Pmi Wwi

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PMI – Plus, Minus, Interesting

This activity is designed to help make evaluations and reasoned judgements about a topic or
Canada’s involvement in WWI
 In the Plus column place reasons why Canada’s involvement was beneficial for
 In the Minus column place reasons why it was unwise or detrimental to be involved
 In the Interesting column write the position you take about Canada’s involvement
(essentially explain if you were Robert Borden what decision would you make).

Be sure to consider all aspects including the War Measures Act (which involved removal of
civil liberties, treatment of enemy aliens, involvement in the economy, security, etc), loss of
lives, the Conscription Crisis, impact of battles on international relationships, as well as
repatriation and demilitarization. You can use page 55 as a guide.

Plus Minus Interesting

When we think about World War I, we tend to think of aggressors and defenders;
victims and victors. It is easy and helps us understand a big topic but there is more
complexity in the experiences of contemporary Canadians than viewing the war in terms of
victorious Allies and defeated Germans (ahem, there were more than Germans in the Central
Powers). Moreover, the definition of who was a victim and who was a victor becomes more
complicated when we look beyond superficial

Your task is to identify victors and victims and explain how they were victimized
through WWI. It is also to identify victors and explain how they gained through WWI. This is
open to broad interpretation of the terms and historical perspective taking.

Victims Both Victors

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