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Nama : Fajriansyah Herawan Pangestu

NIM : 072001400042


Geology is a study about earth, the materials of which it is made, the

structure of materials, and the process about them. Geology includes the study of
organisms that have inhabited in our planet. Geologist work to understand about
history of our planet, especially earth. Because of its, study of geology is devided
into three types, there are geologist study of earth process, geologist study of earth
materials, and geologist study of earth history.

Geologist study of earth process is the study about many process that occurs
in the earth like landslide, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption that can be
dangerous to people. Geologist work to understand the process well enough to avoid
building important structure where they can be damaged. If geologist can prepare
maps of area, they can prepare maps of area that can be dangerous in the future.

People use earth materials every day. They use oil that is produced from
wells, metals that are produced from mines and water that has been gotten from
streams or from underground. Geologist studies that locate rocks that contain
important metals, plan the mines that produce them and the methods that use to
remove the metals from rocks. They do similar work to locate and produce oil,
natural gas, and groundwater.

Lately, the climate of the earth have been change so extreme. Many
geologist are working to learn about the post climates of earth and how they have
changed across time. This historical geology news information is valuable to
understand how our current climate is changing and what the results can be.

In short, geologist work to understand the history of our planet. The better
they can understand Earth’s history, the better they can foresee how events and
processes of the past might influence the future.

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