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Strategies for

Reaching and
Engaging ELs

By: Catherine Ciucci and Kate

Productive Play

Oral Language Strategies:

- Realia
Development - Communication Games

- Total Physical Response


Connecting Language Acquisition to the

Real World

Identify Identify opportunities to use realia

Collect Collect realia

Build Build a library of realia

Use Use of field trips as realia

Assess by Assess by using realia

Components of literacy development the strategy supports:
– Build Background knowledge and vocabulary- this will then be helpful in
– Great for all ages and language development levels (See table below)

Preproduction Early Production Speech Intermediate Fluent

Emergence Fluency
Use realia to introduce Use objects to Encourage students to Introduce objects Have students role-play
new vocabulary and encourage students to tell you the name of the related to a story and a situation and use the
pass the objects around pronounce new object and its use (e.g. ask students to tell you objects to enhance the
for students to hold. vocabulary. Write the “This is the broom and I how the object was role-play by showing
Encourage them to try names of the objects on use it to sweep.”) used in a story, and why how the objects relate
to say the name of the a chart with drawings or it was important. to the situation being
object as they hold it. photographs to help played.
them remember the
Introduce 2-3 object Introduce 2-3 objects Encourage students to Ask students to identify Have students choose
names and encourage and ask students to compare and contrast additional uses for each several objects and
students to identify the identify the correct objects. Help them to object or tell a short then tell or write a story
correct object as you object by its use (e.g., included colors, sizes, story about how the that includes the
name it. “Which one is used to and possible uses as object could be used. chosen objects in
sweep the floor?”) they make their Encourage creativity. traditional or innovative
comparisons. ways.
TESOL Standards

PreK-3 Students will: 4-8 Students will:

-associate written -compare and contrast
symbols and realia real objects
-Represent story -represent information
sequence with realia through the use of realia

9-12 students will:

-describe change and
growth in real things
Background students would
need to know?

Extensions/Different Grade
level considerations?
Communication Games

Creating Opportunities for Verbal


Identify Identify a language need

Model Model the game

Organize Organize the pairs or groups

Guide Guide the practice

Talk about Talk about the experience

Assess Assess the students’ abilities to communicate orally

Barrier Games &
Information Sharing
2 students sit back-to-
back or behind a screen
(barrier). One student is
given a complete set of
instructions that must be
conveyed verbally to the
second student, who
Each student has part of
completes the task.
the information
necessary to complete a
task or solve a problem.
They must share their
information to
accomplish the task.
TESOL Standards
This strategy supports

PreK-3 students will:

4-8 students will:
-use listening skills in
-use verbal
descriptions to cause
-use verbal directions
actions in others
in playing games

9-12 students will:

Literacy Development: -combine information in
verbal directions to solve
This strategy supports: problems
-Listening & Verbal communication -give a sequence of
practice directions and information
-Good for ALL ages, across curricular to help another create a
areas! product
Application Application
Why would this be important
to EL students?

Extensions/Different Grade
level considerations?
Total Physical Response

Integrating Movement into Language


Start Start with basic TPR (Total Physical Response)

Incorporate Incorporate hand TPR

Ask some questions that can be answered with one word-

Ask Pantomime

Start Start telling mini-stories and have students repeat them

TESOL Standards

PreK-3 students will: 4-8 students will:

-observe and imitate -use knowledge of the
motions of others classroom setting to
-use practiced motion determine acceptable
appropriately in class. behavior.
Literacy Development: 9-12 students will:
-observe and imitate
This strategy supports:
-Language acquisition through learning the speech and actions
vocabulary, directions, & procedures appropriate in a
-Enhances fluency particular situation.
-Comprehension -vary oral responses
-Great for young children/Els with little according to social
English knowledge- but can be used at any settings
How does this aid

Extensions/Different Grade
level considerations?
• Realia- Are there language
proficiency levels the strategy
is particularly suited for?
• Communication Games- What
component(s) of literacy
development does the
strategy support?
• Total Physical Response
Storytelling- Are there grade
levels the strategy is
particularly suited for?

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