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Brittani Short, Samantha Dyer, Tom Moody, Alexis Harris, Justin McEntire

1. What do you want your students to learn?

○ Blind Spot
■ That our brains fill in for what our eyes do not see.
■ That our eyes when looking at something from a certain distance do not see
○ Bird in Cage (Fish in Fish Bowl)
■ Our goal for this lesson is to have students be able to understand why light
affects the different colors you see, when staring at an object long enough and
then looking at a white paper. Another goal that we want the students to
understand what Rods and Cones are responsible for and what afterimage is.
2. Materials?
○ Blind Spot
■ Yardsticks
■ Index cards with a dot and an “X” on it
○ Bird in Cage (Fish in Fish Bowl)
■ 5 red fish cut outs
■ 5 blue fish cut outs
■ 5 green fish cut outs
■ 5 pictures of fish bowls
3. How are you going to measure what was understood?
○ Blind Spot
■ Ask questions throughout the activity
■ At the end - asking what they did, what happened, and why it happened.
○ Bird in Cage (Fish in Fish bowl)
■ Ask questions throughout the activity
■ Ask students
■ Have students make predictions about what will happen next
4. What would you change?
○ Blind Spot
■ Provide another activity for students to enhance their understanding once they are
finished with the initial task
■ Have additional supplies so everyone can be fully engaged in the activity.
○ Bird in Cage (Fish in Fish Bowl)
■ Set rules before beginning the activity
1. Respect whoever is talking
2. Do not talk while someone else is talking
3. Raise your hand to answer a question
■ Time Management
■ Have more information on hand

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