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Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368

Bioremediation of diesel oil-contaminated soil by

composting with biowaste
Kristin Van Gestela, Joris Mergaertb, Jean Swingsb,
Jozef Coosemansa, Jaak Ryckeboera,*
Laboratory of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, W. de Croylaan 42, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Laboratorium voor Microbiologie, Vakgroep Biochemie, Fysiologie, en Microbiologie, Faculteit Wetenschappen,
Universiteit Gent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

Received 19 October 2002; accepted 7 March 2003

‘‘Capsule’’: Composting of biowaste and diesel contaminated-soil is an efficient bioremediation method, with mature
compost as a usable end product.

Soil spiked with diesel oil was mixed with biowaste (vegetable, fruit and garden waste) at a 1:10 ratio (fresh weight) and com-
posted in a monitored composting bin system for 12 weeks. Pure biowaste was composted in parallel. In order to discern the tem-
perature effect from the additional biowaste effect on diesel degradation, one recipient with contaminated soil was hold at room
temperature, while another was kept at the actual composting temperature. Measurements of composting parameters together with
enumerations and identifications of microorganisms demonstrate that the addition of the contaminated soil had a minor impact on
the composting process. The first-order rate constant of diesel degradation in the biowaste mixture was four times higher than in the
soil at room temperature, and 1.2 times higher than in the soil at composting temperature.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bioremediation; Composting; Diesel-contaminated soil; Biowaste

1. Introduction soil (Alexander, 1994). When fresh organic amendments

(plant debris, sewage sludge) are incubated with the
Soil pollution by petroleum products is a widespread contaminated soil, a thermophilic phase is likely to
problem. The past decade, bioremediation techniques occur and the process is called composting. In contrast,
have been developed and improved to clean up soils pol- when mature compost is added to the contaminated
luted with hazardous chemicals (Skladany and Metting, soil, a thermophilic phase will not occur. Composting
1992; Alexander, 1994; Romantschuk et al., 2000). Exca- strategies for soils contaminated with organic pollutants
vated petroleum-contaminated soil can be bioremediated in general are recently reviewed by Semple et al. (2001).
by addition of nutrients (biostimulation), addition of The number of studies on composting of petroleum-
microbial inocula (bioaugmentation), aeration and turn- contaminated soil and petroleum-based oil wastes is
ing, or by a combination of these practices (Alexander, increasing (e.g. Beaudin et al., 1996, 1999; Al-Daher et
1994). Also, the addition of organic matter to the hydro- al., 1998; Kirchmann and Ewnetu, 1998; Milne et al.,
carbon contaminated soil can be beneficial, as it is a source 1998; Jørgensen et al., 2000; Chaw and Stoklas, 2001;
of co-substrates, nutrients and microorganisms, and ame- Namkoong et al., 2002). Elevated temperatures stimu-
liorates the structure and water-retaining capacity of the late hydrocarbon degradation (Atlas, 1975), and
enhance the contaminant availability by increased solu-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-16-32-27-36; fax: +32-16-32-
bility and mass transfer (Pignatello and Xing, 1996).
29-89. However, in the study of Namkoong et al. (2002) the
E-mail address: (J. Ryckeboer). temperature was controlled at 20  C, while in some
0269-7491/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
362 K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368

other studies the maximum composting temperature At days 1, 6, 9, 13, 21, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, 76
reached only 30  C (Kirchmann and Ewnetu, 1998) or and 85, representative samples of 300 g were taken from
40  C (Jørgensen et al., 2000). In most studies, the organic C , C+, S-RT and S-CT, as described in more detail
amendment was added at a percentage ranging from 33 to by Ryckeboer et al. (2003).
75%. However, in all these studies the main emphasis was
laid on the degradation of the petroleum products, and 2.2. Chemical analysis
not on the composting of the organic amendment.
In the present work we aimed not only at an enhanced Analysis of diesel oil-content of soil and soil–compost
degradation of diesel, but also at a composting process samples was based on NEN 57331 (Nederlands Nor-
which deviates not too much from the normal aerobic malisatie-Instituut, 1991). The fresh samples were
biowaste composting process (Ryckeboer et al., 2003). extracted with acetone/hexane. After washing with dis-
Therefore, the contaminated soil was added at only tilled water, the organic extracts were purified with 0.5 g
10% (wet weight) to the fresh biowaste, and the effect of Florisil (Chromabond Florisil), which adsorbs humic
this polluted amendment on the composting process was acids from the biowaste. A 100-ml extract was injected
monitored closely by measuring the composting process into a gas chromatograph (Fisons GC 8180 Ultra
parameters and by enumerations and identifications of Trace), equipped with a flame ionization detector and
microorganisms. Not only a pure biowaste composting DB-1 column (length 30 m, internal diameter 0.32 mm,
was run in parallel, but also two treatments of con- film thickness 0.52 mm methyl silicone). Initial tempera-
taminated soil without organic amendments were inclu- ture was kept at 50  C for 5 min, then it was increased
ded. One batch of soil was incubated at the actual to 325  C by 10  C min 1, and maintained at that tem-
composting temperature of the soil–biowaste mixture, perature for 8 min. Total mineral oil concentration was
while the other was kept at room temperature. calculated by manual integration of the chromatograms,
calibrated by an external diesel standard. For each
sample, only one analysis of diesel content was carried
2. Materials and methods out, after thorough subsampling and mixing. The var-
iance among multiple chemical analyses of one sample
2.1. Experimental design was observed to be negligible.

Two 200-l insulated composting bins were used. One 2.3. Microbial analysis
was filled with 100 kg biowaste (vegetable, fruit and
garden waste, paper included), and the content is called The method followed for enumeration of micro-
C hereafter. The other was filled with 90 kg biowaste organisms from the soil and soil-biowaste samples is
and 10 kg diesel oil-contaminated soil, its content is described in detail by Ryckeboer et al. (2003). For enu-
called C+ hereafter. Aerobic composting of C and meration of diesel-degrading organisms, Petri plates
C+ was performed for 12 weeks (Boelens et al., 1996). with solidified Bushnell-Haas medium (Song and Bar-
The composting process was directed through airflow tha, 1990) were supplemented with 40 ml filter-sterilized
and moisture content. At regular time intervals, the diesel, acting as the sole carbon source.
content was turned to avoid preferential aeration pores. Dominant microorganisms were isolated from the
The pH, electrical conductivity and C:N ratio of the compost mixture as described by Ryckeboer et al.
fresh biowaste were 4.2, 3.6 mS cm 1 and 19:1, respec- (2003). Bacteria were identified by gas chromato-
tively. The dry matter content, temperature and exhaust graphic analysis of their cellular fatty acids. Cells were
gas composition were regularly monitored. Microbial cultured on Trypticase Soy Broth Agar for 24–48 h at
aspects of the composting of C are extensively treated 28  C. Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared and
by Ryckeboer et al. (2003) and served as a reference for separated by gas–liquid chromatography, as described
the composting process of C+. The soil (a loamy sand) earlier (Mergaert et al., 1994), and identified by the
was spiked with commercial diesel oil at a concentration Microbial Identification System (MIS) database,
of 60 g kg 1 fresh weight, to obtain a concentration of 6 TSBA version 4.1 (Microbial ID Inc. Newark, Dela-
g kg 1 after mixing with the biowaste. ware, USA). The dominant fungi were identified by
Two covered recipients, containing each 10 kg of soil light microscopy, based on their vegetative and gen-
spiked with diesel oil at 6 g kg 1 fresh weight, were used in erative characteristics (Domsch et al., 1993). Using
control treatments for diesel oil degradation. One recipient the diesel-supplemented Bushnell-Haas medium, all
was kept at room temperature during 12 weeks (S-RT), the isolated fungi were examined on their capacity to
other recipient (S-CT) was placed in a hot-air oven with degrade diesel.
forced ventilation, where the temperature was adjusted
daily to the actual composting temperature of C+. The 1
Dutch norm for the determination of the mineral oil content in
soil in both recipients was regularly turned and moistened. soil.
K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368 363

2.4. Enzyme assay afterwards, reaching again 21% on day 23. From day 20
on, the C+ mixture became very compact and the diesel
Enzyme activity of soil and soil–biowaste samples was oil hindered proper aeration. Therefore, wood chips
measured using the fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydro- (30% w/v) were added to C+ on day 29.
lysis assay (Schnürer and Rosswall, 1982). The proce- The temperature course of C+ (Fig. 1) was very
dure used for determination of FDA hydrolytic activity similar to that of the control composting of C (Ryck-
is described in detail by Ryckeboer et al. (2003). eboer et al., 2003), only the thermophilic phase of C+
was slightly shorter.
2.5. Phytotoxicity test The dry matter content of C+ (Fig. 1) rose from 33%
on day 1 to 54% on day 85. No significant differences
Two assays were used to test the phytotoxicity of the were observed between the dry matter content of C+
composts after 12 weeks of composting. In the first and C . In C+, the total loss of dry weight by miner-
assay, described by Sudrajat (1990), seeds of Lepidium alization was 16%, which is 38% lower than in
sativum L. were placed on filter paper soaked with a C (Ryckeboer et al., 2003). When calculating the
compost extract (1:5 v/v) or with distilled water (con- mineralization, the initial weight of the wood chips was
trol). Germination and root elongation were the para- subtracted from the final total weight of C+.
meters to evaluate. In the second assay, described by
Vandersanden et al. (1994), germination of seeds of 3.2. Analysis of diesel content
L. sativum L. was tested on substrates composed of
the compost, white sand and distilled water. The pro- As certain organic substances from biowaste can
portion of these constituents was determined by the mimic diesel substances in our analysis, samples of
electrical conductivity of the compost. White sand C were analysed each time a sample of C+ was ana-
acted as a control. The percentage of germination was lysed. The concentrations found in C were subtracted
evaluated. from the values found for C+. The presented values for
C+ are always the corrected values. The detectable
diesel concentration in C+, S-RT and S-CT decreased
3. Results as shown in Fig. 2. Concentrations of diesel (mg kg 1
dry matter) are plotted against time of composting. The
3.1. The composting process three substrates were initially contaminated with 6 g
diesel per kg fresh matter. As the initial dry matter
The oxygen concentration in the outlet gases of C+ content of C+ was much lower than that of S-RT and
(Fig. 1) dropped remarkably in the beginning, reaching S-CT, the initial concentration on a dry matter basis is
a minimum of 8% on day 8, but rose immediately much higher than that of S-RT and S-CT. At the end of

Fig. 1. Physical parameters measured during the composting process.

364 K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368

Fig. 2. Reduction of diesel oil concentration in the contaminated soil–biowaste and contaminated soil during composting/temperature treatment.

the 85 days composting/treatment, reductions in diesel During the thermophilic phase of the C+ compost-
concentration of 84, 35 and 86% are attained in C+, ing, a thin layer of diesel oil could be observed on the
S-RT and S-CT, respectively. In absolute terms, 12904, condensed water from the outlet gases. However, only
2078 and 6987 mg diesel kg 1 dry matter have dis- limited analyses of the water samples could be done,
appeared from C+, S-RT and S-CT, respectively. resulting in concentrations from 40 to 120 mg l 1. The
Natural logarithmics of the diesel concentrations were exhaust gasses from S-CT were not analysed.
plotted versus time, followed by linear regression. The
determination coefficients (R2) (Table 1) show that a 3.3. Enumeration of microorganisms
first-order kinetic model fits well for the three decay
curves. The kinetic parameters (Table 1) based on the The number of mesophilic prokaryotes in C+
first-order degradation model, indicate that the highest evolved essentially the same as in C (Ryckeboer et al.,
rate of reduction of diesel occurred in C+ (k=0.0217/ 2003). After a strong decrease with the onset of the
day). The reduction of diesel in S-CT was 17.5% slower thermophilic phase, the number of mesophilic prokar-
(k=0.0179/day) than in C+, but 3.4 times higher than yotes increased again in the cooling phase, and became
in S-RT (k=0.0052/day). During the 12 weeks of C+ stabilized after day 28, with 108–5.108 colony forming
composting, 16% of the dry matter was mineralized, so units per gram dry matter. Mesophilic streptomycetes
the diesel reduction in C+ is slightly underestimated by were counted separately on a selective medium. Again,
the earlier procedure. The wood chips were always the number of streptomycetes in C+ followed essentially
removed from the samples before analysis. Analyses of the same pattern as in the control C (Ryckeboer et al.,
the wood chips taken from the compost show that the 2003). As for C (Ryckeboer et al., 2003), mesophilic
adsorption of diesel oil on the wood chips was negligible fungi could only be isolated from C+ after the heat peak.
(data not shown). Only total diesel concentrations were After day 30, the number of fungi in C+ was significantly
determined along the treatments. However, from visual (P40.05) higher than in C . After plating on diesel
comparison of the chromatograms on day 1 and day 85 enriched-medium, we found that the numbers of diesel-
(data not shown), it follows that especially n-alkanes degrading prokaryotes in C+ and C are very similar.
and lower molecular weight constituents were pre- With the exception of the thermophilic phase, more die-
ferentially degraded. sel-degrading prokaryotes were present in the composts
(C+ and C ) than in the soils (S-CT and S-RT).

Table 1 3.4. Identification of dominant microorganisms

Coefficient of determination and parameter values for the first-order
degradation of diesel in the different substrates During the composting process, 75 dominant prokar-
Substrate Coefficient of First-order rate Ratio k/k Half-life
yotes and 76 dominant diesel-degrading prokaryotes
determination R2 constant k (day 1) (S-RT) t1/2 (days) were isolated from C , C+, S-RT and S-CT. The
identifications of prokaryotes from C+ are summarized
C+ 0.878 0.0217 4.17 31.8
in Table 2. In the first two phases of the C+ composting,
S-RT 0.822 0.0052 1.00 132.7
S-CT 0.838 0.0179 3.44 38.5 bacilli were dominant, while in the cooling and matura-
tion phases also other Gram-positive (Gordona, Micro-
C+: content of compost bin filled with 90 kg biowaste and 10 kg coccus, Actinomadura) and Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.
diesel oil-contaminated soil; S-RT: 10 kg of soil spiked with diesel oil Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Ochrobactrum) appeared.
at 6 g kg 1 fresh weight incubated at room temperature; S-CT: 10 kg
of soil spiked with diesel oil at 6 g kg 1 fresh weight incubated in a
The identifications of diesel-degrading prokaryotes (not
hot-air oven of which the temperature was adjusted daily to the actual included in the table) can be summarized as follows:
composting temperature of C+. mainly species of the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas,
K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368 365

Table 2
Species diversity of the dominant microorganisms isolated during different composting phasesa

Isolation days: composting phase Isolated prokaryotes (numbers of strains) Isolated fungi (numbers of strains)
and their capacity to degrade dieselb

Days 1–6: starting material Bacillus pumilus (4) Yeast (5)

Bacillus simplex Unidentified (2)
Bacillus subtilis/amyloliquefaciens (2)
Brevibacillus agri (2)
Paenibacillus pabuli/polymyxa (2)
unidentified bacterium
Streptomyces sp. (4)

Days 9–21: thermophilic phase Bacillus lentimorbus Yeast (3)

Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus oleronius
Bacillus sphaericus
Bacillus subtilis/amyloliquefaciens (4)
Brevibacillus agri
Paenibacillus pabuli/polymyxa (9)

Days 27–48: cooling down phase Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Aspergillus sp. +

Bacillus megaterium Emericella sp. +
Bacillus sphaericus Gliocladum sp. +++
Gordona bronchialis Morteriella sp. +
Micrococcus luteus Mucor sp. +++
Ochrobactrum anthropi (2) Paecilomyces sp. +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Penicillium sp. +
Pseudomonas balearica (2) Scopulariopsis sp. +
unidentified bacteria (4) Scopulariopsis sp. (2) ++
Streptomyces sp. (6) Trichoderma sp. ++++
Trichoderma sp. (6) +++
Unidentified (4)

Days 55–85: maturation phase Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (3) Fusarium sp. ++

Actinomadura libanotica Geotrichum candidum +
Bacillus sphaericus Gliocladium roseum +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2) Gliocladum virens ++++
Pseudomonas balearica (2) Mucor sp. +++
unidentified bacteria (2) Scopulariopsis sp. ++
Streptomyces sp. (10) Trichoderma sp. (2) +++
Trichoderma sp. ++++
Trichurus spiralis +
Unidentified (5)
The number of isolates are given in parentheses, if more than one.
Evaluation of growth on a diesel-medium: : no growth; +: limited growth, medium not covered after 9 days; ++: moderate growth, medium
covered after 9 days; +++: fast growth, medium covered after 5 days; ++++: explosive growth, medium covered after 3 days.

Streptomyces, Acinetobacter and Rhodococcus were iso- found to be very abundant on the wood chips, which
lated from C , C+, S-RT or S-CT. Acinetobacter sp. were added to C+ on day 29.
were isolated only from C+, S-RT or S-CT and not from
the control composting C . Rhodococcus was isolated 3.5. Enzyme assay
only from the contaminated soil. Identifications of fungi
isolated from C+ and their capacity to grow on a diesel- Microbial activity in C+, as measured by the hydro-
supplemented medium are presented in the right column lysis of fluorescein diacetate, followed the same course
of Table 2. Species diversity increased conspicuously from as the microbial activity in the control composting of
day 27 on. Species of Gliocladium, Mucor, Scopulariopsis C (Ryckeboer et al., 2003).
and Trichoderma were dominantly present during the
cooling and maturation phases, and showed moderate to 3.6. Phytotoxicity assays
explosive growth on the diesel-supplemented medium.
Trichoderma spp. were not isolated from the control Two assays were used to test the phytotoxicity of
composting C (Ryckeboer et al., 2003), but they were C and C+ after 12 weeks of composting. However,
366 K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368

neither C nor C+ had a toxic effect on germination compost mixture seems to have no influence. In agree-
and root elongation of Lepidium sativum. ment, Bundy et al. (2002) found no effect of oil con-
tamination on the ability of soil culturable
microorganisms to utilize hydrocarbon-based car-
4. Discussion boxylic acids as sole carbon source. Hence, the number
of diesel-degrading prokaryotes seems to be mainly
4.1. The composting process dependent on the total number of prokaryotes.
Although the total number of prokaryotes was not
During the first 20 days, the composting of the con- determined in soil samples, it can be assumed to be
taminated soil–biowaste mixture evolved similar as the much lower than in the composts. Most growth factors
control composting (Ryckeboer et al., 2003), including are less optimal in the soil than in the compost, more-
the typical development of a heat peak (de Bertoldi et over, petroleum contaminants are deficient in nitrogen
al., 1985). However, after this thermophilic phase, the and phosphorus (Providenti et al., 1993). For pristine
mixture became compacted such that aeration was hin- soils and composts, Miethe et al. (1994) found a positive
dered. Probably the fine texture of the soil caused this correlation between their microbial activity and their
lack of structure, while the diesel oil hindered the eva- potential to degrade diesel, with compost having the
poration of water. The problem was rapidly solved by highest score for both parameters.
addition of wood chips, which is commonly used as a With the selective diesel-medium, Acinetobacter sp.
bulking agent in composting of contaminated soil (e.g. were isolated from the contaminated compost and soils,
Chaw and Stoklas, 2001). Near the end of the com- but not from the control composting. Acinetobacter
posting process the measured enzyme activity decreased, species have been reported to be ubiquitous in nature
indicating that the compost had reached maturity. The and to be able to degrade a wide range of hydrocarbons,
total mineralization of the biowaste was lower than in including petroleum oils (e.g. Towner et al., 1991; Lal
the control composting, probably as a result of compe- and Khanna, 1996). Rhodococcus, which is also known
tition with mineralization of the diesel hydrocarbons. as a genus with petroleum-degrading capacity (War-
Also Kirchmann and Ewnetu (1998) reported the influ- hurst and Fewson, 1994), was isolated with the diesel-
ence of the oil contaminant on the mineralization of the medium from the two batches of contaminated soil.
compost. Fungal strains of the genera Gliocladium and Tricho-
The microbiology of the contaminated soil-compost- derma showed explosive growth on the selective diesel-
ing did not deviate much from that of the control com- medium, which is in agreement with earlier studies
posting (Ryckeboer et al., 2003). Bacillus species were (Llanos and Kjoller, 1976; Davies and Westlake, 1979;
dominant in the beginning and during the thermophilic Dragun, 1988).
phase of the composting process, which is in agreement
with the control composting (Ryckeboer et al., 2003) 4.3. Degradation of diesel oil
and other composting studies (e.g. Herrmann and
Shann, 1997; Ishii et al., 2000). During the cooling and An 85% reduction in diesel content was reached, as
maturation phases, Gram-negatives were relatively well during the composting treatment as during the
more abundant in the contaminated compost than in composting–temperature treatment, while only 35%
the control compost, which is in agreement with the reduction in diesel content was reached in the soil at
finding of Venosa et al. (2000). Trichoderma was identi- room temperature. The initial diesel concentration (on a
fied as the most dominant fungus in the contaminated dry weight basis) in the composting treatment was
compost, but was not isolated from the control com- however almost double of that in the composting–tem-
posting (Ryckeboer et al., 2003). However, Trichoderma perature treatment. Reductions in hydrocarbon con-
was found to be very abundant on the wood chips, centration of 50, 71 and 99% were reached in a lab-scale
suggesting that this fungus has been introduced to the compost bin with maple leaves and alfalfa as amend-
compost via these wood chips. Furthermore, the addi- ments (Beaudin et al., 1996), in a biopile with bark chips
tion of diesel can stimulate fungal proliferation (Llanos (Jørgensen et al., 2000) and in a small compost-reactor
and Kjoller, 1976; Song and Bartha, 1990; Bundy et al., with amendments of sewage sludge or mature compost
2002). (Namkoong et al., 2002), respectively. Comparison of
treatments is however difficult as different soils, con-
4.2. Diesel-degrading microorganisms taminations and composting times are used.
A first-order degradation model fitted well to all the
With the exception of the thermophilic phase, more treatments. First-order degradation kinetics are repor-
diesel-degrading prokaryotes were present in the two ted in many studies on petroleum degradation (e.g.
compost mixtures than in the two batches of con- Kirchmann and Ewnetu, 1998; Jørgensen et al., 2000;
taminated soil, while the presence of diesel oil in the Namkoong et al., 2002). The kinetic parameters showed
K. Van Gestel et al. / Environmental Pollution 125 (2003) 361–368 367

that the reduction rate in the composting treatment was (Verstraete and Devliegher, 1996). However, according
four times higher than in the soil at room temperature to the two germination assays in this study, no immedi-
and only 1.2 times higher than in the soil at composting ate phytotoxic properties could be attributed to the
temperature. In other words, the composting tempera- compost after 12 weeks of composting together with the
ture (in concert with the microorganisms) accounted for diesel-contaminated soil.
82.5% of the observed reduction in the composting
treatment, while only 17.5% of this reduction could be
attributed to additional composting-related factors Acknowledgements
(nutrients, organic matter, abundance of microorgan-
isms). The biowaste in our study had an initial C:N J.M. and J.S. are indebted to the European Union
ratio of 19. The C:N ratio of the soil was not deter- (AIR2 grant CT93-1099) for financial support. The
mined, but this was probably much higher. Baudin et al. authors wish to express special thanks to O.W.S. nv.
(1999) tested different C:N ratios in composting of con- (Ghent, Belgium) and to the Soil Service of Belgium
taminated soil with organic amendments. A C:N ratio (Bodemkundige Dienst van België, Heverlee, Belgium)
of 17 (the lowest tested) resulted in the highest degra- for the technical assistance. The valuable comments of
dation. In our study, the temperature seems to have a A. Daelemans (Bodemkundige Dienst van België,
great influence on the reduction of the diesel content. Heverlee, Belgium) are greatly appreciated.
Beaudin et al. (1999) found that more hydrocarbons were
degraded through composting when the temperature pro-
file was kept at 23  C rather than imposing a 5-day ther- References
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volatilization of diesel compounds could be detected by Beaudin, N., Caron, R.F., Legros, R., Ramsay, J., Ramsay, B., 1999.
their smell. Due to technical limitations, however, we Identification of the key factors affecting composting of a weathered
were not able to study the amount of hydrocarbons hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Biodegradation 10, 127–133.
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the other hand, Namkoong et al. (2002) observed that nities in different soil types do not converge after diesel contamina-
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