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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

Teacher Professional Growth Plan

Name: Alexis B. Ulrich

Year: January-April 2017

Goal: To develop technology skills, focusing particularly with fluency of the Smartboard to
strengthen personal learning and achievement but also to enhance student engagement.

1.Regularly incorporate Smartnotes into Math lessons.
2. Explore the Smartboard by watching instructional videos and experimenting with what the
Smartboard has to offer.
3. Be in communication with teacher mentor for ideas on how to work on transitions on the
4. Coordinate extracurricular meetings with other U of L Education students to share
knowledge about the Smartboard.
5. Share what I have learned about technology over the course of the semester to the
Lethbridge Christian School staff at a staff meeting in April.
6. Involve students in regular lessons to interact with the Smartboard.

Timelines: Explore Smartboard at least once a week outside of regular teaching hours to meet
goal of feeling confident with the Smartboard by last practicum date.

Resources: Ask teacher mentor, Linda Bateman, if any questions.

Expected Results:
1. Fast and fluent transitions on the Smartboard
2. Use Smartboard programs confidently

• Overall, what I learned about technology the most was to always have the desire to learn
more. Technology can change and changes at a past pace so it is best to have a flexible
mind to be open to new learning tools. A desire to keep improving is important when it
comes to new technology.
• I have realized how useful technology can be and how helpful it can be for student
learning. Not only can technology be helpful to teach the curriculum but can also teach
students how to use technology to further their skills.

Next steps:
Learn more about the new technology that is coming into the schools by researching and
attending professional development sessions to improve upon technology skills.

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