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The younger generation do not know much about Srebrenica, and what they know mostly is the

perception dictated by the media picture, which is predominantly daily-politically

colored.Considering the centuries-old existence of Srebrenica and its immeasurable importance for
the history, culture and tradition of BiH, the students of the "Meša Selimović" Gymnasium have given
it no easy but challenging task to try to present this city from different angles.Insufficient knowledge
of students and lack of knowledge of historical facts has prompted us to look for them at the source,
in Srebrenica and its surroundings.We hope that with this direct approach of gathering and
presenting historical and other facts and processing them we will come to new insights, but also
open a new dimension in solving problematic tasks.We also hope that our work will be beneficial to
other students of both secondary and elementary schools.This town in eastern Bosnia, which borders
with the municipalities of Bratunac, Milici, Višegrad, Rogatica and the Republic of Serbia, now covers
526.83 km^2, and only the city area covers 12.88 km^2.

Srebrenica is a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has changed several names in its history, such
as Domavia, Argentataria, Argentum, Bosnia Argentaria, etc. In the area of Srebrenica there were
traces of life from the earliest times, which was conditioned by a favorable geographical position and
wealth of silver ore.During the reign of the Roman Empire, Srebrenica was the main center for the
forgery of money and one of the largest forge of the Roman Empire..Srebrenica is 10 days away from
Dubrovnik. Srebrenica was a very important place in medieval Bosnia because of valuable sites of
noble ore,it would be visited by travelers from all over the world, leaving traces of different cultures
in this area. Viewed from the military aspect, its importance was highly variable, due to its favorable
geographical position. The arrival of the Franciscans in Srebrenica, in a certain way, verified the long-
established border between eastern and western civilization.Bosna Argentaria,formed as the most
eastern settlement of Franciscans, showed the importance of this area and confirmed the Drina as a
border between different cultures.Wars, changes of rulers, occupation, rare and few freedom and
security throughout the centuries almost broke the spirit of the Bosnian kasaba, but it was
maintained and defined as a specifikum based on a battle mentality, a tendency for self-
sustainability. Warriors and territories were always coming from the east and west and they wanted
silver, medicinal bathing Guber and the position on the Drina.Srebrenica never fully won that fight. In
the meantime, it has been shown that crafts, agriculture, culture and art have an ideal ground for
existence, but the periods in which history allowed this city to live full swing, they were rare and

The Old City of Srebrenica and the Bedem city (Donji and Gornji Srebrenik) is a medieval building that
was founded in the late 14th and early 15th century,during the dynasty of Stefan Lazarević. The city
was built to protect the Turkish army from the invasion of these areas for the needs of the army and
the city administration. According to the legend, the city was built by the damned Jerina, or Jerina
Branković, the wife of the Serbian Despot Đurđa Branković, but there are no historical confirmations
for it, although many cities that had the function of defending the Turks were built durning her time.

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