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Roll No. Code :820145-SA,(W) Please check that this question paper contains 39 questions and 12 printed pages. CLASS-VIII SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1) Time : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 90 General Instructions : (L The question paper consists of 2 sections ~ Section A (having 27 questions) and Section B (having 12 questions). You are to attempt all the questions. (2) All questions are compulsory. (3) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in all questions of 5 marks each and in 3 questions of 3 marks each. (4) All questions of Section A and Section B are to be attempted separately. (5) Questions I to 4 in Section A, and Questions 28 and 29 in Section B, are multiple choice questions and carry 1 mark each. (6) — Question 5 to 10 in Section A, and Question 30 to 32 in Section B, are very short answer type questions and carry 1 mark each. (2) Question 11-16 in Section A, and Question 33 to 35 in Section B, are short answer type questions and carry 2 marks each. (8) Question 17 to 23 in Section A, and Question 36 and 37 in Section B, are also short answer type questions and carry 3 marks each. (9) — Question 24 to 27 in Section A, and Question 38 and 39 in Section B, are long answer type questions and carry 5 marks each. erat Free: gw wea & tt as gas ‘a7’ (fret 27 wer &) ait ae ‘a’ (frat 12 eT BH) am at tat tt wet & wer att éi 2 wet wer ofrard @ 3. arifire farmer wet fen wa 21 aenfy 5 ate at sot a att weal ten 3 ate at stot 3 wei F onate fracr wer feu om ei 4 as ‘a' & ait wer oie Ge ‘a bh ae wer sea at Bi 5. ws ‘or Hue 1 a4 en as ‘a A ae 28 SR 29 aEdafe wT ee Se. a yehe or 1 ote BI 6 a 'a ut 5 Ft 10 7H as ‘a H Ae 30 4 32 af Oy SHITE WT e wa wee wT | ote aT e1 2 asia tad ua 16 aH as ‘a FH 435 ay sree wa Fo wat a woke yer 2 stat are) 8 as ‘a Faw 17 9 23 on as ‘a Aad 36 oi 37 i ay eT ee wat a wele wer 3 stat ar 1 9 aso Fae 24 827 we as ‘a Hue 38 oie 30 th oT wT Ee eat a uebe wer s ott a Br Section-A (as-a1) 1. The force, responsible for the weight of objects, is the : a (a) Gravitational force (©) Magnetic force (b) Electrostatic force (@) Frictional force aqai #9 Sm a aa & are ga 2? CH) Rear Aa ) ae 7a (@ fertus 7a (a) wi ae 2. Which of the following gases will not cause air pollution even if present in high concentration ? a (a) CO, (b) NO, (©) 0, (a) co frefatas fai a a fea ta at so ae a wot a ae ei a? (*) CO, (@ NO, (1) 0, @ co 3. The force of friction, for a moving rubber ball, would be maximum when it moves ona: (a) Marble tile (b) Playground a (c) Wooden tile (d) Glass table we aime we te wr ae win aa afear am va ae tic fed (*) are Ft we (@ tt ee () ard #1 aie 1 () vit ata & wa wt eri Se. 10. lL. 12, The destructive distillation of coal yields @ (a) coke (b) residual oil (©) erude oil (@ LPG ara & ferment srt a ei an ura tia 2? (#) ae (a) Fee ta () wat we (a) wastst. Write the harmful effect of CFC’s. a dia. at afar wa Fr tit 2? Identify two of the stronger electrolytes from the following : Sea water, distilled water, tap water, copper sulphate solution w frefafar sei A a a are ord faga orem (faqa aes) size fafa wat oe, aan sa, 7a ww, ate ache a ata Define the term ‘fuel’. qa) és cfemm fafam During television news, an earthquake of intensity 7.0 on the Richter scale was reported. What does number 7 signify regarding the likely effect of this earthquake ? a gee caret A owe yea at diam fer fh oe 70 aad we va aed A dew 7 aa awa a waa & at foam cat #7 Define petroleum refining, @ fife vier a afeatia saa) Name the instrument used to locate the source of seismic waves. a) ed coi & cia wm eam Aeite ead ad see m7 fafac State the difference between contact and non-contact forces. Give one example of each of these. @ aad 3 onic act & ats sit ama a aah war & ac a wwe seem afsra (i) Why do we find it difficult to write on oily paper ? (ii) Why do vehicle tyres have treads on them ? @ tet ar H fae Fier wi ta #7 Gi) met & ae Gee ei wr a #7 (2) 13. 14, 16. 16. 17. 18. Se. Why does addition of common salt make water a better conductor of electricity ? ae aaa front woe fag at cfre ore qaee wi aoa #2 (2) Write the names of any two petroleum products. Give one use of each of them.(2) ‘tem a a aes a Se wR STM ameTl Define ignition temperature. Give its SI unit. @) sae on Ft feats aife) seat wlan. tard aaa Give two reasons why the campaign; “Say No to Crackers”; is organised in schools. fraeri ¥ “wera sia afte” afar warn ae #1 ee a ar fefam (2) Rishi is a 12 year old boy. He is very systematic, polite and well behaved. He has keen interest in science. He tries to apply his scientific knowledge to ‘day to day’ life situations. One day he saw that his mother was finding it difficult to cut an apple. He checked and found that his mother was using a blunt knife. He replaced that knife with a sharp knife. His mother now found it easier to cut the apples. She thanked Rishi for his help. (i) State two values displayed by Rishi. (ii) Why was it easier to cut the apple with the sharper knife ? @ ef we ane aia ae 81 ae aga Gorefiend, fa an od cana an 81 se faa Foneq ef ti ae rh the ster af feat a aati dafee fagidi a or sim & at a cham wat ti ue fa ser ten fe seat af at da wea a feat ar toa a tah we ae wen & aast oi Gian ae a da ae ot a oe ort af sh aor ome aren arp cree fem wa af a aa oe a ap a aa arr ah ae mem 8 wet ath af a owfe at sae wet & faa seam fom @) af ga ea wa at A fafa Gi) Woo ad ae a da wen ae ei ooo? (i) When we roll a ball on a floor, why does it come to rest after sometime ? Gi) Why do we often sprinkle talcum powder on the carrom board before starting a game ? @ wi wi Gan Sa ee Fee a eH Hi ot Gi) da wey a awed oH ae ad a ame KK aa damn WER feew ad ti wi? OR 4 19. 20. 21. 22. Se. In the given situations state, with reason, whether friction is a friend or a foe. (i) Walking on road Gi) Wear and tear of the moving parts of machines Gi) Lighting a matchstick @ frfefad offtafeat 4, sem afed, aad fe aim ‘aie & a ‘gee’ B @) Fee wT Gi) FRE & vera Gi ar frase or Gi) Afra at octet et ser (i) Why are the bodies of fast moving sports vehicles designed to have streamlined shapes ? (ii) Name the type of animals whose body shape is somewhat similar to that of (a) an aeroplane (b) a boat 3) @ ta of a ae ae Ga ae a aver mafat (streamlined) Ft FT AAT 2 Gi) Fast stow wie & am fafay feet ue car (@) a ) waa 4 go freri-gedt at tt State any three precautions, that people living in seismic zones can take, to minimize the destruction caused by an earthquake. @) até teh de sent fatac fee go yaa wenfaa ast A wa at aim ya a @A acl aft a er at ad Zi State three reasons for ‘chrome plating’ of ‘water taps’. @) ut & rae Ram oH ea & de arm fafa (i) Explain why we are able to boil water in a paper cup even though paper burns up when exposed to fire ? Gi) Hydrogen has highest calorific value but is not used as a domestic fuel. Why ? @ are & a9 4 wow sam aad @ safe et arm oe om #1 wi? Gi) web a seis an aaa afte do 2 cfr va oa fe oS er a win sé fra orm Fi? Q@) 23. 24, Se. (i) What is ‘greenhouse effect’ ? (ii) State two causes of increased concentration of green house gases in air. (iii) State two measures to check increase in green house effect. chen at waa fed wea 2? ) roe wa at ao ag A ast & a ar fafa Gi) en Rowe #1 afe ai a daa & a sm fafaa QB) OR (31741) Give the meaning of the term ‘pollutant’. Name any two ‘air pollutants’. State any one harmful effect caused by each of them. ‘aque’ ae ar aed aaeul feet a ‘aq geal’ & am fafaa ei a wee oo eh aren Fig we eiTaETEH FATA AaIST! (i) Consider three clay balls of equal diameter. We place one, two and three identical books, respectively, on the three balls. In which case would there be maximum change in the shape of the balls and why ? (ii) While filling a fountain pen, with ink from an inkpot, how does the ink move upwards ? (iii) Rajeev carefully poured some boiling water in a (proper) plastic bottle and closed the lid tightly. After sometime the bottle got crushed inwards. Why ? @) aR oa aR ona wi die Cre) fred Fi aE oie mE UH aU faced Zi oH, wam:, eet ae wR feos, ged ie et fad oem chet eR ae feat vad @) fra ig st apf A wad afiee aecra dim ain ai? saw wea eH oe at wa a sa om & a et wR aa oe 2? wie 30am 4 we (sha) witee Fi aie Fogo sae Ean wet cen sik See THR at ome aoe ee fem ge Rae aa ae Soe fee ae sa frei ere st sda Yoneda G) OR (sera) Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (i) In fig. 1, at which point is the pressure (a) Maximum? (b) Minimum? Give reason for your answer. 25. Se. (i) @ (ii) (i) (ii) (i) Gi) (i) (i) Git) (i) (ii) Git) (i) Gi) (i) (ii) In fig. 2, give the relation between the liquid pressure at points ‘P’ and Give reason for your answer. fom faa 1 4 faa fag no aeia wa (&) wale @1 (@) =a @ ar oR a erm st fafau fem fra 2 4, fag ok fg ey om aia wa Hoan dae 8? at sR a er ft fafa Alternative Question for Visually Challenged Students Define hydrostatic pressure. State any four properties of liquid pressure. acta qa ai aati afc wren aa at wie an fear faa Define electromagnetic induction. ‘You are provided with a strong bar magnet and a coil of well-insulated metal wire. How can you light a bulb using these two devices ? Suggest two methods by which you can increase the illuminence of the bulb in the above set up. 6) fr gare ae st aan fee) anmm we ufc gar a ue faga tee afta (states) og at oR aT ome fam é) am Hat aera ao aw a Fa aa wt? fafam a a oi fefae fra am ow fafad da aa a veR ag aed ZI OR Describe the process of electrolysis of water. Name the electrodes and electrolyte used during electrolysis of water. Which gases are formed during this process ? at & fee amen st ofen ar fram fafa wit & faga ser Yori amt ore eerie wa eerie & aH fefael chi weet woot sem dt # see om zara 26. 27. Se. Define the terms (i) ‘combustible materials’ and (ii) ignition temperature. State the three conditions necessary for producing or sustaining combustion. @) ‘srereia vad" ven Gi) ‘sacs’ Geer aa) at afenfar afm SR US a, sear sa oor wea, & fed sare dia ofitfesfaat (ee) fafeau wo Gi) (i) (i) (i) Gi) Gif) @ (i) ii) @ (ii) Gif) i) OR (sre) Draw the diagram of a flame and label its different zones. State the colour of the region of the flame which (a) has maximum temperature (b) has minimum temperature (© gives maximum light vat a faa at sik sae ait anit (smi) & am fafen vat & (%) waite am at (a) =aeR am at (4) watfies war at am a tm ami (3) Alternative Question for Visually challenged students What is a flame ? Which zone of candle flame (a) has maximum temperature (b) has minimum temperature (© gives maximum light Which type of substances burn along with a flame ? sare at afer fete wart & fea am (sm) (%) Wm wale aa 3 (@) Hoa =H aa #1 (1) 4 waif gant da #1 fea ven & ven) fadt sae ame wad #7 Name any two natural sources of energy. How are these sources of energy better than fossil fuels ? How are different varieties of coal formed ? sai & ad Sd wepiter cit a are fafa 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Se. Gi) wai & ae opie wa star Sei a fea wan ae 27 (ii) Waa & fal van fea we a a 27 (3) OR (srr) (i) Write the name of fossil fuel which is found above petroleum in oil wells. ) Write any two of the uses of this fuel. i) Write the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels ? @ Weer + ta Sea F SR aA ae sara Se a am fafa Gi) va te & ae 4 sein fafau Gi) CNG a LPG fm & ey A wim ea a eh aa oy za Section-B (a@z-4) Which of the following has plastids ? @ (a) cheek cells (b) muscle cells (©) leaf cells (@)_ nerve cells frefafas aires a feat wifes 27 (%) Ter afer (a) Fei site Ct) on Fifer (a) fan aif Snow leapord is one of the (a) Vulnerable species (b) Endangered species (©) Extinct species (a) Endemic species w fen au fer a a aie at ofa (miei) & 87 (®) wentia eis (@) sae eis @) faqs sii () femdst sii Name the organelle used for locomotion in Euglena. wD sarin foaet & fem fra sien wee aT van er 87 What is project tiger ? State its main objective ? @ aa vise aq 2? saa qer sera fafa Why are viruses considered to be on the borderline between living world and non- living world ? @ frampsit at asta ain fofa oma ea diate’ we ei wer ora 87 9 33. 34. 35, 36. Rahul ate food from a roadside stall. After sometime he started vomiting. He also complained of severe pain in his stomach. (i) What was Rahul suffering from ? (ii) State the precautions Rahul could have taken to avoid this situation. (2) ue fa wee see feat & ww ad HR aM | am 8 ge aa ae We a at wm @1 sant aa te ot a om ZI @) Tes fea tm 4 cies em a? Gi) wer we a a & fae en waa a aaa a? Suhani was going to her grandmother's place for summer vacation. During her journey, she had to pass through a forest. She saw some hunters hunting birds there. She requested the hunters not to do so. She explained to them the role of birds in maintaining the balance of the eco-system. (i) State the two values shown by Suhani ? (ii) Why did Suhani stop the hunters from hunting the birds ? 2) ert mt at ged tant art owe on wh tl an & dee dow oe a yaar wan a ten fe att ge Rent ote at fan a el a se fren a Fe Fo wen at SA se ceed fe vel eat uffeaier da a dae FE Ta aoa a é1 @) Fert grr wate me et ster yer ferferm Gi) Fert 4 feat a veal a fen we a a ta? Describe the role of blue green algae in maintaining fertility of the soil. (2) wot daa win st ada ued ai wa a fea ven aerae ci 2? (i) Write the name of the thread like structures found in nucleus. Gi) Mention their functions. ii) What happens to them when the cell is ready to divide ? @) @ Fier & eee Foot & wan acenei a a fafa Gi) Fe er art 27 ii) Sf faa wea HW eT WE tat 8? 10 37. 38. Se. State three differences between a plant cell and a animal cell. (3) ae after sit aq sift data ate sine aU (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (ii) Gif) (i) (ii) (i) Gi) OR (31741) What are ‘cell organelles’ ? Name any two cell organelles and state the function of each one of them. ifr at sit (sities) ar ta 2? fetta aifwer cheer & am fefae ea a vole ae fer aA aren al aaree Name the micro-organism causing the following disease : (a) Cholera (b) Common cold Write the mode of transmission of the following disease : (a) Polio (b) Malaria Define the term ‘antibiotics’. va qe sia aro sage fare fefefad att ait @ Ce) em (@) Tr frefefan ster a dae ar atte aa (&) tert (@) wafer irsfes i afta fafa Gs) OR (31%) (a) Define pasteurization of milk. (b) Why is it done ? State three ways in which meat and fish can be preserved. (%) qa & aiedtecr at often fefau (@) ae wi fem om 27 aig a noch a cfm aa & de at ami n 39. Se. (i) (i) Gif) (i) i) Gii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) Gi) ii) (iv) Give the meaning of the term ‘deforestation’ ? 6) State two domestic consequences of deforestation. State two global consequences of deforestation. wring fed wed 2? Fae a stg afer fafa) Fah ot afere oer fee OR (sa) Define the term ‘national park’. State the main objective of establishing such parks. Name the first National Park set up in India. Write the full form of BNP ? cage sam’ a vfenfer ifm wt wat aa a ye saws fafanl ama aR wed wea ser an aa fafa a. ay ae fafam) 2

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