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Read Aloud Lesson Plan

Teacher: Lindsay Koch Grade level: Transitional-Kindergarten

Text: I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by: Alison Jackson
Text type: Children’s Book (Ages 3-7)
Read aloud purpose: Allow students to practice the act of retelling.

ELA Literacy Standard(s):

o! With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key

Content Objective:
•! After listening to I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie on two separate
occasions, students will work to retell the story using visual aids as an added

ELD Standard(s ):
•! Kindergarten
o! Emerging-Listening actively
!! Demonstrate active listening to read alouds and oral presentations
by asking and answering yes-no and wh- questions with oral
sentence frames and substantial prompting and support.

*Note: I do not have any ELL students in my classroom, however below is the
approach I would take if I did*

Language Objective:
•! Students will work to retell I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie, by
answering yes-no and wh- questions with prompting and support through
visual aids.
o! EX:
!! T- “Did the old lady eat the pie first?” OR “What did the old
lady eat next?” *Holds up image of pie*
!! S- “Yes.” Or “Pie.”

Student-friendly objective:
•! Today I am going to listen to the story I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a
Pie so that I can help retell the story. I know that I’ve got it when I can retell
the main events of the story.
Key concepts/vocabulary
•! Key Concept: Students will be able to retell the story in the order in which it
was presented to them.
•! Vocabulary: First, after, then, next
Supplementary Materials:

Story telling pieces:

Reading & Responding (As you read to the students, think of 2-3 places where you will
stop reading. At these places you might ask a question and think-pair-share, have the
students sketch what they have visualized, model your thinking, etc.)

•! Stopping point #1
o! “I know an old lady who swallowed some cider…...”
!! “Thumbs up if you’ve ever had cider before.”
!! “Can I get a quiet hand to tell me what cider is?”
•! Stopping point #2
o! “I know an old lady who swallowed some squash…..”
!! “Is squash a vegetable?”
!! “Can someone come up to board and draw what a squash
might look like?”
!! “If she ate squash AFTER she drank the cider, what do you
think might come NEXT?”
•! Stopping point #3
o! “I know an old lady who swallowed a pot….”
!! “Is it safe to swallow things like pots and pans?”
!! “What are some examples of safe things that we can eat?”
*Cloze-Prompt students to join in on “……. Perhaps she’ll die” *

Review and informal comprehension assessment

Students will be assessed in two groups of 11 (One group at garden, one doing
assessment, then switch)
•! Assessment:
o! Each student will get a chance to come up and feed the old lady
something she ate in the story (they will physically come up and
choose which food card to put in the mouth of the old lady).
!! *Note: I will have double of every food card up front, so no
student will be left with only one or two cards to choose from*
o! We will start at the beginning and go in order
!! Pie, cider, squash, rolls, salad, pot, turkey, cake, and lastly
bread. (Repeat if more students)
o! I will randomly call on students to tell me what she ate NEXT, to see if
they can retell the story in order.

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