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Mayur Choudhary , Lokesh Trivedi ,

Now-a-days ATM (Automatic teller Machine) is commonly used. It provide all the basic
transactions services e.g. cash withdraw, balance enquiry, mini statement, cash deposit etc. But
most of these facilities are available only to the urban people and not to the rural people. The
reason behind this is illiteracy and difficulty they face in remembering the entire mechanism of
handling an ATM machine. Our project aims at making the ATM machine more user friendly.
And we are doing this by constructing the simulator of real world ATM machine. So in our
project we are constructing a simulator that depicts the real world ATM machine and contain
features which are as follows:-
 Demonstrate the real world ATM working environment.
 Demonstrate the basic banking services provided by ATM machine i.e. withdraw, deposit,
balance enquiry, change pin etc.

1. Introduction
The real world ATM is continuously developing day by day. More and more new and exciting
features are incorporated in the machine as per customer’s increasing needs. In the earlier times
ATM was only recognized for cash withdrawal or balance enquiry. But now a days various new
features like cash deposit, various bill payments, mobile recharge etc are added which are
attracting more and more customers. In spite of these advancements in the ATM world, the ATM
is not successful in rural areas. Most of the people are illiterate and even can’t perform a simple
transaction like cash withdrawal due to language boundations. This application resolve the above
problem and make ATM environment familiar to the rural, people also.

2. Problem Domain
As we know that ATM machines make the work of banks and peoples so easy. It reduces the big
queues of transactions from the bank. But still there are so many peoples who don’t know how to
operate machines due to illiteracy and difficulty they face in remembering the entire mechanism
of handling an ATM machine. As a result, they perform their work by the help of someone else.
So, there is a risk of having fraud with them.
3. Solution Domain
We saw the problem in the above paragraph. The application we develop is a good solution.
Basically our application is a learning application which help people to know how to operate
ATM machine. The application provide an environment similar to ATM. The application has user
friendly GUI which is easily understandable.

.4. System Domain

The system domain or the technologies used in our application are:-
We use java environment for developing out application.
DataBase: Mysql 5.5 is used for maintaining the database i.e. for storing data contents of our
The tool NetBeans IDE 8.2 is used for making GUI of our application.
This desktop application works on windows 7, 8 and windows 10.

5. Application Domain
The major application area of our project includes all bank ATM’s. The application must install
in all the ATM’s so that every new user first learn and than use. This help in reducing bank
frauds. This will increase the number of ATM user and reduce the big queue from banks.

6. Expected Outcome
1. First user have to fill a registration form with the basic details. After this process, user get a
account number and a password.
2. After that user have to login with the help the help of his username and password.
3. After successful login, the user see a window where he see different options of transactions i.e.
cash withdraw, deposit, etc.
4. When the user perform his desired task, he get log out from the application.

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