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Lesson 5: Relating two cultures/ Part independency

Perform-Present-MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and
expressive qualities in prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire
of music representing diverse cultures, styles, and genres.
Perform-Analyze-MU:Pr4.2.E.Ia Demonstrate, using music reading skills where
appropriate, how compositional devices employed and theoretical and structural
aspects of musical works impact and inform prepared or improvised performances.
Students will complete a reflective journal entry comparing and contrasting their
musical culture with the South African musical culture.
Students will sing in three part harmony becoming independent on rhythm, pitch,
words, and tonal accuracy from their two counterparts.
Prezi, website, student self-assessment paper, student journals
T will have S sing “Row Row Row your boat” in a three part canon and “Do-
Do,Re,Do-Do,Re,Mi,Re,Do etc……..”
Activity Sequence
T will use a metronome and have one part sing their line on a “Loo” another on
“Bim” and another on “Ti” so S can keep track of their own lines more easily at a
slow tempo
T will begin to increase tempo as students become more confident
T will have only one or two parts sing their lines at a time as necessary to fix
intonation and pitch errors. Once students become more confident on the pitches T
will have students sing the piece on text
T will then switch activities and S will begin learning more about the South African
Zulu culture
T will give this prezi presentation ^^^^^^^
T will stop on the slide that is about Early Musical Development and look at the
phrase “2 or more linked melodic phrases, which weren’t sung in unison but
staggered to result in a “simultaneous polyphony”
T will help S decipher what all of those words in that phrase mean and relate it to
the Tshotsoloza.
On the slide about the characteristics of Indigenous Music T will ask S to look at the
characteristics and raise their hand if they see a characteristic that applies to
T&S will then have a class discussion about where these characteristics can be
found in the music
T will stop the presentation there
T will hand out an article from this website and put students into small groups
As a group S will read bullet points 10-18 and discuss in their groups how the Zulu
people’s lives are similar and different than ours.
T will then have students write a journal entry comparing and contrasting the lives
of the Zulu people with their own life

This assessment will be with a journal entry rubric and a student self-assessment
3 2 1
Compare’s/Contras Student has made Student talks Student only talks
ts the two cultures cross cultural about both about his/her own
effectively connections and cultures separately cultures with no
has written about and does not reference to the
the way their compare/contrast Zulu people
cultures are the two
similar and
Sentence Entry contains full Entry contains full Entry does not
structure/organizat sentences and the sentences but the contain full
ion of thoughts sequence of sequence of sentences and
thoughts does not thoughts is hard to does not make
jump around from follow sense as a
topic to topic sequence of
Length Entry is at least Entry is one to two Entry is less than
two paragraphs in paragraphs in one paragraph
length which each length with each with each
paragraph being paragraph being paragraph being
4-5 sentences 4-5 sentences 4-5 sentences

Student Self-Assessment

While singing in three parts today what do you feel you succeeded/excelled at? This
could be a specific measure, rhythmic/pitch accuracy, text or concentration
throughout the class.

While singing in three parts today what areas do you think need some work? This
could be a specific measure, rhythmic/pitch accuracy, text or concentration
throughout the class.

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