56.what Are The Two Different Ways of Building A Match Code Object ?

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50. What are the two levels in defining a Match Code?

- Match Code object

- Match Code Id.

51.What is the maximum number of match code Id's that can be defined for one Match
code object ?

A match code Id is a one character ID that can be a letter or a number.

52.Can we define our own Match Code ID's for SAP Matchcodes ?

Yes, the numbers 0 to 9 are reserved for us to create our own Match Code IDs for a SAP defined
Matchcode object.

53.What is an Update type with reference to a Match code ID?

If the data in one of the base tables of a matchcode ID changes, the matchcode data has to be
updated. The update type stipulates when the matchcode is to be updated and how it is to be
done. The update type also specifies which method is to be used for Building matchcodes . You
must specify the update type when you define a matchcode ID.

54.Can matchcode object contain IDs with different update types ?


56.What are the two different ways of building a match code object ?

A match code can be built in two different ways :

·Logical structure : The matchcode data is set up temporarily at the moment

when the match code is accessed.

(Update type I, K)

·Physical structure : The match code data is physically stored in a seperate

table in the database. (Update type A,

S, P)

70.What is database utility ?

Database utility is the interface betweenn the ABAP/4 Dictionary and the
underlying the SAP system.

57.What are the differences between a Database index and a match

code ?
·Match Code can contain fields from severeal tables whereas an index can
contain fields from only one table.

·Match code objects can be built on transparent tables and pooled and cluster

What is a data dictionary ?

Data dictionary is a central source of data in a data management system. Its main function is to
support the
creation and management of data definitions. It has details about
What data is contained ?
What are the attributes of the data ?
What is the relationship existing between the various data elements ?

42.Can we include customizing include or an append structure with Pooled or Cluster

tables ?


49. What is a Match Code?

Match Code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. Match codes are an
efficient and

user-friendly search aid where key of a record is unknown.

ABAP/4 Dictionary contains the Logical _ (Logical/Physical) definition of the table.

What is a Table attribute?

The table attributes determine who is responsible for maintaining a table and which types of
access are allowed for the table. The most important table attributes are:
a. Delivery class
b. Table maintenance allowed
c. Activation type.

What is a table pool?

A table pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the

ABAP/4 Dictionary. The definition of a pool consists of at least two keys

Fields and a long argument field (VARDATA).

What are control tables?

The values specified for the size category and data class are mapped to database-specific values
via control

Aggregated Objects of ABAP Dictionary

Aggregated means consisting of several components. In the ABAP Dictionary, aggregated objects are objects which come
from several different transparent tables.

2. Search Help
3. Lock Objects

Lock objects – 2 FMS are created when creating a lock object. The FMS produce an error code incase of an error.

These lock function modules are executed in a specific work process with the SAP system dedicated to lock
management. This work process is run on a single server that maintains the central lock table for the entire SAP

There are two types of locks that can be set:

Shared lock – is a read only lock that prevents data from being changed while a user is reading it.
Exclusive lock – is a write lock that prevents data from being changed while a used is already modifying it.

Authorization objects are composed of a grouping of fields. The values in these fields will be used in an
authorization check.
- AUTHORITY-CHECK is the statement used in an ABAP program to perform an authorization check against an
authorization object. In the AUTHORITY-CHECK statement, all fields of the object must be addressed or the
keyword DUMMY is used to bypass checking on a field.
There can be a maximum of 10 fields defined on an authorization object.
Buffering not allowed:
Table buffering is not allowed. You use this option when, for example, application programs always need the most recent
data from the table or the table is changed too frequently.

Database Table Buffers

You use table buffering to improve performance when accessing the data records contained in the table.

The table buffers reside locally on each application server in the system.

If a program accesses the data of a buffered table, the database interface determines whether this data is in the buffer of
the application server. If this is the case, the data is read directly from the buffer. If the data is not in the buffer of the
application server, the system reads it from the database and loads it into the buffer

->First sees if data is in the buffer of App server, if it is not there fetches from the DB

Resetting the Table Buffers

You can reset the table buffers on the corresponding application servers by entering $TAB in the command field. The
system invalidates all the data in the buffer.

Only transparent tables and pooled tables can be buffered. Cluster tables cannot be buffered.

The buffering type defines which table records are loaded into the buffer of the application server when a table record is
accessed. The following buffering types exist:

 Full buffering:

The system loads all the records of the table into the buffer when one record of the table is accessed.

 Generic buffering:

When a record of the table is accessed, all the records having this record in the generic key fields (part of the
table key that is left-justified, identified by specifying a number of key fields) are loaded into the buffer.

 Single-record buffering:

Only the records of a table that are really accessed are loaded into the buffer.


 If the key length of the table is larger than 64, the table cannot be buffered generically.
 If the key length of the table is larger than 120, the table cannot be buffered.
 If the key of the table has more than 86 places or the data part of the table has more than 500 places, it is not
possible to log the table.

Database views must be created if you want to select logically connected data from different tables simultaneously.
Selection with a database view is faster than access to individual tables. When selecting with views, you must also
ensure that there are suitable indexes on the tables contained in the view.
Since a database view is implemented in the database; a database view can only contain transparent tables.
A projection view contains exactly one table. You cannot define selection conditions for projection views.

Help Views

you create a help view if a view with an outer join is needed as a selection method of a search help.

The selection method of a search help is either a table or a view. If you want to select data from several tables for the
search help, you have to use a database view as the selection method. However, a database view always implements an
inner join. If you need a view with an outer join for the data selection, you must use a help view as the selection method. In
the following figure you can see the relations between a search help, a help view as the selection method and the

All the tables included in a help view must be linked with foreign keys. Only foreign keys that have certain attributes can be
used here (see Restrictions for Maintenance and Help Views). The first table to be inserted in the help view is called the
primary table of the help view. The tables added to this primary table with foreign keys are called secondary tables.

Assignment of a Search Help to a Table Field or Structure Field

The search help can be used by all screen fields that refer to the table field or structure field. The search help parameters
and the fields of the table or structure must be assigned to each other in this type of assignment.




Secondary Index - optimizer chooses the relevant sec index based on the fields in index of DB

The order of the fields in the index is important for the accessing speed. The first fields must be those which have constant
values for a large number of selections. During selection, an index is only of use up to the first not specified field.

The indexes on a table must be as disjunctive as possible. That is, they must contain as few fields in common as possible. If
two indexes on a table have a large number of common fields, this could make it more difficult for the optimizer to choose
the most selective index.

Foreign Key Relationships


A foreign key allows you to assign data records in the foreign key table and check table

By using the entries in the foreign key fields, one record of the foreign key table uniquely identifies one record of the check

How the Input Check Works

A SELECT statement is generated from the definition of the foreign key. If you make an entry in the check field, the system
submits this SELECT statement. If the system finds a suitable record of the check table, the entry is valid. Otherwise the
system rejects the entry.

The corresponding SELECT statement has the following form for the foreign key table shown in the figure above:

Multi-Structured Foreign Keys

You use multi-structured foreign keys when you want to assign a field of the work area that is not contained in the foreign
key table to a check table (for example, a field of another table). This is possible for all fields except for the check field.

If a field that is not contained in the foreign key table is assigned to a field of the check table, this field must be filled at the
time of the input check. Otherwise the check always fails, and no values can be entered in the check field.

Type of Foreign Key Fields


The type of foreign key fields describes what the foreign key fields in the foreign key table mean.

You can define the following types of foreign key field:

 Non-key-fields/candidates:

The foreign key fields are neither primary key fields of the foreign key table nor do they uniquely identify a
record of the foreign key table (key candidates). The foreign key fields do not (partially) identify the foreign key

 Key fields/candidates:

The foreign key fields are either primary key fields of the foreign key table or they already uniquely identify a
record of the foreign key table (key candidates). The foreign key fields identify (partially) the foreign key table.

 Key fields of a text table:

The foreign key table is a text table for the check table. The key of the foreign key table only differs from the key
of the check table in the additional language key field. This is a special case of the type Key fields/candidates.


The types defined locally in a program override the global types from the ABAP Dictionary having the same name. – That is
why it is essential to use naming convention

Data Element

Documentation entered for a data element is displayed when you select F1 Help on each screen field that refers to the
data element. If there is no documentation for the data element, only the short text of the data element appears for the F1
help. Data elements that are used in input templates must be documented. In the following figure you can see the
relations between an input template, a table field, a data element and the documentation on this data element.
 Flat structures:

A flat structure only references elementary types.

 Nested structures: (For eg has an include structure inside it )

A nested structure references at least one further structure, but not a table type.

 Deep structures:

A deep structure references at least one table type.

In a database table, you can only include flat structures as substructures. – Deep structures cannot be used

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