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Kenisha P.

Hughes 04/01/18
HIPPAA Violation Lawsuit

I did my assignment on a HIPPAA violation lawsuit that involved a pharmacist and her

husband’s mistress in Marion County. A pharmacist obtained personal medical information of a

patient and shared it with other individuals illegally without the consent of the patient, after

learning of the sexual relationship between her husband and the patient. It was proven in the

lawsuit by the patient that the pharmacist shared her medical records with her husband who in

turn was blackmailing her to not pursue child support payments. The patient then went on to

prove that the pharmacist place of employment continued to employ her after learning of her

negligence of the HIPPAA law.

After reading this article I agree with the patient’s argument as well as lawsuit. I believe that the

pharmacist had no right to pass along the patient’s medical records for her personal gain. It

would be considered a criminal offense in my eyes because I feel that the pharmacist was a lover

scorn and did that to get back at the patient for not only having a sexual affair with her husband,

but for the child that was made while doing so. I believe that her purpose was as the patient

stated to blackmail her into not going forward with her husband having to pay support for the

child that he helped make. Such a shame that people would go to such depth to ruin someone but

in reality they are ruining themselves.
Kenisha P. Hughes 04/01/18
HIPPAA Violation Lawsuit

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