Research Brief

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Food & Fashion popping up around Toronto

Krystal Ferroni

Abstract: Background
The city of Toronto is a hub for numerous types of pop- According to Harris (2015), pop-up shops became
up shops, which thrive off of being temporary. The widely popular in trendy cities such as Toronto,
research conducted examines 117 fashion and food- especially after the 2008 economic crisis hit and there
based pop-up shops located within the city of Toronto. was an increase of vacant properties. To businesses and
We use multiple hypotheses conducted by Patterson and brands, it was smart financial move during the
silver (2015), which include rising tide, urbanism, and recession, as costs of renting these spaces were cheap.
the perfect audience. This hypothesis helps to explain Furthermore, not only are pop-ups a good investment for
certain components in our research just as the “perfect brands, as the idea itself thrives on a temporary, short-
audience” hypothesis helps explain why certain pop-up lived basis. (Harris, 2015)
shops are placed where they are throughout Toronto.
Similarly, our research findings include discovering Similarly, Patterson and Silver (2015) created three
patterns of clustering and isomorphic trends between hypotheses, which help in the explanation of questions
fashion based pop-up shops within the city. that were thought of throughout the research process of
Key words: Pop-up Shop, Isomorphism, Spatial Toronto pop-up shops. Patterson and Silver (2015) three
Analysis, Toronto, hypothesis include “Rising Tide: arts growth will
parallel general economic growth. (4) Urbanity: arts
growth will occur in urbanized areas. (5) Perfect
Audience: arts growth will occur in neighborhoods with
The city of Toronto is home to many pop-up shops, all
demographic groups most likely to consume the arts”.
year round. They never really last more than a few
(Patterson and Silver, 2015, pg. 69) Additionally, the
weeks and are continuously popping up all over the
perfect audience hypothesis is what this brief will be
downtown area. These pop-up shops range from selling
focusing on mostly. Keeping that in mind, there are
things such as fashion apparel to being a marketing stunt
spots around the City of Toronto that cater exclusively
for big brands. What sets these shops apart from regular
to pop-ups, such as This Open Space at Yonge and St.
shops is the concept of them being temporary, thus
Claire. All these spaces take advantage of current
popping up for a short period of time than shutting down
fashion or food trends currently within the city, for
not so long after. Keeping that in mind, the only type of
example, cheesecake on a stick from Heirloom is
pop-up shops researched in this report is defined
currently a huge success at The Concept space within
specifically as “a retail store that is opened temporarily
Yorkdale where the business has rented out a spot to
to take advantage of a trend or a seasonal product.
serve up their trendy dish for a short period of time,
Demand for products sold in pop-up retail is typically
which would be due to the perfect audience hypothesis
short-lived.” (Investopedia, 2017)
proposed by Patterson and Silver (2015).
The focus of our research is analyzing pop-up shops
within the city of Toronto throughout the entirety of
One of the biggest sources for finding reliable,
2017. More specifically, the only pop-up shops covered
information about Toronto pop-up shops was BlogTO (a
are those that sell either food or fashion/apparel
popular website focused on Toronto culture). BlogTO
(clothing, beauty products, accessories). Additionally,
even categorized some of the pop-ups by the month,
there were a few trends that kept popping up, which a
which made the research more easily accessible. After
numerous amount of the Toronto pop-up shops all
creating a list of all pop-up shops which fit our

Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada
definition, we decided to narrow them down and focus
specifically on the two categories of pop-up’s within the
city (Fashion & Food), as there was an excessive
amount of data to include in this assignment. It also
wouldn’t be as focused on a report if we covered all the
different types. Which is why the two types of pop-up
shops that this report covers is those that are about food
and fashion. Another source of information was much
more hands-on, as I had the chance to work at a few of
these pop-up shops and gather insight such as to why
they chose open the shop, to begin with, and why they
decided on the location they did.

In terms of inputting data, spatially mapping the location

of pop-up shops showed clustering trends. Additionally,
codifying our data in 4 ways was another method used.
Through all the information gathered through BlogTO,
and my first-hand experience in the field, we used four
codes. First, was the type of fashion sold (men’s,
women’s, both, also did it include beauty/skincare
products as well). The second was the food type sold
within the shops (if the shop serves savory or sweet
food) Third we coded the street type (if the shop located
on the main road or a side street). Lastly, we coded for
the days the shop was open for.

Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada
After collecting all the spatial data from the pop-up Conclusion and Recommendation
shops within Toronto, it became very clear that all The research gathered on pop-up shops within the city
these shops are clustered within the downtown core. of Toronto throughout 2017 has shown a few key
Through spatially mapping the location of all the things. One of those being that fashion pop-up shops
fashion and food pop-up shops within Toronto in 2017, within the City of Toronto is very isomorphic. There is
this gave a clear representation of the obvious nothing separating them from the other type of pop-ups
clustering of these pop-ups that are primarily focused within the city, as they are following the same trend.
downtown. These shops are known to not only cater to Another key finding coincides with Patterson and
trends but also the people within the area. This finding Silvers (2015) hypothesis about the perfect audience,
directly correlates with Patterson & Silvers (2015) which is that the placement of the pop-up shops is not
perfect audience theory, which has helped us in at random. These pop-up shops are placed within
understanding that where these brands choose to place specific areas, to target the demographic within that
their pop-up shops is no mistake. place. Similarly, Harris (2015) mentions how the
spatial placement of pop-ups within cities, rely heavily
Coding all the information gathered about these pop-up on the type of things citizens of the city enjoy, in
shops showed a few key things, that are much more combination of their spending habits which is what the
specific to each pop-up shop included within this research found on Toronto pop-up shops seem to
research study. One important finding is that these support. Furthermore, in terms of a recommendation,
pop-up shops are mostly placed on main roads, within it would be beneficial to cross exam different cities
the city due to the high foot traffic and is easily pop-up shops and to see if they all follow the same
accessible. Another important finding was that there trends as Toronto based pop-up do. Possibly looking
were significantly more women’s fashion pop-up into Tokyo and New York City, as they are both in
shops then there were men’s. Furthermore, some of the separate countries that may add to different findings.
fashion pop-ups are isomorphic in the sense that they
are just repeating what similar shops have done before
them, as there is not anything really separating them
from the rest. They are clumped together in this one
uniform mold, which always includes a grand opening
special event, along with the sale of both men’s and
women fashion.

When coding the type of food sold at these pop-up

shops, it was apparent that they were significantly
more savory, then sweet pop-up shops within the city. References
Meaning that these food-based pop-up shops are Harris, E. (2015). Navigating Pop‐up geographies:
selling/giving away food items such as gourmet Urban Space–Times of flexibility, interstitiality and
hotdogs, opposed to custom cookie creations that the immersion. Geography Compass, 9(11), 592-603.
Chiptits Bake Bar was doing all summer long. 10.1111/gec3.12248
Finally, through coding the number of days these pop-
up shops were open for, it was discovered that the Patterson, M., & Silver, D. (2015). The place of art:
majority of these shops are open for a few days to a Local area characteristics and arts growth in canada,
few weeks. This reconfirms something already known, 2001–2011. Poetics, 51(Complete), 69-87.
which is the concept of pop-ups shops in general and 10.1016/j.poetic.2015.05.003
how truly temporary these shops really are in the

Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada
Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada
Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada
Culture, Creativity, and Cities Capstone Course | Dept. of Sociology | University of Toronto – Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Canada

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