March April 2018

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The joyous veneration given to the Mother of God by the contemporary Church, in light of
reflection on the mystery of Christ and on his nature, cannot ignore the figure of a woman (cf.
DIOCESAN Gal 4:4), the Virgin Mary, who is both the Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church.
NEWS In some ways this was already present in the mind of the Church from the premonitory words
of Saint Augustine and Saint Leo the Great. In fact the former says that Mary is the mother of
the members of Christ, because with charity she cooperated in the rebirth of the faithful into
DEANERY the Church, while the latter says that the birth of the Head is also the birth of the body, thus
NEWS indicating that Mary is at once Mother of Christ, the Son of God, and mother of the members
of his Mystical Body, which is the Church. These considerations derive from the divine moth-
erhood of Mary and from her intimate union in the work of the Redeemer, which culminated
FOCUS at the hour of the cross.

ANNOUCE- Indeed, the Mother standing beneath the cross (cf. Jn 19:25), accepted her Son’s testament of
love and welcomed all people in the person of the beloved disciple as sons and daughters to
MENTS be reborn unto life eternal. She thus became the tender Mother of the Church which Christ
begot on the cross handing on the Spirit. Christ, in turn, in the beloved disciple, chose all
disciples as ministers of his love towards his Mother, entrusting her to them so that they
IN THIS might welcome her with filial affection.
As a caring guide to the emerging Church Mary had already begun her mission in the Upper
CHRISM MASS Pg Room, praying with the Apostles while awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts
2018 .2 1:14). In this sense, in the course of the centuries, Christian piety has honoured Mary with
various titles, in many ways equivalent, such as Mother of Disciples, of the Faithful, of Believ-
ers, of all those who are reborn in Christ; and also as “Mother of the Church” as is used in the
texts of spiritual authors as well as in the Magisterium of Popes Benedict XIV and Leo XIII.
SCHOOL @ 75 .3
Thus the foundation is clearly established by which Blessed Paul VI, on 21 November 1964, at
the conclusion of the Third Session of the Second Vatican Council, declared the Blessed Vir-
BISHOP’S VISITS Pg gin Mary as “Mother of the Church, that is to say of all Christian people, the faithful as well as
.4 the pastors, who call her the most loving Mother” and established that “the Mother of God
should be further honoured and invoked by the entire Christian people by this tenderest of
PORTS FISH- 5 Therefore the Apostolic See on the occasion of the Holy Year of Reconciliation (1975), pro-
MONGERS posed a votive Mass in honour of Beata Maria Ecclesiæ Matre, which was subsequently insert-
ed into the Roman Missal. The Holy See also granted the faculty to add the invocation of this
DAY OF THE SICK Pg title in the Litany of Loreto (1980) and published other formularies in the Collection of Masses
CELEBRATED of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1986). Some countries, dioceses and religious families who peti-
AND MORE... tioned the Holy See were allowed to add this celebration to their particular calendars.
Continue on page 11….
The Chrism Mass for the Sekondi Takoradi Diocese was celebrated at the St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Sekondi on March 27, 2018. Most
Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp presided at the Mass, during which the oil for the sick and the oil of Catechumens was blessed
and Sacred Chrism consecrated to be used throughout the diocese in the coming year. The priests also renewed their commitment
during the Mass.

During the homily, Bishop Kwofie told the congregation that although priest are ministers of God, they are humans. They some-
times have their inadequacies which manifest in the discharge of their duties. He therefore "pleaded with Christians to keep pray-
ing for their priests so that they shall be faithful ministers of Christ the High Priest."

He also reminded the priests that current trends in the society demands that "we change our style of ministry," become proactive
and accompany the faithful.

He said “our pastoral duties demands from us to be close to our people. As teachers of the faith, the youth deserve our special at-
tention. Our youth face many challenges in living and expressing their Catholic faith. They need to hear a clear voice of teaching
amongst the many confusing voices they hear daily. If we, their priests and bishop, neglect our teaching ministry, we shall be ne-
glecting a key pastoral responsibility and consequently we shall abandon the flock and they shall scatter like sheep without a shep-


This year's Day of Consecrated Life was celebrated at St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church Agona Nkwanta. The Vicar General Msgr Francis Abuah-
Quansah presided over the celebration and in attendance were religious
brothers, sisters and priests working in the diocese.

In his homily the Vicar General Msgr Francis Abuah-Quansah explained

to the congregation the essence of the religious life and their roles in the
work of the evangelization. He used the occasion to admonish the faith-
ful to continue to offer prayers and support to the religious and the cler-
gy but was quick to add that when they see them going wayward they
should be magnanimous in their reprimanding and corrections.

The parish administrator Rev Fr Isaac Atta Mensah welcomed the Reli-
gious brothers and sisters and the vicar general for honoring them with
such a visit.



Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, Bishop of Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese and the Episcopal Chair-
man for education has pleaded with government to give more attention to public basic-school in it's edu-
cational reform agenda, since many of our school going children go through the public schools.

Bishop Kwofie made the call when addressing a durbar held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Bishop
Essuah Memorial Catholic Primary School in Takoradi on 22nd March, 2018. He further admitted that the
upsurge of the many private basic schools in the country could be an indication of a general lack of confi-
dence in the public basic schools emanating from a growing decline in their academic performance.

Bishop Kwofie therefore called on "all stakeholders in the provision of education to work hand in hand to
restore confidence in the public basic school system starting from the provision of motivated classroom
teachers, appointment of selfless and honest administrators and heads and the creation of conducive
learning environment." In addition, public basic schools should be supported with the needed facilities,
both logistics and administrative to enable them give quality education to our children.

Rev. Mrs. Elizabeth A.S. Akouko, Metro Director of Education, Sekondi-Takoradi also appealed passionate-
ly to all stakeholders in education, parents, old students and philanthropists to complement government
efforts by contributing their quota towards education in the school.

The theme for the diamond jubilee was "Celebrating 75 Years of Contributing to National Human Re-
source Development." The School was established in 1942 as St. Joseph Catholic Primary School, with Mr.
John R. Mills as the first head teacher. But the name was later changed to Bishop Essuah Primary in hon-
our of the first bishop of the diocese. Currently, the school has three streams with a population of 800
pupils and 22 teachers.




Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp has exhorted the youth to
change their ways and return to the Lord. He asked them to strive to
let their light shine always. He further encouraged them to be mindful
of three essential aspects of life which were vital to future growth
namely, imagination, courage and determination.

The Bishop made these remarks during this year's Lenten Recollection
for all the youth of the Diocese at Our Lady of Fatima Grotto on the
17th February, 2018. While admitting that attendance was not impres-
sive, he was however grateful to those who made it. He therefore
charged the stakeholders to ensure that subsequent youth programs are
well attended.

Present at the program were Rev. Frs. Michael Owusu, Michael Akpa-
nyi, Francis Davis, Emmanuel Asamoah Bekoe, Owusu Bempah,
Wilfred Bebodu, Joseph E. Bebodu, James Robinson and Jean Mare
Ndour (Senegal). A total of 1,150 youth were present.


Most Rev. John Bonaventure vated St. Patrick Catho- Traditional Area, raised a
Kwofie, CSSp, Bishop of lic Church at Beyin. concern about
“A little bit of Sekondi-Takoradi has charged Beyin is known for its the drop in number of
Christians to follow God with prominence in the Dio- the youth at Sunday Mass
humility, be faithful to God cese as the hometown of and other liturgical Ser-
mercy makes the and eschew idolatrous practic- the first Bishop, Most. vices.
es. He further asked them Rev. Joseph Amihere
to give due respect to the Essuah. Dignitaries who attended
world less cold church and its environs as the The Bishop lauded Very the program in-
church is a sacrament of Rev. Fr. Raphael Mensah clude: Awulae Annor
and more just” God’s presence among us, and (the chancellor of the Dio- Adjae III (Omanhene,
His dwelling place. cese) who secured the West-
The Bishop made the call funds for the renovation ern Nzema Traditional
- Pope Francis while delivering the homily at of the Church. Area), S.K. Amihere,
the rededication of the reno- Nana Kabenla Tendele,
The rededication of the Nana Simala Kpanyinli,
church at Beyin was part Nana Tanoe Blay,
of a number of activities Nana Takilika,Nana Aye
that was lined up during bie Amihere and Safohen
the Bishop's 3 e Kwasi Prah.
day pastoral visit to the The rest are: Rev Frs; Antho-
St. Mary's Parish ny Assebiah (Parish Priest),
at Kengen, from 9th Raymond-Teddy Amoh, Eric
March, 2018 which was K. Elliason, Daniel Aboagye
climaxed on 11th March, and Benard Abekah.
2018 with the confirma-
tion of 23 candidates.
lae Annor Adjaye, Omanh
ene of Western Nzema


The Bishop, Most Rev. John Bonaventure
Kwofie, CSSp used the occasion of the
Priests’ Assembly held on 16th February,
2018 to introduce and welcome the SMA
Fathers to the Diocese.

Rev. Frs. Emmanuel Andoh and Hippolyte

Buhika have since taken up pastoral minis-
try at Funkoe and Amanful Parish. We
would like to welcome them and to wish
them a successful ministry in our Diocese.


The Sekondi Takoradi Diocesan Women and Gender Development
Office with support from the Development Office of the Diocese made
a donation of basins, knives and other accessories to 55 selected wom-
en fishmongers at a ceremony at Funkoe on 20th March, 2018.

Madam Linda Barbara Aggrey, the Diocesan Women and Gender De-
velopment Coordinator charge the beneficiaries to make good use of
the items to enable them support their families. She also told the gath-
ering that funds for the project were secured from Mr. & Mrs. Agatha
Jox of Germany with the aim of supporting needy and poor fishmon-
gers at the coastal areas of the Diocese.

Msgr. Francis Tawiah, the Diocesan Development Officer told the

women that their development and empowerment is very dear to the
Bishop and that this donation will be replicated in the other coastal
areas of the Diocese. He further admonished the women not to sell the
items but to use them to improve their lives.

The beneficiaries were selected from the following fishing communi-

ties; Funkoe, New Amanful, Adjuah, New Takoradi, Nkontompoh,
Asemco and Buture. The next presentation will take place at Aboadze
on 5th April, 2018.

The ceremony was attended by Msgr Francis Yaw Tawiah, Rev. Fr.
Emmanuel Andoh (SMA), Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Dolphyne, Mrs. There-
sah Yeboah (Diocesan Women Council-President ), and Madam Linda
Barbara Aggrey( Diocesan Women and Gender Development Coordi-
The Diocesan celebration of the World Day of the Sick took
This year’s National World Day of the Sick has been place at the Father Thomas Alan Rooney Memorial Hospital,
launched at the St. Martin De Porres Hospital at Eikwe Asankrangwa on Friday, 23rd February, 2018. The celebra-
on 2ndFebruary, 2018 in the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese. tion brought together all the facilities in the Diocese – Father
The theme for this year’s celebration was “Mater Eccle- Thomas Alan Rooney Memorial Hospital, Asankrangwa, St.
siae” Behold, your Son… Behold, your mother. And Martin de Porres Hospital, Eikwe, Holy Child Clinic, Fijai,
from that the disciple took her into his home.” (John Holy Child Health Center, Egyam and St. Theresa Clinic,
19:26-27) Obrayentoboase.

Mr. George Adjei, Director, National Catholic Health

The Diocesan Director of Health presided over the Mass
Service, (NCHS), addressing the gathering stated that which was concelebrated by Chaplains from the two hospi-
the Catholic Church has been partnering government to tals and the Parish Priest of the Immaculate Conception
provide healthcare. Today, we have 38 hospitals, 80 clin- Catholic Church, Asankrangwa. In his homily Rev. Fr. Eric
ics, 10 Nursing and Midwifery Colleges and 5 special- Kwasi Elliason emphasized the need to take care of our sick
brothers and sisters and show greater love to them. He re-
ized institutions. He described the celebration as one that minded the assembly that sickness and suffering are not just
calls our attention to consciously raise, discuss and find for the few unfortunate ones but each person can go through
solutions to challenges and opportunities in the world of at any moment in life.
the sick and suffering – both patient and care giver.
In attendance were Board Members of the Father Thomas
Hon. Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah, MP for the Ellem- Alan Rooney Memorial Hospital, Asankrangwa and various
belle Constituency who was also present paid glowing heads of department in the Amenfi West District Assembly.
Goodwill messages were delivered to encourage best
tribute to the Catholic Church and called for support healthcare practices in the Diocesan Health Service of the
in addressing issues relating to the sick. The launching Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi. The Message of the
was done by Most Rev. Emmanuel Fianu, Bishop of Ho Pope for the 26th World Day of the Sick was read by Rev. Fr.
Eric Kwasi Elliason, the Diocesan Director of Health. With
Diocese and also the episcopal chairman for health. He
joy and singing, the priests, staff and dignitaries visited all
reminded the gathering that the celebration was also the wards praying for the sick and encouraged them.
a day for the care-givers too and used the occasion to ex-
press gratitude to them for their dedication and commit-
ment to the sick. He read the papal message for the
26th World Day of the Sick.

The program was chaired by Awulae Amihere Kpanyin-

li II, Paramount Chief, Eastern Nzema Traditional Ar-
ea. Dignitaries who attended the program include Most
Rev. Emmanuel Fianu (Bishop of Ho and
Health), Msgr. Francis Abuah-Quansah (Vicar General –
Sekondi Takoradi Diocese), Msgr Anthony Mary Am-
ponsah Opoku (Archdiocese of Kumasi), Rev. Frs. Eric
Elliason (Health Director, Sekondi-Takoradi), Mark An-
thony Nrenzah, Anthony Quarm, David Nkrumah (Dean,
Axim Deanery) and Seth Owusu.

Also present were Hon. Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah,

(MP - Ellembelle), Nana Kofi Amihere III (Chief -
Eikwe), Nana Ahuman III (Queenmother - Eikwe), Joana
Edusei Poku and Chaplains (Various Catholic Health In-
"YOU SHOULD BE We would therefore like to welcome
ANIMATORS" BISHOP NEW DIOCESAN YOUTH her and wish her well in her new as-

Most Rev. John Bonaventure

Kwofie, CSSp has charged the youth
to be front liners in their services to
the Church as peer evangelizers. He NEW DIOCESAN YOUTH
gave the admonition while deliver- EXECUTIVES INAUGURAT-
ing his homily for this year's Palm ED AT NAWULE
Sunday Celebration at St. John the
Evangelist Catholic Church, Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie,
Apowa. CSSp has inaugurated the newly
elected diocesan youth executives
Bishop Kwofie further encouraged with the mandate to serve for 2 years.
them not to give up, but to allow
God to use them, since God is their The inauguration occurred during the
helper. He also advised Christians to annual lenten retreat for the youth in
watch and pray in order not to be led the diocese held on 17th February,
into temptation. Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, 2018 at the Our Lady of Fatima Grot-
CSSp has appointed Miss Araba Mar- to, Nawuley.
The Palm Sunday Mass was a cli- tels Hughes, as the new Diocesan
max to the Bishop's three day pasto- Youth Coordinator. This has become The executives are as follows:
ral visit to the Parish. As part of the necessary following the retirement of Chairman - Mr. Frederic Kwasi
Bishop's visit, a total of 54 candi- Mr. Collins Armah Brako, last year. (Tikobo 1 Parish)
dates received the sacrament of con- Vice Chairman - Mr. Evans Brown
firmation at Yabiw (an outstation of Miss Martels Hughes is a parishioner at Mensah (Tarkwa Parish)
the parish). the St. John the Baptist Catholic Secretary - Mr. James A. Awuah
Church, Adiembra-Kweikuma and (Elubo Parish)
holds an HND in Hospitality Manage- Organizer - Mr. Emmanuel Benle
ment from the Takoradi Technical Uni- Kodwo (Axim Parish)
versity. Until her appointment, she was Financial Secretary - Mr. Bismark
the youth organizer of her parish. Kwofie (Asankrawgwa Parish)

Her duties as Diocesan Youth Coordi-

nator includes:

-Organising and Coordinating all youth

ministry programs and activities at the
parish, deanery and diocesan levels
paying special attention to the spiritual
and personal growth of our youth.

-Coordinating youth programs and ac-

tivities at the provincial and national
levels on behalf of the Diocese.


The 8th National Congress of the National Catholic Council of Women (NCCW) had been held under the
theme "Catholic Women, Arise and Reach Out." The Congress hosted by the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese took
place at the St. Mary's Senior High School, Apowa. The congress brought together over 200 delegates from all
the (Arch) Dioceses across the country.

Mrs. Theresa Yeboah, President of the Women's Council of Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese welcomed the dele-
gates and encouraged them to take the opportunity of the congress to "renew friendship, contacts and also dis-
cuss problems of mutual interest with fellow participants."

The keynote address by Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, Bishop of the host Diocese was read on
his behalf by the Vicar General, Msgr. Francis Abuah-Quansah. In the address, he urged delegates "to act with
a sense of urgency situated within the context of the gospel." He further added "The Lord is inviting you to
enter into the darkness of our time and carry out His mission. Do not give in to despondency. Allow the Lord
Himself to touch your hearts and use you."
Mrs Margaret Lemaire, Principal of Holy Child College of Education also addressed the delegates. She men-
tioned that the theme was "an invitation to all women who are baptized to awake from their slumber."

Reflecting on the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and other Biblical characters she added that "the theme for the
congress is catchy, relevant and timely, and it is only by arising and reaching out that we can be able to share
power of Christ of the love of Christ with others."

There were also goodwill messages from, Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana; Most Rev. Jean M Speich, Most Rev.
Gabriel Anokye, Archbishop of Kumasi; as well as goodwill messages from the various women groups includ-
ing Catholic Women Association, Ladies of Marshall, Ladies Auxiliary of St. John International, St. Theresa of
the Child Jesus, Christian Mothers and Fathers Association. Also in attendance were representatives from the
Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches as well as Moslem representatives
In her closing remarks, the Chairperson, Nana Akua Adenkua V, Queen mother of English Sekondi, Essikadu
encouraged delegates to do well to become good models of Christian living to the younger generations in their
various parishes. At the Mass of thanksgiving at the Cathedral, Bishop Kwofie called the attention of the wom-
en to be “keepers of one another in their journey of faith” . He urged them not to lose their sense of belonging
to their various societies and ultimately the church.




The Sekondi-Takoradi Diocesan Catechetical Institute begun

in 1998 with Sr. Magdalene of the Holy Cross Congregation as its first Director during the episcopacy
of the late Most Rev. Charles Kweku Sam. The mandate of the Institute was to produce well-formed
and informed Catechists equipped to lead local communities in liturgical and pastoral matters.

Initially, the training for the catechists was for a period of three months continuous. However, due to
family demand on the catechist and also challenges of securing funding, the Institute reviewed it activi-
ties during the directorship of Msgr. A. Ghansah. However, it was later closed down.

But in 2015, Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp renovated the Center and appointed Very
Rev. Fr. John Baptist Attakruh as its third director. The Institute was therefore restructured and re-
named St. Kizito’s Pastoral and Catechetical Center. And having featured prominently during discus-
sions at the first ever Diocesan Synod; the Center begun again in 2016 with the core mandate of train-
ing and forming Catechists but with a different approach.

Catechists formation is currently structured around the academic level of candidates at the Institute.
This is divided into two groups. One consists of candidates with educational level of up to JHS. This
group come in for two sessions of three weeks each (from Jan to Feb) and May. The other is made up
of candidates with educational level beginning from SHS. This group also come in for 3 weeks in the
month of August. The St. Kizito’s Pastoral and Catechetical Centre also organizes on going formation
for all Catechists at the deanery level.

The Center has since 2016 trained 100 Catechists with an average of 50 Catechists per year. It is im-
portant to note that guidelines for implementation are being drawn currently for approval by the Pro-
vincial Bishops so as to raise the Centre to the level of a Provincial Catechetical Center.

The Centre has a staff strength of five, namely;

Very Rev. Fr. John Baptist Attakruh (Director)
Rev. Sr. Evenly Ntiamoah ( Deputy Director)
Ms Elizabeth Manford (Secretary)
Mr. John Essuman( Maintenance Officer)
Mrs. Patricia Asamoah

In addition, the Institute also relies on priests working in the metropolis as part time lecturers .
The Nzema Zone of Pax Romana and Cathsu on 24th February 2018 held a
day's prayer rally at Nkroful on the theme "Come unto me and I will give
you rest" (Matthew 11:28)

The guest speaker, Mr Napoleon Baafi charged the students to find a bal-
ance between their academic work and prayer life. He admonished them not
to sacrifice one in favor of the other since it will affect their holistic develop-
ment. Brother Aristide Binney of the Holy Cross Congregation also im-
pressed upon the students the need to be ready to respond to God's call to the
Priesthood and Religious life.

The day's celebration was climaxed with the celebration of the Holy Eucha-
rist presided over by Rev. Fr. Gordon Owusu Cobbinah (Axim Deanery
Youth Chaplain). He urged the students to take their studies seriously so as
to achieve their goals and not sacrifice it in the name of friendship.

A total of 500 students took part in the rally. They were drawn from the fol-
lowing schools: Baidoo Bonsu SHS, Nsein SHS, Esiama Sectech, Nkroful
Agric SHS, Annor Adjae SHS, Half Assini SHS, Bonzo Kaku and Esiama
Community Nursing. Also present were Rev. Fr. Joseph Enimil (Parish
Priest), Rev. Fr. Gordon Owusu Cobbinah (Deanery Youth Chaplain - Axim)
Bro. Aristride Binney and Napoleon Baafi.



Rev. Fr. John Mary Arwuah Edeafour has been installed as the third parish priest of St.
Joseph Parish, Agona Amenfi. The parish which was carved out of the Immaculate Con-
ception Parish, Asankrangwa, in 2005, is made up of twelve churches (i.e. Agona Amen-
fi Church and eleven other outstations).

The installation ceremony held on the 18th March, 2018, was done in the thanksgiving
mass to climax the three day pastoral visit of the Vicar General of the Sekondi-Takoradi
Diocese to the parish. In his homily, the Vicar General, Msgr Francis Abuah-Quansah,
called on the Christ faithful to approach every covenant with God with all seriousness,
humility and loyalty. He said the greatest covenant of God and his people is the action of
Christ on the cross, which grants us access to God, a priceless gift we didn’t de-
serve. With this in mind, we on our part must make every effort to part ways with sin and
remain faithful to God as we prepare to celebrate Easter.

He also addressed the priests working in the parish to see their position as a higher office
that demands service in humility and love. They should be united in spirit with the bishop
and all the priests in the diocese in offering pastoral care to the flock in their jurisdiction.
To the parishioners he encouraged them to support the parish priest and his assistant, so
that together with the members of the parish pastoral council, they can raise the image of
the parish to the greater glory of God.
continue from pg.1
Having attentively considered how greatly the promotion of this devotion might encourage the growth of the maternal
sense of the Church in the pastors, religious and faithful, as well as a growth of genuine Marian piety, Pope Francis has
decreed that the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, should be inscribed in the Roman Calendar
on the Monday after Pentecost and be now celebrated every year.

This celebration will help us to remember that growth in the Christian life must be anchored to the Mystery of the Cross,
to the oblation of Christ in the Eucharistic Banquet and to the Mother of the Redeemer and Mother of the Redeemed,
the Virgin who makes her offering to God.

The Memorial therefore is to appear in all Calendars and liturgical books for the celebration of Mass and of the Liturgy of
the Hours. The relative liturgical texts are attached to this decree and their translations, prepared and approved by the
Episcopal Conferences, will be published after confirmation by this Dicastery.

Where the celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, is already celebrated on a day with a higher li-
turgical rank, approved according to the norm of particular law, in the future it may continue to be celebrated in the
same way.

Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

From the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 11 February 2018, the memorial of the
Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes.

Robert Card. Sarah, Prefect

Arthur Roche, Archbishop Secretary

The Knights and Ladies Aux-
iliary of St John Internation-
al ,Agona Nkwanta has donat-
ed 200 blocks and 5 bags of
cement to Agona Nkwanta
hospital as their Easter charity



“The Diocesan
Newsletter for the
Diocese of Sekondi-
Takoradi is now on
social media. SEKONDI-TAKORADI
```Visit/ Follow Us
now and get WILL BE 50 YEARS

 April 6, 2018: Catholic special school celebrates 15th anniversary.
 April 8, 2018: Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Mary’s Seminary.
SEND YOUR  April 8, 2018: Sod Cutting ceremony for new Minor Seminary, Apowa
STORIES TO :  14th, 15th April, 2018: Centenary celebration of Sanzule, Eikwe.
 17th, 18th April, 2018: Ongoing formation (All Priests) at Pastoral
Email: Centre, Apowa.
 21st, 23rd April, 2018: Pastoral visit— St. Anthony Parish, Daboase
 27th—29th April, 2018: Pastoral visit, 25th Anniversary, St. Anthony of
Padua Parish, Elubo


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