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Name: _______________ Date: ___________

WW1 Culminating Assignment

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a Canadian soldier fighting in WW1. Your task is to
write a letter home describing your experiences. You are to write this letter based on what you have
learned in class (e.g. PowerPoints, handouts, worksheets, textbook work, etc.). In your letter, you must
address the following:

1. Your identity – reference at least three points that you have learned about a particular ethnic
group, and explain how ethnicity influences your wartime experience as a soldier.
- Ethnicity/nationality (e.g. English, French, Indigenous, Black, Japanese, German and
Ukrainian Canadians)
- How does your ethnic identity influence your wartime experiences?
- Why did you go to war? How do you feel about the war now?
Refer back to class notes, handouts, worksheets and/or PowerPoints about this topic.
2. Your experiences in the trenches – include at least five facts about the trenches, and explain how
it has affected you as a solider. Each fact should be explained (do not simply list them)
- Life in the trenches (e.g. daily life, disease, environment, rats, food, weaponry)
Refer back to class notes, handouts, worksheets and/or PowerPoints about this topic. You may
also want to refer to pages 12-13 of the textbook: “Experience History, Canada Since WW1,”
and the “Digging Up the Trenches” video.
3. Your experiences in battle – pick one battle discussed in class, and describe your participation in
it. In your description, include at least five facts about the battle.
- Specific battles (e.g. Ypres, Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele)
Refer back to class notes, handouts, worksheets and/or PowerPoints about this topic. You
may also want to refer to pages 14-18 of the textbook: “Experience History, Canada Since WW1.”

When writing your letter, be mindful of appropriate letter writing conventions:

- Salutation (e.g. Hello __________, Dear ________)
- Date (e.g. April 10, 1917)
- Closing (e.g. Yours truly, ___________, Sincerely __________)
- Signature

Please ensure that your letter is:

- Legible (typed or handwritten)
- Double spaced, and 1 page in length
- Broken up into a series of paragraphs
- Checked for spelling, grammar and punctuation
- Written in formal language (do not use slang or inappropriate language)
- Creative! (E.g. tea bag stain, stamped envelope, pictures)

Note: You must hand in both a creative copy and a legible copy of your letter (plain text on white paper)

Assignment adapted from: Emery, G. (2018). WWI Culminating Assignment. History Resource. Mowat C.I.
Name: ______________________ Date: __________________ /30
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
K/U Five facts about trench Five facts about trench Fewer than five facts about No facts about trench
- Explanation of what life warfare are exceptionally warfare are sufficiently trench warfare are warfare are explained. No
was like in the trenches as explained, with reference explained, with reference explained, with little attempts are made to
well as on the battlefield to how this impacts a to how this impacts a reference to how this explain a battle.
soldier’s life in the soldier’s life in the impacts a soldier’s life in
trenches. One battle is trenches. One battle is the trenches. Some
exceptionally explained, sufficiently explained, with attempts are made to
with reference to five facts reference to five facts explain a battle, however,
discussed in class. There discussed in class. less than five facts are
is evidence of research referenced.
beyond classroom
/10 materials.
T Outstanding explanation of Good explanation of how Some explanation of how No explanation of how
- Analysis of how ethnic how one’s ethnic identity one’s ethnic identity one’s ethnic identity one’s ethnic identity
identity influences wartime influenced wartime influenced wartime influenced wartime influenced wartime
experiences experiences for Canadian experiences for Canadian experiences for Canadian experiences for Canadian
soldiers. This is integrated soldiers. Three points are soldiers. Less than three soldiers.
throughout the letter. referenced. points are referenced.
Three specific points are
/10 referenced.
C Excellent spelling, Few spelling, grammar and Some spelling, grammar Several spelling, grammar
- Spelling, grammar, grammar and punctuation. punctuation errors. and punctuation errors. and punctuation errors.
punctuation Writing is clear and easy to Writing is mostly clear and Writing is somewhat clear Writing is not clear or easy
- Legibility read. Formatting is easy to read. Few and readable. Some to read. Formatting is
- Formatting (double spaced, correct. formatting errors. formatting errors. incorrect.
1 page, broken into
paragraphs, formal language)
- Legible copy provided /5
A Letter is unique, and Letter shows evidence of Letter shows limited Letter does not show
- Overall composition follows all letter-writing creativity, and follows evidence of creativity, and creativity, and does not
(creativity, letter-writing conventions. letter-writing conventions. mostly follows letter- follow letter-writing
conventions) /5 writing conventions. conventions.

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