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Collection of English Metaphors / Simile

No. Metaphor/Simile Meaning/Explanation

1. Simile: Sly as a fox. A person who is clever and tricky.

Metaphor: The assignment was a This implies that the assignment was not difficult.

2. Simile: thick as a brick. Not very smart.

Metaphor: My brother was boiling This implies he was too angry.


3. Simile : as blind as a bat An exaggeration used to show someone who is unable

to see clearly
Metaphor : Sunny smile
Bright smile

4. Simile : pure as driven snow Comparing a person’s character to fresh snow

(innocent, chaste)
Metaphor : dark days
Unpleasant days

5 Simile: He runs like a cheetah. It means that he run very fast.

Metaphor: The skies of his future Darkness is a threat; therefore, this implies that the
began to darken. coming times are going to be hard for him.

6. Simile :He fights like a lion Its means that he has a strong power to fight

Metaphor :Her voice is music to his This implies that her voice makes him feel happy

7. Simile : as strong as an ox - Someone having great strength.

- This implies that clear skies are not a threat
Metaphor : it is going to be clear skies and life is going to be without hardships.
from now on

8 Simile : as hard as nails Very though in character

A situation where someone angry
Metaphor : Inflamed your temper

9. Simile : as snug as a bug in a rug In a very comfortable position

Metaphor : the light of my life A person who brings happiness

10. Simile : as pale as death Very pale or white in the face

Metaphor : My father is rock Very strong or reliable person

11. Simile : as clear as crystal Very easy to understand/easy to see

Metaphor : atmosphere lightens Relaxed environment

12. Simile : As alike as two peas in a pod Identical or nearly so

Metaphor : Mood lightens Relaxed or cheerful atmosphere

13. Simile : as crooked as a witch’s hat A person who is untrustworthy or catchy

Metaphor : a blanket of snow A lot of snow covered the place

14 Simile : sleep like a log Sleep very soundly

Metaphor : broken heart Feel hurt and sad

15. Simile: As slippery as a fish A person who is not trust worthy

Metaphor: Feel blue Feeling sad

16. Simile : as free as bird Very free to go anywhere

Metaphor : don’t judge a book by its Refer to people looking at their outer beauty before
cover knowing their personality

17. Simile : he drunk as a lord He has drunk too much

Metaphor : a heart of gold A person that is sweet, kind, generous one of good
nature has a heart of gold

18. Simile : gleamed like pearls Shining very brightly (Amazed by the sight of the
famous singer, the tittle children’s eyes gleamed like

Metaphor: the skies of his future

began to darken.
(Darkness is a threat; therefore, this implies that the
coming times are going to be hard for him.)

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