" "Fox and Box!"

15a Not ices and discriminat es rhyme

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 3

17a Uses and appreciat es books and ot her t ext s

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 21/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona went t o play at kit chen. She ran over and began t o play in a group of 4 children. Ramona said "I am t he mom!" She
grabbed t he apron and began t o put it on. She got it on but could not get it t o t ie. Ramona frowned, she asked a friend t o
help her. The friend t wist ed t he t ies and t hey went t o play.

1a Manages feelings
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

1c Takes care of own needs appropriat ely

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

2c Int eract s wit h peers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 19/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona wat ched t he t eacher pour dry Orbeez int o a cont ainer. Ramona said "What are
t hose?" The t eacher said "I can make t hem grow! Wanna see?" Ramona said "wit h wat er?"
The t eacher began t o pour t he wat er, Ramona wat ched. The Orbeez's grew, and Ramona
played wit h t hem. They kept falling out of t he cont ainer. Ramona moved t he cont ainer and
t hey kept falling out . Ramona t hen pushed her chair in more, and moved t he cont ainer a lit t le
more and was able t o st op t he Orbeez from falling out .

11c Solves problems

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5

11d Shows curiosit y and mot ivat ion

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 16/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona was coloring a heart in t hat her t eacher drew. Ramona grabbed t he marker wit h a 3 point finger grip. She colored
using only her hand, not moving her ent ire arm. Ramona st ayed wit hin t he lines, she showed her t eacher and smiled when she
said "That is awesome!"

7b Uses writ ing and drawing t ools

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 7

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 14/02/2018

Ent ered: 26/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona played at ABC mat ch Valent ine's Day game. She sat at t he t able and was able t o ident ify every let t er as well as t he
sound. She would first mat ch t he lower case t o t he upper case let t er, t hen sing "The A (what ever let t er) says AH t he A says
AH every let t er makes a sound t he A says AH."

16a Ident ifies and names let t ers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 8

16b Ident ifies let t er-sound correspondences

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 31/01/2018

Ent ered: 18/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona began count ing on t he t imeline. She point ed t o 1 and said "That is number one!" The t eacher said "Where is number
2?" Ramona point ed t o t he number t wo. They cont inued t his and Ramona got t he numbers correct unt il number 7. Ramona
point ed t o 14 and said "That is 7!"

9b Speaks clearly
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 6

20a Count s
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 26/01/2018

Ent ered: 18/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona went t o sit down for snack when someone was in her spot . Ramona began t o cry and ran t o t he carpet . The t eacher
asked "Why are you crying Ramona?" She said Clark is sit t ing at my spot . The t eacher t ook Ramona's hand and said "Can you
show me?" Ramona got up and wiped her t ears, she walked over t o her spot . The t eacher said "Ramona can you t ell Clark
t hat is your name." Ramona said "Clark t hat is my name! My name st art s wit h a R and ends wit h a A!"

1a Manages feelings
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 2

11c Solves problems

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 1

16a Ident ifies and names let t ers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 2

D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 23/01/2018

Ent ered: 18/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona grabbed a marker and began drawing a pict ure. The t eacher asked what she was drawing and she said "Shane, my
big brot her!" Ramona held t he marker wit h a full fist .

7b Uses writ ing and drawing t ools

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4

9b Speaks clearly
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 5
D o c u me n t at io n : R amo n a B .
Class: Pract icum 4
Teacher: Emma Laforge
Observed: 01/02/2018

Ent ered: 21/03/2018

Ent ered by: Emma Laforge

Ramona was coloring wit h a marker. Ramona was coloring wit h a blue marker when a friend
asked for it . She said "Once I am done you can use it ." The friend said "You are not even
coloring in t he lines." Ramona began t o cry and ran t o t he carpet . The t eacher t old Ramona
t o t ell her friend how t hat made her feel. She t old t he friend "It makes me sad when you t alk
about my pict ure." Ramona t hen handed her friend t he blue marker and said "Now it is your
t urn."

1a Manages feelings
Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 2

2c Int eract s wit h peers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 2

3a Balances needs and right s of self and ot hers

Ramona B., Preliminary Rat ing: 4

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