Leticia Astacio Order of Probation 7.6.17

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NAME: Leticia a Astacio DATE OF RIRT11~


Havinn.been convicte.d of vn, 1192 03 LI M 0 Driving While. intoxicated- 1st Offense is this
day sentenced to probation for a period of .3 year(s) under your sopervision. While on probation
hefsbe shall. observe the following conditions of prthati•ort and any others which the Court may
impose at a later date, and he/she shall also follow the. instructions or the Prob-ation Officer as to
the way in which these conditions are to be carried out.


I. Report to. a Probation Officer as directed by the Court or -the Probation Officer and permit the
Probation Officer to visit him/her t his/her place of abode or-elsewhere_
. .
Remain within Monroe County *unless granted prior pqmission to leave by the C,aurt or the -
Probation Officer.

3. Truthfully answer all reasonable inquiries by the Probation Officer and notify the Probation
Officer PRIOR TO any change in address or employment.

4.. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. Shall not violate any Federal, State, or Local law. Notify
..the.PrObation Officer If arrested or questioned by any law enforcement officials.
-• • - -•`• - • -
5. - Work-faithftrIly at a suitable employment Or faithfully pursue a course of study or vocational •
training that will equip him/her for suitable employment.

.The period of .piaation shall etpire on unless terminatedby_.the Court prior
to the aforementioned date.

Dated this .'"" day of 7;1

,.2017, Hon. Stephen D. Anonson
Rochester City Coat

Ihave•read and understand. the.above-conditions of probation, and I'a.sree to abide by them. I

acknowledgesthat I have received a copy of the Order and Conditions of Probation.

.Dated this. 43 riav of

Leticia,D. ANtacio
2017, Witness:

Fon31.1000P VAII/A1 R4v..1 MOW

For aiiaconoigniitovil

Astar-io., Leticia CCI-20-16-16465



I. Probationer is ordered to pay a hne OF _ to be paid through the Office. of Probation

- Community Corrections by the at of • ,

Probationer is ordered to pay a Court Mandatory Surcharge of $ to he pid through

the Office of Probation - Community Corrections-by the date of

Probationer shall complete a drug/alcohol evaluation within sixty (60) days o f sentencing, or
as otherwise directed by the Probation Ofdogr, and folloW all. treatment - recorrirrteridations.
Evaluations and treatment must lie proVided by thi-Officg of Alcohol and Stibsta.nce Abuse '
(OAS AS) certified .agency.

Probationer shall. abstain from arcohotro-beverazes and other moo altering drugs unless
prescribed by a physician audtaken-in the prescribed dosa.ze., • - - •

Probationer shrill enter into, cooperate with and complete any drugraloohoi program. or
programs deemed appropriate.

Probationer shall submit to any recognited tests that are available to determine the Use. of

P-robationer ithttil not apply for or possess any dri ver's license, without prior written permiSsien
of the Conn. Probationer Shall r.cit operate a Motor ,vebiele without a valid New York State
driver'S licenseor without the. permission of the Court.
. . . -
8. Probationer shall attend a DWT Victim Impact Panel. as directedty the Probation Officer.

Probationur-gball be prohibited from possessing a firearm, dangerous weapon; or rioxiotis.


10, Probationer shall not possess handcuffs or handcuff keys.

II. Probationer shall not poS:sess or wear law enfor.cement or security officer clothing.
identification, equipment or radio scanners that are-capable of monitoring law. enforcement
channels. •

12. Probationer shall complete a Mental * health eValuation and follow all treatment

13, Pi-obatiemer.shall participate ina merit_;11 healtiftreatment progrm0 direeted Until

satisfactory terminatton of said prozram. Satisfactory participation includes regttlar attendance,
progress toWard reason a.ble treatment:pats; and treatment cantratt compliance.

14. Probationer shall take.all medications a.s: prescribed by their physician.

Astacio, Leticia 3 CC1-2016.-.16465

15. The probationer shall submit to a search of his/her parson, property, vehicle-, place of
residenceor any other property under his/her control and permit confiscation of a:9y evidence or.
contraband discovetcd.

16. Probationer shall sign a waiver of confidentiality form allowing the disclosure of information
about the conviction, program pinticipation and treutrvIr among Probation counselors,
physicians, the District Attorney and the Court. -

Probationer shall be assigned to a continuous alcohol monitoring program (SCRAM), and

follow all rules and procedures of said program for a pericid of _L ,. months, and pay for
all_ associated costs.

The probationer is not-pitted to 0.Wil or operate a Motor vehicle without an ignitipn

interlock device installed therein. The device(s) shall be installed for a. tra'nimo.rn of g months..
19....6t.n ignition interlock gvIcoshall be installed in the vehicle(S) withir 10 business days of the
probation sentence or release from incarceration. Probationer is. not permitted to operate any
motor vehicle until probationespriVilege to drive is restored and a fully. fOnctioning MD is
installed on the. vehicle. The velticle(s) listed are owned or Operated by the probationer. -If the
vehicle is not owned hy.the probtitiOiler, written and noltrized-permission for the *uitnition
interlock installation must be cOmpleted - by the- vehicles titled owner:

20. Where applicable, pursuant to NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law §{193.(1-a)(c), the device(s)
shall be in the 'period of license revocation and its termination, and for each •
additional period as the court has determined.

21, The probwiooer shall proVide proof of installation of each device to the court and the
probation department within three (3) business days of installation.

22. The plobationer-sail notify. the- probation. Officer immediately if any changes MOW' in the
above- vehicle(S),-rielated information.

2.3. The probationer shall deliver the'vehi.cle(s) identified above and equipped with the ignition
. interlock device Jo the installer for the inspection and Calibration checks as required by
installer or directed by the court or the probation officer in a rnarmer consistent with DPCA
Rules and RagulationS Part 9.1.NTYCRR. Part 358.

24: Probationer shallnot mquest„. scilicit or allow any other person(s) to blow into the ignition •
interlock device, "or start the motot vehicle with the deviCe, for tht.purpose Of .prOviding the
probationer with an operablemotor vehicle.

251. The probationer shall ho- lamper 'with or atterriptio circumvent an otherwise operable
ignition interlock cityiee. St4h tatopering..f. is :a Class. A.Misdepeartor mrderSectiod. 119g Of New
York State Vehicleond Traffic Law.

26. The probationer shall.notify the court •and-the probation attar of his/her intention to operate
his/her .ernploy.er's Vehicle within. the Scope.- of his/her employment- for business purposes only
andshallpr.ovid.e written •perMtssion, from the employer„ to be carried.00 his/her perSOn and
shown to the court or the probation Officer, indicating that the ern:player :la:aware that the driving.
Astacie, Letici 4 CC1-2016-164€5.

privilege of the probationer has ht4e1:1 restricted, and permits operation of the business vehicle
within the save of hisTher employment without the icrt Won interlock device. If the business
entity is all or partly owned by the probationer or the probationer has a controlling interest in that
business entity, the business vehicles are not exempt from having lenition Interlock Device(s)

The period of probation shall expire. on (iv I ap unless terminated by the Court: prior •
to the aforementioned date. Z.)

Dated this day of

,213) 7, . Hon. Step8en D. Aronson
t. I
Rochester City Court

- and I agree I abi4e them. I
I have read and urrderstand the abciveTecindi dons of probadb,o
acknowledge tha.r I have received a copy of the Order didons of p
1, l'ati41
Dated this day of
,201,. u IA D. stacio
, prOirok

r. Iry 017.1=4Cdri Ar,rnh

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