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Certificateno: vEN 1590777t2

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Certificatefor SteelWireRope
Office Venice oaieof tssue tò iOtS
Manufacturer Remer5.r.1. a
Client fulghqser
Work'sordernumber Purchase/sordernumber
10355 5G81 1526dated 29I 1Ol2O14
OrderStatus Complete lntendedfor shipfardnumber Not Kriltiwfi "
Firstdateof impection 11 June 2015 Finaldate of inspection l1 June2015
nis éi{iticaó ii isiueú-lotia àtovetiónt to certitritrattÉe unàersineù:iurvevlàioat tràii ieqièia:iiiiio te manuiactrró}i,rw*ionile

datesshownfor the of oGmininqandtestingthe

ylg rgpehasbeen of Lloyd'sRegisterEMEA.Ihe
itemslistedbelowin acordancewiththerequirements

eGminedandfte teslsdetailebllow.dwltn€5sed

PaÉiculàrs' ',' r I
, , . ' , ,,.' . 1 , ; , 1
Length f200 m NominalDiameter 74 mm
Numberof strands 5 Core of rope Indipendent Wire RopeCore
Numberof wires per strand 41 Gradeof zinccoating 3
Diameterof wire 74.38 mm Specificweight (kg/m) 22.41
Specificrangeof tensilestrengthof wire 177ONlmm? Ropeconstruction
Constructionof strand see rop€ congtruction -
7 x7 (1 x 3.42+6 x3.42) x (1 x 3.04+6x 3.04)- (|WRQ +
- (1
(if RHOL 6 x 41 x 4.22+8x 2.46+8x 4.63+8x 1.8+1Gx 3.70)
Lay otherthan righthandordinary)
Applicablestandardor specification ' : . ' Lloyd'sRegister Rulesfor the Manufacture, Testing and CeÉification of Material+ Ch.10Sec.6
;---- . : ',,...' " ,,
I ests ,.
Sampleshavebeeqtestedin the following mannen
Tensiletest 5119.963 kN Aggregatebreakingloadof indlvidualwires
Breakingload(kN) 3942 Layingup (7o) 77.0
Testson sixwires after stranding
(a) Tonion Testlength betweengrips f 00 d
Numberof twists beforefracture obtained min. 24 max. 47
(b) ZinccoatíngMqssof coatingper unit area
min. 147 max. 37O carriedoutwithsatisfactoryresults
(c) Dip ln accordancewith
(d)_ Wrap Diameterof mandrel
Conditionof coatingafter 10wnps
(e) Bend Diameterof mandrel 4 to
Numberof bendsbeforefracture 10

Conditionof coatingafter obtained min. 8 max. 37

minumum required bends
rype Diameter Length (lnitials)
RHOL 74 mm

Surveyorto Uoyd'sRegisterEMEA
A subsidiaryof Uoyd'sRegiSterGroupLimited

Lloyd'sReghr GroupUmhèd,itsafiiliabsandsubÉldhdesendthek
'Uoyd's rEapecthéotffcers,empb)F€6or ag€nBal€, lndfuldualv.ndcollectlEly,
-bss, rferrèd to in thb clóuseas
R€gisEaÚoyd! Registerassumes
edvicein thb pro\rided, person damageor operEecausèdby óbne on tha idomation or
no E5poÉibilityandshallnot be llableto anypemn for any

advi<e infonnafonor
documentoÌho/Eoever unlessthal h6 signeda aomractwl$ the le!"antLloyd'sRé9i5tèrentlîyfor the pE\,jFlonot thb

andIn thatcaseanyr€+onsibilityor lhbilig b odusivet on the termsandaondtiomret out In $at
FoÍr 127'112O13.12t

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