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Chapter 23.


23.4.1 GENERAL PLACER MINING. Another surface method, placer mining is

distinctive in that the ore is mined and initially concentrated
The purpose of this section is to present the logical sequence using gravity and water. This method requires that adequate
of events to follow in choosing a mining method. Characteristics water is available, that the material to be mined is gravel-like in
that have a major impact on the determination of the mining character, and that the mineral to be mined can be separated
method (as discussed in Chapter 23.1, Selection Variables) are based on its density differences. Examples of placer mining are
1. Physical and geologic characteristics of the deposit. dredging and hydraulicking (Chapter 15.1).
2. Ground conditions of the hanging wall, footwall, and ore SOLUTION MINING. Solution mining requires that the min-
zone. eral can be recovered using water or some type of acid, with a
3. Mining and capital costs. minimum amount of crushing and no grinding. In situ solution
4. Mining rate. mining (Chapter 15.3) involves mining the ore in place. A solu-
5. Availability and cost of labor. tion is injected into the ore formation via boreholes and recovered
6. Environmental considerations. either from boreholes or underground drifts. Borehole mining is
What follows is a discussion of the work that should be done commonly used for salt and sulfur-type deposits. Surface leach-
at each stage of developing the deposit to choose the appropriate ing (Chapter 15.2) is a solution method where the ore is either
mining method. There is no single appropriate mining method recovered in place in dumps or is drilled and blasted and stacked
for a deposit; there are usually two or more feasible methods. in a heap or a vat. In order for the ore to be leached, it must
Each method entails some inherent problems. Consequently, the have the correct chemical makeup and possess adequate porosity
optimum method is that method with the least problems. and permeability; good fragmentation is required so that the
Although this chapter is aimed at determining the appro- solutions can pass through and there is sufficient surface area.
priate mining’ method, the ultimate goals are to maximize com- BLOCK CAVING (Chapter 20.3). An area of rock is undercut
pany profits, maximize recovery of the mineral, and provide a so that it caves under its own weight; the overburden waste
safe environment for the miners (not necessarily in this order). material is expected to cave as well. Any rock can be made to
These ultimate goals may appear to be mutually exclusive, but cave, but it must be determined how much area is needed in
in fact are not. Maximizing the profit meets the business require- order to cave, what the size of the caved blocks will be, and
ment of the company. Maximizing the recovery benefits the whether the rock will cave fast enough. Therefore, the size distri-
mining company as well as society. The more tons recovered, bution of the caved rock and the size (plan dimensions) of the
the less capital cost per ton, which is good for the company; deposit are critical parameters. This category includes panel and
maximum recovery of our natural resources means society has continuous caving. Within the bounds of block caving, there is
an adequate supply. Providing safety for the miners means the still a choice to be made as to whether to use gravity, slusher, or
work force will be able to attain the productivity called for in LHD (load-haul-dump) extraction drifts. The ground conditions
the feasibility study. and the degree of fragmentation are the primary parameters in
For additional discussion of method comparisons, see determining which of these approaches should be used.
Section 16 for surface mining and Section 21 for underground Recent longhole drilling has resulted in a method called
mining. forced caving that is similar to block caving except that widely
spaced sublevels are developed from which the rock is drilled
and blasted, that is, induced caving. It is applied to those deposits
23.4.2 MINING METHODS FOR CONSIDERATION that may not cave for the dimensions of the deposit.
Before the discussion of the actual process of mining method posit, generally a coal seam, is removed in a continuous operation
selection, it is important to understand the key characteristics along an extensive working face using a long series of props over
required for each mining method. The following briefly summa- the face and the working area. The ground above the mined
rizes the mining methods. (For more detailed descriptions of out area caves and results in subsidence. This method requires
these methods, refer to Sections 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, and 22.) relatively low strength ore that is nearly flat lying and extends
Readers who are already familiar with the various methods can over a large area.
proceed to 23.4.3, Selection Method Techniques. ROOM AND PILLAR/STOPE AND PILLAR MINING (Chapters
OPEN PIT/OPEN CAST MINING. There are surface mining 18.1 and 18.2). In these similar methods, a grid of rooms or
techniques in which the waste material is removed to uncover stopes is developed, leaving pillars to support the roof or back.
the ore. This category includes strip mining and quarrying. The The difference between these two methods is the height of the
equipment used to extract the waste and ore is generally mechan- zone to be mined. The rooms/stopes and pillars may or may not
ical but differs somewhat for each of these methods. The parame- be uniform in size, and the pillars may or may not be recovered
ters of stripping ratio and slope angle are critical to all in de- at a later date. The ore geometry, which is a flat-lying deposit
termining whether the method is applicable. Open pit usually that is not much over 150 ft (50 m) thick, is the primary control-
refers to metal mines (Chapter 14.1), open cast or strip mining ling factor of this method. The room/stope size and pillar size
(Chapter 14.3) generally refers to coal, and quarrying (Chapter are determined based on the depth and strength of the ground.
14.2) refers to construction materials and dimension stone such SUBLEVEL STOPING (Chapter 18.4). An overhand mining
as limestone and granite. method in which the ore is blasted by longholes from sublevels.
This method differs from stope and pillar in that the deposit is 5. Underground gasification and combustion.
so large or thick that sublevels are required and the blasting 6. Underground retorting.
requirements approach those of open pit operations. The ore is 7. Marine mining.
drawn off as it is blasted, leaving an open stope. The stopes are 8. Nuclear mining.
separated by pillars. The stopes may or may not be filled after Rapid Excavation—This is a method in which the drill, blast,
mining is completed, and if filled, the pillars are usually recov- muck, and support cycle is replaced by continuous operation.
ered using the same method or some type of cut and fill stoping. This method requires that the ground be weak enough that it
The parameters that control this method are an appropriate can be cut at a rate that will exceed normal mining. Rapid
geometry and competent enough ground to leave open stopes. excavation could be applied to most of the mining methods
As in room and pillar, the stope and pillar widths are determined discussed and especially to mine development and access drifts.
by rock strength vs. depth as well as the stope height. Continuous mining of coal is the forerunner to rapid excavation
SUBLEVEL CAVING (Chapter 20.2). Sublevel caving is an in rock.
induced caving method in which the ore is blasted by ring drilling Automation and Robotics—This is not really a new method,
from sublevel drifts. The overlying and hanging wall rock is but rather a new technology that could be applied to existing
expected to cave as the ore is drawn. This method is chosen mining methods. The use of automation/robotics is not really as
when the ground does not cave on its own either because of the dependent on the geological parameters and ground conditions
limited width of the deposit or incompetent rock. Draw control as it is on the knowledge of the engineers and labor force.
and maintaining the brow of the face are the key concerns of Hydraulic Mining—This method is dependent on the ground
this method. being able to be cut by a high-pressure water jet. Transporting
SHRINKAGE STOPING (Chapter 18.3). A stoping method in the material once it is cut is one of the main technological
which the ore is blasted, with most of it being left in the stope problems.
to accumulate until blasting is completed. The broken ore is then Methane Drainage—The success of this method is a function
drawn off all at once. This method is usually used in narrow, of the “physical properties of the coal seam (diffusivity, reservoir
steep deposits where the walls are not competent enough to stand pressure, permeability, and gas content), mining method (if in
without some support, which is provided by the blasted muck. progress), and drainage method ” (Hartman, 1987). The method
CUT AND FILL STOPING (Chapter 19.1). A stoping method is used in Europe but only now is gaining widespread acceptance
in which each slice of rock is removed after blasting and replaced in the United States to produce coalbed methane. This method
with some type of fill material. There are a multitude of varia- is similar to borehole mining in which the wells are used to
tions on this method such as overhand cut and fill, underhand recover the methane.
cut and fill, and post-pillar cut and fill, each of which is used Underground Gasification—This method is applied to coal
under different conditions. Overhand cut and fill is used in nar- and again is related to borehole mining, in which the coal is
row, steeply dipping deposits where the ore is moderately to burned at one end and the gases given off are recovered at
highly competent, the walls are weakly to highly competent, and another borehole. Use of this method is based on whether the
the cost of fill is less than the cost of leaving pillars. An under- cost of burning the coal and recovering the gases is cheaper than
hand cut and fill is used when the ore zone is an incompetent traditional mining. The key parameters that impact the method
material and the back cannot be kept open using normal ground are the fracturing of the coal and the chemical composition of
support. Post-pillar cut and fill is an overhand method that uses the coal. This method may become more feasible in cases where
a room and pillar pattern; it is used to obtain higher productivity the coal seam is too narrow for traditional methods, or in recov-
than is possible with overhand cut and fill. The pillars are de-
ery of multiple seams, where the second seam is too close to the
signed to support only the immediate roof.
first to be recovered in a traditional fashion.
SQUARE SET STOPING (Chapter 19.2). Prisms of timber are
Underground Retorting—This method is being tried with oil
formed to replace the rock mined and to support the surrounding
shales and tar sands. The area is mined to some extent using
rock. Associated with this category are other timbered stoping
traditional drifting techniques and pillar designs. Then the rock
methods such as stull stoping. This method is used in cases where
the ground is incompetent and the ore geometry is too wide and/ in the stope (retort) is blasted in place. Using the oil, it is released
or irregular for cut and fill stoping to be applied. This method from the rock and recovered under the stope. This method would
is not commonly used today because of the high cost of timber be chosen based on the retorting characteristics rather than on
and the intensive labor required. the mining parameters. The critical factor from a mining per-
TOP SLICING (Chapter 19.2). This method, too, is not often spective would be the cost and methodology of fracturing the
used today because of the high cost of labor to lay the timber ground. The degree of fragmentation will impact the percentage
mat. It has been more or less replaced by the cheaper method of recovery of the oil, which is probably the most critical concern
sublevel caving. It is discussed here because some of the mining nowadays.
selection techniques include this method as an option. Mining is Marine Mining—Marine mining is much like placer mining,
done from sublevel drifts where the rock is blasted. Overlying in which the recovery is of a mineral that has been concentrated
rock is separated from the ore by a timber mat. The overburden mechanically and can be mined without drilling and blasting.
is expected to cave. From a mining point of view, the key determinant is whether
N OVEL M INING M ETHODS (Section 22). These mining the material is low enough in strength that it can be dug or
methods are called “novel” because the technology is different vacuumed. The political problems involved will probably be
or more innovative than that used in traditional methods. Novel greater than the technical ones.
methods that have already been considered and are either in Nuclear Mining—The main advantage of this method is the
the research and development stage or have actually been tried highly efficient fracturing of the rock that can be achieved. The
include these: main drawbacks are the questionable working conditions for the
1. Rapid excavation. miners, environmental pollution concerns, and political treaty
2. Automation and robotics. prohibitions. This technique could be used to mine competent
3. Hydraulic mining. rock in a block caving style, similar to a forced or induced caving
4. Methane drainage. method.
23.4.3 SELECTION METHOD TECHNIQUES the method is qualitative and should be used as a first-pass
approach. This classification includes surface and underground
In order to determine which mining method is feasible, we methods, coal, and hard rock.
need to compare the characteristics of the deposit with those
required for each mining method; the method(s) that best Morrison
matches should be the one(s) considered technically feasible, and
should then be evaluated economically. The selection techniques The classification system proposed by Morrison (1976) di-
discussed deal with the first two parameters that determine a vides underground mining into three basic groups: (1) rigid pillar
mining method, (1) the physical and geologic characteristics of support, (2) controlled subsidence, and (3) caving (Fig. 23.4.2).
the deposit, and (2) the ground conditions of the hanging wall, General definitions of ore width, support type, and strain energy
footwall, and ore zone. The techniques for evaluating mining accumulation are used as the criteria for determining a mining
methods are only attempts at defining and quantifying in a writ- method. This classification helps to demonstrate the selection
ten format what miners in years past determined through discus- continuum, choosing one method over another based on the
sion, previous experience, and intuition. Therefore, each of the various combinations of ground conditions. In this system, the
method selection schemes presented here is similar and yet differ- ground conditions have already been evaluated to determine
ent, reflecting personal preferences in their emphasis. The pur- the type of support required.
pose of discussing these techniques is not to critique them but
simply to present the alternatives available to aid in selecting the Laubscher
most appropriate.
Most of the schemes are aimed at determining the appro- The selection of an appropriate mass underground mining
priate underground method, as there are so many possible method has been presented by Laubscher (1981). The selection
choices. However, the purpose of this chapter is to discuss the process is based on his rock mass classification system (see Chap-
selection of the best mining methods, including surface, hydrau- ter 23.1, Fig. 23.1.2), which adjusts for expected mining effects
lic, and other more novel methods. The method selection process on the rock mass strength. Laubscher’s scheme is aimed at the
should first determine whether the deposit should be mined using mass mining methods, primarily block caving vs stoping; his
a more traditional surface, underground, or in situ leach mining main emphasis is on cavability. The two parameters that deter-
method. A novel method should only be considered if traditional mine whether a caving system is used over a stoping system are
methods are not economically or technically feasible. To start a the degree of fracturing, RQD (rock quality designation), joint
mine with a novel mining method requires adequate funding spacing, and the joint rating, which is a description of the charac-
and an enormous commitment from the board of directors to ter of the joint, i.e., waviness, filling, and water conditions (Fig.
technical development; the board must also have the patience to 23.4.3). This scheme puts emphasis on the jointing as the only
work out the technical problems. control for determining cavability. Laubscher (1990) has re-
If the deposit cannot be mined using a surface method, then cently modified the classification to relate his rock mass rating
an underground method should be considered. The mining to the hydraulic radius (Fig. 23.4.4). By including the hydraulic
method selection techniques are limited in that selection is based radius, cavability becomes feasible for more competent rock if
solely on the known physical parameters and rock strength char- the area available for undercutting is large.
acteristics. Sometimes several mining methods may appear to be
equally feasible. In order to further determine which method(s) Nicholas
is the most suitable, the input variables of mining costs, mining
rate, labor availability, and environmental regulations should be The classification proposed by Nicholas (1981) determines
considered in more detail. feasible mining methods by numerical ranking and thus is truly
Note: None of the method selection systems deal with in situ quantitative. The first step is to classify the ore geometry and
stress. The techniques do account for the vertical stress via depth, grade distribution using Table 23.4.2. The rock mechanics char-
but none of the methods discuss how a high horizontal stress acteristics of the ore zone, hanging wall, and footwall are simi-
impacts the choice of the mining method. larly classified using Table 23.4.3. A numerical ranking is then
performed by adding up the values of each mining method, using
Tables 23.4.4 and 23.4.5. The values of the tables represent Boshkov and Wright
the suitability of a given characteristic for a particular mining
The classification system proposed by Boshkov and Wright method. A value of 3 or 4 indicates that the characteristic is
(1973) in the SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 1st ed. (based preferred for the mining method. A value of 1 or 2 indicates that
on Peele, 1941), was one of the first qualitative classification a characteristic is probably suited to that mining method, while
schemes developed for underground method selection (Table a value of 0 indicates that a characteristic will probably not
23.4.1). Their system assumes that the possibility of surface and promote the use of that mining method, although it does not
underground mining has already been eliminated. It uses general rule it out entirely. A value of –49 would indicate that a charac-
descriptions of the ore thickness, ore dip, strength of the ore, teristic will completely eliminate consideration of that method.
and strength of the walls to identify common methods that have A recent modification to the system is the weighting of the
been applied in similar conditions. The results of this classifica- categories for the ore geometry, ore zone, hanging wall, and
tion provide up to four methods that may be applicable. footwall. To give each of these categories equal weight, the ore
zone, hanging wall, and footwall need to be multiplied by 1.33 Hartman However, the importance of each category is not equal;
the ore geometry is more important than the ore zone, the ore
Hartman (1987) has developed a flow chart selection process zone more important than the hanging wall, and the hanging
for defining the mining method, based on the geometry of the wall more important than the footwall. The proposed weight-
deposit and the ground conditions of the ore zone (Fig. 23.4.1). ing for each category is summarized in Table 23.4.6; this
This system is similar to that proposed by Boshkov and Wright, weighting can be changed based on personal experience. The net
but is aimed at more specific mining methods. Hartman admits weighting is then multiplied by each of the categories. Those two
or three mining methods that have the highest overall positive processes improves. In addition, each individual has a different
numerical ranking should be economically analyzed. point of view as to the relative importance of the various charac-
The proposed values for the characteristics can be changed teristics for each method.
as our technical expertise with mining equipment and mining

Table 23.4.1. Applications of Underground Mining Methods

Fig. 23.4.1. Hartman’s chart for selection of a mining method (Hartman, 1987).
Fig. 23.4.4. Laubscher’s cavability based on hydraulic radius and

Fig. 23.4.2. Morrison’s chart for selection of a mining method

(Morrison, 1976).

Table 23.4.2. Definition of Deposit Geometry and

Grade Distribution

Fig. 23.4.3. Laubscher’s 1981 classification for cavability evaluation.

2096 MINING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK Example of Use of Selection Schemes Table 23.4.3. Rock Mechanics Characteristics

The following is an example and description of how to use

the various classification schemes. The data presented are fabri-
cated and aimed at being suitable input for Nicholas’ scheme,
but can be used for the other methods as well.

Morrison’s method would classify this deposit as “invariably

wide.” Based on this, the mining methods possible are a caving
method, top slicing, and sublevel caving.
Laubscher’s system requires more information than that pro-
vided, but a guesstimate can be made from the data given. In
actuality, one would have looked at the drill core and could
therefore make the necessary measurements. Using Laubscher’s
Boshkov and Wright’s method would classify this deposit as
classification (Fig. 23.1.2), the rating of the rock is 48, as follows:
either “very thick beds” or “massive,” with a “weak” ore and a
“weak/strong” wall rock (Table 23.4.1). Based on this classifica-
tion, feasible mining methods include top slicing, sublevel caving,
block caving, square set stoping, and combined methods.
Hartman’s method selection chart would show this deposit
as either shallow or deep in depth. The ore strength would be
moderate to weak, and the ore geometry would be tabular and
massive, or thick (Fig. 23.4.1). The possible mining methods
would be open pit mining, sublevel caving, and block caving. Using his first method selection, which is based primarily

Table 23.4.4. Ranking of Geometry/Grade Distribution for Different Mining Methods

Table 23.4.5. Ranking of Rock Mechanics Characteristics for Different Mining Methods
5b: Hanging Wall

5a: Ore Zone 5c: Footwall

on jointing, the ground would be considered either “marginal

caving” or open stoping” (Fig. 23.4.3). The newer selection
Table 23.4.6. Weighting Factors scheme, which uses the total mass rating and the hydraulic
radius, indicates that a hydraulic radius of 28 is required for the
deposit to cave (Fig. 23.4.4). A hydraulic radius of 28 is equiva-
lent to a square area of 370 ft (112 m) or an area of 330 by 410
ft (100 by 125 m). This means that for our example, the deposit
Table 23.4.7. Example of Numerical Model Selection Process

Characteristic Values Totaled for Different Mining Methods

must be undercut full width, and for a length greater than the mining method, or, in cases where the total sum is nearly equal,
width. This may mean that the production schedule will have to one can determine which characteristics are the most suitable
allow for additional time to undercut the large area or for some for the mining method. For the example given, the preferred
type of inducement. Either that or a sublevel cave operation may mining methods would be open pit mining, top slicing, square
be used instead. set stoping, block caving, and sublevel caving.
Nicholas’ example is summarized in Table 23.4.7. The first All of the method selection techniques arrive at similar con-
step is to list the geometry/grade distribution and rock mechan- clusions (Table 23.4.9). One might surmise that the conclusions
ics characteristics of the deposit (Table 23.4.7, column 1). The were obvious from the beginning. This may be true for this
columns of characteristics in Tables 23.4.5 and 23.4.6 are then example but is not so in all cases. Important factors may be
identified for the deposit, and the values summed for the geom- overlooked; using a method selection scheme, one is forced to
etry/grade distribution, ore zone rock mechanics, hanging wall consider all of the parameters. As is shown by Nicholas’ scheme,
rock mechanics, and footwall rock mechanics for each mining in which the main drawback to using sublevel caving is the poor
method (Table 23.4.7, columns 2 and 3). ground conditions of the footwall, one unfavorable factor does
The ore zone, hanging wall, and footwall should be not necessarily eliminate a method. Some technical problems can
multiplied by the weighting factors and then summed. This total be overcome. Sublevel caving requires extensive drifting and ore
should then be added to the geometry/grade distribution sum pass work in the footwall, so the poor ground conditions will
(Table 23.4.8). Using this type of characteristic grouping, one call for additional ground support, meaning development may
can see which grouping(s) reduce the chance of using a particular take longer. This does not rule out the feasibility of the method;
Table 23.4.8. Characteristic Values Multiplied by Weighting Factors

Table 23.4.9. Summary of Methods Selected Table 23.4.10. Ranking of Mining Methods Based on
Relative Operating Costs

it simply means that when performing the cost analysis, one

should allow for a higher cost in the footwall development work.
None of the method selection systems deal with in situ stress.
The techniques account for the vertical stress via depth, but none
of the methods discuss how a high horizontal stress impacts the
choice of the mining method.
Although the mining methods resulting from the selection
process are all technically feasible, their mining costs may be
significantly different. Based on Hartman’s and Morrison’s (Ta-
ble 23.4.10) relative rankings of mining costs, those methods with
the potentially lowest operating cost can be identified. However,
these cost rankings represent averages, and the estimated cost
provided the method is appropriate for the ground conditions;
therefore the rankings should be used with caution.
On the basis of relative operating costs, the methods would 2. Developmental drilling to outline reserves and a feasibil-
be ranked as follows: ity study.
1. Open pit mining. 3. Design and development of the deposit.
2. Block caving. 4. Revising and updating during production.
3. Sublevel caving. 5. End of mine life.
4. Top slicing. The preceding section described how the key physical parameters
5. Square set stoping. of the deposit and the ground conditions are used to determine
With this ranking established, we must next determine a feasible mining method. These techniques can be used in each
whether the deposit can be mined from the surface or if it must iteration; what will change is the database, the degree of certainty
be mined underground. in the economic analysis, and the consideration of the other
parameters that determine the mining method such as costs,
labor, and environmental regulations.
The mining method selection process is iterative, with each Stage 1: Initial Discovery
iteration correlating to the stages of development of the property.
A deposit that is mined will go through roughly five stages: The exploration for a deposit is guided by corporate philoso-
1. Initial discovery of the mineralized zone. phy. The corporation should provide the exploration department
with the rough target size and grade. (Exploration techniques
are discussed in Section 4, Prospecting and Exploration.) Al-
though the exploration geologist is trained in the required explo-
ration techniques, he/she may not understand the economics
behind the search for a particular mineral(s) with a minimum
grade and/or tonnage. The basic economics should be discussed
with the geologist so that he/she understands how the target was
defined. What is found may not match the target exactly, but
he/she will be able to assess how to change the exploration
program to meet the corporate needs. This will also open the
lines of communication between the geologist and the mining
engineers for future mine planning.
As soon as a mineralized zone is discovered, an initial predic-
tion of potential mining methods should be made. Primary con-
siderations for the method choice should be the expected ore
geometry and ground conditions, combined with engineering
judgment and comparisons to nearby operations. The use of
Boshkov and Wright’s and/or Hartman’s system is reasonable
during this stage. Using these techniques should help identify
which characteristics are critical for the mining method, so that
the necessary data can be collected during the development
drilling. The other method selection techniques could be used
but the database would probably not be adequate.
In order to plan a better development drilling program, the
Fig. 23.4.5. Stripping ratio vs. mineral value.
possible mining methods should be costed out for capital and
operating expenses at various production rates so that the size
and grade of the target can be better defined in order to identify
drilling limits. Stage 2: Development Drilling and

In stage 2, development drilling is performed to determine
the tonnage and grade of the deposit as well as for the purpose
of collecting metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrologic, and envi-
ronmental data to determine mineral processing and mining
methods. During or near the end of the development drilling
program, a quantitative analysis of potential mining methods
can be performed. This is usually a conceptual mine plan or a
feasibility study.
The development drilling program should be designed to
define the target size and/or the limits of the deposit. Therefore,
the drill spacing is wide and a number of the holes are outside
of the minable limits. The holes outside the deposit provide the
rock mechanician with information on the area where the pit
walls or access facilities will be. The geologist must find out from
the metallurgist, rock mechanician, and mining engineer what
Fig. 23.4.6. Ultimate pit limit vs. underground breakeven pit limit.
data they each require from the drill core or cuttings. The drill
pattern, drilling method, and logging techniques have to be deter-
mined based on the particular type of deposit; this is further
discussed by Call (1979), and Peters (1978). less economic. Fig. 23.4.5 provides a rough guide as to when an
By stage 2, the database should be adequate to use Laub- underground method would be preferable to a surface method,
scher’s or Nicholas’ method selection technique. For a first pass, based on mineral value and stripping ratio.
the more traditional mining methods should be considered. If A situation that is becoming more common is for the deposit
conditions warrant investigation of more novel methods, then to be mined as an open pit initially, recovering the deeper reserves
they should be considered after the traditional methods have later using an underground method. One of the key factors in
been eliminated. As shown previously, a deposit may be mined planning this sequence of mining is to make sure there are ade-
either from the surface or underground. Chapter 23.2, Surface quate reserves after the open pit is mined to pay for the capital
vs. Underground Methods, discusses in detail the process of required to go underground. This can be done by mining the pit
choosing between these two. In general, if at all possible, a to the underground/open pit “breakeven” point rather than to
surface method should be chosen over an underground method, the ultimate pit limits (Fig. 23.4.6).
as surface mining involves fewer technical problems and gener- If an underground method appears to be preferable, then
ally yields more efficient productivities than underground meth- one of the method selection techniques discussed in 23.4.3 should
ods. The decision between a surface and an underground method be used to provide two or three possible mining methods. These
is usually an economic one, although environmental regulations methods should then be economically analyzed to determine
may require the use of an underground method, even when it is which method nets the best return on investment. The input

Fig. 23.4.7. Probability of attaining DCFROI.

parameters for this cost analysis require some rough mining

dimensions. These dimensions can be based on either the classifi-
cation work or the judgment of the engineers doing the analysis.
The key parameters for some of the main mining methods are
discussed in
The remaining parameters should be considered and the pros
and cons of the feasible methods should be weighed based on the
mining rate required by the corporation, the availability and type
of labor, and the environmental regulations/considerations. Stage 3: Design

In stage 3, the design stage, the mine plans for the most
feasible method, as determined in stage 2, are evaluated. The
calculation of minable reserves and determination of cutoff
grades allows a detailed economic analysis to establish capitaliza-
tion requirements and return on investment. With this informa-
tion, final decisions on appropriate mining methods can be made. Fig. 23.4.8. Tons vs. grade frequency plot.
While this level of detailed planning on paper may appear to
extend start-up time, it will always be more cost effective to
discover mistakes on paper than to find errors in the field after and extrapolate the ore grade from the drillholes, such as kriging,
mining has already begun. Still, a project can be evaluated “to inverse square, and assigning the grade to an area of influence
death” or beyond the limits of the data. The evaluation needs to (see Chapter 5.6). Common methods used to calculate the min-
be based on an understanding of the variability of conditions and eral inventory include polygons, triangles, cross sections, and
the quantity and quality of data. Mining is a risky business. block models.
Bankers understand risk analyses, and evaluations should be Determining the cutoff grade is an iterative process and can
done in their language, presenting distributions of possible out- have a major impact on the minable reserves. The primary inputs
comes. As long as the probability of attaining a certain minimum required to determine the cutoff grade are the capital and op-
DCFROI (discounted cash flow return on investment) (Fig. erating costs. This information is not always available or accurate
23.4.7) is met, the property will be considered a viable proposi- in the early phases of defining the minable reserve. The geologist
tion (Chapter 6.5). The probability required is a function of the should generate a grade and tonnage distribution to determine
corporate philosophy. The point here is that the accuracy of the whether there is a natural grade cutoff, that is, a point at which
design should not be any greater than the accuracy of the ore mining below a certain grade does not add significantly to the
reserve or the mine design. tonnage (Fig. 23.4.8). If this is not the case, then estimates of
MINABLE RESERVES. The minable reserve defines what ore operating and capital costs will have to be made. There are a
is recoverable for the possible mining methods. These reserves number of philosophies on whether capital should be included
are the result of defining the mineral inventory, cutoff grade, in the cutoff grade (Marek and Welhener, 1985). Initially, cutoff
and limitations imposed by ore thickness, lateral extent, or depth. grade should be determined with and without the capital.
The mineral inventory is the result of the drillhole data and C RITICAL D ESIGN P ARAMETERS. For each of the mining
geologic interpretations. Numerous methods exist to interpolate methods, several critical design parameters must be evaluated as
part of the method selection process in order to make the eco- The subsidence limit should be defined for locating buildings
nomic analysis. and shafts that are to last the life of the deposit. In the absence
Open Pit Mining—The critical design parameter for the se- of any major geologic structure, a 45° angle projected from the
lection of an open pit mining method is the slope angle. This is bottom of the ore zone is usually considered the closest to the
because the slope angle and limit of the ore zone will permit the deposit that one should locate long-term facilities. However,
estimation of the stripping ratio, which will ultimately impact most actual ground movement takes place within a 60° angle
the economics of the selection (Soderberg and Rausch, 1968). from the deposit, unless a major fault exists which will control
An assessment of the final slope angles can be made by defining the limit of subsidence.
potential failure geometries from the orientation of the geologic Longwall/Shortwall Mining—The critical parameters that
structures and then choosing a slope angle that minimizes the must be analyzed in the feasibility of a longwall mining system
number of daylighted structures. If structure, shear strength, are the expected stress field in the mining zone, the size of entry
length, and spacing are available, a stability analysis can also be and barrier pillars, and the support of the entries. Brady and
performed. Chapter 10.4, Slope Stability, discusses in more detail Brown (1985) emphasize how understanding the stress field will
the approaches to determining slope design. have an impact on all aspects of the mine plan (also see Chapter
Solution Mining—The critical parameter for solution mining 10.5). The length of the face, advance rate, face support require-
is the recovery of the mineral. That is, the metallurgical con- ments, and behavior of the caving waste will all be influenced
straints are more critical than the mining constraints. For in situ by the nature of the developing stress field. By understanding
or surface leaching, the permeability and porosity are the limiting this stress field, it becomes possible to design the entry size,
factors; these parameters can be improved by increased fragmen- support requirements, and pillar sizes.
tation from blasting. In borehole mining, design of the pump Room and Pillar/Stope and Pillar Mining—The three critical
sizes and hole spacings are required. Vat or heap leaching is parameters in a stoping or room and pillar method are the width
also controlled by fragment size distribution. The design of the of the stopes or openings, the pillar size, and backfill require-
crusher size and/or blasting and fracture spacing determine ulti- ments. In sublevel stoping, the width of the stope is a function of
mate fragment size distribution. the immediate and intermediate roof (Alder, Potts, and Walker,
Block Caving—The cavability of the deposit should be exam- 1951). The intermediate roof is characterized by the pressure
ined in greater detail than in stage 2. Once cavability is deter- arch concept. The maximum mining width without a barrier
mined, the minimum drawpoint spacing, supportable drift size, pillar is twice the maximum pressure arch. Barrier pillars spaced
and subsidence limit should also be defined. Any ground can be at twice the arch distance must be able to carry the tributary
caved; cavability is a matter of how much area has to be undercut area load to the surface. The immediate roof is the ground under
to sustain the cave and what the fragment size distribution of the pressure arch which will act as a beam, plate, or arch. Joint
the caved muck will be. If the area of the deposit is too small to orientation, spacing, and length can be used to define the stope
sustain the cave, then some type of inducement will be required. width. The pillars within the arch have to carry this rock mass
Using Laubscher’s classification or the pressure arch concept only (Fig. 23.4.11).
(Alder, Potts, and Walker, 1951), the undercut width required Backfill is not commonly used in room and pillar mining
to sustain a cave can be estimated. Laubscher provides the hy- because the pillars are designed to carry the load. However, if a
draulic radius required based on his classification system. In the large area is being mined, backfill could be used to minimize a
pressure arch concept, the rock is considered to have a maximum failure area or to prevent the pillars from deteriorating with time.
distance that it can transfer load. Although each deposit has its Sublevel Stoping—The critical design parameters are similar
own transfer distance, a correlation between depth and maxi- to those for stope and pillar, except that the design must consider
mum transfer distance has been determined (Fig. 23.4.9). Based what the sublevel interval should be, if the stopes are to be
on the pressure arch concept, if the undercut width does not filled, and whether sill pillars are needed. The sublevel interval is
exceed twice the maximum transfer distance, only the rock under determined by the height of the ore and the pillar width. Backfill-
the arch has the potential for caving. If the deposit is too small ing is implemented so that pillars can be recovered, or to reduce
to sustain the cave, then some form of inducement, such as the impact of a failed pillar; backfill also helps to minimize the
longhole blasting from sublevels or boundary weakening, may required pillar width. A sill pillar is necessary in cases where the
be needed. pillar width required is large, the sublevel interval is greater than
Drawpoint spacing is primarily a function of the ore, along 170 ft (50 m), or long-term access of the sublevel is required.
with overlying waste fragment size distribution and pillar Whenever possible, rock fill should be used, as it makes a solid,
strength. The smaller the fragment size, the closer the drawpoint stiff fill. Tailings can be used for fill as long as they can be
spacing must be to minimize dilution. If the ore can be mined dewatered, preferably before they enter the stope. The addition of
uniformly, the impact of the fragment size will be minimized. cement reduces dilution while mining the pillar. Adding cement
The rock mass between the drawpoints can be considered a pillar probably does not improve the load-carrying capacity of the fill
and used to determine the minimum drawpoint spacing. Loading unless it is dewatered prior to placement.
on the pillar is difficult to determine, but estimates by Kendorski Sublevel Caving—The critical parameters for sublevel caving
(1975) or Panek (1978) can be used in conjunction with a pillar are the cavability of the hanging wall, the sublevel drift size and
analysis (Wilson, 1972) to determine load-carrying capacity. required support, and the spacing between the sublevel drifts.
With the fragmentation curve and pillar design, a comparison Janelid and Kvapil (1966) and Kvapil (1982) have presented
of drawpoint spacing with existing operations can be made (Fig. guidelines for the layout of a sublevel mine. The hanging wall
23.4.10). must come in behind the ore zone; otherwise sublevel caving will
The ore-gathering drift size and support required are impor- not work. Using analyses similar to those used for block caving
tant in estimating the cost of the mining method. Equipment will provide an estimate of the dimensions needed to initiate the
selection may influence this decision, but the characteristics of cave, as well as the impact of the fragment size distribution.
the rock mass will indicate what is feasible and what is not. Use Vertical spacing of the drifts is mainly a function of equip-
of the classification and support approaches (Barton, Lien, and ment, but the horizontal spacing between drifts is determined by
Lunde, 1974) may provide some estimates of support require- the width of the draw ellipsoid and the stability of the rock.
ments. Janelid and Kvapil related drift spacing to the distance between

Fig. 23.4.9. Pressure arch concept.

Fig. 23.4.10. Fundamental width vs. fragment

size. Conversion factors: 1 in. = 25.4 mm,
1 ft = 0.3048 m.
to be of sufficient density or stiffness to carry transferred loads
after an acceptable deformation in the pillars and surrounding
wall rock has occurred.
Square Set Stoping—The key to square set stoping is good
timbermen. The timber sizes and spacing between timber sup-
ports can be designed. However, the design specifications should
be considered an average, as adjustments will be made as mining
progresses. The most difficult part is determining the load on
the timbers, which can be estimated using one of the numerical
analyses. Because of the high labor cost, materials handling
becomes a major component of the operating cost. Stage 4: Modification During Production

During initial development and production, the ground con-
ditions and the ore geometry are better defined. Because of this
additional information, the mine design should be modified to
account for these changes. Just as the ore limits cannot be rede-
fined without additional drilling, the ground conditions cannot
Fig. 23.4.11. Load on yield pillars. be evaluated without additional data collection. This data collec-
tion should include additional structure, rock strength, and in
situ stress measurements, as discussed in Chapter 23.1, and the
ground response to mining should be monitored.
Monitoring can identify areas of potential instability much
sooner than they can be observed by the naked eye. By the time
cracks are visible, the rock mass strength may be reduced to the
point where the movement cannot be stopped. Monitoring
should be done using the simplest device possible, such as the
tape extensometer, borehole extensometers, surveying, borehole
inclinometers, or pressure cells. The tape extensometer and an
EDM (electronic distance measurement) survey system are two
of the easiest methods to use; the survey system is usually used in
the open pit, while the tape extensometer is used predominantly
underground. The EDM utilizes x, y, and z coordinates and
plots the bearing, plunge, and amount of displacement. The tape
extensometer measures the movement between two points, for
example from rib to rib, back to floor, or rib to back. The data
Fig. 23.4.12. Eccentricity vs. height of draw ellipsoid. collection should include the stations monitored, and the date,
time, and extent of mining.
The following discussion on data interpretation applies spe-
cifically to the tape extensometer, but is also applicable to survey
sublevels and the eccentricity of the ellipsoid (Fig. 23.4.12). The monitoring. The data should be plotted as a cumulative displace-
rock masses between the drifts can be considered pillars and ment plot and a velocity plot (Fig. 23.4.13). The shape of the
analyzed as such. curve is more significant than the absolute value. On the cumula-
Shrinkage Stoping—For shrinkage stoping, the same type of tive displacement plot, a flat line means no movement, a constant
analysis must be made, but the cavability of the overlying rock sloping line means there is movement but the rate of movement
must be evaluated as well. Support requirements can be esti- (velocity) is constant; an increase in the slope of the line means
mated, as discussed under block caving. the velocity is increasing, and a decrease in the slope of the line
The considerations for designing a room and pillar mine means the velocity is decreasing. The velocity plot usually shows
are basically identical to those made when designing a sublevel more variability than the cumulative displacement plot. On a
stoping method. velocity plot, a flat line means the velocity (rate of movement)
Cut and Fill Stoping—The critical parameters to consider in is constant, a constant slope means the velocity is either increas-
both overhand and underhand approaches to cut and fill stoping ing or decreasing at some constant rate (i.e., constantly accelerat-
are the rock mass conditions in the ore zone, hanging wall, ing or decelerating), and a changing slope means the acceleration
and footwall. MacMillan and Ferguson (1982) have presented is increasing. By correlating the ground movement with the
guidelines for cut and fill mine planning. mining activity, we can determine when ground is being loaded
For a very weak ore zone, it is necessary to design an artificial to its limits. Unfortunately, it seems that unless there is an
back in order to perform the mining process. If the ore zone is operational concern regarding ground movement, the monitor-
relatively competent, overhand mining must be designed to take ing does not get done. It should be part of the normal follow-up
into account the maximum stable exposure of the hanging wall. on the design, and used to compare with design changes.
In both cases, the joint characteristics and stress field will play Even though at this stage we know more about the deposit,
a critical role in predicting the rock’s behavior. making changes in the mining system is not necessarily easy.
In some cases, it may be necessary to leave pillars behind to The access drifts and/or haulage systems can have a lead time
aid in supporting the ore zone. Pillars used in cut and fill stoping requiring a three- to five-year delay before any changes in the
should be designed on a yield concept to permit transfer of loads mining system can actually be implemented. A change in the
to the backfill material. The backfill material must be designed slope angle can be made at most any time during the operation.
SELECTION PROCEDURE 2105 Stage 5: End of Mine Life
By the end of the mine life, the approach to ore recovery has
changed because the capital has been paid off and the main
objective is simply to extend the mine life as long as possible.
Because of this, there is more willingness to mine at a higher
operating cost, a lower grade, and a lower chance of success.
Therefore, the process of choosing how to mine the remaining
ore (or ore not included in the original minable reserves) is
similar to that discussed in stages 2 and 3; the difference lies in
the level of risk, because the only alternative is to shut the
operation down.

23.4.5 SUMMARY
In performing the mining method selection task, it is impor-
tant to remember that no one method is able to meet all of the
requirements and conditions. Rather, the appropriate mining
method is that method that is technically feasible for the ore
geometry and ground conditions, while also being a low-cost
operation. This means that the best mining method is the one
with the technical problems that are the cheapest to deal with.
The mining engineer must balance all of the input parameters
and select that method that appears to be the most suitable,
making method selection both an art and a science. Still, by
ensuring the maximum use of available data and performing
detailed economic analyses on paper, the chances of making the
most appropriate selection are vastly improved.

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