4th Grade Science 3 Day Lesson

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Amber Kingery

4th Grade Lesson Plan

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.

Learning Target
I can discuss examples and draw conclusions from a book.

Hook/Anticipatory Set
Read the book 11 Experiments That Failed by Jennie Offill.

Key Points/Input

 Experiments are the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation

 Scientific Method is way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing

Teach movements to “The Scientific Method” dance.

Guided Practice
As a group, create a presentation on the Scientific Method.

Checking for Understanding

Ticket to seat: Define the Scientific method and List as many steps as you can remember.

Independent Practice
Mind map the Scientific Method. Tape to inside of desk.

Review “The Scientific Method” dance
Amber Kingery
4th Grade Lesson Plan

S.IP.04.13 Plan and conduct simple and fair investigations.

Learning Target
I can plan and do simple investigations.

Hook/Anticipatory Set
Watch “The Scientific Method Rap” and dance along.

Key Points/Input
 The Scientific Method helps experiments

Conduct an “Experiment with Movement” from the book. Hypothesis with the class participation and use the
scientific method on a simple, quick experiment.

Guided Practice
Experiment from book: “Will a piece of _____ fly like a Frisbee?”
Brainstorm with group what object you choose to experiment with. Organize procedures using the scientific
method with your group. Preform Scientific Method. Preferably in the gym or outside.

Checking for Understanding

With your group, explain how you plan to conduct your experiment. Also write what the most important step
for your group is on a post-it note.

Independent Practice
Keep a journal of your findings of observations as you and your group conducts experiments.

Discuss with your group, “Why is it important to use research methods and conduct experiments?”
Amber Kingery
4th Grade Lesson Plan
S.IA.04.13 Communicate and present findings of observations and investigations.

Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

Learning Target
I can discuss and present my findings and observations.

Hook/Anticipatory Set

Key Points/Input
Using the scientific method proved my hypothesis to be correct or incorrect.

Present data, observations, and findings of the experiment the teacher performed with the class in the previous

Guided Practice
Pretend you are a group of young scientists presenting your experiment findings and observations on the news.
Work with your group to use visual aids to share your data, observations, and findings with the class.

Checking for Understanding

After presentation, ask how using this method helped or hurt. Why is this method popular? At what specific
point did you see your hypothesis being proven correct or incorrect?

Independent Practice
Create and decorate a mini book of your observations and records of the experiment.

Present your mini book to a small group.

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