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City Key Points Extra Info Cost

Reykjavik STAY Sandra’s Apartment from Airbnb Bergþórugata Street S$232 for 2
*Great Location, cosy place with fully stocked
Other suggestions: Loft Hostel, Kex Hostel have
pretty good reviews from locals

Loft Hostel Bankastræti 7a

Kex Hostel Skúlagata 28

SEE Catch a birds eye view of Reykjavik Hallgrimskirkja Church €5

Check out the Iconic Harpa building Harpa

EAT Famous Hotdog Stand (ordinary yet oddly Baejarins Beztu Pylsur 400ISK
comforting + shiok in cold weather)

City Key Points Extra Info Cost

BUY Groceries Food in general is expensive so you might

want to cook on some days. BONUS is the
cheapest supermarket around.

Collect Rental car from Europcar Skeifan 9

DO Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon €40 (Standard

About 1hr drive from Reykjavik Ticket)

Hveragedi DO Aurora Hunting Breidmork

locals say 9pm - 3am is the best time *Careful driving when roads are covered in
snow, our car got stuck here for a night*

Boil an egg in the hotsprings Breidmork

Check out Iceland’s biggest swimming pool Laugaskarð

heated with steam from the ground

STAY Not sure about accomm around this place, we

stayed at a friend’s but there should be
guesthouses around

2 hour drive to Vik

Vik STAY Vik Hostel Suðurvegur 5 12,800isk for

*very helpful staff and lots of information available private double

DO Horse Riding Skálakot Horse Farm 6000isk for 1

*Go on a non-snow covered day and ask to try hour

SEE Waterfall Seljalandfoss

Waterfall Skogafoss

Solheimasandur Plane Wreck 63.459523 -19.364618

Eyjafjallajokull Visitor Centre Eyjafjallajokull Erupts 800isk

City Key Points Extra Info Cost

Lighthouse & look out point Dyrhólaey

*careful with the car doors as the winds are a little
crazy here

Interesting columns formed by magma on a Black Reynisfjara Beach

Sand Beach

2.5hr Drive to Vagnsstadir *Pick up groceries before leaving Vik as the

next supermarket will be at Hofn

Massive canyon Fjaðrárgljúfur

Skatafell National Park Worth stopping by though we had to miss

this because of the weather

SEE Watch icebergs floating off to the sea Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon
*possible seal sightings

DO Self hike up the Glacier tip Solhermajokull Glacier Tip

*Consider getting on guided tours for this.

Info stop The Thórbergur Centre Stop for a meal, book glacier tours (can be
done on the way back)

Vagnsstadir STAY Vagnsstadir Hostel Suðursveit 12,700isk for

*Clean,cosy & homey private double

1hr drive to Hofn

Hofn STAY Hofn Hostel Hvannabraut 12,500isk for

*Clean but resembles a hospital private double

EAT Must try Langoustine (lobster) Any restaurant that’s open by the harbour

Vegnsstadir STAY Possible stop at Vagnsstadir hostel if your booked 10min drive to The Thorbergur Centre
tour is in the early morning

City Key Points Extra Info Cost

DO Ice Cave Hunting (Tour with Glacier Adventures) Meeting Point: The Thorbergur Centre 19500isk

4hr drive to Selfoss

Selfoss STAY Gesthus Cabin Engjavegur 9,500isk for a

cosy cabin

DO Aurora Hunting Along Biskpstungnabraut Road

(Little light pollution)

Golden Circle SEE Most Famous waterfall in Iceland Gullfoss

Watch Strokkur erupt every 10-15mins Geysir

Oxarafoss waterfall Thingvellir National Park

Fludir DO Float & watch the stars at a geothermal pool with Secret Lagoon, 26,900isk - For
music underwater + massage Hvammsvegur floating tour but
*Possible Aurora sightings starts from

Or just visit Secret Lagoon in the day Secret Lagoon, 2,500isk

(we went twice because it was that good) Hvammsvegur

STAY Buuble Hotel Reyholt 24,900isk

*watch the stars/aurora from the comfort of a bed
in a clear Bubble tent

Reykjavik 1.5hr drive back to Reykjavik

Return rental car before 5pm There’s a N1 pump right next to the rental

EAT Dinner at Tapas Barinn Fischersund Street 6,700isk for the

*Great place to try small portions of various 6 course
Icelandic food like Puffin, Arctic Char, Whale, Icelandic
Lobster Tails and Lamb Gourmet Meal



Aurora Hunting For Cloud cover (white areas are good) & Solar activity (KP Rating, higher the

Road Conditions Sometimes closed due to bad weather

Wind Check before booking Glacier tours (tours may be cancelled if it reaches dark
green or purple)


DRIVING - We usually start the day around 9:30 - 10am just before first light
- Most sightseeing done between 10:30 - 3pm (Optimal, soft light for photos)
- It can be quite stressful driving in pitch darkness once the sun sets completely so try to reach the next destination before 5/6pm

SUPERMARKETS Once you leave Reykjavik, it might be quite inconvenient to get groceries and some restaurants close super early or may not be
available at less popular stops on the way so stock up on groceries at bigger towns like Selfoss, Vik and Hofn.

WEATHER Although the itinerary has been arranged according to what makes more sense (efficiency wise), expect the weather to play with your
plans so do check the above links before driving to the next destination. Some activities can be caught on your way back from Hofn to

Good Luck & have a great trip! :)

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