3º ESO - Readings

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1.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Ellen and Sam are friends but they don’t like the same music. Ellen likes rock music so she listens to it
every day when she comes home from school. Once a month she and her friends go to a rock concert.
They like singing and dancing to the music. This month, they’ve got tickets for the Black Eyed Peas in
Sam doesn’t like rock music. He likes classical music and he learns the piano. He goes to the Royal
Academy of Music in London for piano lessons three times a week. He also practises the piano every
afternoon. Twice a year, Sam plays in student concerts. His parents always come to his concerts, but
his friends don’t. They think classical music is boring.

1. What does Ellen do every day?

2. What do Ellen and her friends do at rock concerts?
3. Where does Sam go for his piano lessons?
4. How often does Sam play in concerts?
5. Why don’t Sam’s friends come to his concerts?

2 Match the beginnings of the sentences in A to the ends of the sentences in B. (5 x 2 = 10

1. Ellen goes to concerts ...... a. classical music.
2. Sam’s parents come ...... b. rock music.
3. Sam’s friends don’t like ...... c. three times a week.
4. Ellen likes ...... d. to his concerts.
5. Sam has piano lessons ...... e. with her friends.
2.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Tennis Players in a Fashion Show

Dublin, Ireland 2002
Anna Kournikova from Russia and Lindsay Davenport from the USA are famous tennis stars. They
travel from country to country and play tennis all over the world. They are good at tennis because
they practise every day. When they play tennis, they like wearing comfortable clothes, so they
usually wear sports clothes: T-shirts, trainers and shorts or short skirts. But today, they aren’t
wearing their sports clothes and they aren’t playing tennis. They are wearing long dresses,
beautiful hats and expensive jewellery. Why are they wearing these clothes? Well, they are in a
fashion show in Dublin. This fashion show is special because the money from the show is for poor
children. Anna and Lindsay are happy to help.

1. Why are Anna and Lindsay famous?

2. Do Anna and Lindsay only play tennis in their own countries?
3. Why do tennis players usually wear sports clothes?
4. What are Anna Kournikova and Lindsay Davenport doing today?
5. Why are Anna and Lindsay in the fashion show?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Lindsay Davenport sometimes wears sports clothes. 

2. Anna Kournikova only plays tennis in Russia and the USA. 
3. The hats are expensive. 
4. The fashion show is in Ireland. 
5. Lindsay and Anna enjoy fashion shows. 
3.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

The Big Screen

The screens in most cinemas are about 10 metres wide, but in iMAX cinemas the screen is bigger
than usual. The iMAX screen in London, England is the biggest screen in the UK. It is 26 metres
wide and over 20 metres high. It is as big as five London buses on top of each other. Because the
screen is very big, everything in the films seems real.
A perfect film to see on an iMAX screen is Robots. Robots is a film about a poor robot trying to get
around Robot City. The images are larger than life, so you feel that you are inside the cars and
buildings. Another great film to see at an iMAX cinema is Batman Begins. In the film, you go into
the city of Gotham and live there with Batman. iMAX screens are a fantastic invention.

1. What is special about iMAX screens?

2. How big is the London iMAX screen?
3. Why do the images in the films feel real?
4. Name two films that the writer recommends.
5. Where does the viewer go in the second film?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. The London iMAX screen is exactly 20 metres high. 

2. The iMAX screen is bigger than normal screens. 
3. The hero of Robots goes to London. 
4. Viewers feel they are in Gotham. 
5. In Batman Begins, Batman visits other countries. 
4.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Young Film Stars

Many young people want to be in films but not many succeed. Rupert Grint wanted to play Ron
Weasley, Harry Potter’s friend, in the Harry Potter films. He wrote to the film producer and the
producer agreed to see him. Rupert wrote a rap song and sang it for the producer. The producer
liked the song so Rupert got the part.
Emma Watson enjoyed acting in school plays, but she didn’t ask to be Hermione in the Harry
Potter films. The film people came to her school looking for a girl to play the part. She decided to
go to the audition just for fun, but she was very happy when they chose her for the part.

1. What part did Rupert Grint want to play in the Harry Potter films?
2. How did Rupert get an audition?
3. Why did the producer choose Rupert for the part?
4. Where did Emma Watson act before she was in the Harry Potter films?
5. Why did the film people come to Emma’s school?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Rupert Grint wrote a song to Emma. 

2. Rupert likes the Harry Potter books. 
3. Ron Weasley is Harry Potter’s friend. 
4. Emma didn’t write to the producer. 
5. The film people didn’t want Emma for the film. 
5.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Every football player dreams of scoring a hat-trick – three goals in one match.
In 1966, Geoff Hurst, an English footballer, was the first player to score a hat-trick in a World Cup
Final. In 1975, Malcolm Macdonald (“Supermac”) scored five goals while he was playing for
England in a match against Cyprus!
Michael Owen scored an impressive hat-trick in 2001 but it wasn’t all his own work. All the players
were working together, so he could score. That match ended with England scoring five goals and
Germany scoring only one.
Rivaldo scored a great third goal in a hat-trick in 2001. While he was playing for Barcelona,
Rivaldo scored with his back to the goal. He kicked the ball over his head and into the goal.

1. Why is Geoff Hurst famous?

2. What did Geoff Hurst, “Supermac” and Michael Owen all do?
3. Which team were England playing when “Supermac” scored five goals?
4. How did Michael Owen’s team help him?
5. Why was Rivaldo’s goal amazing?

2 Circle the correct answers. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Geoff Hurst scored ...... goals in the World Cup Final.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
2. “Supermac” was another name for ...... .
a. Cyprus c. Macdonald b. England d. Hurst
3. Owen scored a hat-trick for ...... .
a. England c. Cyprus b. Germany d.
4. In 2001, the game between Germany and England ended ...... .
a. 5-3 b. 5-2 c. 5-1 d. 3-1
5. Rivaldo scored a goal for ...... .
a. Barcelona c. England b. Germany d. Cyprus
6.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Caring for the Environment

Finland is a very beautiful country with many forests and lakes. Most people from Finland care
about the environment, so they put their rubbish into special recycling bins. In every
neighbourhood, there are recycling bins for different types of rubbish: paper, cartons, glass and
plastic. Near offices there are two bins for paper – one for newspapers and one for white paper.
Often in the centre of a town, there is a special bin for old clothes for people in need.
People in Copenhagen in Denmark also care about the environment. Only 30% of the people
travel by car. Another 38% walk or use the bus or train and 32% of people ride bikes. People can
use special city bikes. There are 2,500 bikes for people to ride. You pay money to use a bike but
when you return it, you get your money back.

1. How do people from Finland show that they care about the environment?
2. What things are recycled in Finland?
3. Why are there bins near offices?
4. What forms of transport do people use in Copenhagen?
5. What do you do if you want to borrow a bike in Copenhagen?

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you
(5 x 2 = 10 points)

environment • rubbish • paper • lakes • clean • beautiful •


1. Finland is a ....................... country.

2. There are two bins for ....................... near offices in Finland.
3. People in Finland and Denmark care about the ....................... .
4. When you return a bike in Copenhagen, they ....................... your money.
5. The people of Finland and Denmark are helping to keep their
countries ....................... .
7.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Space Holiday
Many people say, “If there’s a chance to go into space, I’ll take it!” American millionaire Dennis Tito
always dreamed of flying into space. In 2001, his dream came true. Sixty-year-old Tito paid twenty
million dollars to fly in a Russian space capsule with two Russian cosmonauts on an eight-day
flight. He visited the International Space Station (ISS). While he was in space, he took a lot of
photographs and listened to twenty hours of opera CDs.
For Tito this trip wasn’t really a holiday. He first had to work hard to become a cosmonaut. But it
was a dream come true. He was the world’s first space tourist, but he won’t be the last. In the
future, more and more people will take holidays in space. Maybe it won’t be as common as a trip
to London, but if space travel becomes cheaper, it will soon be popular.

1. Which country did the first space tourist come from?

2. How long was Tito in space?
3. Where did his flight take him in space?
4. What did he need to do before the flight?
5. What will make space travel popular?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct numbers. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Tito flew into space in the year ....................... .
2. Tito was ....................... years old when he went into space.
3. Tito paid ....................... dollars for his space holiday.
4. Tito was in the space capsule for ....................... days.
5. Tito heard ....................... hours of opera CDs when he was in space.
8.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Medicine from Melons

When Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the medical world was very excited. However,
there hasn’t always been enough penicillin for all the sick people. Scientists in the USA have tried
to find new ways to make this important medicine and one of them, Howard Florey, has finally
succeeded. He found a way to use the mould from melons to make penicillin faster and cheaper.
The problem was – getting enough mouldy melons. Then the scientists had a great idea. They
paid a woman to go shopping! The woman’s job is to go to the fruit and vegetable markets around
the city and buy cheap, mouldy melons. The woman is called Mary Hunt. Because of her job,
people have given her a new name – “Mouldy Mary”. Scientists are very happy with Mouldy Mary
and hope there will now be enough penicillin for everyone.

1. Why did scientists look for new ways to make penicillin?

2. What problem did they have with the melons?
3. Who gave Mary Hunt her job?
4. Where does Mary go shopping?
5. Why are the scientists happy now?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Alexander Fleming made penicillin from melons. 

2. At first, scientists couldn’t make enough medicine. 
3. You can make penicillin from fresh melons. 
4. Mary Hunt had to buy lots of fruit and vegetables. 
5. Scientists are happy with her new name. 
9.- READING Read the text. Then complete the sentences.

Hamburger Charlie
Who doesn’t like a good hamburger? It’s tasty, easy to eat and it is prepared quickly. So how was
the hamburger invented? Some people think it was Charlie Nagreen’s idea. In 1885, at the age of
fifteen, Charlie went to a county market in Wisconsin, USA and opened a food stand there. He
wanted to sell meatballs, but business wasn’t very good. People didn’t want to buy them and he
quickly understood why. People couldn’t walk around the market while they were eating meatballs
because they were difficult to hold. Then Charlie had an idea. He made the meatball flat, put it
between two slices of bread and called it a hamburger. People began to buy them and they were a
great success. Hamburger Charlie, as he was called after that, returned to the market to sell his
hamburgers every year until his death in 1951.

1. Charlie had a ............................ at a market.

2. Wisconsin is in ............................ .
3. At first, Charlie tried selling ............................ .
4. Charlie understood why ............................ .
5. Charlie continued selling hamburgers ............................ .

2 Answer the questions according to the text. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. How old was Charlie when he invented the hamburger?


2. Why didn’t Charlie sell many meatballs?


3. What did Charlie do with the meatballs?


4. How do we know Charlie had a good idea?


5. When did people start calling Charlie “Hamburger Charlie”?

10.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Irene is 76 years old and loves playing the word game Scrabble. In this game, you build words
from letters. Each letter gives a different number of points and the person with the highest score
wins. Long words don’t always give more points than short words – sometimes, it’s better to play a
short word with more valuable letters.
Irene lives in Barnet, England. She is always looking for a partner to play with. It’s very difficult, so
she learned how to use a computer and now she plays Internet Scrabble with people from many
different countries.
Really serious players belong to the Internet Scrabble Club. The best players take part in a special
league. Today Irene is at the top of the International Scrabble League. She’s one of the best
players in the world.

1. What type of game is Scrabble?

2. How does a player score points in Scrabble?
3. Why did Irene learn to use a computer?
4. What do the best players take part in?
5. How do we know Irene is a good Scrabble player?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 =
10 points)

1. Irene enjoys playing Scrabble.  

2. All the letters in Scrabble have the same number of points.  

3. It is always better to play long words than short words.  

4. Irene wants to meet people from all over the world.  

5. Irene plays Scrabble on her computer with people from different
countries.  

11.- READING Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Cleaning the River

The River Thames is in London. Many years ago, when London was a small town, the River
Thames was beautiful and clean. There were fish in the river and birds sang in the trees near it.
People could swim in the river too. But, as London grew, the river became dirtier. People built
factories near the river and pollution from them and from the ships killed the fish. In 1950 people
began to worry. The water was black and it had a bad smell. There weren’t any fish in the river
and there weren’t any animals, plants or trees near it.
In 1961, the people of London began to clean up the river. They stopped throwing their rubbish
into the river and they planted trees. When the river was clean enough, they put fish back into it.
Now the River Thames is cleaner than it was forty years ago and people hope it will stay clean.

1. How do we know the River Thames was clean many years ago?
2. Why did the fish in the river die?
3. How did people pollute the river?
4. What did Londoners do to clean up the river?
5. Are there fish in the River Thames today?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. The River Thames was never clean in the past. 

2. People swim in the river today. 
3. In 1950, the river was black. 
4. Today, there aren’t any factories near the river. 
5. Today, there are trees near the river. 
12.- Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Schools Past and Present

In the past, students stood up when a teacher entered the room, and they sat in silence. Students
called their teachers “Miss” or “Sir” and teachers could hit students when they didn’t behave.
Students were too scared to talk and had to raise their hand when they wanted to ask a question.
There weren’t any workbooks, so teachers wrote on the blackboard and students had to copy into
their notebooks. In exams, students had to remember everything.
Today it’s different. Teachers are more friendly than in the past. Students often work on projects in
groups. They have to talk and discuss their work and points are often given for original ideas – not
for just repeating what the teacher said.
So what will schools be like in the future? Maybe there won’t be any schools. Maybe students will
stay at home and learn through the Internet. But, if there aren’t any schools, how will children
learn to communicate with other people? Many people in education think this is a big problem.

1. In the past, what did students do when their teachers came into the room?
2. Why did teachers write a lot on the blackboard?
3. How did teachers know when a student wanted to ask a question?
4. How are teachers different today?
5. What is worrying the experts about students studying from home in the future?

2 Tick () the sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. In the past, students could hit teachers. 

2. In the past, students didn’t talk very much in class. 
3. In the past, students had tests every week. 
4. Today, students can talk about their ideas. 
5. In the future, students will learn through the Internet. 
13.- Read the text. Then answer the questions.
What did you do in the holidays?
On the last day of the summer holidays,
some teenagers were chatting on the
Internet about their summer.

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Dean: I had a relaxing holiday. I didn’t do much. I got up late every day and
watched TV or played on the computer. Sometimes, I went out with my
friends in the evening. My sisters went to stay with my grandmother near
the sea, but I stayed at home. I’ll be happy to go back to school.
Sarah: What a waste of time! I did a lot of things! I painted my bedroom. It was
white but now it’s purple and black! When my sister saw my room, she
wanted to change hers too. I also went on a camping trip with friends and I
studied at a French summer school for two weeks.
Robert: Well, you were busy, Sarah. I was busy too. I live in the country and I
worked on my dad’s farm. All the family helps because there is a lot to do
in the summertime. There’s no time for going out with friends. Now I really
need a holiday!

1. What are the teenagers doing on the Internet?


2. What will make Dean happy?


3. Why did Sarah’s sister want to change her room?


4. How long did Sarah spend at the French summer school?


5. Why was Robert busy?

2 Write the names. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1. Who looked after animals? .......................
2. Who went to visit a member of the family? .......................
3. Who slept a lot? .......................
4. Who had a white bedroom at the beginning of the holiday? .......................
5. Who didn’t have time for friends? ...................

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