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Lesson plan for Javelin and discus part 2

Intention: To participate in and understand activities that focus on cues, training

and activities for javelin and to reinforce prior learning of discus

Equipment: As many javelins & discuses as possible, plenty of markers, 2+

medicine balls, plenty of tennis balls, soccer balls 4

Warm up: - Tunnel ball except overhead passing instead of under legs
- Stretch arms, legs
- Stand in two lines: hold partners wrists and attempt to pull back to a
mark 5m,
- With partner, stand on one leg, palms against partner palms and
attempt to unbalance partner by pushing.
- Stretch arms and legs

Discussion: Safety when carrying and throwing and organisation of students with
javelin and discus

Activity: - Holiding Jav: held at cord grip, in ‘groove of palm’ almost parallel
to forearm, 3 types which student choose best for them – V grip, 1st
finger grip and simple grab.

- Stabbing Jav into the ground turbo or full jav : L leg fwd with jav
above R shoulder, elbow fwd, jav pointing slightly down; throw jav 4-
5m ahead. Jav to fly straight and true.
- Stabbing jav with more body action. Move weight on to slightly
flexed right leg, transfer weight to left leg and throw as before, but step
forward on to the right foot to recover. Emphasis accuracy of pull and
follow through.

- Throwing Jav from standing: Take jav back as above but turn
shoulders for greater range of movement. Palm up, hand above elbow,
elbow above shoulder. Left shoulder high. Left elbow points forward.
Note carry position, right arm is slightly bent.

- Throwing Jav from 3 strides: face direction of throw, weight on

right foot, jav withdrawn, close to cheek. 3 steps, block with final left

- Running with Jav: In carry position, run 20m. Do not throw. Left
arm active in running action

- Withdrawal in run: Do not throw. Run forward, accelerating for 4-

12 strides, then the last 2-4 strides a smooth take back of the jav which
ensures 2-4 strides of cross step.
- Final throw: aim to deliver jav 2 metres. Note: shoulder pulls
forward, jav is released high over shoulder.

STATIONS for Javelin and discus

1. Tennis ball throw for distance
2. Jav full throw for distance 1pt for 5-10m, 2 pts 10-15m, 3pts 15-
20m and 4pts 20+Shot put bowls or bocci. (Put for accuracy).
3 Soccer ball throw for distance as per jav throw
4. Discus game: 1pt for 5-10m, 2 pts 10-15m, 3pts 15-20m and 4pts
20+ bonus points for a flat spaceship landing




Wrap up: Questions and reminder of cues. Discuss exam next week.

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