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Executive Summary

Earthly Clean is a start-up organization using the multi-level marketing (MLM)

business model to sell environmentally friendly cleaning products. Earthly Clean
has been founded by Ardi.

The Products
Earthly Clean sells a complete line of non-toxic, environmentally friendly
cleaning supplies for all possible household uses. Earthly Clean is finalizing a
contactual agreement with a major cleaning supply manufacturer for the
production of a complete line of private label products. Product prices will be
quite competitive since Earthly Clean is buying direct from the manufacturer.
Another feature of this relationship which is of significant value to Earthly Clean
is the willingness of the manufacturer to allow Earthly Clean to place orders as
small as $150 (540000 UGX). This will assist Earthly Clean in their goal of
efficient inventory management. Products that will be part of the initial product
line include: all purpose soap, bathroom cleaner, basin/tub and tile cleaner,
detergent, window cleaner, bleach, laundry liquid and a variety of different air
fresheners. Earthly Clean is able to offer competitively priced products that are
of the highest quality.

The Market
Earthly Clean will sell products to two customer segments. The first segment are
individual consumers who are purchasing the products for personal (household)
use. These individuals are environmentally conscious consumers who are
looking for non-toxic cleaners for their home. demographics for this group are
younger, politically liberal people who are interested in making an individual
contribution to the betterment of our environment.

The second target segment is a select group from within the first segment of
individual customers. Some of these individuals will be recruited to become
distributors of Earthly Clean products. A distributor is a person who sells the
Earthly Clean products on their own to their own set of customers. This segment
is taken from the actual consumers that purchase and use products. This creates
a sales force that passionately believes in the products that they sell. The
distributors that make up this segment receive a sales commission if they are
able to recruit new distributors who then make sales. This is how the MLM
business model works. Earthly Clean sells to consumers, some of those
consumers then become distributors earning revenue for Earthly Clean as well
as themselves. If these new distributors attract more people to sell, they then
make money on their specific sales as well as money on everything that their
recruited sales people sell.

An Efficient Distribution Model

This is an efficient and effective distribution model where the products are
purchased private label direct from the manufacturer ensuring the highest
quality and low prices. They are then sold direct to the consumer.

Earthly Clean is a new business that channels individuals' passion for making a
positive contribution to the environment and the ability to make money while
sharing this passion with friends and colleagues. By carefully using the efficient
multi-level marketing business model, Earthly Clean will quickly generate
sustainable revenue. Sales forecasts indicate that sales for years two and three
respectively will be $90,000 and $125,000. Net profit for the same years will
reach 4.19% and 8.66%.

1.1 Mission

Earthly Clean's mission is the development of a environmentally friendly

distribution company that uses grassroots and network marketing techniques to
sell the product and make a meaningful contribution to the environment. Earthly
Clean exists to support its members and to support the environment.

1.2 Objectives
 To create a profitable company that sells environmentally friendly
cleaning products.
 Design an organization that compensates individuals for sales made by
other people that they recruit.
 Design a more efficient marketing machine that does away with the
inefficient traditional distribution systems.

1.3 Keys to Success

 Distribute only quality, environmentally friendly products.

 Recruit new people to assist in the sales of the products.
 Build the company on a solid basis of integrity.

Company Summary

Earthly Clean has been founded by Ardi. The company exists to distribute
environmentally friendly cleaning supplies through an efficient, networking
distribution system.

2.1 Start-up Summary

Earthly Clean has incurred the following expenses for the start-up phases of the

 Storage space: This will be used for the storage of product inventory.
While Earthly Clean could get away with a smaller space such as a closet
in Ardi's home, he is able to achieve costs breaks by purchasing larger
quantities and will take these discounts and place the inventory in
 Service provider fees: Earthly Clean has incurred both accountant and
attorney fees in the set up of the business. The accountant will set up the
PeachTree accounting system and the attorney will develop and register
the business formation as well as draft some sale agreements for
 Computer system: The computer system will be used for
correspondence, accounting purposes as well as to develop marketing
and sales information. The system will include a laptop computer, printer,
fax/scanner, and a broadband Internet connection. Earthly Clean will use
Microsoft Office and PeachTree Accounting as their preferred software.
 Assorted types of paper and stationery: Personalized with a logo,
return addresses, etc. for catalogs, and brochures.
 Assorted office furniture and accessories: The office will be located in
Ardi's house.
Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund $9,140
Start-up Assets to Fund $40,860
Total Funding Required $50,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up $5,000
Cash Requirements from Start-up $35,860
Additional Cash Raised $0
Cash Balance on Starting Date $35,860
Total Assets $40,860
Liabilities and Capital
Current Borrowing $0
Long-term Liabilities $20,000
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0
Total Liabilities $20,000
Planned Investment
Family & Friends $20,000
D. McGregor $10,000
Additional Investment Requirement $0
Total Planned Investment $30,000
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($9,140)
Total Capital $20,860
Total Capital and Liabilities $40,860
Total Funding $50,000

Start-up Expenses
Professional service providers $4,000
Paper products $250
Website development $2,000
Storage rental $165
Expensed Equipment - Computer system $2,500
Insurance $75
Rent $150
Total Start-up Expenses $9,140
Start-up Assets
Cash Required $35,860
Other Current Assets $0
Long-term Assets $5,000
Total Assets $40,860
Total Requirements $50,000

2.2 Company Ownership

Earthly Clean is solely owned by Ardi. In addition to his own investment Ardi has
received an investment from friends and family as well as a long-term bank loan.

Earthly Clean sells a wide range of private label environmentally friendly
cleaning products. All products are designed to be effective at cleaning, yet easy
and non-toxic on the environment. Earthly Clean has contracted with a large
national producer of environmentally friendly products to manufacture these
products with the Earthly Clean private label. This vendor was chosen because of
their quality products as well as their flexibility in offering low minimum orders
($150). The following are the initial products that Earthly Clean will offer. As the
company grows they will consider adding new items to the product list as
demanded by the market:

 All purpose soap: A concentrated formula for washing walls, floors,

cabinets, and all other washable surfaces. Orange oil and sodium citrate
 Bathroom cleaner: Quickly and easily removes dirt and grime, cleaning
and deodorizing the entire house. An all vegetable-based cleaning agent.
 Basin, tub & tile cleaner: Effective at removing soap scum from all
surfaces. Citric acid, glycolic acid and orange oil.
 Dishwashing detergent: Easy on hands, tough on cleaning. A mild
coconut oil based detergent.
 Window cleaner: A streak free cleaner. Citrus based, either orange of
 Oxygen bleach cleaner: A wonderful cleaner that works on sinks and
bathtubs. Made from sodium percarbonate, calcium carbonate, soda ash,
and sodium sulfate.
 Laundry liquid: Concentrated, biodegradable, natural cleaner for laundry.
This is a vegetable-based surfactant detergent.
 Air fresheners: Natural, healthful, eco-mists containing essential oils,
emulsifiers, and water. Available scents include, wild cherry, vanilla and
hazelnut, citrus, lavender, and natural fruit.

Environmental cleaning products were chosen for a several reasons:

1. It allows the participating individuals to make a positive contribution to
the protection of the environment.
2. The environmentally friendly cleaning industry is in its infancy in terms
of growth. It is on the verge of market wide acceptance as more and more
people are participating in activities that take into account environmental
3. The MLM and environmental cleaning products is a perfect combination
as it combines emotional, and economic factors in a selling opportunity to
friends and other network contacts. The seller has an emotional reason
for selling the products. They also have an economic incentive because if
they find additional people to help sell the product then they get
additional commissions on product the new people sell.
Because Earthly Clean buys private label goods direct from the manufacturer,
even after paying out the sales commissions, their products are competitively
priced. This is achieved through the private label procurement as well as the
more efficient, grassroots system of distribution.

3.1 Business Model

Earthly Clean will use a multi-level marketing approach (MLM) to the sale of
these products. An MLM approach is a grassroots networking based approach
where products are sold direct from an individual (distributor) to the end
consumer. The distributor receives the products from Earthly Clean who buys
direct from the manufacturer. When a distributor is able to recruit a new person
to sell these products (new distributor) then the "recruiter" receives a sales
commission for all of the sales made by person #2. If person #2 is able to recruit
another distributor (person #3) then both the original distributor and
distributor #2 receive commissions from sales generated by person #3.
The MLM system in essence leverages peoples relationships and networking
skills. It creates the ability to be your own boss, making sales pitches to friends
and associates on your time schedule. It creates a common man, grassroots
implementation of a real world distribution channel.

Market Analysis Summary

Earthly Clean has identified two distinct type of customers. The first customer
type is the end user of the cleaning products. These are people with an
environmental consciousness in need of appropriate cleaning supplies.
The second customer group is comprised of a select number of people from the
first group with an interest in becoming distributors of the cleaning products.
The following sections will provide more detailed information regarding these
two groups.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Earthly Clean has identified two groups of customers who are the most attractive
marketing prospects.
1. Consumers of environmentally friendly cleaning products.
2. Members of the consumer group who are interested in being product
Individual consumers
These are people who are looking for products that will reduce their
individual impact on the environment. Cleaning products are an excellent
product category to concentrate on since they can be particularly abrasive to the

A distributor is an individual consumer who is interested in also selling the
products. In the world of MLM, the sellers are called distributors because they
are essentially doing the activities that a distributor would do in a more
traditional distribution channel. These individuals have a passion for the product
and the time to sell the product to their friends.
 89% of the people will take on the role of distributor in addition to their
already existing part or full time employment.
 They see the chance of selling Earthly Clean as an opportunity to do
something that they are passionate about (positive environmental
actions) as well as a means of making supplemental income.
 87% of the distributors will have the goal of signing up more distributors
and establish an additional source of revenue.
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
The two enumerated customer segments are particularly attractive because they
represent people who are most likely to be consumers of environmentally
friendly cleaning supplies. The individual consumers have a sensitive
perspective toward the environment and are looking for a way that they can
have a positive impact on the environment. Recognizing that so many traditional
cleaning agents are toxic for the environment, it then becomes relatively easy for
the individuals to make a positive contribution. This attitude follows the slogan
"think globally, act locally." Buying these products allows them to do their part.
The distributors are individual consumers who have an even stronger conviction
and belief in the products as well as the time to sell the products and find
potential people to recruit into the distribution effort. To be a distributor does
not require a huge sacrifice of time, the majority of distributors will have full-
time jobs in addition to marketing Earthly Clean. This makes the job of
distributor all that more attractive, the person is able to balance their already
existing job with another source of revenue and personal satisfaction.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Earthly Clean might face competition from several sources:
1. Local and national health food stores: These stores typically have a
small selection of cleaning products. National competitors include:
o Whole Foods
o Wild Oats
2. Large supermarkets: These competitors have a very limited selection
3. Mail order/Internet sales: These are remote retail companies that sell a
range of products. More often than not these companies sell national
brands as opposed to private label goods. Competitors include:

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Earthly Clean will have a marketing strategy that will focus on the green or
environmentally friendly aspect of their products, the fact that profits go to
support a green, grassroots organization instead of a large corporation, and
lastly, the opportunity for the consumer to take a more active role with the
company with the possibility for an additional source of income.
Earthly Clean's sales strategy will focus on the high quality products offered and
the ability to offer 100% customer satisfaction, ensuring a happy customer

5.1 Competitive Edge

Earthly Clean's has identified a multi faceted competitive edge that will assist
them in their fast market penetration.
 Quality products: All of the products sold by Earthly Clean are
manufactured by a leading company, made for Earthly Clean to their
specifications. This allows Earthly Clean to offer a very competitive
product that meets the needs of the market.
 Competitive pricing: Earthly Clean is able to offer great pricing because
they are purchasing the products directly from the manufacturer. While
Earthly Clean pays out sale commissions to the various layers of
distributors, this grassroots distribution model is still more efficient than
the traditional distribution channel, keeping prices competitive.
 Grassroots, non-corporate business model: Instead of profits going to
a large corporation, the profits are dispersed among the user distributors
that assist Earthly Clean. This arrangement is quite rare, and attractive for
the targeted customer segment.

Web Plan Summary

A website site will be created to offer viewers an extensive product catalog as
well as information regarding the company and the availability of distributor
options. The site will contain extensive information, however it will encourage
viewers to contact Earthly Clean for more information as Devon recognizes that
he can be far more effective in sales if he as an opportunity to chat with the
interested party. The website will be periodically updated with new information.

Financial Plan
The following section will outline important financial information.

8.1 Important Assumptions

The following table details important Financial Assumptions.

General Assumptions
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Plan Month 1 2 3
Current Interest Rate 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Long-term Interest Rate 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Tax Rate 18.00% 18.00% 18.00%
Other 0 0 0

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