Retinal Toxicity

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February 1, 2010

VOL. 35, NO. 3
Part of the

Diagnostic aid

PHP can detect retinal toxicity

Preferential hyperacuity perimetry testing sensitive, helpful for early detection
By Ilya Petrou, MD patients likely can regain the function that
Reviewed by Carolyn Anderson, MD Take-Home Message they lost,” Dr. Anderson said. “In some
Preferential hyperacuity perimetry (PHP) patients, however, the damage increases
Peabody, MA —Preferential hyperacuity may be useful in detecting retinal toxicity over time—even when the medication is
perimetry (PHP) testing (Foresee PHP, resulting from hydroxychloroquine or discontinued—because HCQ and chloro-
Reichert) may be helpful in the detection of chloroquine administration, according to quine can continue to exert a toxic effect,
retinal toxicity resulting from the admin- results from a recent study. Traditional tests particularly at higher doses.
istration of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or all can produce varying results and PHP “It is paramount to catch the toxicity as
chloroquine, according to a recent study. testing may be a useful adjunct to diagnosis. early as possible,” she said. “Fortunately,
Originally designed for the diagnosis of PHP appears to be a sensitive test for this
a ge -re l ate d m ac u l a r condition.”
degeneration (AMD), the tients with confirmed HCQ or chloroquine Patients with early disease sometimes
PHP exam may prove to retinal toxicity (demonstrating visual field can be symptom-free and the retinal tox-
have further diagnostic and fundus changes); five patients with icity can be difficult to detect. Symptoms
usefulness in the detec- suspected HCQ toxicity (demonstrating vi- frequently are vague and can range from
tion of retinal toxicity, sual field defects with or without a normal disturbances in color vision or a loss of fine
Dr. Anderson said Carolyn Anderson, fundus); and five patients with a history of discrimination characterized by the patient
MD. long-term use of HCQ or chloroquine use as an increased difficulty in reading.
“Ophthalmologists tend to perform a bat- but no evidence of retinal toxicity (con- Acquiring a thorough patient history is
tery of tests in patients with suspected reti- trol group). important but often is not enough, accord-
nal toxicity,” said Dr. Anderson, of the de- Significant hyperacuity defects were de- ing to Dr. Anderson. Advanced-stage retinal
partment of ophthalmology, Lahey Clinic, tected with PHP testing in patients with ei- toxicity is characterized by appearance of
Peabody, MA. “Therefore, it would be ideal ther known or suspected retinal toxicity as scotoma, as well as a relative loss in near
to have a test that is very reliable, very evidenced on standardized visual field test- central vision—all of which already can be
sensitive, and very specific for this con- ing and/or fluorescein angiography. None irreversible at this stage of the disease.
dition. PHP may be useful in providing of the patients in the control group showed
some evidence either for or against a pa- any PHP hyperacuity defects. Adjunct to current diagnostic tools
tient having retinal toxicity, and, therefore, Hydroxychloroquine is frequently pre- Current methods used to detect retinal
[it] can be employed as an ancillary diag- scribed by primary-care physicians and toxicity include a periodic fundus exam,
nostic tool alongside other currently used rheumatologists for diseases such as lupus visual field testing, Amsler grid testing,
diagnostic tests.” arthritis. Ophthalmologists can become in- and color vision testing. These are more
Dr. Anderson recently conducted a study volved in these cases when these patients traditional tests, but all can produce vary-
(Anderson C, Pahk P, Blaha GR, et al. Pref- are screened for of retinal toxicity, a poten- ing test results.
erential hyperacuity perimetry to detect hy- tial side effect of the medication. Screen- The PHP test was originally designed for
droxychloroquine retinal toxicity. Retina. ing for retinal toxicity is important in these detection of AMD, specifically in patients
2009;29:1188-1192) of 15 patients to assess patients because it can be irreversible and experiencing conversion from the dry form
whether PHP testing could detect the pres- lead to vision loss, particularly if the diag- of AMD to the wet form of AMD. The PHP
ence of retinal toxicity as a result of HCQ or nosis is made late. device tests for the central 14° of the vi-
chloroquine administration. Patients were “If the retinal toxicity is picked up early sual field and, therefore, can be sensitive
divided evenly into three groups: five pa- on, and the medication is stopped, these for any kind of maculopathy.
PHP also could have other indications is easy to learn and perform for this in- to reduce the frequency of retinal toxic-
as a diagnostic tool, such as with retinal dication. One main advantage of the PHP ity. This would be the task of both [the]
toxicity. test is that if a patient has a cataract, the ophthalmologist as well as the prescriber.
“Though the patient population in this performance of the test is not affected. There should be more dialogue between
study was small, PHP appeared to detect According to Dr. Anderson, this is not the specialties when patients are prescribed
retinal toxicity in all patients with known case with the visual field test. these medications.”OT
or suspected disease,” Dr. Anderson said. “It would be interesting to have more

“Retinal toxicity is an uncommon condi- patients with HCQ or chloroquine toxic-
tion and . . . to do sensitivity and speci- ity tested with the PHP device so that we
ficity studies, we really need to have a could get better numbers and find out other
larger cohort of patients for future trials physicians’ experiences with the device,” Carolyn Anderson, MD
[that] could support our initial positive she said. “Also, it is very important to be E-mail:
findings.” sure that the HCQ or chloroquine dosage Dr. Anderson did not disclose any financial interest
According to Dr. Anderson, the PHP test is appropriate for the patient . . . possibly related to the subject.

© Reprinted from Ophthalmogy Times, February 1, 2010 Printed in U.S.A.

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