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CORE JAVA Duration : 60 Hrs

Table of Contents

Basics of JAVA
1.1 JAVA-What, Where, Why?
1.2 History
1.3 Features
1.4 Internals of JAVA
1.5 Variables
1.6 Data Types
1.7 Unicode system
1.8 Name conventions

OOPS Concepts
2.1 Advantages of OOPS
2.2 Object and Class
2.3 Abstraction
2.4 Constructor
2.5 Inheritance
2.6 Polymorphism
2.7 Encapsulation

Concepts in Java
3.1 Static keyword
3.2 This keyword
3.3 Super Keyword
3.4 Final Keyword
3.5 Aggregation
3.6 Composition
3.7 Covariant Return Type
3.8 Instance Initializer Block
3.9 Interface
3.10 Downcasting with instance of operator
3.11 Package
3.12 Access Modifiers
3.13 Object Class
3.14 Object Cloning
3.15 Java Array
3.16 Strictfp Keyword
3.17 Creating API Document
3.18 Java Command Line Arguments

String Handling

4.1 String: What and Why?

4.2 Immutable String
4.3 String Comparison
4.4 String Concatenation
4.5 Substring
4.6 Methods of String Class
4.7 StringBuffer class
4.8 StringBuilder class
4.9 Creating Immutable Class
4.10 toString() method
4.11 String Tokenizer

Exception Handling
5.1 Try and catch Block
5.2 Problem without exception handling
5.3 Multi catch block
5.4 Nested try block
5.5 finally block
5.6 throw exception
5.7 Exception propagation
5.8 throws keyword
5.9 Exception Handling with Method Overriding
5.10 Custom Exception

Nested Classes
6.1 Nested class: What and Why?
6.2 Types of Nested Class
6.3 Static Nested Class
6.4 Nested Interface

7.1 Multithreading: What and Why?
7.2 Advantages of Multithreading
7.3 Multitasking
7.4 Types of Multitasking
7.5 Life Cycle of a Thread
7.6 Creating Thread
7.7 Thread Scheduler
7.8 Sleep Method
7.9 Naming a thread
7.10 Perform Single Task By Multiple Threads
7.11 Perform Multiple Task By Multiple Threads

I/O Handling
8.1 FileInputStream class
8.2 FileOutputStream class
8.3 BufferedOutputStream
8.4 BufferedInputStream
8.5 Console Class
8.6 PrintStream class

9.1 Graphics in Applet
9.2 Displaying Image
9.3 Digital clock in Applet


10.1 Socket Programming

10.2 URL class
10.3 URL Connection Class
10.4 InetAddress class
10.5 DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
11.1 JDBC Drivers
11.2 Steps to connect to the database
11.3 Connectivity with Oracle


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