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Rebecca Schnell

Ed 315 Unit Plan


LESSON PLAN Lesson #__1____

Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Rebecca Schnell Content Area: Science/ Reading_

Date: March 21 Grade Level: 4th

Goal(s): RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the
text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

In this classroom there are a few disciplinary issues. I will have to address
Planning: the side talk and noise making if it occurs during my lesson. I will use the
strategies that I have observed from my CT and implement them during
my lesson. A strategy that worked nicely last time was drawing diagrams
on the board so that students can visually see what we are learning about. I
plan on walking around the room when it is work time to assess the
students participation and to make sure there is no confusion and address
the students who are off task. The students have been learning about
magnets, magnetic fields and their forces.

Objective(s): Students will recognize what an electromagnet is and the difference

between a bar magnet and a electromagnet by reading the designated
: chapter in their book, watching a video on magnets, and completing
workbook page 311 which asks the students describe how to create an
electromagnet, the difference between a electromagnet and a bar magnet,
and to describe two different motors.
Language focus/Vocabulary: Electromagnet

Informal: I will be asking questions throughout the lesson and checking

Assessment: for student progress and understanding by walking around during work
Formal: For this lesson there will be no graded, formal assessment. I will
only be checking for understanding by collecting workbook page 311.

Materials Needed:

Science book, workbook page 311, magnet video, pencil/pen.e needed:

(Include time allotments)
Introduction: (5 minutes) I will tell the students that we will be learning about
electromagnets. We will be reading from our book, watching a Bill Nye video on magnets,
and then we will be completing a worksheet for the remaining time. I will ask the students if
they can remember why magnets are important and if they can recall where we find magnets.
I will then ask them what they think an electromagnet is. Sounding it out I will ask if the
word “electro” sounds familiar. I will then compare it to the word electricity and then state
that the word “magnet” in electromagnet is exactly what it sounds like, a magnet. I will state
the definition of an electromagnet as a temporary magnet and there are wire coils wrapper
around the magnet to create electricity. I will then tell them that electromagnets are in things
such as, MRI machines,

Steps for instruction: (10-15 minutes) We will start to read our science book on page F24 as
a class. I will pick volunteers to help me read. I will read a paragraph and then I will call on a
volunteer. I will stop on the definition of what an electromagnet is and state that it is a
temporary magnet when it has a magnetic field only when there is an electric current in the
wire. On page F28 after the first paragraph I will write on the board the difference between
an electromagnet and a normal bar magnet. I will draw a normal bar magnet and then I will
draw a basic diagram of an electromagnet. Then continue to read the rest of the section until
page F29. After reading, I will quickly go through the review questions with the students.

(20-25 minutes) After reading the chapter we will watch the Bill Neye Video in magnets.
After the video we will take the quiz on the DVD. I will pick sticks that have students names
on them and have the students answer the questions.

(10 minutes) After the video and the quiz, I will assign WB page 311. If we have time we
will go over it in class.

Closure: (2-3 minutes) I will close by stating what we have all learned about today,
electromagnets and the difference between a bar magnet and an electromagnet. I will ask
then ask the students if they have any questions and thank them for listening and their
participation today.
LESSON PLAN Lesson #__2____
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Rebecca Schnell Content Area: Science

Date: 3/23/18 Grade Level: 4th

Goal(s): Standard: W.4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development
and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

In this classroom there are a few disciplinary issues. I will have to address
Planning: the side talk and noise making if it occurs during my lesson. I will use the
strategies that I have observed from my CT and implement them during
my lesson. I plan on walking around the room when it is work time to
assess the students participation and to make sure there is no confusion
and address the students who are off task. The students have been learning
about electromagnets and the different properties of one. My lesson will
have students read an article and write down one main thought or idea
from the article and will also write the definitions of the bolded words in
the article. I also will be introducing a Brain Pop video on electromagnets
and have the students take the quiz at the end.

Objective(s): Students will be able to identify a main thought or idea that is conveyed in
the article that is given in class and students will also be able to identify
: the bolded words in the article as well as write their definition.

Informal: I will be asking questions throughout the lesson and checking

Assessment: for student progress and understanding by walking around during work
Formal: For this I will be collecting the work that the students have
completed from reading the article. I will be collecting the quizzes that the
students finish after the Brain Pop video to make sure they were paying
attention and to make sure they were understanding the videos concepts.

Materials Needed:

Article on electromagnets, pencil/pen, computer, loose-leaf :


(Include time allotments)

Introduction: (5-10 minutes) I will tell the students that we will be continuing to talk about
electromagnets. I will then introduce the article and I will explain that they will be writing a
main idea or thought from the article and that they should be writing the bolded words and
their definitions on a sheet of paper that I will be collecting at the end. I will also tell them
that we will be watching a BrainPop video on electromagnets and taking a quiz at the end of
the video and I will be collecting their answers. I will start off reading my own article that I
found that talks about how electromagnetic fields shrink tumors and electromagnetism can
shrink liver and breast cancer cells without harming surrounding tissue that was published
within the past couple of years. I will also write the learning objective and how we will be
meeting it on the board.
Steps for instruction: (20-25 minutes) I will then pass out the article that I want the students
to read ( and they will do
this independently. I will have the paper passer pass out a piece of loose leaf paper to their
peers. I will tell the students that they will be reading this article and writing one main idea or
thought from this article and will also be finding the bolded words in the article and writing
their definition on their piece of loose-leaf paper. I will tell them that I will be collecting this
for a grade at the end of 20 minutes or so. I will write these directions on the board for the
specific students who need to be reminded of what the directions are
(15 minutes) I will then introduce the BrainPop video that is titled, Electromagnetic
Induction. I will be telling the students that I will play this video twice and that we will be
taking a quiz at the end of the video. I will also tell them that I will be collecting this and Ms.
Dorazil will be using this as a grade.

Closure: (2-3 minutes) I will close by asking why electromagnets are important in our
everyday lives. I will ask the students if they have any questions and then thank them for
listening and their participation today.
LESSON PLAN Lesson #__3____
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Rebecca Schnell Content Area: Science

Date: 3/23/18 Grade Level: 4th

Standard: Standard SCI.PS2: Students use science and engineering practices, crosscutting
concepts, and an understanding of forces, interactions, motion and stability to make sense of
phenomena and solve problems.

Engage: (10 minutes) I will start off by asking the students if they remember how to create a
electromagnet again? I will then be telling them that we will be creating our very own
electromagnets in class. I will be having small groups come to the back table to create their own
electromagnet with my help. I will review with them that we will be handling wire, batteries,
tape, a nail, and paper clips. I will state that even though these things may not seem harmful, we
need to be extremely careful while preforming our experiments. We need to handle the materials
with care and respect otherwise no one will be handling them and I will be preforming the
experiment and they can watch and observe.

Explore: (10 minutes) As a class we will go over what the investigation question is, the
materials, and the definition of a hypothesis is. A hypothesis is an idea or explanation that you
then test through study and experimentation. I will tell them that we will be creating a magnet at
the back table and testing to see if either paper clips or a penny will be magnetic. I will take back
small groups to the desk and have them bring along their worksheet as well to fill in a drawing of
their experiment. The students will fill the hypothesis portion on the worksheet in the small
group, but having them do this independently (Small Group time: 5-10 minutes with each
Explain: I will then send them back to their seats and they will independently fill in what I
observed and learned and a new question I have about this investigation portion of the
worksheet. I will be making sure that students know to finish their worksheet when they go back
to their seats.
Elaborate: In the last two lessons I have taught we have been talking about electromagnets and
the many different facts about them such as how to make them and electromagnets are magnets
that electricity is flowing through and also that electromagnets have off and on switches nad
normal magnets do not. This lesson I am letting students work hands on with an electromagnet,
really helping them see a electromagnet up close to examine what properties it has and to test
what the electromagnet will be attracted to.

 Evaluate: The evaluation portion of this lesson will be through the worksheet that is
given in the beginning of the lesson. They will fill this out as the lesson progresses. I will
the collect this at the end of the lesson and grade it on a rubric grading scale. After
everyone has participated in the experiment I will then be giving them summative
assessment that should relate to all that we have talked about in the last three days. This
summative assessment is a short quiz that the students will work on independently. I will
have two questions on the on the board, one True or False statement, and one question
that requires students to draw a picture. The questions will be;
o How are electromagnets incorporated in our daily lives?
o Describe one way to make an electromagnet stronger.
o True or False, an electromagnet is a temporary magnet.
o Please draw one way to create an electromagnet (Hint: Remember our experiment
from today).
Rubric for Science Investigation Form
√+ √ √-
Investigation -The question is copied -The question from the - Question is not copied
Question correctly from the board. board is copied. from the board.
-All spelling and punctuation -There are some spelling -Question is not properly
is copied correctly from the and punctuation errors. copied from the board.
board. -Questions has man spelling
and punctuation errors.
Hypothesis -Their hypothesis is very -Hypothesis is somewhat -Hypothesis is not written.
Statement clean and can be answered clear. -Hypothesis is not clear if
by doing an experiment. -Hypothesis somewhat written.
-The hypothesis addresses address the investigation -Hypothesis does not
the investigation very question. address the investigation
clearly. -There are some spelling question at all.
and punctuation errors.

Experimental -All of the materials are -Most of the materials are -Materials are not copied
Materials copied from the board. listed. from the board correctly.
-All spelling and punctuation -There are some spelling -Only some of the materials
is copied correctly from and punctuation errors. were copied from the
board. board.
-There are many spelling
and punctuation errors.
Drawing of -Drawing of experiment is -Drawing is somewhat neat -There is no drawing of the
Experiment very neat and organized. and organized. experiment.
- ALL the listed materials are -Most of the materials are -Drawing is neither neat or
drawn. drawn. organized.
-Minor attention to detail. -No attention to detail.
-Many materials are missing
from drawing.
Conclusion -Conclusions are clearly -Conclusion is not clearly -Conclusion is not written in.
(What I supported by the data. supported by the data. -Conclusion is not supported
Observed -There are very little spelling -Some spelling and by the data.
and Learned) and punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
Level of -The student shows a high -The student shows medium -The student shows a very
Student amount of involvement in amount of involvement in low amount of involvement
Involvement experiment. experiment. in experiment.
-The student takes part in -The student somewhat -The student does not take
group discussion and asks takes part in group part in group discussion.
questions. discussion.

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