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Impact of Training on Time management at

SPI Insurance’s company

Submitted to: Dr. Irfanullah Arfeen

Submitted by: Abdur Rahman

Reg # 08151411005
MBA-V (2 Years)

Quaid-I-Azam School of Management Sciences

Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad
Table of Contents
1. Organization profile……………………………………………….………3
2. Ice breaker………………………………………………………….………3
3. Learning Objectives ........................................................................................3
4. Time Management & simple concepts ..........................................................4
Module 2....................................................................................................................6
5. Time Management Principles ........................................................................6
Moudule 3 .................................................................................................................9
6. Productive Work .............................................................................................9
Module 4..................................................................................................................14
7. Crisis Management........................................................................................14
Module 5..................................................................................................................16
8. Planning , Tips & Techniques ......................................................................16
9. Tips & Techniques.........................................................................................17
10. Annexure ( Training evaluation form/ smile sheet ) .Error! Bookmark not
1. Organization profile:

SPI Insurance Company Limited (SPI), an unquoted public limited company, was established in 2005.
The company is owned by United International Group (UIG) by 69%, followed by Silk Bank (23%) and
Saudi Pak Group (SPG: 8%). The overall control of the company vests in the seven members on the
BoD. Two members represent Silk Bank and five members represent UIG. UIG is a diversified group
having interests in insurance, tracking business, IT, agriculture, insurance brokerage and
microfinance-banking. Mr. M.A. Shahid, CEO/MD since beginning Jun-11, is a law graduate having
extensive insurance industry experience, especially with The United Insurance Company of Pakistan
- a flagship company of UIG. He is assisted by a team of experienced professionals
2. Ice breakers:
Two to three ice breakers are performing so that everyone take interest and communicate with
other to eliminate the shyness and hesitation and built interesting learning environment. After it we
perform an activity with is related to time management so that employees have better idea about
training content.

3. Learning Objectives

Effective time management skills drive all successful organizations. In this module we will
tell them the key time management skills that adopt in organization will deliver endless

When we will complete this module they will be able to define the key concepts associated with
time management and you will be able to:

 Identify the main obstacles to effective Time Management in your daily role.
 Understand the nature of Time Management.
 Understand a range of tools, techniques and concepts for Time Management.
 Use these techniques to build an effective Time Management process that will enhance your
productivity and lower your stress.
 Explain the benefits of having an effective Time Management process.
4. Time Management & simple concepts
In order to prepare to manage the time more effectively, it is necessary to understand some simple
concepts. These are:

 What is Time Management?

 Essential Habits

 Types of Time

 Over and Under Estimation of Time

4.1. What is Time Management?

Time management has five main aspects:

 Planning & Goal Setting

 Managing Yourself
 Dealing with Other People
 Your Time
 Getting Results

You may notice that the first 4 all interconnect and interact to generate the fifth aspect of results

4.2. Essential Habits

Research and experience have consistently shown that there are essential habits that drive excellent
time management. These include:

 Know where the hours are going

 Keep focused on the end result
 Work to defined priorities
 Schedule time for important issues
 Delegate routine tasks and responsibility for them
 Confront your own indecision and delay
 Take the stress out of work

If we keep applying the essential habits, we will never be excessively concerned about time.
4.3. Types of Time

Although all of us refer to time in terms of either of not having enough or having too much it is
generally accepted that time should be categorized into two types:

 Fast Time
 When absorbed in, or enjoying an activity

 Slow Time
 When bored with an activity or having a bad time
 When scared

4.4. Over- and Under-Estimating Time

Time for tasks or activities can be either over- or under-estimated due to:

 Intensity of activity
 Level of brain function
 Length of gaps between enjoyments
 Fear or ecstasy

4.4.1. Effects of Estimating Time Incorrectly:

 Under-estimation of time
 Stress due to committing to too many tasks
 Poor quality output
 Deadlines may be missed

4.4.2. Over-Estimation of Time

 Stress due to people pressing to have activities completed

 Poor quality output
 Deadlines set may not match requirements.
Module 2
5. Time Management Principles
Individuals and organizations are paying increased attention to time management as a route to
maximizing the return on activities undertaken. There are four basic principles to consider:

 Time Management Principles

 Spent Time Matrix
 Focus on time and resources
 Time Based Management

5.1. Time Management Principles

Covey identified 4 waves in time management each of which help us understand the concept of
time in relation to the organization.

1. Notes and Checklists

 Recognition of the demands on energy & time

2. Calendars and appointment books

 Scheduling with some focus on the future

3. Prioritization
 Comparison of the relative worth of activities

4. Self-Management
 Realization that time cannot be managed - it is ourselves that we have to manage!
5.2. Spent Time Matrix

The Spent Time Matrix is an important tool that will help you make better your use of time. By
understanding what are the implications of being within any one of the quadrants you will be able
avoid the pitfalls of inefficient use of time and will assist you in prioritizing your time.

Spent Time Matrix

Urgent Not Urgent

Q1 Crises Q2 Prevention
Important Deadlines Relationship building

Q3 Interruptions Q4 Pleasant Activities

Not Some Meetings Busy Work
Important Popular Activities Time wasters

5.3. Focus on Time & Resources

For effective management of time, there needs to be a reasonable attempt made to look at the time
and resources required to complete a task. The quality of the outcome is directly influenced by the
resources and time constraints involved.
Focus on Time & Resources
• For effective management of time there needs to be a reasonable
attempt made to look at the time and resources required to
complete a task:

Resources Time

• The quality of the outcome is directly influenced by the resources

and time constraints involved

5.3.1. Pre-Analysis of Performance

The ability to learn from past experience allows time management to improve performance as well
as the discipline of reviewing past performance allows the organization to:

 Debug projects before initiation and subsequent waste of resources

 Define critical points in processes that need to have particular attention paid to them
 Improve the overall utilization of resources by capturing and implementing best practice

5.3.2. Analysis of Goals and Objectives

By setting goals that relate to business performance and conform to SMART criteria the organization
will improve productivity:

S -- Specific and well defined objectives

M -- Measurable outputs and inputs.
A -- Achievable in terms of resources available and expectations
R -- Relevant to the overall business strategy
T -- Time bound with an operational schedule
5.4. Time-Based Management

To achieve time-based management, they will need to ask themselves the following questions:

 Is the allotted time for completion of plans realistic for the person / team?
 In the effort to achieve results, is efficient use made of the available time?
 For teams - how can the time available be used to generate the optimal results?
 Is task-related time management appropriate and realistic in the situation?

Moudule 3
6. Productive Work
Now that we have presented some of the key aspects of time management, it is now necessary to
apply this learning to the concept of productive work. After all it is why most of us want to learn
about time management!

There are five key terms that we need to understand about productive work so that we can manage
our time more effectively.

 Busy versus Productive

 Indecision & Delay
 Overwork
 Urgency versus Importance

6.1. Productive Work versus Busy Work

The one thing that we all can say about our work is that we are busy.

However, just because you are busy does not mean that you are productive!

To determine whether you are busy versus productive you will have to differentiate between:

Effectiveness -- doing the right things

Efficiency -- doing the right things correctly

Problem No. 1

Procrastination is the first problem that all of us face in our journey to manage time more effectively.

This is simply putting off doing the things that you should be doing at this point!

To overcome this involves

 List all tasks that you are currently putting off.

 Remove two from the list by doing them now!
 Plan and set a schedule for dealing with the rest.
 Reward yourself when the tasks are completed.
 Punish or account to yourself when tasks are not completed on schedule.

6.2. Dealing with Indecision or Delay

When faced with a task - decide to deal with it according to one of the following actions:

 Do it
 Delegate it
 Dump it
 Deadline it
 Dissect it

This may at first seem to be a simplification and easier said than done. However, take a few minutes
to think about the activities that engage in everyday and try to see if the actions above would help
make better use of your time.

Problem No. 2

Paralyzing perfectionism is the second problem to solve when deciding whether we are busy or

This is a failure to recognize the difference between excellence and perfection.

The following definitions should help us decide if we are affected by paralysing perfectionism:

Excellence is:

 Achievable
 Healthy
 Satisfying
 Realistic

Perfection is

 Unattainable
 Frustrating
 Unrealistic
Problem No. 3

Setting unchallenging objectives is another problem that many busy, but unproductive, individuals

Objectives need to be set that challenge you in a realistic manner and take heed of resource
availability. Otherwise you are busy without any possibility of success.

Now we can use the extended SMART criteria by adding another S. This SMARTS criteria will ensure
that the objectives are:

 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Realistic
 Time-Bound
 Supported by the Organization

Although the conversion of the SMART criteria to SMARTS may seem like a small step, the difference
is really immeasurable. Take a few moments to think of how your efforts to manage your time have
been affected by lack of support from your organization.

6.3. Overwork

We all at times believe that we are overworked but are we really?

Overwork can have effects that may be classified as:

 Psychological
 Physiological

We all have probably expressed that we are overworked at one stage or another in our career.
However, people are overloaded for two primary reasons:

 The person or team does too much

 The person or team has too much to do

To deal with over-work, try the following.

 Understand your pressures

 Don’t get worked up or panicked

 Don’t blame everything on yourself

 Walk away

 Estimate time as well as possible

 Agree priorities and keep them

 Remind yourself that there is a limited amount of time available to you

The last approach and probably the most important

 Breathe and manage your time as you are in control of how you utilize your own time
 Urgency V Importance

Have ever we noticed that everything at work is always urgent these days? But have we ever
considered that everything urgent may not be important?

Prioritization Grid


Priority 2 Priority 1

Priority 4 Priority 3


To help the prioritize will need to differentiate between

 Urgent Tasks
o Assume importance as they demand immediate attention.
 Important Tasks
o May become urgent if left undone
o Usually have a long term effect

To judge importance v urgency, gauge tasks in terms of

 Impact of doing them

 Effect of not doing them
Module 4

7. Crisis Management
It is commonly accepted that poor crisis management is closely associated with poor time
management. Often what occurs is that an issue is raised and there is not enough time to deal with
it. This is usually then compounded by the stress that is caused by the crisis and a belief that there
is a need to react to the crises.

Many organizations and individuals operate in a constant state of crisis reaction which generates
greater unpredictability within the organization and a negatively charged and stressful work
environment. To avoid this situation and improve and manage time skills it is important to consider:

 Proactive versus Reactive Work

 Why Crises Occur?
 Anticipating and Preventing Crises

7.1. Proactive v Reactive Work

7.1.1. Reactive work - concentrates on getting things done.

 Handling daily routines

 Dealing with urgency
 Resolving crises
 Handling interruptions

7.1.2. Proactive work - concentrates on making things happen.

 Developing plans and schedules

 Focusing on key tasks
 Achieving deadlines & targets
 Managing projects

Although this may seem like a rather subtle difference in terms of working styles, it is all important
when managing your time effectively.
7.2. Why Crises Occur?

Checklist of reasons:

 Failure to recognize the crisis

 Underestimation of time required
 No contingency plan is ready
 No follow-up on delegated tasks

7.3. Anticipating and Preventing Crises

The most effective way to anticipate and prevent crises is to:

 Set deadlines and stick with them

 Use interim targets and milestones to break the task or project into manageable chunks
 Build the schedule so that it is realistic

Rules for Managing Your Time and Managing Crises

 Rule 1: Be Proactive

Being proactive means taking initiative, not waiting for others to act first, and being
responsible for what you do. The opposite of proactive is reactive. Reactive people tend to
react to what goes on around them. Proactive people act based on principles and purpose.
 Rule 2: Start with A Clear Objective

Think things through. Plan your work. The carpenter's rule is "measure twice, cut once."
Planning requires that you set realistic goals, not only for your job, but also for the various
assignments you have to complete. Take a few minutes to write out your goals and then list
the steps to achieve them. You may even want to add the element of time to each task--how
long will it take and when can you do it.
 Rule 3: Target What Is Important First

Make sure to distinguish the goals that are truly important (e.g. Meeting with the client)
from those that may seem urgent but are really not important. You do not want to spend an
inordinate amount of time doing busywork--work that appears productive but only keeps
you occupied.

 Rule 4: Look Ahead

Essential to being proactive, as opposed to reactive, is to project ahead that will be difficult
and begin to develop a plan to address the difficulty anticipate.
 One Last Word...

If we have never managed our time before, it will take a little bit of time to learn how and to
do it. But just like anything else, the more we do it, the better we get. This, in turn, will allow
to schedule time better and faster.
Do not assume, however, that you have to do everything outlined in this section of the
course. Instead identify those suggestions mentioned that will enhance your way of
managing time. Perhaps, you prefer to compose daily "to do" lists rather than to maintain
weekly schedules. That's just fine. Be discriminating and remember that, in many cases, you
will have to modify our advice to fit your learning style.

 While you are scrutinizing your use of time, make sure to note any patterns to your wasting
time. Also note under what circumstances you use time effectively. No one knows you better
than yourself; in most cases, you are your own best friend

Module 5

8. Planning, Tips & Techniques

 No discussion on time management would be complete without adequate recognition of
the importance of appropriate planning

8.1. What is a Plan?

A plan is a road map set in real time to reach an objective or set of objectives through the use of
defined resources.

8.2. Information & Planning

Essential information -- we need to know what we have to plan.

Once this is established:

 Break the task into manageable chunks.

 Gauge the time required for each chunk.
 Schedule each chunk into a logical sequence.
8.3. Time Management Systems

There are certain key criteria that need to be applied to a time management system:

 Functional
 Portable
 Intelligible

Pitfalls associated with time management systems are:

Totally dis-organized ‘system’

 Nothing can be located when required.

Perfectly maintained system

 Too much time is spent keeping the system in perfect condition as opposed to actioning the
items contained within it.

Key components of a time management system are:

 Appointments
 Dated deadlines
 Tasks - to do and work in progress
 Ideas and notes
 Key task identification
 Personal information
 Financial planning records
 Crises log
 Project log
 Contact list

9. Tips & Techniques

Now that you have learnt the important aspects of time management we can explore practical tips
and techniques that will repeatedly help you manage your time more efficiently.

In this final section we will explore:

 Time Logs
 Quality Time
 Managing Documents
 Managing Interruptions
 Managing Workspace
 Managing Your Phone

9.1. Time-Logs

A time-log is an effective way to see where time actually goes during the working day. Record the
information for about 2 weeks to get a representative picture of time spent. By logging activities
and the time taken to complete them, the time-log provides useful information that can identify:

 Accuracy of estimating time for tasks

 Time stealing activities
 Level of interruption
 Loading during the day.
 Crises points / tasks

Date Time Activity

Sample Time Log – remember to provide as much detail as possible

Time logs will help us understand how we use your time, so that we can identify and eliminate all
time-wasting activities. As a result time logs will allow us more time to do our work and increase
productivity at work. In addition, it will also free time so that we can also achieve a greater work-
life balance.

When we set out first to record our time we will more than likely be surprised at the amount of
time-wasting activity we engage in. In addition, we will soon realize that what we thought and did
everyday may be quite different. Be patient and keep filling in the time log and the benefits will soon
pay considerable dividends.

As you become more confident at completing your time logs, it is important to turn your attention
to analyse these logs.
To do this simply review your log and consider what time spent is valuable, what activities we should
continue to follow and how could we free up time by doing things differently.

The important aspect of this technique is that it allows us to record and review what we do and
what time is used.

Always remember that time is not an endless commodity.

9.2. Quality Time

Quality time is where we can plan to do the most important high priority tasks.

 It allows for deep concentration through eliminating interruptions

 It imposes a structure on work
 It allows us to move away from reactive work to proactive work

9.3. Dealing with Documents

Document handling can steal a vast quantity of time from your working day. Improve document
handling by handling documents only once by:

 Act on what is required by the document

 File the document for reference later

 Dump the document

Have a good system for handling your documents that allows us to:

 Define what you need to keep and for how long

 File materials easily and logically
 Facilitates access to materials
 Purge the files on a regular basis
9.4. Managing Interruptions

In any given day we are all interrupted at some stage from the activity that we are undertaking.
Whether this is by a phone call or a colleague calling to our office they all can impact the time you
have allocated to a particular task.

Your objective should be to try to reduce the number of unwanted interruptions by applying the
following practical techniques:

 Create a visual barrier at your workspace to reduce the incidence of ‘drop-in’ visits

 Don’t have extra chairs in your workspace - people do not hang around as long if they must

 For important work - move to another space so the potential interrupters can’t find you!

 Tell people that you are busy, explain why and arrange to contact them at a more suitable

It is always not possible to manage interruptions but it is important that we try to limit the frequency
if these interruptions.

9.5. Managing Your Workspace

How your workspace is organized has an impact on how efficient you are at managing your time.

How many times have you said?

I must tidy my desk and get on top of my paperwork.

The following will help you improve your efficiency:

 De-clutter your desk by clearing it at the end of each working day

 File documents once they have been used

 Purge files regularly

 Organize a workflow system in space

9.6. Managing Your Phone

The telephone can be responsible for eating vast quantities of your time. Although many of these
calls are a necessary part of our everyday work it is important that we manage the phone by using
the following simple rules:

 Batch our outward calls

 Delegate calls that we don’t have to make personally to one of our team
 Terminate calls once the business has been done
 Set up a rota in our team for handling incoming calls

In this final section we have explored some practical tips and techniques that will allow us manage
our time more effectively at work.

It is important that we apply and practise these techniques often so that our time management
skills will continually improve.
Remember time management is a skill that can
be learnt – all we have to be is open to this
10. Annexure (Training module)
 Different Ice breaking sessions so, that training participants take part and
feel energetic, built interesting learning environment and understand each

Session -1 3-5 Minutes

 The interview game
 Purpose of this session is to know each other

Session -2 3-5 Minutes

 Three in the common game
 Purpose of this session is to remove the barrier of communication between

Session -3 3-5 Minutes

 Four factor game
 Purpose of this session is to know each other so that effective observation
skill can be learned.

Learning objective Time management 30-35 Minutes

Activity -1 15 Minutes
 Activity related to Time management.
 Each participant has to perform this activity in group of two persons.

Time management and simple concepts 15-20 Minutes

 What is Time Management?

 Essential Habits

 Types of Time

 Over and Under Estimation of Time

11.Time Management Principles 15-
20 Minutes

1. Time Management Principles

2. Spent Time Matrix
3. Focus on time and resources
4. Time Based Management

Productive Work 15-20 Minutes
1. Busy versus Productive
2. Indecision & Delay
3. Overwork
4. Urgency versus Importance
5. Prioritization

Crisis Management 15-20 Minutes
 Proactive versus Reactive Work
 Why Crises Occur?
 Anticipating and Preventing Crises

Planning, Tips & Techniques 15-20 Minutes
What is a Plan?
Time Management Systems
Tips & techniques
 Time Logs
 Quality Time
 Managing Documents
 Managing Interruptions
 Managing Workspace
 Managing Your Phone
Video Based Evaluation 5-10 Minutes
 Participants will be shown video clip related to time management
 It will be very effective for them
 Participants have better idea of time management techniques impact on
their productivity.

Training evaluation Form 10 Minute

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